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B E R K S H IR E .


k e l l y ’s

M.P. who demolished the old mansioii
ar.d built another
of the inhabitants of the tow n; the constable, as lord
from, the designs of P ilkin gton ; this was enlarged and of the manor, holds a court at Hocktide (the first Tuesalm ost entirely reconstructed by the late owner, who day after E aster T u e sd a y ); the court is summoned by
purchased the estate in 1890: the work was carried out the blowing of a brass bugle, bearing the date 1634;
under the superintendence of the late Sir A. Blomfield j the original horn, given by John of G aunt, is also preA .R .A . and completed in 1892; the house, built of ¡served here, and kept with various curious old charters
stone, is now a fine example of the Georgian style, and | in the town chest. Capt. A. C. Burm ester J.P. of New
has a handsome portico supported on Corinthian Town Lodge, Hungerford, A. Irvin Muntz esq. Apsley
columns : it stands in an undulating and well-timbered j Cherry-G arrard esq. of Lam er Park, Herts, Charles
park and overlooks the valley of the
K en n et; attached j
W illiam B utler esq. ofStanden Manor, Hungerford,
are large gardens and a model farm.
Mrs. Dunn, Hugh Leyborne-Popham esq. of Pensford,
Hungerford Park, at the western extrem ity of the ! Somerset, Col. G. S. Willes, of the F irs, the Hon. John
town, was form erly the residence of the fam ily of | Hubert Ward C .V .O . and Edward Robert Portal esq.
H ungerford, Barons Hungerford, of Hungerford and M.A., J.P. are the principal landowners.
H eytesbury, W ilts ; the present mansion is a building in
The land around is famous for the growth of barley
the Italian style and occupies the site of the old house, and• the
’ water meadows
. . . - productive
are highly
and- valu­
bu ilt by Queen Elizabeth and given to Robert Devereux, able.
E a rl of E s s e x ; it is now the property of Humphrey
The parish is divided into four tithings, viz. Hunger­
Jeffrey Walinesley esq. J.P. of Inglewood House. Kint- ford. Sanden Fee, and Eddington and Charnham Street.
bury, and is occupied by Edward Percy Shepherd esq.
The total population in 1901 was 2,906 of the civil
The manor of Hungerford, with the appurtenances of
common and fishery, was formerly held under the parish, including seven officers and 99 inmates in the
; the population of the ecclesiastical parish in
Crown, and being granted by Edward I. in 1297. to
Edm und, Earl of Lancaster, it descended to John of 1901 was 2,770, of which 406 were in W ilts ; the area
of land and 64 of w ater; rateable value,
G aunt, Duke of Lancaster, who granted the inhabitants
large rights of fishing in the Kennef : the manor is now ¿ i s . ” * Parish Clerk and Sexton, Thomas Fruen, H igh street.
vested in the constable and trustees on behalf of certain


Post, M. 0 . & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office,
H igh street.— Isaac Pountain, postmaster
Dispatch & A rrival of Mails.
London & all parts, 9.25 a.m. ; Inkpen, 12.55 p u i .;
Chilton, Ramsbury & K in tbury, 1.1c p .m .; London,
N ew bury, Reading &c. 1.45 p.m .
London, 4.55
p.m . ; Marlborough, 5.45 p.m . ; London & all parts,
7-45 p.m. (extra stamp) 7.55 p.m , ; London & all
parts, 9 p.m. ; sunday, Newbury, Ham pshire &c. 6.35
p.m . ; general Night m ail dispatch, 7.45 p.m
First delivery from all parts at 7 a.m
Second delivery from London, Reading & Newburv at
x p.m
Third delivery, town, 6.40 p.m
Rural Postmen serving the area subordinate to Hunger­
ford, start at 6 a.m. & 1.20 p.m. ; sundav delivery,
town 7 a.m. ; rural 6.30 a.m
Money order & savings bank business is transacted at
this office from 3 a.m. to 8 p.m. Postal order business,
sale of stamps &c. from 8 a.m . to 3 p.m. & telegrams
are accepted for dispatch & are delivered from 8 a.m.
till 8 p.m. ; Sundays, sale of stamps, registration of
letters & telegraph business 8.30 a.m . to 10 a.m
Town Sub-Post Office, E ddington.— Frederick Jessett,
sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched 8 a.m . & 12.15,
2, 6, & 7 p.m. ; Sundays, 12.35 P m - Hours of busi­
ness, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. & from 3 p.m . to 7 p.m. for
sale of stamps and postal orders
Post Office, Newtown.— Frederick Bates, sub-postmaster.
L etters through Hungerford, arrive 6.40 & 10.35
a.m . ; dispatched 6.30 & 12.35 p.m . H ungerford is
the nearest money order & telegraph office
Constable & Coroner, Alfred Edward A llrigh t, High st.
The trustees are H. P. Major, Reynolds Richard Earle,
George Wren, John Holmes W ooldridge, George
Thomas Phelps, Dr. Richd. H. Barker, Alfred Edward
Allright, W illiam Lewington Barker, Joseph A lex­
ander, Thomas VS alter Alexander, John Corderoy
Adnams, Louis Henry Beard, George Edm und P latt,
Francis Waldron Church, W illiam Gee Taylor &
W illiam Mapson
Town Clerk, Henry D’Oyley W olvey A stley, Bridge villa
Meets at the Workhouse on W e d n e sd a y s, fortnightly,
after the Union business.
Chairm an,
Spackman, East
Lam bourn
Clerk. Hy. D’O yley Wolvey Astley, Bridge vil.Hungerford
Treasurer, Frederick William Baker, London County k
W estm inster Bank Lim ited, High street
Medical Officer of Health, -T R. Prior M.B. Broadway
buildings. Reading
H ighway Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector. Wm. Stephen­
son Raine, Salisbury road, Hungerford

Butler Charles Wm. esq. Standen manor, Hungerford
Major H arry Pike esq. M.D. H igh street, Hungerford
Portal Edwd. Robt. esq. Eddington house, Hungerford
W alm esley Hum phrey Jeffrey esq. Inglewood house,
Willes Col. George Shippen, The Firs, Charnham Street,
The chairman, for the time being, of the Hungerford
Rural District Council is an ex-officio magistrate
Clerk to the M agistrates, Henry D'Oyley Wolvey Astley,
Bridge villa, Hungerford
Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall fortnightly on
Wednesday at 2.30 p.m
The places in the division are :— Avington, Coombe,
Hungerford, Inkpen, K intbury & W est Woodhay
County Court, held at the Town hall every two months
on inonday ; His Honor Judge Gwynne James, ju d g e ;
Reginald L, Barnes, registrar & high bailiff ; E.
Bushnell, bailiff ; H. Cross-ley, registrar’s clerk. The
district comprises the following places in B erks: —
A vington, Barracks, Bagshot, Bockhampton, Chilton
Foliatt, Clapton, Denford, Eastbury, Eddington, Elcot,
Garston East, Hungerford, Inkpen, Kintbury, Lam ­
bourn, Lambourn Woodlands, Lambourn Upper, Leverton, Newtown Hungerford, Oxenwood, Sanham Green,
Seven Barrows, Shalboum , Shefford East & West,
Shefford Woodlands, Titcombe, W itcha & Woodhay
W est ; following in Hants : Combe & Eastwick ; &
the following in W ilts : Aldbourne, Axford, Baydon,
Bedwyn Little, Bedwyn G reat, Buttermere, Chilton
Foliatt, Chisbury, Crofton, Eastridge, Fosbury, Froxfield, Grafton East, Grafton W est, Ham, Hippenscombe, L ittleco tt, Lower Upham, M arridge Hill,
Marten, Membury, Oakhill, Preston, Ramsbury, Rams­
bury Newtown, Rudge, Shalbourn, Soley, Tidcombe,
Upper Upham, Wexcombe, W hittonditch, Wilton &
* This Court for bankruptcy purposes is included in that
j of Newbury, George Mallam, 1 St. Aldate street, Ox­
ford, official receiver
County Police Station, Park street, Tom Randall, in­
spector, sergeant & three constables
Town Hall & Corn Exchange, High street, Edward
Bushnell. keeper
Volunteer Fire Brigade, Charnham Street, John Beard,
captain ; Rev. W. E. T. S. G ray M.A. first lie u ­
tenant ; Osmond Richens, second lieutenant ; William
Spearing, sergeant; Louis Clifford & E. Stevens,
engineers ; one m otor engine. Secretary, William
Sperring, Church street
B o a r d d a y , W e d n e sd a y , f o r t n ig h t l y .

The Hungerford Union comprises the following parishes :
In Berks— Avington, Combe, Garston (East), Hun­
gerford, Inkpen, K intbury, Lambourn, Shefford (East),
Usually attending the Hungerford Petty Sessional
Shefford (W est), Woodhay (West) ; in W ilts— A ld ­
bourne, Baydon, Bedwyn (G rfat), Bedwyn (Little),
Aldridge M ajor John, Inholmes, Hungerford
Butterm ere, Froxfield, G ra ft,n , Ham, Ramsbury,
Borm ester Capt. Arnold Charles, New Town lodge, j Shalboum e, Tidcombe. The population of the union
» in 1911 was 16,121; area, 96,430 acres; rateable