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B E R K S H IR E .


The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in 1901
was : —
St. Nicholas (parish church), 5,19 1; St. John the
Evan galist, 3,733.
V erger, W illiam G. Stillm an.
Apparitor, St. John the E vangalist, George Green.
form s part of the m unicipal
borough of Newbury on the north ; it is a separate
ecclesiastical parish, formed Sept. 14th, 1844, from
the civil parish of Speen. The church of St. Mary,
erected in 1831, is an edifice of stone in the Decorated
■tyle, consisting of chancel, nave and north and south
porches and a tu rret containing 2 bells : it was en­
larged in 1879 by the addition of a new chancel, de-

[ K E L L Y 'S

signed by the late G. E. Street esq. R .A. and the
rem ainder of the building has been partially remodelled;
at a total cost of £7,000; the nave and aisles are now
(1911) being entirely rebu ilt from designs of A. E.
Street esq. at a cost of over £5,000; a peculiarity o f
this church is that it stands due north and south, and
is said to have been the first church in the diocese o f
Oxford built on a new site since the R eform ation: there
are 480 sittings, 360 being free. The register datesfrom the year 1831. The livin g is a vicarage, net
yearly value £300, with residence, in the gift of theBishop of Oxford, and held since 1899 by the Rev.
Charles Luke Jeayes B.A. of New College, Oxford.
The population in 1911 was 1,945.
Verger, Henry Langton.

Post, M. 0 ., T. & Telephonic Express D elivery Office,
Cheap street.— F. Lewin, postmaster.
Open daily,
except sunday, from 7 a.m. till 9 p.m. ; sundays,
for stamps & telegraph business only, fiom 8 a.m. till
10 a.m
Letters for Newbury & neighbourhood posted till 5.20
a.m . for rural posts & 6.50 a.m . for tow n; London &
town beyond, Reading & W est of England, 8.45 a.m. ;
Bristol & W est of England, H erm itage, Chieveley, East
Ilsley, Hampstead Norris & Compton, 8.45 a.m. ;
Reading, London & London & Southampton forward &
Thatcham , 11.10 a .m .; Kingsclere, Burghclere, Highd e re , Wootton Hill, Newtown, Woodhap Speen & Donnington, 11.10 a.m. ; for 2nd town delivery, 11.10
a.m. ; Hungerford & Marlborough, 11.45 a.m. ; South­
ampton & Isle of W ight. 1.40 p.m . ; Reading, London
& towns in the north-east k south-east divisions of
the county, 2 p.m. ; (letters posted here before ix .io
a.m. are delivered in Henley, Slough & Southall the
same evening; Reading as late as 5 p.m. delivered
same evening) ; Hungerford & Reading delivered same
evenings. North-W estern counties, Scotland k Ireland,
for delivery by first post in morning, 5 p.m. ;
Micheldever Station and South & South-W est of E n g­
land, 7.10 p .m .; Birm ingham , Midland k Northern
counties, 6.50 p.m. ; London, Basingstoke, H unger­
ford, Abingdon, Oxford kc. & W est of England k
South W ales (all parts), 8 p.m. ; London k towns
beyond ; also Reading, Henley, W indsor, Maidenhead,
Slough & Southall, 9.30 p.m . ; 4th town delivery, 6.30
p.m . Sundays— L etters for Newbury & neighbourhood
posted till 5.20 a.m. ; H ungerford & W est of England
h South W ales ; M icheldever Station & South k SouthW est of England ; London k towns beyond ; also Read­
ing, Abingdon. Maidenhead. W allingford, Aylesbury
&c. 6.30 p.m . all parts
London k cross posts. 7 a.m . ; London, Reading, H un­
gerford k North k North-W estern Counties, 11.25
a.m. ; London, Reading, Bath, Bristol,Devizes & Marl­
borough, 6.40 p.m. The office is closed on sundays
from 10 a.m. Sunday delivery, 7 a.m
Telegraph Office is open from 8 a.m . to 8 p.m. ; Sun­
days, 8.30 to xo a.m
Town Sub-Post & M. 0 . Offices :— Broadway.— T. J.
Freem an, sub-postmaster. Box closes at 5.15, 8.15 &
10.45 a m - & r2-45 , 3.45, 5.30, 7.15 k 8.45 p.m. ; Sun­
days, 5-45 P-m - Telegrams can be only handed in
at this office, k telegraph money orders are issued,
bu t not paid : Berkeley office closed, but box still
there, cleared at 5-*5» 8.15 k 10.45 a.m . & 12.30,
3 -45- 7**5 & 8.15 p .m .; sundays, 5.30 p .m .; Queen’s
road.— W. W est, sub-postmaster. Box cleared 5, 8
& 10.15 a m - & 1» 3-*5» 6.45 & 7.45 p .m .; sundays,
5 p.m. ; St. John’s, Derby road.— H. Grim es, subpostm aster. Box closes at 5.15, 8 & 10.30 a.m. k
I2-45 3 -3°» 6, 7 & 8 p .m .; sundays, 5.15 p.m
Town Sub-Post Office, Shaw road.— F. Sewell, sub-post­
m aster. Box cleared 5, 8 & 10.30 a.m. & 12.30, 3.30,
7 & 8.30 p.m . ; sundays, 5.15 p.m
Post & M. O. Office, Wash Common.— E llis John
Edwards, sub-postmaster. Collections, 12.45 & 6.15
p.m. ; sundays, 5.55 p.m. Telegrams are dispatched
from th is office, but not delivered, & telegraph monev
orders issued, but not paid
Pillar L etter Boxes at Station road, Bartholomew street,
London road. Donnington square, Enborne road, Thè
Bridge. Northbrook street k W hite House (London
road) & Stroud Green & Westfields. Newtown road,
Speen Hill, Eastfields, K in g’s road, Andover road k
Pyle hill

High Steward, The E arl of Carnarvon
Mayor, Councillor A. Camp
Deputy-Mayor, Councillor Thomas W. Turner
Recorder, F. Fitzgerald, 3 Pump court, Temple E C
Retire in November, 1913. I Retire in November, 1916..
Thomas Fidler
| Alfred Jackson
Charles Lucas
| Robert Long
Benjamin Sm ith
| Richard Ravenor
North Ward.
Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, Richard Ravenor.
Retire in November,1911.
I Retire in November, 1912
Alfred Camp
| Ernest Harris
Joseph Elliott
|Frederic Charles Hopson
Retire in November, 1913.
W illiam Edwards
| James Stradling
East Ward.
Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, Benjam in Sm ith.
Retire in November, 1911.
j Retire in November, 1912..
Stephen K night
! Edward Martin
John Rankin
| Thomas Henry Pratt
Retire in November, 19x3.
| Charles Frederick Paice
W est Ward.
Presiding Alderman at W ard Elections, Robert Long.
Retire in November, 1911. I Retire in November, 1912.
Charles Adrian Hawker
I Edmund Parfitt
Thomas Wheildon Turner | W illiam Thompson
Edward Gould

Retire in November, 1915.
Francis Robert Andrews
| Joseph N. Day
The ordinary m eeting of the Corporation is held!
monthly on the fourth tuesday at 10.30 a.m
M ayors Auditor, Alderman Benjamin Sm ith
Elective Auditors, John Mason & W. H. Belcher
Town Clerk, F. Quekett Louch, Mansion House street
Assistant Town CleTk, W illiam R-obert Pettifer, Mansion
House street
Borough Treasurer,Evan Jones,Capital & Counties Bank
Clerk of the Peace, Broome Pinniger, M arket place
Coroner, W. B. Heywood M.D. St. John’s road
Medical Officer of Health, J. R. Prior, County Council
offices, Reading
Public Analyst, James Brierley, 18 & 19 French street,.
Borough Accountant, W illiam Robert Pettifer, Mansion
House street
Superintendent of Police & Inspector under the “ E x ­
plosives A ct,” the “ Contagious Diseases (Animals).
A c t ” k “ Food k Drugs A ct,” John Gam ble, Speenhamland
Borough Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector & Inspector of
Common Lodging Houses, Samuel Joseph Lee Vincent
A .M .I.C .E . Mansion House street
Secretary & Accountant to the Educational Comm ittee,
R. H. Jeeves, Mansion House street
Hon. Curator of Museum, H. J. E. Peake
Gas Works Manager, W. R. Davey, K in g’s road
Inspector of W eights & Measures, Henry Pratt, Con
exchange, M arket place
Veterinary Inspector for Newbury k North Hants, u n ie r
the Contagious Diseases (Animals) A ct, Edward C u rtis
Howard M .R .C .V .S. 57 Cheap street
Collector of D istrict Rates & Borough Rents, George
A shdow n; office, Northbrook street
Town Hall Keeper & Town Sergeant, Charles Munday
Town Crier k Bill Distributor, F. Stephens,Northcroft la