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RMdine Charles Alfred, Newlands, Riddell W alter Robt. Buchanan M.A. Robinson John, 49 Bullingdon road,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Hertford college, Oxford
3 rd. Caversham , Reading
Robinson Miss M. Hayes, Som erville
R p a d in g Ernest, 75 Bath rd.Banbury Riddle Rev. A rth ur Esmond M.A.
college, Woodstock road, St. G iles’,
R e a s o n William, Holmby house, SibOxford
Riddle Miss, High Cogges, W itney
fo r d Ferris, Banbury
Mrs. 100 Banbury road, St.
Raridinff Frederick Charles, Clierwell Rideout Mrs. The Lim es, Tetsworth
Giles’, Oxford
Ridley Mrs. Lionel H. Summerfield,
v i l l a , Kidlington, Oxford
Kidmore road, Caversham , Reading Robinson M rs.29 Castle st. we.Banbry
Redman Mrs. 175 Banbury road,
Rigg Thomas, St. Kilda, South View Robinson Mrs. 9 Norham road, S t.
S u m m e rto w n , Oxford
G iles’, Oxford
avenue, Caversham , Reading
Reece Henry Freer, The D ell,Kidm ore
Riggs Mrs. 30 St. Mark’s road, Robinson M rs.2 South Park rd.O xfrd
road, Caversham, Reading
Norman Battye, Fairhurst,
Reed Edward James, 20 St.M argaret’s
Henley-onRiley Harry, 5 Chalfont road, St
road, Oxford
Giles’, Oxford
Rees Rev. Richard Morgan M.A.
GrimsChrist church, Oxford
Robinson Thomas W., M.A. 123
bury, Banbury
Reeve Robert, n Southmoor road,
Walton street, Oxford
Ringrose Samuel, 15 St. John’s road,
St. Giles’, Oxford
Robinson W illiam , 96 W est street,
St. Giles’, Oxford
Reeve Walter, 8 Botley road, Oxford
G rim sbury, Banbury
Reeve W illiam,
Grenville house, Rippington Mrs. The Elm s, Marston,
Robson Rev. H erbert E ric M .A. The
Sonning Eye, Reading
Vicarage, Kidm ore End, Reading
Reeves B-47Bell st.Henley-on-Thames Rippington Richard, 37 Pembroke st.
Rocke E. C. 3 Fairview rd. Banbury
St. Aldate’s, Oxford
Reeves George W illiam , 5 St. Mark’s
Rev. Father Raphael, Fran­
Risley Misses, Manor house, Milton.
road, Henley-on-Thames
ciscan college, Tem ple Cowley,
Reid Mrs. McDonald, Hollybush
G-rosvenor rd. Caversham , Reading Rivers-Willson Alfred Ph.D ., F.C .S.
42 Wellington sq. St. Giles’, Oxford Rodwell Rev. George Edward ChipReinhardt Charles Em anuel M.D
pindall M .A. Vicarage, Bampton
R ix Miss, High view, Burford
The Warren, Ipsden, W allingford
Reis Miss, 21 Frenchay rd. St. G iles’, Robbins Harry, 70 West end, W itney Rodwell Mrs. 19 Walton W ell road,
St. Giles’, Oxford
Roberts Rev. Lawremce Grseme Allan,
Roe Sir Charles A rth u r LL.D . (PunRectory, Ardley, Bicester
Reiss Emil, Swyncombe house, Swynjaub U niversity) M.A.Oxon. 1 HolyRoberts Rev.
W illiam
combe, Henley-on-Thames
well street, Oxford
Rectory, Broughton Poggs, Lech ­
Renshaw Arthur Henry & Lady W ini­
Rogers Edward James, 114 Southmoor
lade (Glos)
fred, Watlington park, W atiington,
road, St. G iles’, Oxford
Roberts John Varley Mus.Doc.Oxon.
Rogers Edward Neville, 82 Southfield
18 Holywell street, Oxford
Renshaw Mrs. Linden house, Littleroad, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Roberts John W illiam , 15 London pi
more, Oxford
Rogers John, 141 Iffley road, Oxford
St. Clem ent’s, Oxford
Reynell-Pack Misses, Park close,Blox
Roberts Miss, 261 Iffley road, Oxford Rogers Miss, 208 Banbury road, S u m ­
ham, Banbury
mertown, Oxford
Roberts Miss, Varglin house, H igh­
Reynolds Rev. P. Hethe, Bicester
Rogers Miss, 39 Museum rd. Oxford
field, Oxford
Reynolds Charles C. 8 Chalfont road,
Roberts Mrs. 20 Linton road, St Rogers Miss, 101 Southmoor road, S t.
St. Giles’, Oxford
Giles’, Oxford
Giles’, Oxford
Reynolds Frederick, Karoo, W indm ill
Roberts W illiam , 94 Abingdon road, Rogers Mrs. The Old cottage, Dor­
road, Headington Quarry, Oxford
chester, Wallingford
Grandpont, Oxford
Reynolds Thos. H. High view,Burford
Rhys Sir John bart. P .C ., M .A., Robertson Rev. Jas. M.A. 5 Frenchay Rogers Mrs. 118 Southmoor road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
D .Litt., hon. LL.D .E din. Jesus
Robertson A. Barresdale, Huntercombe Rogers Robert C. 25 Marlborough rd.
college, Turl street, Oxford
Golf club, Nuffield, Henley-onRice Rev. Bernard, The Presbytery,
Rogers Roland W alter, 297 Woodstock
South View av. Caversham,Reading
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Rice Miss, 11 Canterbury road, St. Robertson Andrew, Bladon,Woodstock
Robertson Charles, Apsley Paddox. Rolfe Mrs. Holywell cot. W heatley
Giles’, Oxford
Woodstock rd. Summertown,Oxford Rollo Hon. Eric Norman, Elcot,Derby
Richards Rev. Geo. Chatterton M.A.
road, Caversham , Reading
13 Canterbury rd. St. Giles’,Oxford Robertson Charles Grant M .A. All
Rolph John, 39 W estern road, G ran d ­
Souls’ college, Oxford
& Glion, Highfield, Oxford
pont, Oxford
Richards E. J. 52 South Bar street, Robertson James Sftrent, Hill house,
Rolph Mrs. 64 Walton street, Oxford
A dderbury East, Banbury
Richards Frederick, 209 Woodstock Robertson Misses, 83 Woodstock road, Rolt Rev. Clarence Edwin M .A. Chadlington, Charlbury
St. G iles’, Oxford
road, Summertown, Oxford
Richards Herbert Paul M.A. Wadham Robertson Mrs. Finstock ho. Charlbry Rome Thomas, Raym ead, Goring,
college, Oxford
Robertson Patrick M.D. Struan,Derby
Rooke A rthur E. The Elm, Chipping
road, Caversham, Reading
Richards Miss, 11 Thorncliffe road,
Summertown, Oxford
Robins Ernest John, 78 St. Mark’s
Rooper Maxim ilian
Richards Mrs. Couching street, W at­
road, Henley-on-Thames
Grange, Goring. Reading
lington, Wallingford
Robins Frederick, Horleigh, Dash
Rose Sir Charles Day bart. M .P., J.P.
Richards W illiam Em anuel, 6 Clarenwood road, Banbury
W hitchurch,
den villas, Park town, Oxford
Robins Geo. J. 85 Bath rd. Banbury
Reading; & 31 St. James place
Richards Wm. Jn. 226 Iffley rd.Oxfrd Robins Herbert, 6 St. Mark’s road,
S W ; T urf club W ; Brooks’ &
Richardson A rthur T. 187 Banbury
W hite’s club S W, London
road, Summertown, Oxford
Robins John L. 37^ Oxford rd.Banbrv
Richardson Charles T. Chastleton ho. Robins W alter, 50 St. Mark’s road, Rose Rev. Austin C. Lingfield, Essex
road, Thame
Chastleton, Moreton-in-Marsh
Richardson Edward, 11 London place, Robinson Surgeon-Colonel W. Christy Rose Frank, The Gables, Rotherfield
St. Clement’s, Oxford
Peppard, Henley-on-Thames
L .R .C .P .I. Parkhurst, Grosvenor
Rose James M .A. 1 Rawlinson road,
Richardson Herbert W alter, 17 Port­
road, Caversham, Reading
St. Giles’, Oxford
land road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Robinson A. H. Clifton Hampden,
Rose John, Belstone, Upper Warren
Richardson Miss, Lower Farm house,
avenue, Mapledurham , Reading
Langford, Lechlade (Glo’stersh)
Robinson Alfred, 21 Walton W ell rd.
Richardson Mrs. 81 Iffley rd. Oxford
Rose John T . Northcot, Bampton
St. Giles’, Oxford
Richardson Mrs. 217 Woodstock road, Robinson Alfred, 43 Western road, Rose Miss, Kennington, St. Andrew’s
Summertown. Oxford
Grandpont, Oxford
road, Henley-on-Thames
Pichardson W alter M. 114 Woodstock Robinson Christopher, Cold Arbour Rose Mrs. 45 Chinnor road, Thame
road, Summertown, Oxford
house, Cold Arbour, St. Aldate’s, Rose Mrs. Chinnor, Wallingford
Richmond Mrs. Up. High st. Thame
Rose Mrs. Kidlington, Oxford
Richmond W alter James, 17 Polstead Robinson Daniel,9 Crouch st. Banbury Rose Mrs. 14 Norham road, St. Giles',
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Robinson Ellis A. Repose, Kidlington,
Ricketts George, Milton-under-WychOxford
Rose Mrs. Tiverton villa, Burford
*ood, Oxford
Robinson Frederick Young, Hillside, Rose Thomas Harry, 6 Rawlinson rd.
Chinnor. Wallingford
Rickman Samuel, Manor house, BodiSt. Giles’, Oxford
cote, Banbury
Robinson Fred, 73 Bath rd. Banbury Roskell Mrs. H illcrest, W indm ill rd.
Riddell Mrs. 100 Southfield rd.Cowlev; Robinson Henry, Beech house, Dor­
Headington Quarry, Oxford
St. John, Oxford
chester, Wallingford
Ross William David M .A .6 Charlbury
Robinson Jas. F. 26 Broad st. Oxford
road, St. Giles’ , Oxford