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Rost Adolphus E. 15 Bradm ore roafi Sainsbury Charles Edward, Pretoria, Sayce Rev. Archibald
H en ry M j
St. G iles’, Oxford
Conisbro’ av. Caversham , Reading I Queen’s college, Oxford
Rothe Col. George W. C., R .A ., J.P. Sainsbury H enry W illiam , M afekin
Sayer Thomas Richard, 24 We,.
Neithrop house,W arwick rd.Banbry
Kidm ore rd. Caversham , Reading
road, Grandpont, Oxford
Rothwell Mrs. 72 A rgyle st. Chester Salmon Edwd. Tadmarton, Banbury
Sayers Miss, 33 Leckford road
street, Oxford
Salmon Mrs. 30 Gloucester pi.W itney
Gales', Oxford
Rothwell Rd. 5 Beaum ont st. Oxford Salmon W illiam Arthur, Mawgan,
Scarborough W. A. 16 Bath rd
Rouquette Philip J. G. The Brae,
Albert road, Caversham, Reading
Rotherfield road, Henley-on-Thames Salt Lewis Herbert, F leur de Lys S W
^ gl e r i a m i n A B g , i n ' * * * £ .
Rousby Edwardes Rd. Kendall, Cot­
villas, Bampton
tisford house, Cottisford, Brackley Salter George S. 57 Banbury road,
S° C l t L Fs t kGilAeite0 ^ d WaItoa
Rousby Mrs. Cottisford house, Cottis­
St G iles’, Oxford
ford, Brackley
Salter James E. Isis house, The Tow- ScirlU.eI' Tir « 'dinand Canning Scott
Rouse Mrs. 21 Islip road, Sum m er­
in g path, Grandpont, Oxford
town, Oxford
Salter Mrs. 102 Kingston road, St. Schlich Sir W illiam M A
K n tu
Rouse Mrs. The Lim es, Fulbrook,
Giles’, Oxford
Ph.D F .E .S 29 Banbury road 1 ,'
Salwey Miss, Pen-y-Ghent, Priest hill,
Giles’, Oxford
Routh R. L ., J.P. Sibford Ferris,
Caversham , Reading
Schmidl de Moraville John Maxim;
Sampson Charles Henry M .A. 11 Raw­
Han F .R .G .S , Cross Ley" B *
Rowbottom Misses, L ittle Milton,
linson road, St. G iles’, Oxford
W allingford
Samsworth John James, 13 W hite Schm idt Mrs. Chesnevs, Newland st
Rowbottom W illiam , 17 Beech Croft
House road, Grandpont, Oxford
' '
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Samuda Cecil D’A guilar D .L ., J.P. Schofield Major Frederick William
Rowden Major H arry W. 37 Banbury
Bruern abbey, Chipping Norton
Langston ho. Chadlington.Charlbrv
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Samuell Charles Henry, Queenscliffe, Schoon
Frank, 83 Warwick st. Oxford
Rowden Miss, 7 Banbury road, St.
Kidfnore road, Caversham , Reading Schunck Charles A. Old Mill house
G iles’, Oxford
Samuelson Ernest M .I.C .E ., J.P.
E w lm f , Wallingford
Rowden Miss C. 100 Banbury road,
Bodicote grange, Bodicote, Banbry Schuster E dgar H. J., M .A , D Sc
St. G iles’, Oxford
Sanday Rev. W illiam D.D. Christ
n o Banbury rd. St. Giles’, Oxford
Rowell Mrs. 216 Iffley road, Oxford
Church, St. A ldate’s street, Oxford Schwerer Mrs. 53 Chalfont road, St
Rowell Mrs. Sydenham, 10 Marston Sandeman George, 221 Woodstock rd.
Giles’, Oxford
F erry road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Scotm un-Crieff Miss, 13 The Terrace
Rowell Richard R. Sydenham, Sand- Sanders J .27 Marlborough rd.Banbury
Park town, Oxford
field cottage, Headington, Oxford
Sanders Miss, 24 Lonsdale road, Scott Capt. Lionel, Longvortb, Rich­
Rowell W illiam Norman J.P. Ivydene,
Sum m ertown, Oxford
field, Oxford
Chipping Norton
Sanders Percy, 62 Corn street,W itney Scott Rer. Alfred Cecil M.A. The
Rowland Miss, Sunrise, Woodstock Sanders Thomas, 13 Parker st. Oxford
Vicarage, Cowley road, Cowley St.
road, Wolvercote, Oxford
Sanders Walter, Laurel lawn, Deans
John, Oxford
Rowland Mrs. 239 Woodstock road,
road, Caversham, Reading
Scott Rev. G . J. North Leigh,Witney
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Sanderson Sir Percy K .C .M .G ., J.P. Scott George Rodney M.A. 2 Claren­
Rowland-Sm ith Mrs. Braxton, Derby
Grove hill, Caversham , Reading
don villas, Park town, Oxford
road, Caversham , Reading
Sands Miss, Newington house, New­ Scott Mrs. 70 St. Mark’s rd. HenleyRowles George, Prospect house, Wesington, Wallingford
ton-on-the:Green, Bicester
Sandwell Samuel, 174 D ivinity road, Scott Mrs. 6 Thames side, HenleyRowley Rev.' James Farm er, SpelsCowley road, Oxford
bury, Charlbury
Sanford-Burton Mrs. 63 St. Giles’ st. Scott Richard, Kidlington, Oxford
Rowley C. E. 343 Cowley rd. Oxford
jScott Samuel Geoffrey^ M.A., B.M. 20
Rowley Joseph Robert,26 W estern rd. Sankey Julius 0 . 26 Broad st. Oxford I C h arlbury road, St.‘ Giles’, Oxford
Grandpcnt, Oxford
Sankey Richard H ., M .A., M .B .,B .C h J S co tt Thomas Ashton, 38 Frenchav
Roxburgh Miss, 363 Cowley rd. Oxford
Oxon. 35 St. Giles’ street, Oxford | road, St. Giles’ , Oxford
Ruck-Keene Capt. Chas. Edm und Sankey Richard Henry H eurtley, 3 Scott W alter, 40 Woodstock road, St.
J.P. Cookley ho. Henley-on-Thames
Marston Ferry road, Summertown,
Giles’, Oxford
Ruck-Keene Misses, The Paddock,
O ^ ord
Scott W illiam Edward, 25 Fair mile,
Benson, W allingford
Sansbury Mrs.31 South Bar st.Banbry
Ruck-Keene Mrs. Shirburn lodge, Sansom Charles Ernest, 128 Southfield Scott-Russell Edmund,Mount Lavinia,
Shirburn, W allingford
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
| Rotherfield road, Henley-on-Thames
Rudd Rev. Preb. E ric Jn. Sutherland Sansom Geo.E. 2 Marlboro’ rd.Banbry Scovell Mrs. 32 Divinity road, Cowley
M .A. Rectory, Souldern, Banbury Sansom Matthew John, 20 Thorncliffe i road, Oxford
Rudge Frederick Samuel, Highclere,
Toad, Summertown, Oxford
¡Scragg Frederick, 44 Marston street,
Kidm ore rd. Caversham , Reading Santi F. Ivy cot. Bloxham, Banbury | Cowley St. John, Oxford
Ruffell Robert, 321 Cowley rd. Oxford Sargent Rev. W alter D m itri M .A. 3 Scragg Mrs. 21 Western road, GrandRum ble Mrs. Broxburn, Sonning
St. M argaret’s road, St.G iles’.Oxfrd j pont, Oxford
Common, Reading
Saul Joseph, Mayfield, High Town ■
Scrivener Miss,Church Handborough,
Rundle Thomas James, 22 Stanley rd.
road, Banbury
| Woodstock
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Saunders Rev. Sidney C., M.A. The Seal A rthur W. 291 Iffley rd. Oxford
Rusher Miss, 46 Thorncliffe road,
Vicarage, W atlington, W allingford |Seal Miss, 11 Stanley road, Cowley
Summertown, Oxford
Saunders Frederick, 167 D ivinity rd.
St. John, Oxford
RusseT Capt. Gordon, Holton cottage,
Cowley road, Oxford
;Sear Miss, 34 South Bar st. Banbury
Holton, W heatley
Saunders Jason, The Cedars, 10 Park Searle Miss, 3 Hop gardens, HenleyRussell Rev. Henry, The Manse,
town, Oxford
G oring. Reading
Saunders John, The Grove, Rother­ Seaton Misses, The Croft, Woodcote,
Russell John, 44 Chinnor rd. Thame
field Peppard, Henley-on-Thames
Russell John W ellesley, 28 Staverton Saunders Misses. Highlands villa, Seccombe Samuel Hewitt, 6 Beech
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Rotherfield Peppard, Henley-on-T
Croft road, Summertown, Oxford
Russell W alter M. Talana, Ipsden, Saunders Mrs. F. G. The Grove, Segar Miss. 35 Chalfont road, St.
W allingford
Caversham, Reading
Giles’, Oxford
Russell W.H.23 Hightown rd. Banbry Saunders W illiam , Ellerlie, Kidmore Selbie Rev. William Boothby, hon.
R u st Mrs. 223 Woodstock rd. Sum ­
D .C .L ., M.A.Oxon.,D.D.Glas. Mans­
End, Reading
mertown, Oxford
Savage Alfred, 151 Iffley rd. Oxford
field road, Oxford
Ryder Ernest, 31 Bartlem as road, Savory John, Shilton, Burford
Selby John, Cropredy, Leamington
Cowley road, Oxford
Savidge Mrs. Salisbury villa, Ship- Sellar Mrs. 245 Iffley road, Oxford
Ryder T . 3 & 4 Corn m arket, Thame
ton-under-Wychwood, Oxford
Sellers Fredk.ioo Abingdon rd.Oxford
Ryle A rth u r Buxton L .D .S.R .C .S. Saw Ernest, 105 Cowley road, Oxford Sells Miss, 135 Divinity road, Covle}
Eng. 24 Beaumont street, Oxford
Saw Miss, Chinnor, Wallingford
road, Oxford
Ryman-Hall Frank, 313 Banbury rd. Saw Thomas, Thame road, Chinnor, Setchill Alfred, 28 Stanley road, CovSum m ertown, Oxford
ley St. John, Oxford
Rynd Mrs.2Farndon rd .S t.G iles’ ,Oxfd Sawyer Capt. G uy Henry, Highclyffe, Sewell Augustine, 2 Beech Croft rd.
Sabin Jn. H. G reat Bourton, Banbury
Kidmore road, Caversham , Reading
Summertown, Oxford
Sabin Misses, Bodicote cot. Banbury Sawyer Edm und C. Manor house, Sewell Mrs. 7 Western road, Grand­
Sacret Joseph, Glanygors, Sonning
Little Milton, Wallingford
pont, Oxford
Common, Reading
Sawyer Thomas Henry, 10 Regent st. Seymour Lionel William, 251 woodSadler John, 317 Cowley rd. Oxford
stock road, Summertown, Oxford
Cowley St. John, Oxford