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Edwin, 7 Walton Well
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Durrant M .A., J.P. The
Manor house, Bampton
Hunt Frederic, Burford house, Derby
road, Caversham, Reading
Hunt F .F .i Manor rd.Holywell,Oxfrd
Hunt G.70 Argyle st.Chester st.Oxfrd
Hunt j . , B A. All Saintsâ school,
Bloxham, Banbury
Hunt James Frederick, 71 Southfield
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Hunt John, 46 South Bar st.Banbury
Hunt J. W , J.P. 5 K in gâs end,
Hunt Miss, 85 Woodstock road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Hunt Mrs. 37 M arket square, Witney
Hunt Mrs. St. Stephenâs, Bnmpton
Hunt Robert, 176 Abingdon rd.Oxfrd
Hunt Thomas, 30 Kingston road, St.
Gilesâ. Oxford
Hunt William, 7 Beech Croft road,
Summertown, Oxford
Hunt William, H arrisburg. Bainton
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Hunter Rev. Ralph W illiam Geo. 87
Kingston road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Hunter Leslie W hitaker B .A . MagÂ
dalen college, Oxford
Huntington Mrs. 6 Bevington road,
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Huntley Harry, Hortus villa, Conisbroâ avenue, Caversham, Reading
Hunton Wm. 337 Cowley rd. Oxford
Hurcomb William, 32 Warnborough
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Hurd James F re d k .n Botley rd.Oxfrd
Hurley Alfred
Albert road, Caversham , Reading
Hurrell William B. 10 Walton Well
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Hurst Charles W. Leighswood, Kidmore road, Caversham, Reading
Hurst Miss, Rock house, Temple
Cowley, Oxford
Hurst Thomas, 3 Folly bridge, St. A lÂ
dateâs, Oxford
Huscroft Mrs. 20 Newland, Banbury
Huskinson A. W. Gram m ar school,
Hussey Mrs. 24 Winchester road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Hutohins Mrs. 17 Stanley road, CowÂ
ley St. John, Oxford
Hutchins Samuel, 157 Woodstock rd.
St. Gilesâ . Oxford
Hutchinson Alex. Gifford, The HomeÂ
stead, Sonning Eye, Reading
Hutchinson George T., M .A. Christ
Church, St. A ldateâs street, Oxford
Hutchison Rev. Robert M.A. Wood
Eaton, Oxford
Hutchison George W right M.D. 15
Market place, Chipping Norton
Hutt F. Hill ho. Kidlington, Oxford
Hutt Miss, Corra-linn, Albert road.
Caversham, Reading
Hutton Rev. William H., B.D. St
Johnâs college, Oxford
Hutton Mrs. Britw ell Salome, W alÂ
Huxley George, 50 Marston street,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Huxley James Usher M.D. 17 Charlbury road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Huxtabla Charles Jas. Englethwaite,
Grosvenor road, Caversham,Readng
Hyde J.D. The Cot. Bloxham,Banbury
Hyde Miss, 7 South Park rd. Oxford
Hyde Wm. D. Crawlev road, W itney
Hyslop Henry, The Oaks, Warborough, Wallingford
Icke Wm. J. 26 Horsefair, Banbury
tr Frederick M .A., Mus.Doc. 13
'Varnborough rd. St. Gilesâ, Oxford
& Arth. Frank W illiam ,184 Divinity
road, Cowley road, Oxford
nge Mrs. c; St. Cross road, Holv*ell, Oxford
Charles, 33 George street,
bummertown, Oxford
T innt E r n e s t
H unt F r a n c is
P R I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .
Inglefield Mrs. Croft road, Goring,
Ingles Misses, Easton cot. Charlbury
Ingles Mrs. IL L. Stanser, 55 ChalÂ
font road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Ingram Arthur Stanley, Elmsdale,
Piddington, Thame
Ingram F. J. 19 King's end, Bicester
Ingram H. Littlecroft,G oring,Readng
Inman George Talfourd J.P. Highmoor hall, nr. Henley-on-Thames
Innes J.W .^Taekley p i.St.G ilesâ,Oxfrd
Innes Melville Hugh, 22 Hill Top rd.
St. Clem entâs, Oxford
Iredell Henry, Donegal, Kidm ore rd.
Caversham, Reading
Iremonger Thomas, H illcrest, Albert
road, Caversham, Reading
Irvine Mrs. The Lodge, Queen st.
Irwin Rev. Charles A. K ., B.A.
Swyncombe, Henley-on-Thames
Isaac Rev. Bryan William, 10 Polstead
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Isaac M rs.31 New st.Henley-on-Thms
Isaacson Misses, 30 W arnborough rd.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Ive Alfred, Hillside, Vicarage road,
Ive Henry, Rostrevor, St. Andrewâs
road, Henley-on-Thames
Ive Miss, 3 Vicarage road, Henleyon-Thames
Ivens Rev. Thomas, Vicarage, Pid Â
dington, Thame
Ivens Misses, Wardington, Banbury
Jack Thomas, Rosemount, Rose hill,
Iffley, Oxford
Jackman Edward, 34 Western road.
Grandpont, Oxford
Jackman Mrs. Gt. Milton,Wallingford
Jacks Rev. Lawrence Pearsall M.A.
28 Holywell street, Oxford
Jackson Rev. Alfred M.A. 53 South
Bar street, Banbury
Jackson Rev. Joseph B .A . Holy
T rinity vicarage, Bampton
Jackson Rev. W illiam Walrond D.D.
Turi street, Oxford
Jackson Clement Nugent M.A. 1 Fvfield road, Oxford
Jackson Ivan, Mill house, Great
Haseley, Wallingford
Jackson Mrs. The Abbey cottage,
Dorchester, Wallingford
Jackson Mrs. The Hollies, Priest hill,
Caversham, Reading
Jackson Spencer, Croft road, Thame
Jackson Thomas Watson M .A. 8 Bradmore road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Jackson W illiam Hatchett D.Sc.,M .A.
Keble college, Oxford
Jacobs John J.P. Mill house, Witney
street, Burford
Jacobs William, Headington, Oxford
Jacques Rev. Hy. Edwd. The Manse,
Caversham hill, Caversham, Readng
Jacques Mrs. 13 St. Markâs road,
Jagger H. C. 16 Church st. Bicester
Jakeman G.W .36SLAldateâs st.Oxford
Jakeman Miss, 43 Middleton road,
G rim sbury, Banbury
James Rev. Herbert Armitage D.D.
St. Gilesâ street, Oxford
James Rev. Montague G., B.A. 102
Divinity road, Cowley road, Oxford
James Benjam in Edgar L.D .S R .C.S.
307 Woodstock road, Summertown,
James Mrs. Adderbury West,Banbury
James Mrs. 96 St. Clem entâs street,
James Thomas Alfred Langley, 179
Gosbrook rd. Caversham, Reading
James W illiam, 87 W est street,
Grim sbury, Banbury
Jamison Miss E. M. Lady Margaret
hall, 21 Norham gardens, . St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Janes Amos Frederick, Woodhurst,
Albert road, Caversham, Reading
Jaques A rth ur, Scotland road, Hook
Norton, Banbury
JardineJ.i2Chester st.Cvrshm .Readng
Jardine Richard, 3 Parker st. Oxford
Jarmain Thomas M. Orangemoor, G t.
Haseley, Wallingford
Jarvis Daniel J. 184 Iffley rd. Oxford
Jarvis Misses, 2 Old Parr rd. Banbury
Jarvis Thomas, 1 D ivinity rd. Cow Â
ley road, Oxford
Jay George, Penrallt, Reading road,
Jay H. Adderbury East, Banbury
Jeeves Mrs. 52 S t. Andrewâs road,
Jefferies John, Ivydene* Littlem ore,
Jefferson George D avid, 22 Bardweil
road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Jeffery Beirinald W elbury M .A. 28
Polstead road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Jeffreys Miss, 1 Northfield end, HenÂ
Jelf Mrs. 34 Norham road, St. Giles*.
Jenkin Charles Frewen M .A .,M .I.C .E .
14 Lathbury road, Oxford
Jenkins Rev. Ralph Evan, 3 BlenÂ
heim terrace, Chipping Norton
Jenkins Frederick, 55 Corn st.W itn ey
Jenkins Leonard Lionel, 36 D ivinity
road, Cowley road, Oxford
Jenkins Miss, Tham es villa, Benson.
Jenkinson A rthur James M.A. Stam Â
ford house, Radcliffe sq. Oxford
Jenkinson John W ilfred M .A., D .Sc.
27 Polstead road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Jenkvn Rev. C yril Walford Osborn
M.S'. Broadlands, Grosvenor roadCaversham, Reading
Jenkyn Mrs. 10 Church green,W itney
Jenner Mrs. 91 D ivinity road, Cowley
road, Oxford
Jenner Mrs. 4 Station road, Henleyon-Thames
Jennings Fredk. Nathan, 20 S ian ley
road, Cowley St. John. Oxford
Jennings Thomas, 107 W est street.
Grim sbury, Banbury
Jerram Rev. Arnold Escombe M.A.
Vicarage, Langford,Lechlade (Glos)
Jersey Earl of P .C ., G .C .B ., G .C .M .G .
Middleton Park, B ice ste r; & CarlÂ
ton & Junior Carlton clubs, LonÂ
don S W
Jervis Miss,Manor ho.Ewelm e,W llngfd
Jerwood Rev. J. B., B.A. L ittle Tew ,
Jesse Edwin John S. Avenue house.
Up. Warren av.Mapledurham,Rdng:
Jess el- Mrs. J. Z. 38 Banbury road,
St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Jessop Ernest Charles Hale L .D .S .I
12 Beaumont street, Oxford
Jessop Joseph W. 72 Southmoor rd.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Jex-Blake Miss, Lady Margaret kail.
21 Norham gdns. St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Joachim Harold Henry M.A. 9 K eb la
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Jodrell Mrs. Sandford, Bampton
Joel W illiam Jackson, Manor house.
Temple Cowley, Oxford
Johns A. Tisdall B .A ., M.D., B.Ch.
19 Horsefair, Banbury
Johns W illiam , 10 Thorncliffe road,.
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Johnson Rev. A rth u r Henry M .A. 5
South Park road, Oxford
Johnson Rev. Edm und Joseph Francis
M .A. Sarsden, Chipping Norton
Johnson Rev. John Hamilton C .,M.A.
St. Johnâs Mission house, Marston
street, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Johnson Charles Henry, West view,
P riory avenue, Gaversham, Reading
Johnson Douglas Ferm in, Ruahine.
Greenfield, Watlington, W allingford
Johnson Ernest James, The Laurel,
Priest hill, Caversham , Reading