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B E R K S H IR E .
way Station W all Box, St. Helen's W harf W all Box &
Vineyard W all Box, week days, 5 tim es a day, from
10 a.m . to 9.40 p .m .; Sundays, one collection from
each box beginning at 7.45 p.m
TV all L ette r Box, N orthcourt, cleared 6.40 & 9.50 a.m.
& 12.30, 5.15 & 7.35 p.m . week days only
L e tte rs for Drayton, Milton, Steventon, Harwell & East
& W est Hendred, which arrive by day m ail are disÂ
patched at 12.20 p.m
Town Sub-Post & M. 0 . Office, Vineyard.â E. Townsend,
sub-postm aster. Box cleared 10.10 a.m. & 2.35, 5.20,
8 & 9.40 p.m . Post & M. 0 . 0 . & S. B. also R egistraÂ
tion of Letters & Parcels open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m
Town Sub-Post & M. 0 . Office, Spring road.â A. E.
Tom bs, sub-postmaster. Box cleared at 7.30 & 10.30
a.m . & 2.55, 5.40, 8 & 10 p.m
D ay Mails at 11.15 a.m. to Shippon, Clifton, W ittenÂ
ham , *Appleford, Sutton, *Cothill, Tubney, *Fyfield,
^Kingston, Frilford, *Marcham , Northcourt, Radley
& Sunningwell
Those m arked thus * are for callers at the Post
Office only.
Inland Parcels Post.â Dispatches, 10.10 a.m. & 1.30,
4-3°» 6 & 8 p.m . ; deliveries, 9.30 12.10 & 5 p.m
Money orders <fc telegraph money orders issued 8 a.m.
to 8 p.m .
Telegraph business is transacted from 8
a.m . to 8 p.m . ; S u n d a y s , 8.30 to 10 a.m . only
Lord H igh Steward, Earl of Abingdon
Mayor, A rth ur Edwin Preston
Recorder, W illiam H arry Nash esq. 4 Harcourt buildÂ
ings, Tem ple, London E C
Retire in November, 1913.
Edward John Harris
| John Thornhill Morland
Retire in November, 1916.
Edward Leader Shepherd | Charles Alfred Pryce
Retire in November, 1911.
Albert Hays
j Alex. W alter Morland
W illiam Legge
|George Frederick Palm er
Retire in Novem ber, 1912.
William Brewer
IJohn Ernest Alfred Cottrell
Robert Joyce Clarke
I W illiam Fletcher Gadd
Retire in Novem ber, 1913.
H arry Septim us Chailenor Thomas Faulkner
H arry Thomas Clarke
i Fredk. Octavius Townsend
M ayors Auditor, Councillor Robert Joyce Clarke
Elective Auditors. Tom Sm ith Simpson & G. Staniland
The Quarterly Meetings of the Corporation are held on
F ebruary 8th, May 7th, August 9th & November 9th
Officers of the Corporation.
Town Clerk & Clerk of the Peace for the Borough,
B rom ley Chailenor, Stert street
Treasurer, John Quilter Rumball, London County &
W estm inster Bank Lim ited
Medical Officer of Health, John Ralph Prior M.D. BroadÂ
way buildings, Reading
A ccountant, Joseph H. Hume Wenn C.A. 12 Stert street
Surveyor, Sanitary Inspector & Inspector of Canal
Boats, & Gas & Petroleum Licensing, George Winship
F .G .S ., A .M .I.C .E . Borough buildings
Superintendent of Police, William Thomas Foster,
County Police station
D istrict Rate & W ater Rate Collector, W. H. Hem ming,
12 Stert street
Farm Bailiff & Clerk of the Market, Tom Faulkner,
ju n . The Sewage farm
Sergeants-at-M ace, John Henry Viner, 2 The Abbey, &
Edward Payne, Stert street, Abingdon
H allkeeper & Crier, Edward Payne," Stert st. Abingdon
Bailie Major-Gen. Thomas Maubourg, Caldecott house,
Abingdon (chairman)
Abingdon E arl of D.L. Wytham Abbey, Oxford
B liss S ir Henry W illiam K .C .I.E . The Abbey, Abingdon
Bowles Lieut.-C ol. Thos. Jn. Streatley Wood ho.Reading
Brewer W illiam esq. West St. Helen street, Abingdon
C lu tterbuck Rear-Adm iral William Robert, Long Wittenham, Abingdon
Dockar-Drysdale W illiam esq. W ick hall. Radley,Abingdn
Duffield Charles John Edwin esq. Marcham, Abingdon
H arris Edward John, 15 Albert park, Abingdon &
Lindsay Captain Henry E. A rthur, Manor house, Sutton
Courtenay, Abingdon
[ k e l l y âs
Morland Benjam in Henry esq. Sheepstead ho. Abingdon
Parsons John Francis esq. The W arren, Tubney,Abingdn
Preston Panizzi esq. Milton hill, Steventon
Strauss Edward Anthony esq. Kingston house, Abingdon
Tat ham Meaburn Talbot M.A. N orthcourt ho. Abingdon
The Mayor of Abingdon & the Chairman of the AbingÂ
don R ural D istrict Council are ex-officio magistratesClerk to the Magistrates, Brom ley Challenor, Stert st
P etty Sessions are held at the Guildhall every rnonday
at 1 p.m
L ist of Places in the Abingdon P etty Sessional
D ivision:â St. Helen Without, Appleford, Appleton &
Eaton, Besselsleigh, Cumnor, D raycott Moor, Drayton,
Frilford, Fyfield, Garford, Hinksey (N orth), Hinksey
(South), Kingston Bagpaze, Lyford, Marcham, Milton*
Radley, Steventon, Sunningwell, Sutton Courtenay*
Sutton W ick, Tubney, Wootton, W ytham , Wittenham,
(Little), W ittenham (Long)
The Mayor, Ex-Mayor, the Judge of the County C o u rt
& Recorder
Brewer W illiam , 33 W est St. Helen street
Clarke Henry Thomas, W est St. Helen street
Coxeter Job, Ock street
Downing John Fisher, 45 Vineyard
Harris Edward John, 15 A lbert park
Morland John Thornhill, Bath street
Paul James Nairne, 8 Ock street
Ricketts James, 83 Vineyard
Shepherd Edward Leader, The Lindens, A lbert park
Tatham Meaburn Talbot M.A. Northcourt house
West John George T. The Knowl, 52 Stert street
Joint Clerks, W alter James Sedgefield & Alfred Owe»
Challenor Pryce, 58 East St. Helen street
Borough Petty Sessions are held at the Guildhall every
tuesday at n a.m
Albert Park, Springfield, Moses Hall, 17 Edward st.
Cem etery, Spring ro ad ; W illiam M. Simpson, clerk to
the joint burial au th ority; Oliver King, lodge keeper
Cottage Hospital & D ispensary; Charles Robert Scott
M .B., C.M .Edin. Paulin Martin M .B .C .S.E n g. H arry
; Septim us Challenor M .R .C .S.E ng. & Edward Vivian
Russell Woodford M .R .C .S.E n g., L .R C .P .L . medicalofficers; James Townsend, hon. sec.; Miss E d itb
Horsepool, matron
Corn Exchange, Market place, Edward Payne, keeper
| Council Cham ber, The Abbey, John Henry Viney, keeper
County Court Office, East St. Helen stre e t; His Honor
Sir Thomas William Snagge M.A. ju d g e ; W alter
! James Sedgefield, registrar; Charles. Alfred Pryce,
I deputy registrar; W alter James Sedgefield, liigh
b a iliff; court held at the Guildhall bi-monthly. T h e
district comprises the following p laces:â
Appleton, Appleford, Boarâs Hill, Besselsleigh, Bayworth, Burcot, Brookhampton, Culham , Culham ColÂ
lege, Culham Station, Cothill, Cholswell, Clifton
Hampden. Drayton (Berks), D raycott Moor. Eaton*
Fyfield, Fyfield W ick, Frilford, Foxcomb Hill, G arÂ
ford, Kingston Bagpuze, Kennington, Lyford, Marcham*
Marsh Baldon, Milton, Milton Hill, Newbridge
(Kingston), Nuneham -Courtenav, Netherton, Radley,
Sunningwell, Sutton Wick*
Steventon, Sutton Courtenay, Southmoor, Sandford
Dry (Berks), Sandford W et (Oxon), Tubney, Toot
Baldon & Wootton
This Court is included in that of Oxford for Bankruptcy
purposes, George Mallam, 1 St. Aldate street, Oxford,
official receiver
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the â Law of Distress
Amendment A ct,â Charles Duncan Adkin, Thomas
Bowen & Francis Robert Jackson, of Abingdon
County Hall, M arket place, Edward Payne, hall keeper
County Police Station (Petty Sessionalâ Division. AbingÂ
don & Wallingford sub-district). Bridge street; Wm.
Thomas Foster, supt. 1 inspector, 5 sergeants & 26
Fire Brigade (volunteer) ; head quarters & engine house,
Borough bu ild in gs; John T. Morland, superintendent
& about 20 men. Messengers sent from fires in th e
country are instructed to apply at the borough police
Free Public Library, High street, Frank H. Wicks*
Inland Revenue Office, 19 Bostock road, A rthur James,
1 Stam p Office, High street, Joseph Thomas, distributor