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W I N D SO R .
B E R K S H IR E .
Garrett William Frederick, boot ma. 12 Alma ter. Arthur rd
Garrigan Joseph, beer retailer, 24 Victoria street
Gessey Lilian (Miss), dress maker, 5 Vansittart road
Gibb Maggie (Miss), apartments, 51 Kingâs road
Gibbs James, saw sharpener, Goswell lane
Gilbert William, grocer, 16 Grove road
Q id d y & G id d y , estate agents, auctioneers, valuers & surÂ
veyors, 52 High stre et; & at Maidenhead & Sunningdale ;
chief office. 11 a, Regent street, Londons w
Gill Ralph C. wholesale confectioner, 87 St. Leonardâs road,
Dorset road & 12 Thames street
Glass Robert J. draper, 31 St. Leonardâs road
Golding Henry, shopkeper, 23 River street
Goldswain William John, coal merchant, 13 Russell street
Goodaore, Harrison & Darrell, solicitors, 2 Castle hill, Windsor
& at Slough; & 8 Bush lane, Cannon street, Loudon e C
Goodchild George, beer retailer, 55 Oxford road
Goodenough William, butcher, 34 Oxford road
Goodford Henry Frank, solicitor, see Last & Goodford
Goring George, jobmaster, 79 Kingâs road
Gosling Mary Ann (Mrs.), coffee house, Church lane
Gould Annie (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 36 Oxford road
Government School of A rt (Charles T. Hollis, teacher), Albert
Institute, Sheet street
Gray Catherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Goswell lane
Gray Edward, refreshment rooms, 192 St. Leonardâs road
Green & Son, cutlers, 99 Peascod street
Green Joseph H. hair dresser, 33 Oxford road
Green William, shopkeeper, 28 Oxford road
Greenaway George Henry, carman, 56 Arthur road
Greening Frederick, plumber & glazier, 63 Oxford road
Grey James, boot maker, 37 Oxford road
Grice Donald, baker, 77 Victoria street
Grove & Son, estate agents, 89 Grove road
Grover Albert C. accountant, 22 High street
Groves Frederick, Adam & Eve p .h . 29 Thames street
Groves Frederick, paperhanger, 43 Arthur road
Groves George, chimney sweeper, Clewer fields
Groves Silas, Dukeâs Head p.h. 90 Peascod street
Gurney Frederick, grocer, Springfield road
Gurney Frederick, shopkeeper, 69 Bolton road
Guttoridge Rowland William, hair dresser, 36 St. Leonardâs rd
Haines William Henry, Star & Garter h >tel, 133 Peascod st
Hall & Son, boot makers, 23 Thames street
Hall Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 64 Alexandra road
Hall John S. manager (White Hart, Windsor Limited), High st
Hamblin W. T. & Co. upholstersrs, 17 & 18 Park street
Hamill John, tailor, 77 St. Leonardâs road
Hamlin Harry, restaurant, 58 Thames street
Hammond Beatrice (Mrs.), Castle coffee tavern, 47 High street
Hand S. E. (Miss), milliner, 18 High street
Harding Emily (Miss), dress maker, 18 Bexley street
Harding George, dining rooms, Market street
Harding John, shopkeeper, Church street
Harman Percy, boot maker, 1 Oxford road
Harris Augustus, butcher, 28 Thames street & 122 Peascod st
Harrison Ernest, news agent, 141 St. Leonardâs road
Harrison Percy, refreshment rooms, 29 St. Leonardâs road
-Harrison Robert Geo. solicitor, see Goodacre, Harrison & Darrell
Harrison Thomas, fruiterer, 27 St. Leonardâs road
Hartwell Emma L. (Miss), dress maker, 81 Bolton road
H arvey George E. L. hair dresser, 20 Thames street
Hathaway Frank John m.d. physician, Lingholm, Osborne rd
Haverly Alfred W. cabinet maker, 81 Kingâs road
Haward & Son, grocers & wine mere. 1 & 3 St. Leonardâs road
Hawes Robert R. grocer, 58 & 60 Grove road
Hayward Reginald, hair dresser, (firm of Peck & Hayward)
Hayward Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 26 Alexandra road
Hearn William, furniture broker, 1 Providence place, Oxford rd
Hearne Joseph, Victoria Arms p .h . 81 Victoria cottages
Hedges <fe Keep, dairyman, 21 Thames street
Hemmings Edward, boot & shoe maker, 71 Arthur road
Hendry Robert A. builder, 85-87 Grove road
Heraldic Damask Co. linen merchants, 7 Park street
H e r b e r t & -Sort, auctioneers & valuers, 95 Peascod street
Hem Robert G. upholsterer, Bexley street
Herridge Ernest, photographer, 2 5a, Thames street
Hesketh Louisa (Miss), confectioner, 14 Thames street
Hessey Henry, coronerâs officer & town sergeant, 24 Adelaide sq
Hewitt J. N. & Co. bakers, Spital
Hicks George, cabinet maker, 17 Victoria street
Hide John Craven, grocer, 96 Oxford road
Higley John & Sons, monumental masons, 22 Alma road
Hill Alfred, oilman, 22 Oxford road
Hill Arthur, dyer, 2 Borough Boundary terrace, Oxford road
Hill James, coal dealer, 46 Dagmar road
Hill John, plumber & decorator, 14 Albert street
Hills Ellis, fancy repository & hair dresser, 85 Peascod street
Hills Ellis B. hair dresser, 26 Peascod street
Hills John J. outfitter, 26 a, Peascod street
Hoare Horace Frederick, artificial teeth maker, 9 Frances road
Hobbs Albert, artificial teeth manufacturer, 33 Sheet street
Hobbs Catherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 38 Oxford road
Hobbs Charles, Mitre p.h. Oxford road
[ K I lL L Y â s
Hobbs Charlotte (Mrs.), apartments, 25 & 29 Sheet street &
furniture dealer, 34 Sheet street
Holderness & Son, bakers, 100 Peascod street
Holderness & Wareham, timber & buildersâ material merÂ
chants, St. Leonardâs road
Holderness Wm.Brown M.R.c.s.Eng.,r..s.A.Lond.surgn.l5 Park at
Holland John, butcher, 10 Oxford road
Hollis & Sons, builders, 59 Leonardâs St. road
Home & Colonial Stores Limited, 121 Peascod street
Honeybone M. A. & Son, 9addlers, 43 St. Leonardâs road
Horder & Son, corn merchants, 48 Oxford rd. & 63 Peascod st
Horlock Alfred, fly proprietor, 61 St. Leonardâs road
Horne Albert, shopkeeper, Tolladay cottages, Goswell road
Houfe Robert William, pharmaceutical chemist & agent for
W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine & spirit merchants, 40
Peascod street
Houghton Thomas William, tailor, 9 Bexley street
Howlett Cecil, tobacconist, Thamos street
Hughes Riohard, fishmonger, 78 Peascod street
Hulls & Sons, ironmongers, 22 Peascod street
Hunt Benjamin F. photo frame maker, 4 Bolton road
Hutchinson James W. deputy registrar of births & deaths for
Windsor sub-district, 4 Park street & 34 St. Markâs place
Hyde Emma (Mrs.), fruiterer, 71 Peascod street
Ind, Coope & Co. Limited (Samuel Ewins, agent), brewers,
Railway arches
Infantsâ Nursery (Mrs. Marion Brown, matron ; Miss Victoria
Fairbank, treasurer; Miss E. M. Martin, supt. & hon. sec.),
22 K n g âs road
Ingram Marie (Mrs.), apartments, 53 Kingâs road
Innes Ellen Mary (Mrs.), ladiesâ outfitter, 9 St. Leonardâs road
International Tea Coâs. Stores Limited, 97 Peascod street
Ireland George, baker, 58 St. Leonardâs road
Irvin John James, Five Bells p .h . 73 Sheet street
Jackson & Son, tailors, 47 Thames street
Jacobs Arthur, Thames hotel, Riverside
Jamieson John Nicholas Wm. confectioner, 8 Alexandra road
Jenkins Frederick Thomas, tailor, 11 Alma terrace
Jenner Charles, hair dresser, 44 Oxford road
Johnson George, confectioner, Greenham place, Oxford road
Johnson Samuel, commercial traveller, 8 Gloucester place,
Kingâs road
Johnston Albert E. New inn p .h . Park street
Johnston Alice J. (Mrs.), news agent, 23 K n g âs road
Jones John, tobacconist, 103 Peascod street
Jones William, stationer & servantsâ registry office, & post
office, 114 Peascod street
Joyce Frederick W. tobacconist, 136 Peascod street
Kadwill Richard William, insurance agent, 5 Victor road
Keeble Louisa (Mrs.), grocer, 4 Albert street
Keen C. (Mrs.), apartments, 71 K n g âs road
Kemp Hubert, insurance agent, 28 Deveieux road
Kempster William, dairyman, 90 Bexley street
Kendall Thomas, teacher of music, 3 Devereux road
King Charles & Co. bicycle makers, 25 St. Leonardâs road
King F. & Son, watch makers, 23 St. Leonardâs road
King Chas. Hy. customs & excise officer, Ambleside, New road
King Edward VII. Hospital & Dispensary (T. W. Gooch m.r.c.s.
W. Fairbank j.p ., m .r.c.s. A. W. Mayo Robson, f.r.c.3.
Eng. hon. consulting surgeons; Harold Richard Moxon
M.R.o.s.Eng., L.R.c.p.Lond. house surgeon; Major A E.
Poole, 17 Castle yard, Windsor Castle, sec.), St. Leonardâs rd
K n g Herbert James, confectioner, 27 Alma road
K n g âs Head Museum (Alfd. T. Barber, proprietor), 7 Church st
Kings ford Ernest D. manager for Barclay & Company Limited,
bankers, 30 High street
Kirby Owen W. baker, 153 St. Leonardâs road
Kirtland Emma (Mrs.), greengrocer, 6 Oxford road
Kirtland Ernest, greengrocer, 4 Greenham place, Oxford road
Kirtland Thomas, sen. beer retailer, 32 Oxford road
Kirtland Wolley, Sun p.h. 27 Peascod street
K t e George, chimney sweeper, 59 Peascod street
Kttredge & Wakeford, grocers, 15 & 17 St. Leonardâs road
Knapp Brothers, builders, 48 K n g âs road
Knapp George, french polisher, 17 K n g âs road
Knapp William, builder, 67 Grove road
Knight Thomas James, shoe maker, 25 Alma ter. Arthur rd
Knowles Charles, news agent, 46 Oxford road
Lalouette Peter, dairyman, Springfield road
Last & Goodford, solicitors, William street
Last Charles William (firm, Last & Goodford), solicitor, &
registrar of the county court & clerk of the peace, borough
of Windsor, William street
Lawrence Henry Thomas, jobbing gardener, 83 K n g âs road
Lawson Frederick Henry, upholsterer, 10 Frances road
Layton Bros. Ltd. confectioners & dining rooms, 1 Thames street
Ledgley George, carpenter, 31 Grove road
Lennards Ltd. boot & shoe makers, 142 & 143 Peascod street
Lester & Son, bakers & confectioners, 21 High street
Rewis F. S. vaccination officer for Windsor district, SpringÂ
field road
Lewis Henry Edward, beer retailer, 1 Arthur road
Lipscombe David, fly proprietor, Railway arches
Lloyd William Frederick b .a ., m.b., b .c. cantab., M.R.C.s.Eng.»
L.R.c.p.Lond. physician & surgeon, 49 Alma road