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B E R K S H IR E .

n ew bu ry.


H o p s o n J o s e p h & S o n s , cabinet makers, upholsterers,
decorators, appraisers & house agents, 28 , 64 & 65 North­
brook street & West street. T N.’s 13 P.O. & 119Y Nat

Hoskings Brothers, builders & contractors, timber, slate &
cement merchants. T N 76 Y (Nat.)
Howard Edward Curtis m . r . c . v . s . veterinary surgeon &
veterinary inspector under the Contagious Diseases(Animals)
Act for Newbury & North Hants, 57 Cheap street
Howland William, butcher, Shaw road
Hubbard & Sons, cycle makers, Market place
Hughes William, dairyman, Andover road
Hughes William, restaurant 102,& baker 103, Northbrook street
Humphries Charles, beer retailer & wheelwright, West street
Humphries John, Phoenix Bar p . h . London road
Hungerford Sanitary Laundry Co. Limited, 56 Cheap street
Huson George H. tailor, 5 Broadway
Ide Ada (Miss), dress maker, 14 Mill lane
International Tea Co.’s Stores Ltd. 4 , 5, 6, 7 & 8 Bartholomew st
Irving Frank, antique furniture dealer. Dower ho. London rd
Isles A. S. cycle agent, 61 Bartholomew street
Jack, first-class family & commercial hotel( Albert Edward LeeBarber, proprietor), 22 Northbrook street. T N 32 Nat
Jackson Alfred & Co. silk mercers, general & fancy drapers,
milliners, ladies’ & gents’ outfitters, boot warehouse &
funeral furnishers, Market pl.&TheArcade. T N 70 X Nat
Jarvis Richard Henry,draper&autique furniture dealer; books,
pictures & old violins, 92 & 93 Bartholomew street
Jeffery Reuben Frank, cycle agent, Market street
Johnson Brothers (Dyers) Limited, Market place
Johnson Frederick, beer retailer, London road
Johnson James A. jobmaster, London road
Johnson Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, 65 York road
Johnson John, baker & grocer, 25 & ‘26 Cheap street
Jolliffe Henrv Way, White Hart hotel. Market place
Jones Harriet & Mary (Misses), dress makers, 6 West street
Jones & Son, fishmongers, 141 Bartholomew street
Jones Evan, manager of The Capital & Counties Bank &
Borough treasurer & treasurer to the LTnion & Rural District
Council, Newbury Old Bank, The Bridge
Jones James Knight, saw mills, Waldegrave place
Keating Laurence, tobacconist, 35 Bartholomew street
Keen Moses, wheelwright, Stroud Green, Greenham
Keep Frederick Charles, baker, Broadway
Keep Walter H. corn merchant, 17 London road
Kennet & Avon Canal (Great Western Railway Co. pro­
prietors ; George White, agent), Canal wharf
Kerby Robert John m . d . physician & surgeon (firm, Douglas,
Kerby & Graham), Ivy house, London road
Kimber Ernest Gilbert, grocer & wine & spirit merchant,
Bartholomew house, Bartholomew street
Kimber Henry, resident dispenser & acting secretary, The
Dispensary, West street
Kimber Thomas dairy, Backwav, Speenhamland
King Albert, insurance agent, 1 Clifton cottages, Jubilee road
King Henry Chas. jobmaster, Rose villa, Cheap st.& King’s rd
King Joseph, picture frame maker, Cromwell rd. Wash common
Kingstone Arthur John, coal dealer, Station road
Knapp Edward, Castle p . h . 25 Northbrook street
Knight Edward, window cleaner, 9 Market street
Knight Stephen, ironmonger. 46 Cheap street
Ladies’ Conservative Club (Mrs. W. A. Mount, president;
Miss Parfitt, hon. sec.), Cheap street
Langford Caroline (Mrs.), grocer, Broadway
Langford Henry, draper, 153 Bartholomew street
Langford Naomi (Miss), hon. sec. to the Young Women’s
Christian Association, Shefford house, Northbrook street
Langton Thomas, corn s xlesmau, Corn wharf
Layton Edward, customs, excise & pension officer, Market place
Lea Prudence & Elizabeth (MLsses), fancy repository 74, &
confectioners 75 , Northbrook street
Leach Frederick William, butcher, 143 Bartholomew street
Leader George Gardner, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, per­
petual commissioner & sec. to Newbury Racecourse Co. Ltd.
Market place ; & at 24 Lime street, London e r
Leamon William Joseph, commercial trav. 109 Gloucester road
Lee George, Bacon Arms hotel, Oxford street
Lee-Barber Albert Edward, Jack hotel, 22 Northbrook street
Leedham Ernest C. wardrobe dealer, 38 Bartholomew street
Legg Reginald, sign writer. 126 Bartholomew street
Legg Robert, decorator, 26 London road
Legg Robert (Mrs.), registry office, 26 London road
Lemm Stanley Charles & Annie (Miss), Lamb p .h . Enborne road
Leonard's Limited, boot & shoe makers, 145 Bartholomew street
Leonard John & Son, bakers & grocers. Queen’s road
Levey Walter, beer retailer, London road
Lewendon William E. dealer in antiques, Oxford street
Lewin Frederick, postmaster & stamp distributor, Cheap street
Lewis Alfred, shopkeeper, Queen’s road
Lewis Ellis, watch maker, 98 North brock ¿treet
Lewis Sydney C. Wellington Arms p.h . Andover road
Lewis William, pork butcher, 102 Bartholomew street
Liddiard Nathaniel, butcher, 1 Northbrook street & 19
Bartholomew street
Liddle John Shephard, profssr. of music, Ashley, London road
| Lightfoot Alice (Mrs.), c o f f e e L "¡* . Lu «Ton road


d i r k c t o r y .1

Fuller Ethel (Miss), registry office for servants, 1 London road
Furnival Robert, fried fish shop, 27 London road
(¿ale William C. grocer, *21 Oxford street
Gamble John, superintendent of police, Speenhamland
Gamble William, newsagent, 54 Northbrook street
Garland Alice (Miss), dress maker, Stratford vils. Andover road
Garlic k Thomas & Co. watch makers, 46 Northbrook street
Garratt William James, beer retailer, Oxford street
George William, gamekeeper to Mrs. Myers, Wash common
Gerring Richard, shopkeeper, Northcroft lane
Ghevaert Prudence, confectioner, 140 Bartholomew street
Gibbons Frederick Charles, confectioner, 34 Cheap street &
2a, Bartholomew street
Gibbs Charles, blacksmith, Marsh road
Gibbs William, mop handle ma. Laburnum villa, Stroud green
Gibby William Henry, self-raising floor manufacturer, Talbeany, Enborne road
Gibson Frederick William, watch maker, 2 & 3 The Arcade &
78 Northbrook street
Giles James Leighton, baker, 3 Cheap street
Giles-Clark Edward, shopkeeper, Shaw road
Gillett John, agent for the Prudential Assurance Co. Hamilton
cottages, Greenham road
Goodenough Mary (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 81 Northbrook st
Gordon Boys’ Brigade (messengers) (Henry Hunt, manager),
Cheap street
Gould Brice, grocer & provision merchant, 37 Bartholomew st
Gould Edwd. grocer, & agt. to Sutton & Co.carriers, 53 Cheap st
Gould Henry, tailor, 4 Market street
Graham Simmon Dickson m.b., c.m. surgeon, & medical officer
Cold Ash Children’s hospital, The Cottage, Porchester road
Gray James, boot maker, Wash common
Greaves Ethel (Mrs.), milliner, Chedworth, Clifton road
Green Albert, news agent, 2 9 a , Cheap street
Green Eliza Ann (Mrs.), tinplate worker, 94 Bartholomew street
Green Miriam (Miss), confectioner, 71 Northbrook street
Gregory George James, grocer, see Tombs & Gregory
Grey John Herbert, baker, 108 Bartholomew street
Griffin George & Son, pork butchers, The Bridge
Griffin Louisa (Miss), shopkeeper, Derby road, City
Griffiths Arthur, customs, excise & pension officer, Market pi
Griffiths Caleb, greengrocer, 130 Bartholomew street
Grimes Harry H. grocer, & post office, Derby road
Guildhall Club (C. Adrian Hawker, hon. sec. & treasurer),
Bartholomew street
Haines John, beer retailer, Shaw road
Hall & Co. stationers & printers, 10 to 12 Broadway
Hamblin & Son, tailors, 56 Northbrook street
Hamblin Richard, chimney sweeper, Enborne road
Harle Charles, confectioner, 102 Bartholomew street
Harris Ernest, general ironmonger, 3 & 4 Broadway
Harris Ernest W. shopkeeper, 19 York road
Harris Samuel Blay, saddler, Broadway
Hart Edward, pottery dealer, 3 > Bartholomew street
Hart Ernest & Sons, painters & decorators, Northcroft lane
Hassell Samuel John, painter, 40 Bartholomew street
Hawker & Son. photographers, 84 Northbrook street
Hawkins & Parfitt, South Berks Brewery Co. Ltd. (The)
(Edmund Parfitt, managing director), brewers, maltsters
& wine & spirit merchants, 17 Bartholomew street (T N
75X Nat.) ; & at Hungerford
Hawtin Adelaide Sarah (Miss), district nurse, Westbourne
house, London road
Hayes Mary Annie (Mrs.), costumier, Vine cot. Greenham road
Hayne Frederick Underwood Stokes, manager London County
& Westmiuster Bank Limited, Market place
Heather Arthur Henry, pawnbroker, 12 & 13 Bartholomew st
Hedge Arthur Moss, builder, Railway road
Hedge Nancy (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Railway road
Hedges Brothers, builders, Enborne road
Heritage James, beer retailer, Northcroft lane
Heywood William Benjamin m.a., m.d., B.c.camb., M.B.C.S.
Eng., L.R.c.p.Lond. physician & surgeon,& medical officer to
the Newbury District hospital, Cornermead, St. John’s
road. T N 160 Nat
Hickman & Metcalf, chemists & druggists. Market place
Hickman Richard M .R .c.s.E ng., L.s.A.Lond. surgeon, school
medical officer, medical officer <fc public vaccinator No. 1
district, Newbury union, 121 Bartholomew street
Higgs & Sons, hardware dealers, 33 Cheap street
Higgs Joseph, bacon curer, 25 Bartholomew street
Highly Harry, harness maker, 103 Bartholomew street
Hill & Rowney, picture frame makers, 69 Northbrook street
Hill & Thomas, architects, 62 Northbrook street
Hill Frank, Railway hotel, Greenham road
Hill Hannibal, tailor & hosier, 95 Northbrook street
Hilton & Sons, boot & shoe makers, 91 Northbrook street
Hodges Ethel (Mrs.), dress maker, Hollis house, Ivennet road
Holifield Emily Caroline (Mrs.), beer retailer, Oxford road
Hollands Brothers, corn merchants, Broadway, & millers
(steam), Greenham mill
Holloway William, Falkland Arms p.h. 124 Bartholomew st
Home & Colonial Stores Limited, 2 Bartholomew street