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B E H K S H IK E .

Lipscombe Edwin, ironmonger, Oxford street
Lipton Limited, grocers, 144 Bartholomew street
London County & Westminster Bank Limited (branch) (E.W.S.
Hayne, manager), Market place ; head office, 41 Lothbury,
London e c
London & Counties Stores Limited (W. J. Bull, manager),
fancy goods dealers 9, & oil & color merchants, ironmongers
& china & glass dealers 14 & 15, Bartholomew street
Long Frederick Hy. china & glass wareho. 82 Northbrook st
Long Robert, ironmonger, 138 & 139 Bartholomew street
1-ouch Francis Quekett, solicitor, commissioner for oaths
& town clerk, clerk to the county magistrates, Newbury
division, secretary & treasurer to the Newbury Consolidated
Municipal Charities, clerk & receiver to St. Bartholomew’s
Grammar School Foundation & secretary & registrar of
Newbury Cemetery Co. ; clerk to commissioners of taxes for
divisions of Newbury & Newbury borough, steward of the
manors of Ecchinswell, Highclere & Newtown borough,
Hants, Market place
Loveridge Fdk. working cutler & umbrella ma. 1 Pembroke rd
Low Alice (Mrs.), nurse, Croft view, West street
Lucas Charles, solicitor, commissioner for oaths & perpetual
commissioner, 114 Bartholomew stieet
Lunnon Frederick John, watch & clock repairer, 15 Market st
Lynch Henry Edward, Rokeby Arms r.H. Newtown road
Mcllroy & Rankin, drapers & outfitters, 42 Cheap street A
Maggs Cecil, butcher, 43 Northbrook street
Mallet Gilbert, dentist, 28 Bartholomew street
Marshall Hy. James, baker & confectioner, 44 Northbrook st
Marshall Samuel Hayes, butcher, 18 Oxford street
M a r tin & C h il l in g w o r t h , cycle manufacturers & motor
ear agents, 48 Cheap street ; garage & works, Broadway
Martin Robert, saddler & rope &c. maker, Market place
Mathews George, saddler, see Basing & Mathews
Matthews Henrv, Rose & Thistle p . h . 90 Northbrook street
Maypole Dairy Co. Limited, Market street
Mees Richard, Chequers hotel, Oxford street
Mercier Victoire (Miss), Woodlands laundry, Ivingsbridge road
Meredew Emma (Miss), costumier, 1 Edinburgh ter. West mills
Merrett Mary (Miss), ladies’ hairdresser, 23 Bartholomew street
Messers Limited, timber merchants, Greenham wharf
Metcalf Benjamin, chemist, see Hickman & Metcalf
Metropolitan Bank (of England & Wales) Limited (Herbert A.
Pearson, manager) ; open every day, 10 till 4 ; thurs. 10 till
5 ; sat. 10 till 1, 30 Cheap street ; draws on head office, 60
Gracechurch street, London e c
Vlichell Henry Charles, blacksmith, Cheap street
Midwinter Charles & Son, corn & seed merchants, 7 Cheap street
Miller & Pocock, paperhangers, Glenthorne. Marsh
Mitchell Emma (Mrs.),dress maker,2 St.Andrew’s vls.Queen’s rd
Mitchell William George, engraver, Park lane
Money James Henry, architect & surveyor, Broadway
Morris Brothers, fishmongers, 31 Northbrook street
Morris Charles William, baker, Smith’s buildings, Stroud green
Mortimer Edith (Miss), draper, 49 Northbrook street
Morton G. & W. boot makers, 87 Northbrook street
Morton R. & Sons, plumbers, 6 Falkland terrace, Andover rd
Morton Albert Percy, pork butcher, Market place
Mosdell John, boot & shoe maker, 5 Shaw road
Moss Frederick C. Nag’s Head p .h . 91 Bartholomew street
Munday Charles, town hall kpr. & town sergeant, Market place
Municipal Borough Infectious Diseases Hospital (R. Hickman,
medical officer), Wash common
Museum ( H. J. E. Peake, hon. curator), Cloth hall, Market place
Nash John T. stationer & printer, 94 Northbrook street
National Telephone Co. Limited (Clarence Percival Wills,
inspector in charge), 45 Cheap street
Neate Arthur Webb, land agent, auctioneer, surveyor & valuer,
8 St. Mary’s hill. T N 4 P. 0
Neate Charles, boot maker, 67 Cheap st. & 80 Bartholomew st
Nelson James & Sons Ltd. butchers, 3 Bartholomew street
NelsonRobert & Co.domestic machinery mfrs. 51 Northbrook st
New Brothers, corn merchants & millers,27 & 120 Bartholomew
street; & Ham mills, Thatcham
New Charles Edmund, London Apprentice p .h . Newtown road.
Newbury Amateur Orchestral Union (J. H. Hopson, hon.
sec. ; J. S. Liddle Mus.Bac. conductor), Lecture hall, North­
brook street
Newbury Bowling Green (W. J. Brighton, sec.), Backway,
Newbury Brewery Co. Limited (The) (V. C. Knight, manager),
27 Northbrook street. T N 167
Newbury Cemetery Co. (F. Quekett Louch, sec. ; Francis
Dore, sexton), Newtown road
Newbury Choral Society (W. W. Bowrins. treasurer ; A. E.
Slocock, hon. sec.), Lecture hall, Northbrook street
Newbury Chronicle, Hungerford Herald & Marlborough Mail
(County Chronicle Limited, publishers ; published thursday),
Market street
Newbury Conservative Club (W. A. Mount esq. m . p . president ;
J. Forster & David Gater, secretaries), Cheap street
Newbury & District Angling Association (Broome Pinniger,
hon. sec. ; A. E. Lee-Barber, treasurer) ; head quarters,
Jack hotel, 22 Northbrook street

[ K E L L Y ’ vS

Newbury & District Citizens’ Association (C.Sankey, hon. sec. ;
H. A. Pearson, hon. treasurer), Cheap street
Newbury & District Co-operative Poultry Society (H. A.
Pearson, hon. sec. & treasurer), Cheap street
Newbury & District Gardeners’ Mutual Improvement Associa­
tion (A. T. Whitington, hon. sec.), 151 Bartholomew street
Newbury District Hospital (W. B. Heywood m . d . hon. sec.),
Andover road
Newbury & District Licensed Victuallers’ Association (H.
Brown, sec.), Black Boy hotel
Newbury & District Mutual Trade Protection Society (Rendall
& Berry, secs. & solicitors), The Bridge
Newbury District Water Co. Limited (S. V. Pinniger, sec.;
John Bance, manager); offices, Market place
Newbury Liberal Club (John C. Slight, hon. sec.), 61 North­
brook street
Newbury Permanent Benefit Building Society (George Ash­
down, sec.), 62 Northbrook street
Newbury Picture Palace Limited, Northbrook street
Newbury Sanitary Steam Laundry Co. Limited (Harry Peel
Bell, manager), York road
Newbury Weekly News (Blacket, Turner & Co. Limited, pub­
lishers ; published thursday), 34 Northbrook street
Newport Frederick & Son, dairymen, 21 Bartholomew street
Nicholas (Messrs.), estate agents, Station road
Noakes William, boot & shoe maker, 20 Oxford street
Normand Leon, cycle agent, see Cheshire & Normand
North George Ivenerrick, station master, Porc-hester road
Odd Fellows’ Hall (Frederick Staunton, hall keeper), Craven st
Oliver Henry, printer & stationer, 45 Northbrook street
Osborne George C. monumental mason, Andover road
Osborne Hy. Headley, political agent, 3 St. Mary’s pi. London rd
Owers John Charles, cycle agent, Broadway
Paine George Sidney & Co. hosiers, 21 Northbrook street
Palmer Harry, general dealer, 146 & 147 Bartholomew street
Park Frederick, tailor, 2 Coniston terrace, London road
Parker Susanna (Mrs.), wardrobe dealer, 57 Bartholomew street
Parr Helen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 109 Bartholomew street
Parsons & Son, chimney sweepers, Bartholomew street
Parsons Gerard Lyne M.R.C.S., l . r .c . p . surgeon (firm, Watson &
Parsons), Northbrook house, Oxford street
Pass & Co. coach builders, West street
Payne S. & Co. poultry appliances manufacturers, Enborne rd
Peachey Richard, dairyman, Wash common
Pearce Edward James, boot maker, 44 Bartholomew street
Pearce Frank, upholsterer, 45 a , Bartholomew street
Pearce Henry, insurance agnt. Hamilton cottages, Greenham rd
Pearce Maria (Mrs.), boot & shoe maker, 59 Oxford street
Pearce William, watch maker, 66 Northbrook street
Penford & Son, drapers, 13 & 14 Northbrook street
Penn Fred, boot & shoe maker, 59 Cheap street
Perrin C h a r le s S. importer of wines & spirits, whisky
blender & dealer in cigars, 2 Mansion House street. T N 181
Perry Frank, coal merchant, St. John’s road
Pettican William, shopkeeper, London road
Pettifer William Robert, assistant town clerk & assistant clerk
to the county magistrates for the Newbury division & clerk to
the borough magistrates & borough accountant, Mansion
House street
Phillips George, Star inn, London road
Phillips George, Weavers’ Arms p . h . 17 Cheap street
Pickard Charles Clifford, King’s Arms p . h . Market place
Pickfords Ltd. railway carriers, Queen’s Hotel yard, Market pi
Pinniger B. & J. C. solicitors, Market place
Pinniger Broome (firm, Pinniger B. & J. C.), solicitor & com­
missioner for oaths, clerk of the peace for the borough &
deputy coroner for the Newbury division of the county,
Market place
Pinniger Stanley Vickers, solicitor, registrar of the county
court, coroner for the Newbury division of the county,
secretary to the Newbury District Water Co. & clerk to the
guardians & assessment committee of Newbury union, supt.
registrar of the Newbury district & clerk to Newbury Rural
District Council, Market place
Piper Willie John, baker, Shaw road
Pitman & Bazett, solicitors, 41 Cheap street; &■at Broadway
buildings, Station road, Reading
Plenty & Son Ltd. engineers, 32 Cheap street
Plumb Thomas, builder, Myrtle cottage, Greenham road
Plumb William, plumber, see Povey & Plumb
Plumer Geo. Wm. Herbt. architect, see Sainsbury & Plumer
Pocock Emma (Mrs.), George & Dragon p . h . 52 Northbrook st
Pocock Frederick, paper hanger/see Miller & Pocock
Pole William, travelling draper/ 2 Craven street
Pollard Beatrice (Miss), private school, Bartholomew street
Porter Charles F. auctioneer, see Day & Porter
Porter Herbert W. electrical, general & agricultural engineer,
Bartholomew works, ; office, 90 Bartholomew street
Poulton Annie Madieline (Miss), dress maker, 26 Craven street
Pound J. & Co. monumental sculptors, & masons in stone,
marble & granite, London road, opposite the Dower house
Povey & Plumb, plumbers, 12 Oxford street
Povey Harriet (Mrs.), china & glass dealer, Oxford street
Povey John, baker, Stanley road