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d ir e c t o r y
B E R K S H IR E .
M IL T O N .
Post, M. 0 . & T. Office.â Miss Mary Handy, sub-post of St. John's College, Oxford, who are lords of the
mistress. Letters arrive from Abingdon at 6.35 & manor, and Philip Aldworth and Gerald Edwin
12.30 p .m .; dispatched at 1.30, 3.55 & 7 p .m .; S u n  Phillips esqrs. are the principal landowners.
The ham let of Cothill has been severed from this
day, 11-25 a .m .; delivery, 7 a.m
parish and ecclesiastically annexed to Dry Sandford,
GARFORD, a chapelry, is 2 m iles west-by-south. under which place particulars w ill be found.
The ancient chapel of St. Luke, entirely rebuilt in 1880,
Parish Clerk, Edward Higgins.
â¢with the addition of a north aisle, at a cost of £1,295, Wall L etter Boxes.â Garford, cleared at 8.15 a.m . &
is an edifice of stone in the E arly English style, from
5.30 p .m .; S u n d a y s , 9 a.m . Frilford, cleared at
designs by the late Mr. Edwin Dolby, architect, of
3.40 A 6.45 p.m. ; S u n d a y s , 11.25 p.m . Dog
Abingdon, and consists of chancel, nave of four bays,
House P.H. cleared at 12.5 & 6.25 p.m. ; S u n d a y s ,
north aisle and south porch: the interesting old oak
9.45 a.m .
Guzzards Ford, cleared at 8.25 a.m. 12
screen has been restored: Miss E. H. Aldworth, of
noon & 7.10 p .m .; Sundays, 10.30 a.m
Frilford, wonted and presented a beautiful frontal for
Elem entary Schools.
the communion ta b le : many of the windows are
memorials. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. The Presi Marcham, for 120 ch ild ren ; average attendance, So;
J. Richards, m aster; Mrs. Richards, mistress
dent and Fellows of St. John's College, Oxford, who
are lords of the manor, and Lady Wantage, are the Garford, built in 1870 & enlarged 1895, for 74 children;
average attendance, 35; Robert C. Harriss, m a s te r;
principal landowners.
Mrs. R. C. Harriss, mistress
FRILFORD is a township one m ile north-west. Here County Police, W alter Goodman, constable
is a Congregational chapel, erected in 1841, with 200 sitÂ
Carriers to : â
tings. A golf course of 18 holes, the property of the
Frilford Heath Golf Co. was opened in 1909; a club Abingdonâ Nelson H iggins, to the â Blue Boar,1 mon.
tues. thurs. & fri
house adjoins the course. In 1883 remains of a Roman
villa were discovered here. The President and Fellows Oxfordâ Nelson Higgins, wed. & sat
1Dyer Martha (M rs.), beer retailer
Stimson Sidney, blacksm ith
Dyer John, carpenter
Taylor Joseph, mason
p r iv a t e
R E S ID E N T S .
Fairbrother Thomas, antique dealer
Temple George, W hite H art P.H
White Bros, farm ers, Woodside farm
Anson A rthur Henry, Marcham park Frayne W illiam, Black Horse P.H
Blakeney Rev. W illiam Newcome B.A. Gali W alter, farm er & assistant overFRILFORD.
Oakley warren
' seer for Radley Wootton &c. EversAldworth Frank C
Duffield Charles John Edwin J.P
Aldworth Philip
Gerring Harry, fly proprietor
Duffield George
Bond Ernest W alter, Frilford house
Harrison Annie (Mrs.), dairy farm
Duffield Percy Thomas
Downing John Fisher, Frilford Heath
Higgins Edward, fly proprietor
Etty Lyttelton, The Folly
Phillips Gerald Edwin, Frilford lodge
Hall Rev. A rth ur Pickard M.A. Higgins Nelson, carrier
Institute & Reading Room (Edward
(vicar), The Vicarage
Aldworth Philip, farm er & landowner
Tem ple, sec)
Morland Benjam in Henry J.P. SheepFrilford Heath Golf Club Co. (Edwd.
Jolliffe Wm. E. Old Crown P.H
stead house
J. Jones, sec.), Club house
Jones Edward J. Dog House P.H
Orr-Ewing Mrs. Priory
Peel John Douglas M.A. Upwood park Leach W alter Hy. Noahâs Ark P.H
Long William & Sons, farmers
(solicitor to Oxford University)
Marcham & Frilford Cem etery (Walt. Ootterell Chas.farmer & m iller(water)
Shipley Rev. George Deacon (Bapt)
Dickinson Percy F. frm r. College frm.
Ernest Gall, clerk)
Dunsby Samuel, blacksm ith
Midwinter Henry James, farmer
Peter, shopkeeper
Bradfield W. & Son,bakers & grocers Pointer Henry, farmer
Pope bailiff to A . Hays esq Long Wm. & Sons, frmrs.Manor frm
Brewer W. & Sons, fruit growers
Long Robert B. farm er & asst, oversr
Camden Em ily (M rs.), baker
Pullen Richard, baker
Powell William Nicholas, farm er
Dyer Edwin, carpenter
Rant & Burgis, grocers
M I D G H A M , formerly a chapelry in the civil parish of residence, in the gift of Alexander F elix Clarke esq.
Thatcham. was formed into an ecclesiastical parish in and held since 1906 by the Rev. Henry James Rees-Mogg
1857 ; it is on the northern bank of the river Kennet, M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. M idgham House is
6 miles east from Newbury and 11 south-west from the seat of Alexander Felix Clarke esq. J.P. lord of
Reading, and the Great Western railway station at the manor and chief landowner. The soil is various,
Woolhampton, i£ miles south, called Midgham station, but m ostly clay to a great depth. T he chief crops are
is 47 miles from London, in the Southern division of wheat, barley and oats. The area is 1,414 acres of
the county, hundred of Faircross, petty sessional d ivi land and 22 of w ater; rateable value, ¿ 3 *99° I
sion, union and county court district of Newbury, and population in 1901 was 293.
Parish Clerk, William Millson.
in the rural deanery of Newbury, archdeaconry of Berks
and diocese of Oxford. The old church of St. Matthew, L etters through Reading, via Woolhampton, arrive at
which stood close to Midgham House, was taken down in
6.30 a.m. & noon. The nearest money order & teleÂ
April. 1868 ; the present church of St. M atthew was
graph office is at Woolhampton, about 1 m ile distant
erected in 1869 on higher ground and more in the centre
of the parish, at the expense of the late Benjamin Buck W all Letter Boxes.â Near Coach & Horses, cleared at
7.30 a.m. & 1.15 & 6.55 p . m . ; S u n d a y s at 9 a . m .
Greene esq. J.P. (d. 1902), and is an edifice of flint in
Midgham Green, cleared at 8.15 a . m . & 1.15 & 7.45
the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, south
; sundavs, 9.30 a . m
aisle, south porch and an embattled western tower with
pinnacles and lofty spire, containing 5 b e lls : there are Elementary School, built by the late B. B. Greene esq..
J.P. in 1867, for 93 ch ild ren ; altered in 1909 to
two stained window s: the church affords about 200 sitÂ
accommodate 76; average attendance, 65; W illiam
tings, of which 104 are appropriated.
The register
Mathews, m aster; Miss Florence Rogers, assistant
dates from the year 1622. The living was declared a
vicarage May 17, 1868, net yearly value £ 114 . with
Buhl Ohas. Hy. Church H ill house
Chandler W illiam , dairyman to the
M.Ch. physician & surgeon, MidgClarke Alex. Felix J.P. Midgham ho
exors. of the late Thomas Richard
ham cottage
L ittle Col. Charles Colhoun M.D.
Robbins A lfred, farm bailiff to A. F.
Collier & Catley & contrs
Clarke esq. J.P. The Home farm
M idgham cottage
Rees-Mogg Rev. Henry James M.A. Froude Edwd. farmer, K in gâs farm
Sharps Thom as Richard (exors. of
(vicar), V icarage
Harman Frank, farm er,W est End fm
the late), farm ers, Kennet Holme
Hunt W illiam, farm er
c o m m e r c ia l .
L aw Henry, gamekeeper to A. F. Sum m ers A rth ur, farmer. Button
Barrett George, Coach & Horses P.H
Clarke esq
Court farm
Brown Geo. J. farm er, H all Court fm Little Col. Charles Colhoun M.D.. W hite Charles, farmer
the Decorated style, consisting
M I L T O N is a parish 4 miles south-by-west from
. Abingdon and 2$ north-east by road and one mile by of chancel, nave of four bays, north aisle, south porch,
foot-path from Steventon station, on the main line of and an em battled western tower of the Early Decorated
the G reat W estern railway, in the Northern division period, containing 6 bells and a clo ck ; the church was
of the county, hundred of Ock, petty sessional division, restored throughout, w ith the exception of the tower,
union and county court district of Abingdon, rural in 1851; there are two memorial windows to members
deanery of Abingdon, archdeaconry of Berks and dio of the Bowles fam ily, with an east and two other
cese of Oxford. The church of St. Blaise is a small stained windows given by the late Ven. Charles Carr