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D I R E C T O R Y .]
B E R K S H IR E .
R E A D IN G .
school for girls being established in W atlington street.
They are non-sectarian; the boysâ school now numbers
about 200 scholars & the girls' school 170.
Quetnâs road, Rev. Edgar Priestley B.A. head master.
G irlsâ, W atlington street, Miss Gertrude C. Rundell,
m istress
The Blue Coat School, Brunswick house, Bath road, was
fouaded in 1646 by Mr. Richd. Aid worth, of Ruscombc,
Be.ks, & Milk street, London, M.P. for Reading &
Auditor of the Exchequer, who gave for its endowÂ
ment the sum of ¿4,000, augmented in 1666 with
¿1,0 0 0, given by Sir Thomas Rich bait, of Sonning;
in 1720, by ¿ i,2 c o , given by Mr. John W est; & with
sm aller bequests by Mr. John Pottenger & Mr. John
Hall. In i;oo Mr. Willi m Malthus gave a rentcharge of ¿90 yeaily, for the education of 10 boys, to
be olotheu in green ; there are now about 33 boys on
this foundation, who are clothed, fed, euucated &
apprent.c.d, besides 30 day scholars; S. Illingworth
Butler, master
T h e Green School for G i-ls, in Russell street, is a trainÂ
ing school for d ,mest;c servants, was established in
the Butts in 177;, for children of the tim e united
parishes & w s endowed by Mr. Aldeim an Richards,
the Rev. John Spicer, Awberry H o iy esq. & Mr.
Frognal, with sums am ounting to ¿2,600. 'ih e y e a ilv
income derived from rents & investm ents is ¿203
13s. 4d. ; the school is superintended by a com m ittee
of six ladies & certain clergy; the vicais of the three
p m stfes are the goveinors & trustees; Miss M. W.
N uttall, mistress
Swansea road (mixed & infants*), bu ilt in 1898-9, &
opened 20th Feb. 1899, for 900 children; average
attendance, 705 ; W illiam Henry Baseden, m aster ;
Miss Frederica Ada Worthington, infants' m istress
Wilson, Wilson road (senior m ixed, interm ediate m ixed,
junior m ixed & infants), built in 1904, for 1,400
children; average attendance, 1,091; William E.
Sim kins, m aster; Richard W illiam s, m aster (interÂ
mediate) ; Miss Minnie Lewendon, infantsâ m istress
Wokingham road, senior & intermediate mixed & junior
m ixed, built in 1902 & 1905, for 896 children ; average
attendance, 802 ; E. T . Caton, m aster ; Miss M. E.
Platt, m istress
George Palm er (late Southampton street), built in 1810
& removed to new buildings in 1907, for 936 children ;
average attendance, 707; Joshua Swall w, m aster;
Miss Kate Pierpoint, m istress; Miss Alice Osman,
infantsâ mistress
W hitley Special school, Northum berland avenue, for
m entally & physically defective children; head m isÂ
tress, Miss C. T. D ik e r ; average attendance, 65
All Saintsâ Infant, Brownlow ro d, built in 1866, for 181
children; average attendance, 80; Miss Adela A. C.
Phelps, mistress
Christ Church, Milman road, W bitley, built in 1868, k
since enlarged for 550 children ; average attendance.
426; Samuel Gonderton, m aster; Miss Em m a Lear,
m istress; Miss K T e Savage, infantsâ mistress
Grey Friarsâ. Civersham road (m ixed), opened in 1865.
for 550 children; average attendance, 382; William
T. Kirby, m aster; Miss Florence Chandler, infant'
m istress
H oly Trinity, Oxford rood (mixed & infantsâ), built in
¡Under the provisions of Section 17 of the Education Act,
1837 & enlarged in 1895, f ° r 275 children; avera_f.
1902, this com m ittee consists of the Mayor, for the
attendance, 116; John Crowburst, master
time being, of the borough, twenty-one other members St. Gilesâ, London ro â d, built in 1824 & enlarged in
appointed by the C o u n cil; of these fifteen are m em Â
1885, for 230 boys k 235 g irls; average attendance,
bers of the Council. The bodies represented aie the
162 bovs k 149 g irls; Albert Sm ith, m aster; Miss
University College, the Ehm en tary Teachers, one ladyAnnie D rury, m :stress
approved by the Council, and one gentleman elected St. Gilesâ (infantsâ), Crown street, built in 1835, f° r 25°
by the Council as sp cially acqua nted with the needs
children ; average attendance, 103 ; Miss Martha
of all branches of education in Reading. The com Â
Rumbold, mistress
m ittee first appointed held office until the 8th day of St. Johnâs, Queen's road (m ixed), built in i860 k enÂ
November, 1904, & since that date for the yiar. It
larged in 1893, for 320 children; average'attendance.
is appointed annually at the quarterly m teting of the
230; William Sadler, master
Council, held on the 9th day of November in e ch year St. Johnâs (:nfant), Watlington street, built in i860, fu:
T h e Education Committee meets at the Offices, Blagrave
170 children; average attendance, 118 ; Miss A. Best,
street, on the third thursday of e;.ch month (except
m istress
the month of A ugust; at 3 p m
St. Lawrence, Abbey street, built in 1855, f°r 45 °
T h e Attendance Sub Committee meet at the same place
children; average attendance, 201; Thomas Hayward,
on alternate m ndays to interview parents &c. at 3
m â ster; Miss Mary Crnck°r. infantsâ mistrp«s
p.m. (the month of A u .u s t excepted)
St. Maryâs, Hosier street, built in 1851 k enlarged in
C h aiim an , Councillor L. G. Sutton, Hillside, Reading
1895, for 650 children; average attendance, 444;
C lerk, Henry T Pugh, Blagrave street
Charles Sm ith, m aster; Miss Dudley, m isLicss;
Superintendent Attend nee Officer, George Phipps, BlaÂ
Amelia Earles,Tnfantsâ mistress
grave street
St. Stephenâs, Rupert street, built in 1871, for 30A ssistant Attendance Officers, A rthur Edmund Dean,
children ; average attendance, 230 ; Edwin H opcrait,
John Sm ith, Loms Durham & Win. Sh irley,tlagrave st
Ll'wer W hitley, Basingstoke road (m ixed & infants ;.
Elem entary Schools.
bu;lt for 121 children; average attendance, 82; Mrs.
Battle (mixed & infantsâ), Cranburv road, built in 1893,
Em ily Hickmott, mistress
for 1,132 children; average attend, nee, 830; Alfred
Sturge Caudle, head m aster; Miss H. D .v is, infants' St. Jam esâs (Catholic), Forbury road, built in 1876, for
217 children; average attendance,127; Sister
Silver street ( :nfantsâ), built in T 871, fo r 236 children ;
W inifred, mistress
average attendance, 69; Miss Eva Thatcher, infantsâ
Grovelands (mixed & infants'), Oxford road, built in Berkshire Chronicle, Valpy stieet, The Chronicle Co.
1890, for 570 children ; average attendance, 4 5 2 ;
publishers ; published Saturday
William Th tcher, master
Reading Mercury k Berks County Paper, M aiket place,
Kates grove, Katesgrove lane (girlsâ & infants'), built in
W. & H. A. Cowsl de, proprietors & publishers;
18 73 , for 631 children; average attendance, 332 girls
p ub lish ed Saturday. S e > a d v e r t i s e m e n t
& 222 in fin ts; Miss K. Davies, m istress; Miss S. Reading Observer, Blagrave street, Charles Slaughter k
Phillips, in'ants* mistress
Son, proprietors & publishers; published thursday
fNew Town, School terrace, built in 18 74, for 1,45 4
& S a tu r d a y . S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
children; average attendance, 1 .0 7 4 ;
G. E nest Reading Standard, 13 k 15 Valpy street, W. V . Rivers,
Russell, m aster; M*-s. S. S. Ha.-kins, m istress; Miss
publisher; pub lish ed tuesday k friday
E Mirdon, inrantsâ mistress
Central (boysâ), Dorothy street, bu:lt in 189T, for 466
children; average attendance, 3 6 2 ; Edwin James Great Western, George Miles, goods m anager; John H.
Andrews, master
Noble, station master
Oxford road, built in i 8 8 t & opened i8°3, for 1.000 Great Western, Reading W est, Oxford road, Thoma.'
children; average attendance, 8 1 4 ; Daniel George
Brooks, station master
Thorburn, m aster; Miss Annie Lydamore & Miss M. London & South Wâestern, Edmund H arry Turner,
Gillender, mistresses
goods agent
Redlands, Lydford road, built in 1892, for 388 boys. 388 South Eastern & Chatham , Edward Gratw ick, station
girls & 390 infants; average attendance, 261 boys, 256
girls & 195 infants; W aiteâ J. H. Sweattnan, m aster;
Miss K. A. Chandler, girlsâ m istress; Miss E. Chattaway, infantsâ mistress
Fosterâs Parcel Express, Jacob James Spencer, agent.
Coley m ixed, built in 18 74. f°r 6c8 children; average
23 Letcombe street
attendance, 432; James E llis, m aster; Miss A. M. Globe Parcel E\
Waltor Pudge, agent,qz Castle st
Bishop, infantsâ mistress
Sutton & Co Douglas J apa. Kent, agent, 37 Bridge si
1 I