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s o n s , 106 St. ¡Cummings Charles, 17 Little Claren Robinson F W. Wolvercote, Oxford
Silver W . Dunsden, Reading
don st. St. Gilesâ, Oxford
A ld a te â s s t r e e t , Oxford (adjoining
P ost o ffic e ) t
200 Banbury road, Dandridge P. Little Milton,Wallingfd Skelcher A Sons, 43 Botley rd. Oxfd
quimnertown, Oxford; cycle mfrs. Danielis Albert Edward. 16 Friday st. Smith
T e le g ra m s, â Collier, Cycles, OxDavis Tom T. Bix, Henley-on-Thames Smith Thomas George, 8 Cranham
iord;" N T 4 69
terrace, Jericho, Oxford
nonelae George L. Standlake,Witney East A. Barford St. Michael, Oxford
Eyles, 113 St Aldateâ s st. Edmonds Arthur, 113 King stun road, Steele M. Woodstock road, Witney
Richard A Son, 12 Hemdearv
. e
road, Caversham, Reading
Gaie Frank, 7 Prospect street & 9 |Edmonds Walter, 34 South parade,
Henry, Ashcroft farm, KidSummertown, Oxford
Church road, Caversham, Reading
more road, Caversham, Reading
Harse Alfred Colin, Wellington villa, Faulder J. B. Carterton, Clanfield
Little Clarendon st. St.Gilesâ ,Oxfrd Franklin A .E . Old Grimsbury,Banbry Turner M rs.C.C.High Cogges,Witney
Holtom William W . High st. Burford Froude Horace" Welsh, 74 Divinity Webb W . r6 South st.Grimsbury,Bnbrv
Wheeler Mrs. L Barton, HeadingÂ
road, Cowley road, Oxford
Horn T. J. & Son, Banbury rd.Oxfrd
ton, Oxford
Jemmett Alfred William Brown (A Fullbrook J. A Sons, High street,
Frank J. 77 St. Aldateâs st.
Goring, Reading
agent), Dorchester, Wallingford
A Speedwell street. St. Aldateâs
Jenkins Charles, 55 Corn st. Witne> Fullbrook Frank, South Stoke.Reading
j onefi Thos. High St.Highfield,Oxford Gamrnage John Henry, 4 Lower Wilkinson Charles. Filkins, Lechlade
Fisher row, St. Thomasâ , Oxford
Lawrence William, 75 Bell street,
H e n le y -o n -T h a m e s
Garner Walter E. Wolvercote, Oxford Young Albert, Wolvercote, Oxford
Long E A. & C o.n o High st.Witney Godfrey John, 58 West end. Witney
D A N C IN G â T E A C H E R S OF.
Morris Jn. Edwin,Headington quarry, Gregory W . 35 Warwick rd. Banbury
See Teachers.
Oxfrd.ALondon rd Headington,Oxfd Gulliver J. S. Wolvercote, Oxford
Parkerâs Oxford Cycle A Motor Car Hall George, Benson, Wallingford
On. 68 St. Gilesâ street; 4 Market Harris Henry, Sheep street, Bicestei
See Collectorsâ Rent A Debt.
street; garage, Alfred street, High Hathaway W .Lim e walk,Highfld.Oxfd
street: works A garage, Worcester Hicks Henry I. 12 South parade,
Summertown, Oxford
place, Walton st. O xford; Oxford
See Painters A Decorators
Higgs Thos. Richd.269 Iffley rd.Oxfrd;
st. Woodstock A High st. Witney
prior S. H. A Co. London rd. Head Hillsdon Arthur, Wolvercote, Oxford j
Hinton Jesse, New land, Witney
ington. Oxford
Quinion Sami.C. 133 Cowley rd.Oxfrd Hoborough John, 5 Gosbrook road,
Edgington John A Co. Ltd. 19 Long
Thomas A.E.25 St.Clementâs st.Oxfrd
Caversham, Reading
lane E C (T A â Abri, London â ) A
Trindall A Son, High street, W atling Hopkins C. Fulbrook, Burford
108 Old Kent road, London S E
Hopkins Robert, Fulbrook, Burford
ton. Wallingford
Wallis A Son. 15a, Church street, Howes Ernest, 6 Gloucester st.Oxford;
D E N T IS T S .
St. Ebbeâ s, Oxford
Hughes Bros. 16 Hart st Henlev-on-T
Warner Robert J. 1 West end. Witney Hughes & Withey.sChurch la.Banbry Entered m the -Dentists Register.
West J. G. Upper High st. Thame
Humphries Mrs. T. A . 25 Cowley r d .! Marked thus f are Licentiates in
| Dental Surgery of the Royal ColWest Thos. Geo.25 Walton st.Oxford
Wiggins G. A Son. 159 A 161 Cowley Hussev Edwin, Witney st. Burford
lege of Surgeons of England.
road. Oxford. S e e a d v e r t l s e - Jenkins W m . m Botley rd. Oxford
Marked thus || are Licentiates in
m ' nt
Johnson George, 33Church st. Sum- j Dental Surgery of the Faculty of
mertown, Oxford
; Physicians A Surgeons of Glasgow.
Williams A Co. Market sq. Bicester
King Mrs. Betsy Ann, Temple Cow-; Marked thus £ are Licentiates in
ley, Oxford
! Dental Surgery of the Royal ColBaker William Henry (A agent), King George, 63 Astonstreet,Cowley;
lege of Surgeons in Ireland.
Warborough. Wallingford
St. John. Oxford
Bennett A +Stroud,8a, Broad st.Oxfrd
Brown Leo. High street, Eynsham
Lawrence Edwin P. 5 Denmark st. Bevers Edmund Augustine M .R .C.S.
Flanagan James, 16 Beef lane, St.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Eng., L.S.A.Lond. 46 Broad street,
Ebbeâ s, Oxford
Leach George, 2 Mill road, CaverOxford
Piper Reginald, 5 Cowley rd. Oxford
sham, Reading
fPoyto11Ivan J. Howard (men. 10
Purvey Robert, x8 Paradise square, Lee John, 8 Essex street, Magdalena.m . to 6 p .m .). Couching street,
St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
road, Oxford
! Watlington, Wallingford
Walker C. Long Handboroâ , Woodstk Long Miss Nellie, n Plantation rd. j ||£Brooks
Reginald Fryer
| St. Gilesâ, Oxford
L.D.S.R.C.S.Edin. 37 High street,
Lovell Jn. 51 Bell st.Henley-on-Thms
Halford Cycle Co. Limited, 21 Queen Maitland Thomas, Carterton,Clanfield Butler A. E. 13 Market square.Witney
street, Oxford
Mattingley Raymond, 1 0 6 Bullingdon fChaundy Arthur Ernest, 91 High st
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Mattingly Henry, 17 Leopold street, Davis Alfred Thomas, Castle lodge,
In d ia R u b b e r , G u t t a P e r c h a &
Cornhill, Banbury
Cowley St. John, Oxford
T e le g ra p h W o rk s C o . L t d .;
May A Sons, Nettlebed, Henley-on- Eskell L. E. A C. 39 Beaumont street,
offices, 100 A 106 Cannon street,
Oxford; attend wed. Market place,
London E C ; works, Silvertown,
Chipping Norton A (attend thurs.)
May Mrs. Mary Ann Elizh. t o - Little
London E.
â Silverto.wn â cycle A
19 High street, Banbury
Clarendon st. St. Gilesâ. Oxford
â Le Persan â motor tyres
Minehin Henry, Hook Norton, Banbury Franks Baron Joseph, 106 High street
A 105 Woodstock road, Oxford
Mole John, 1 Church street, St.
||Geekie W m . 42 St. Gilesâ st. Oxford
Ebbeâ s, Oxford
See Farmers.
Morgan John, 118 Warwick rd.Banbry tHatt C. Thornburv, Goring, Reading
fHeath Arthur Reginald,34 Beaumont
Mumford W . Carterton, Clanfield
Allen Edmund, Wolvercote. Oxford
street, Oxford
Neighbour Herbt. Chinnor, Wallngfd
Atkins Thomas, 4 Market place, Hen Oxford Dairy Co. Ltd. 40 Queen st. ; fHerbert Albt. Hy. 91 High st.Oxford
3 8 Hertford st. : 65 St. Clementâ s Hill Frederick W .. D.M.D.Harvard.
Baker Hy.Wm. Sonning com.Reading
62 High street. Oxford
street, Oxford A T98 Banbury road,
Blake George A. 50 Cardigan street,
Summertown, Oxford
+James Benj. E. 46 Broad st. Oxford
Jpricho, Oxford
Padbury Robert, 3 Bath terrace, Batb +Jessop Ernest Charles Hale, 12
Bourne J. R. Salford,ChippingNorton
road, Banbury
Beaumont street, Oxford
Brooks Henry George, 24a, Albert st. Pane Geo. South Newington, Banbury fKendrew Augustus. 63 St Gilesâ
Jericho, Oxford
street, Oxford;
(attends fridays)
Parker Frank,35a,Warwick rd.Banbry
Samuel, 35 London place, St. Payne Charles Thomas. 7 8 Kiirgston
16 Sheep street, Bicester A 17
Clementâs, Oxford
Market street, Witney
road, St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Coates A. B. 10 South Bar st. Banbrv Pearce Brothers, Gatehampton A fPettey J. B. 63 St. Gilesâ st. Oxford
Colos James. 129 Cowley rd. Oxford
fRyle Arth. B. 24 Beaumont st. Oxfrd
Battle farms. Goring, Reading
Collett A Co. 3 North Parade avenue, Pharaoh Thomas Sami. Mortimer. 63 +Stierwood
ri. Gilesâ. Oxford
D D.S. Toronto, 17 Beaumont st
Harpes road. Summertown. Oxford
Collett Percy, Wolvercote. Oxford
Oxford A 9 High street. Chipping
Pickford Charles, 17 Church road,
Cox David t 8t Gosbrook r d . CaverNorton
Caversham, Reading
'ham. Reading
Pound Jn. Sonning common, Reading Shilton Edmund,20 Horsefair,Banbrv
Cross George. Marston, Oxford
Robertson John, 19 Duke street, Hen fThornton Herbert, t t Queen street,
Cross William, Iffley, Oxford
Oxford A Market street, Woodstock
JO K "
C Y C L E R E P A IR E R S .
D A IR Y F A R M E R S .
D A IR Y M E N .