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Stowell Rev. Stanley H erbert M.A.
Swanlow, Wootton road, Abingdon
Stradling James, H illcrest, Ashmore
Green, Cold Ash, Newbury
Strahan Aubery, Y ew Tree cottage,
Streatley, Beading
Strand Albt. 10 The Mount, Beading
Strange Arth. 36 Bussell st. Beading
Strange Francis Gerald, Brewery
house, Beenham, Beading
Strange John Thomas, Firlands, Sulhamstead-Abbots, Beading
Strange Wm. Draper, Bridge house,
Fadworth, Beading
Strangways Charles Tyrrell, Thames
mount, W argrave
Stransom Edward, Dewvir, Oak Tree
road, Tilehurst, Beading
Stransom H. 166 Castle hill, Beading
Stransom Leonard, Indout, Oak Tree
road, Tilehurst, Beading
M .B.C.S.E ng.,
L.B.C.P.Lond. The Moorings, W el­
lington College Station
Stratton Bev. Joseph M.A. Chapel
green, Wokingham
Stratton Thomas W illiam , 75 A lex­
andra road, Beading
Strauss Edward Anthony M.P. K in g­
ston house, Kingston Bagpuize,
Abingdon; & 49 Grosvenor sq W ;
& National Liberal club S W &
Bath club W, London
Streatfeild Bev. Frank B.A.35 Craven
road, Newbury
Street C. E. 41 Kendrick rd. Beading
Street George, 51 Frances rd.Windsor
Stride Bev. William J. F. Keatley
M.A. The Parsonage,Wootton,Oxfrcl
Stringer John, Guildown, London rd.
Strong Joseph, 1 College rd. Beading
Strong Miss, 112 Oxford rd. Beading
Strong Mrs. 109 Oxford rd. Beading
Stroud James, sen. Gladstone villa,
Cold Ash, Newbury
Stroud Miss, Shirley cottage, East
Challow, Wantage
Stroud Stephen, Fircroft, Earley Hill
road, Beading
Stroud Thos. 29 Eastern aven.Beadng
Stru tt Capt. Algernon, Cell farm, Old
Windsor, Windsor
Stuart Sir Simeon bart. Latim ore
house, North town, Maidenhead
S tu art Bev. Sir James bart. M.A.
Oxon, Manor ho. Burghfield,Beadng
Stuart Joshua, Heatholme, Furze
Platt, Maidenhead
Stubbs Rev. Daniel Holland, High st.
Stuchberv Miss, 30 Bath rd.Maidenhd
Stuchbery T. W. Elgin house, Cookham road, Maidenhead
Stuckey Mrs. 37 Eastern av. Beading
Sturges Edward M. Barkham square,
Barkham, Wokingham
Sturges Mrs. Tithe barn, Glebelands
road, Wokingham
Sturgess Miss,W argrave cot.W argrave
Sturgis Howard, Queen’s acre, K in g’s
road, Windsor
Styles Joseph, Wood’s farm , East
Hendred, Steventon
Styles Sam uel,127 London rd.Beading
Suddaby J. 5 Brunswick hi. Beading
Suffield Charles Aug. Ardenlee, Ascot
Suffield Mrs. 42 Craven rd. Beading
Sugden Claude, The Hollies, Burghfield, Mortimer
Sullivan Mrs. Mylor house, Ascot
Sum erset E. 17 Mansfield rd.Beading
Sum m erell Mrs. 14 Trinity place,
Sumpson Bev. Sebastien O.S.B. Douai
^ abbey, Woolhampton
Surtees Henry Patrick, The Cottage,
Aston, Bemenham, Henley-on-Thms
Surtees Mrs. Somersham, Bay Park
avenue,. Maidenhead

Sutherland The Dowager Duchess of,
The Willows, W indsor; & 12 Hyde
Park place, London W
Sutton Lady, Benham park, Newbury
Sutton A rthur W ., J.P. Bucklebury
Place, Bucklebury, Beading
Sutton Basil Hope, Woodside, K en t­
wood hill, Tilehurst, Beading
Sutton Hugh Beginald, D ryburgh,
Kendrick road, Beading
Sutton Leonard Goodhart, H ill side,
Allcroft road, Beading
Sutton Martin John J.P. W argrave
manor, Wargrave
Sutton Misses, 14 London rd. Beading
Sutton Misses, Southernmead, Northcourt avenue, Beading
Sutton Mrs. 675 Oxford road,Beading
Swain John, 9 Milman road, Beading
Swain W. A. 23 W arwick rd. Beading
Swaine Thomas Evelyn, SulhamsteadAbbots, Beading
Sweeny Bev. Philip, Montmartre, Foxcornbe hill, Oxford
Sweet-Escott Bev. John Howard M.A.
Bectory, Kingston Bagpuize,Abngdn
Sweetinburgh Miss, 28 Baker street,
Sweny Col. John Alfred B .M .L .I. 5
Kid well park, Maidenhead
Sw ift Bev. Albert, H illcrest, Shinfield
road, Beading
Swinfen Col. F.H .14 Low.ward,Windsr
Swinley Mrs. 58 Craven rd. Newbury
Sydenham J. E. 4 Southcote road
west, Beading
Sykes Lady,Westfield, Purley,Beading
Sykes Mrs. Bastgarth, Streatley,Bdng
Sylo-Jones John L ., M .A., B.Sc. Bead­
ing school, Erleigh road, Beading
Svmmons C. 60 Bath rd. Maidenhead
Symmons Charles W illiam , 35 The
Crescent, Maidenhead
Symonds Capt. Fredk. Cleave LoderB .A ., J.P. Hinton manor, Hinton
W aldrist, Faringdon
Symonds George Edward, 9 Christ
Church road, Beading
Symons Capt. Thomas Cornelius B.E.
2 Park villas, London rd. Newbury
Sym s Harold St. George, Temple,
Bishani, Marlow
Svnons-Jeune F. J.Bunnymede house,
Old Windsor, Windsor
Svson Mrs. Ravensworth, Stratfield
Mortimer, Mortimer
Ta-Bois Percy, The WThite house,
North town, Maidenhead
Tabor E. W. 99 Hamilton rd. Beading
Tagg William Martin, 169 W oking­
ham road, Reading
Tait Mrs. 58 K in g’s road, Windsor
Talbot Geo. W.22 Castle cres.Reading
Talbot H erbert Spry, Red lodge, Cold
Ash, Newbury
Talbot Miss, Speen, Newbury
Talboys B- St. C., M .A., F.R.Hist.Soc.
W ellington college, Wellington Col­
lege Station
Tallyn Jsph. Westleigh vil. Chester­
field road, Newbury
Tame Mrs. E. L. Harwell, Steventon
Tanner E. S. 19 Argyle st. Reading
Taplin George, Hebron, Sturges rd.
Tapper F. W. 12 Warwick rd.Reading
Target! Ernest, St. Kilda, Finchampstead road, Wokingham
Targett James, Hyde end, Shinfield,
Tarrant Mrs. London st. Faringdon
Tarte Major Bernard B. K. Foley
lodge, Stockcross, Newbury
Tate George Booth, Bere court, Pangbourne, Reading
Tate Jn. Thos. 74 Spring rd. Abingdn
Tatham Athol, The H ut, Streatley,
Tatham Meaburn Talbot M .A., J.P.
Northcourt house. Abingdon
Tatham Miss, Sarum house, Rectory
road, Wokingham



T attersall Rupert Reeve, Littlebroek,
Bay Park road, Maidenhead
Tavener A lfred Ernest Wm . Elstow,
Linden av. Furze Platt,M aidenhead
Tayler Lt.-C ol. Charles Wm. Joseph,
Curraghm ore, Cold Ash, Newbury
Tayler E. 21 Marlboro’ aven. Reading
Tayleur John W. The Woodlands,
Theale, Beading
Taylor Capt. W. Coxwell lo.Faringdn
Taylor B t. Rev. A. S., O.S.B. Douai
abbey & college, Woolhampton
Taylor Bev. Charles Joseph B.A.
Vicarage, Brimpton, Reading
Taylor Rev. F. N ., M.A. St. John’s
ho. Stratfield M ortim er, M ortimer
Taylor Rev. John, Horseshoe road,
Pangbourne, Beading
Taylor Alfred Thomas, 49 The Cres­
cent, Maidenhead
Taylor Cnas. 21 Carnarvon rd.Readng
Taylor Fredk. J. 6 T rinity pi.W indsor
Taylor Geo. Edward, Pwllheli, N orth­
court avenue, Beading
Taylor G. B. 16 The Mount, Reading
Taylor Herbt. C. 63 Bath rd. Beading
Taylor Jn.O key,i7 Craven rd.Beading
Taylor Miss, China cottage,Fincham pstead, Wokingham
Taylor Miss,3oLaburnham Td.Maidnhd
Taylor Miss, 9 Maitland rd. Reading
Taylor Miss, W hite lodge, Murdoch
road, Wokingham
Taylor Mrs. Bowdens, Crazies hill,
Taylor Mrs. Green hill, Leckhampstead, Newbury
Taylor Mrs .H illyers, Cookham Rise
Taylor Mrs. 88 St.Leonards rd.W indsr
Taylor Mrs. Stoney Ware, Bisham,
Taylor Mrs. Ta Lourton, Sandhurst,
Taylor Mrs. J. 126 Oxford rd.Reading
Taylor Richard, 2 Waterloo terrace,
London road, Newbury
Taylor Sidney, 1 Castle st. W allingfrd
Taylor T. Bromsgrove pi. Faringdon
Taylor W illiam E. The Old cottage,
Sonning. Reading
Taylor W illiam Henry, G arth house,
Stratfield Mortimer, M ortim er
Taylor W. J. 16 W’ arwick rd. Reading
Teague PomeroyW.2Zinzan st.Readng
Tebbitt Stanton, Forest lodge, Winr.ersh, Wokingham
Tee W111. J. 10 Kendrick rd. Beading
Teichmann Oskar M .A ., F .B .G .S .
Alderm aston, Reading
Temple Col. Charles Pilcher D .S.O.
80 Wokingham road, Reading
Tem pler Capt. Jn. Geo. E. Meadowside, Maidenhead court,Maidenhead
Terrell C. D. 102 Kendrick rd.Readng
Terrot Bichard, W ispington house,
Cookham Rise
Terry Rev. Thos. Robt. M. A. ,F .R .A .S.
East Ilsley, N ewbury
Thackrah Miss, St. Bonan’s, W inkfield row, Bracknell
Thatcher Frederick, Essex street,
Wash Common, Newbury
Theobald Capt. F. Cam bridge, Sutton
Courtenay house, Abingdon
Theobald Lionel, R iver cottage, S u t­
ton Courtenay, Abingdon
Theobalds Mrs. G aunt cot. Wargrave
Thim bleby A dju vant Cadence,Worton
grange, Basingstoke road, Reading
Thomas Bev. Gharles Stephenson
M.A. 57 Bostock avenue, Abingdon
Thomas Rev. Edward, Rhodaleigh,
Thomas A. E. 2 Bolton cres. Windsor
Thomas Basil WT. Northbrook, Wash
common, Newbury
Thomas Charles Ruffe, San Remo,
R ay Park avenue, Maidenhead
Thomas D K Harwell, Steventon
Thomas James, Norwood cottage,
Bisham, Marlow