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d ir e c to r y
B E R K S H IR E .
b h a d f ie l d
(Oxford), Padworth, Pangbourne, Purley, Stanford
which rises in this parish. The village is supplied with
Dingley, Stratfield-M ortim er, Streatley, Sulham , Su lÂ
water pumped from St. Andrewâs well. The church of
hamstead' Abbots, Sulham stead Bannister Lower End,
St. Andrew, with the exception of the tower and part of
Sulham stead Bannister Upper End, Theale, Tidmarsh,
the north aisle, rebuilt by the Rev. Thomas Stevens,
Tilehurst, Ufton N ervet, W hitchurch (Oxford), Wokerector, 1843-82, was re-consecrated in 1848, after enÂ
Yattendon. The area of the union is 62,938
largement, and is an edifice of flint with stone dressÂ
acres; population in 1911 was 20,238; rateable value,
ings in the E arly English style, consisting of chancel,
March, 1911, ,£169,875
nave, aisles, transept, north porch and an embattled
western tower of red brick and flint, containing 6 bells ; Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Rev. Alfred J. P.
Shepherd ALA. Sulham stead-Bannister
the windows are stained, and there are 500 sittings.
The register dates, with some interruptions, from 1539= Clerk to the Guardians & to the Assessment Committee,
R. E. Rawstorne, solicitor, Caversham
The living is a rectory, net yearly value ¿735, includÂ
ing 72 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Treasurer, Robert C. C ullum , Lloyds Bank, Reading
Herbert W atney esq. M.D. and held since 1909 by the Relieving & Vaccination Officers, No. 1 district, Edward
Bunce, Westwood rd. T ile h u rs t; No. 2 district, Percy
Rev. Richard Norman Hurt, who is also chaplain of
Lionel Widdows, Oxford house, Rotten row, Bradfield
Bradfield union. Holy Trinity chapel of ease, at BuckMedical
Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. 1 district,
hold, about 2 miles north of the village, was built in
Benjamin Bullen Hosford M .B., B.Ch. T ileh u rst; No.
1836, and is an edifice of stone, consisting of nave only;
2 district, Godfrey Charles B. Hawes AI.R.C.S.Eng.,
SS. Simon and Judeâs chapel of ease, about a m ile from
L.R.C.P.Lond. Pangbourne; No. 3 district,
the church, built in 1835, is a structure of flint, also of
; No. 4 disÂ
nave only, and is intended for the use of the inm ates of
trict, W alter Roalfe-Cox L.R.C.P.Lond. The Laurels,
the Union workhouse. There is also a small Prim itive
Methodist chapel. The charities consist of the interest
Brodribb A I.R.C.S.Eng., L.R .C .P.Lond. Yattendon
of £300 £2^ per Cent. Consols, left by J. Buller, of
Privy G ardens; Wilsonâs £100 lik e Consols; seven acres The Workhouse, about three-quarters of a m ile from the
village & 3 miles from Theale station, G .W .R . was
of land, now let in allotments, and some smaller
built in 1835, & will hold about 214 paupers; John
amounts left by other persons for the benefit of the
m aster; Norman H. Joy L .R .C .P.L ond.,
poor. The charities are now administered, under a
AI.R.C.S.Eng. medical officer; Rev. Richard Norman
scheme sanctioned by the Charity Commissioners, by
Hurt, chaplain ; Mrs. Clam p, matron
trustees, some of whom are elected annually by the
Parish Council, the remainder being permanent. Buck- Superintendent Registrar, R. E. Rawstorne, Caversham
hold, the seat of Herbert Watney esq. M .A., M.D., Registrars of Births & Deaths, Bucklebury sub-district,
Henry G uyatt, Bradfield; Tilehurst sub-district,
F .R .C .P. is a mansion of red brick in the Early Gothic
Edward Bunce, Westwood road, Tilehurst
style, erected from designs by Alfred Waterhouse R.A.
architect, and is situated about 2 miles north of the Registrar of Alarriages, Edward Bunce, Westwood road,
village, in extensive and undulating grounds. Bradfield
Hall, the seat of A rthur Radford esq. J.P. is a subÂ
stantial building of red brick about one m ile and a half The College of St. Andrew, near the parish church, was
founded by the Rev. Thomas Stevens ALA. in 1850,
west of the village. Herbert W atney esq. M .A., M.D.
for the education of the sons of gentlemen, & enÂ
who is lord of the reputed manor, James Herbert Benvon
dowed in 1859 for 153 commoners & 16 Founder's
esq. of Englefield, Lord Lieut, and J.P. George Blackallboys;
in 1862 it was incorporated by Royal Charter &
Simonds esq. J.P. Mrs. Stevens and A rthur Radford
by alteration of the statutes the warden is now
esq. J.P. are the principal landowmers. The soil is
authorized to adm it an unlimited number of comÂ
generally gravelly; subsoil, for the most part, chalk.
moners, & as vacancies occur there is a yearly comÂ
The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The
petitive election of one or more boys under the age
area is 4,546 acres of land and 13 of w a te r; rateable
of fifteen to the foundation of the school; by the
value, £7,453; the population in 1901 was 1,526, includÂ
statutes it is provided that â the Founderâs boys shall
ing z2 officers and 114 inmates in the workhouse.
be either fatherless or the sons of poor gentlemen or
Parish Clerk, Tom Dobson Rowe.
clergymen, & they shall be lodged, boarded & inÂ
Post, M. O. A T. Office.â Mrs. Martha Minchin, sufcstructed gratuitously & upon terms of equality in all
postmistress. Letters arrive from Reading at 6.45
respects with the commoners.â Attached to the school
a.m. 12 noon & 7 p.m. ; dispatched at 8.30 a.m . & 2.5
is the Stevens scholarship of £30, tenable for three
& 6.15 p.m. ; sundays, arrive at 7.45 a.m. ; dispatched
years at Oxford or Cambridge, & various prizes of £5
at xo.45 a m
& lesser am ounts; in 1886 a steam laundry was built»
Post & M. 0 . Office, Southend.â Charles Joseph HarÂ
but in 1906 converted into a shooting gallery: there
wood, sub-postmaster. Letters from Reading arrive
also waterworks, providing a plentiful supply of
at 7.5 a.m. & 1 & 7.45 p.m. ; dispatched 8.15 a.m. &
good w ater; in 1890 a new sanatorium was erected
1.45 & 5.50 p .m .; sundays, arrive 9.45 a.m .; disÂ
yards from the college, with four large wards for
patched 10 a.m. The nearest telegraph office is at
ordinary infectious cases <fc a completely isolated fever
Bradfield, 2 miles distant
w a rd : the college chapel, built by public subscripÂ
Post Office, T u ttâs Clum p.â Joseph WTise, sub-postÂ
tions, & opened in 1892, has since been enlarged &
master. Letters arrive from Reading at 8 a.m. &
p.m . ; dispatched at 6.50 a.m. & 12.40 & 5.20 now holds 350 boys. There is also a range of engineerÂ
ing workshops for the use of boys intended to enter
p.m. ; sundays, arrive at 9 a.m. ; dispatched at 9.45
the engineering profession ; Head m aster. Rev. Harold
a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is
Costley-White M.A. of Balliol College, O x fo rd ; warden,
at Bradfield, i£ miles distant
Arm strong; second m aster, Andrew Low M.A.
Wall Boxes:â Rotten Row, cleared at 6.50 a.m. & 5.30
Corpus Christi College, C am brid ge; assistant masters,
p.m. ; sundays, 9.30 a.m . Southend, cleared at 8.15
T. Steele M.A., A. L. Irvine ALA., P. F. R. Bashford
a m . & x.30 & 6 p .m .; sundays, 10 a.m. Malthouse
B.A., E. L Richardson M .A.. J. H. Vince ALA., C. E.
Farm , cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 6.25 p.m . ; sundays,
Nicholl ALA.. T. B. Sills ALA.. E. Hodgson M .A., J.
10.15 a m - Buscot Hill, cleared at 8.15 a.m. & 1.45 &
G. Dick ALA.. G. M. Clark M .A., G. P. Blake ALA.,
6 p.m. ; sundays, 10.15 a.m. Dingley H ill, cleared at
J. C. Yule, Rev. A. G. J. Alderson ALA., A. R. Wathew
6.45 a.m. & 12.25 & 5-25 P m - week days only
B.A , R. H. Poole B.A . F. H. Sbera ALA., 0 . L. C.
West M .A., A. E. Lee M .A., G. Sheppard B .A ., S. T. E.
Meet on tuesdays.
Chinneck B.A. ; bursar, A rth ur G ra y; organist & choir
master, Eugene Bayliss ALA. ; drawing, painting &
Chairman, Henry George W illink, Hillfields, Burghfield
music m aster, C. Hay Campbell R .S.A , E.B.A. :
medical officer, N. H. Joy M .R .C.S., L .R .C .P. ;
Clerk, R. E. Rawstorne, Caversham
college sec. W. H. M oney; college clerk, R. A. R o gers;
Treasurer, Robert C. Cullum , Lloyds Bank, Reading
gym nastic & swim m ing instructor, Sergt. W ilÂ
Medical Officer of Health, John Ralph Prior M .B., B.S.,
son ; technical instructor, J. L e w is; matron at sanaÂ
D.P.H. Council offices, Finchley
, Miss F. Storm
Sanitary Inspector & Surveyor, Thomas Windle, North
The Army House, Andrew Low M.A. house m aster
street, Theale
The Alodern House. T. Steele M.A. house master
District Highway Surveyor, John Forrester, Theale
The Junior School, Rev. Thomas Erskine Wilson Af.A.
Caius College, Cambridge, house m aster; assistant
Board day, tuesday, 11 a.m.
masters, G. F. Newman B .A . & H. T. Crichton
The Union consists of 30 p arish es:â Aldermaston.
Officers' Training Corps.
Ashampstead, Basildon, Beech Hill, Beenham, Brad Bradfield College, Contingent of the Junior division, 3
field, Bucklebnrv, Burghfield. Englefield. Frilsham
companies infantry; Major W. T. Wvndowe, officer in
Goring (Oxford), Grazeley or Graisley, Mapledurham
B E R K S.