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Farmers — continued.
Pitkin Arthur, Freeland,
Church Rose Checkley, North Weston Tl„™ .
Nixey George, Langley hall, Chal­
Handborough, Woodstock
Rose Mrs. F. Water Eaton, Oiford
grove, Wallingford
Pitson John, Toot Baldon, Oxford
Rose Fredk. W m . Hill farm, Witnev
Nixey Geo. Newington, Wallingford
Pollard John-& Son, The Heath, Mil- Rose John U. Swerford, Enstone
Nixey George, Warpsgrove, Wallingfrd
ton-under-Wychwood, Oxford
Rose Richard Thomas, Bampton
Nixey J.H. Berrick Salome,Wallingfrd Pollard Bartley, Forest Hill, Oxford
Rose T. Johnson ( n o r ,, of), Ban,ptTO
Northcott Mark, Marsh Baldon.Oxfrd Pollock Thomas, Rotherfield Peppard,
Bowden John Douglas, Newnham
Oakey Frederick, Alvescot, Clanfield
Murren, Wallingford
Orledge W m . Roe, Shotover, Oxford Poole John, Stcnesfield, Woodstock
Rowland Albert, Mill st. Eynsham
Orpwood Herbert 'William, Ewelme, Pooley John,
Shipton-under-Wych­ Rowles 0 . H. Gt. Milton, Wallingfc rd
wood, Oxford
Uowles Mrs. John, Weston-on-thaOrpwood Jesse, Shilton, Burford
Porter G. The Lawn, Skilton, Burford
Green, Bicester
Osborn James, Shipton, Woodstock
Porter G. L. Manor ho.Holwell,Burfrd Rowles Mrs. W illiam , Weston-on-tha.
Owen William, Nether Worton, Oxford Pouiton Lewis Thomas, Burdrop, Sib
Green, Bicester
Padbury T. Southrop, Hook Norton,
ford Gower, Banbury
Rowles W m .G . Hook Norton, Banbrr
Pouiton William
Pishill, Russell Henry Lefroy, Gcrodfellows
Padbury Thomas, Charlbury
Filkins, Lechlade (Glos)
Page Charles, Wigginton, Banbury
Powell James, Hook Norton, Banbury Russell Thos. Adderbury Ea. Banbim
Page E. South Newington, Banbury Powell Joseph, Charlton, Oxford
Ryman William Denton, Wheatley
Page Mrs. Emma, Wroxton, Banbury Powell Thomas, Wigginton, Banbury
R jm il William, Drayton, Banbnry
Page George, Shutford, Banbury
Churchill Sabin Daniel, Sibford Ferris, Banburv
Page Henry George, Rocky lane,
grounds, Churchill, Clipping Norton
Sabin Jas. Eagles, Wardington,Banbrv
Highmoor, Henley-on-Thames
Prat ley Frank, Poffley end. Witney
Salmon R. E ., J. A . & H. F. Tad.
Page James W . 0 . Epwell, Banbury Pratley George, Hailey, Witney
marton, Banbury
Page uuuu
John Hy.
u ; . at. tpw eu, joanDury Pratley -n.'
ne s,owinDrooK,BurnHy.■ way
Salmon B. Gt.Rollright,ChippingNrtn
p Jonas, South Newington, Banbury IPratley Michael. Delly End, Witney
Salmon Cecil L. Tadmarton, Banburv
Painter E.W .South Weston,Wallngfrd I Pratt R. R. Long Handboro’ ,Woodstock Salmon Hewitt, Brick cottage, Tad­
Painter Frederic Thomas, Hayden ; Pratt Thomas, Brize Norton, Bampton
marton, Banbury
farm, Nuffield, Henley-on-Thames
Prebble Albt. E. Woodcote, Reading Salmon John Austin, Lower Tadmar­
Painter H. Sandford St. Martin,Oxfrd Prentice Albert E.12 North st.Bicester
ton, Banbury
Painter Henry, Fewcott, Bicester
j Prestidge G. Gt. Bourton, Banbury
Salmon William, Shutford grounds
Painter Henry John, Black pits, |Preston George, Northmoor, Oxford
Shutford, Banburv
Nether Worton, Oxford
|Preston Henry, Fritwell, Banbury
Salmon Wm. H. Bloxham, Banbury
Painter J. Barford St.Michael.Oxford Preston Jesse, Fritwell, Banbury
Sanders Ernest Mortimer, Over Nor­
Painter J. T. Benson, Wallingford
¡Preston W . T. Minster Lovell,Witney
ton, Chipping Norton
Paintin W . Broadwell,Lechlade (G lo s ); Preston William,Chadlington & Home Sanders J. Over Kiddington
Palmer Fredk. W arborough,Wallingfd! farm, Cornwell. Chipping Norton Sansom Miss Annie, Launton.Bicester
Parker John & Joseph, Moorton, 'Preston W illiam , Eynsham
Sunsom William, Launton, Bicester
Northmoor, Oxford
j Prichard \Jas. Edwd. Horley, Banbury
Sargant Stanley Montague, Church
Parker George k Hy. Merton, Bicester Pryor Mrs. Harriet, Filkins, Lechlade
Handborough, Woodstock
Parker Charles, Rousham, Oxford
' (Glo’ stersh)
Sarnev E.ParkCorner,Henley-on-Thms
Parker Geo. Black Bourton, Cfanfield Pnmphrey Charles, Filkins, Lechlade Sauhder Mrs. Alary, Eynsham
Parker John, Gagingwell, Enstone I (Glo’stersh)
Saunders L. B. Warboro’, Wallingfrd
Parker W.LongHandborougli, Woodstk Putt Albert, Yarnton, Oxford
Savin Hy.Grove fm. Bletchington.Oxfd
Parker William, Blackthorn, Bicesterl Quaint Edgar Hayns, Binfield Heath. Savin Thomas, Launton, Bicester
Parrott Benjamin, Manor honse, ShipHenley-on-Thames
Savins George, Bodicote grounds,
ton-on-Cherwell, Oxford
Quarterley James, Chalford, Tetswrth
Bodicote, Banbury
Parslow Jesse, Oakley, Wallingford
iQuartly Airs. Edith, Swalcliffe,Banbrv Savins Henry, Diamond farm, BletchParsons Nathaniel, Radford k G a g - i Quelch Alfred, Iffley, Oxford
ington, Oxford
ingwell, Enstone
j Railt-on
William W . Adwell farm. Saw Samuel, Oakley, Wallingford
Partridge George, Begbroke, Oxford i Postcombe, Tetsworth
Sawyer E. C. Lit. Aiilton, Wallingford
Partridge W m . H. Broughton,Banbury , Rambridge J. Hook Norton, Banhurv Seeker Hubert, Manor house, WidPascoe Jn. G. Sarsden, Chipping Nortn Rand James, Mixbnrv, Brackley
ford, Burford
Pasmore Chas. M. Sth.Leigh,Witney:
Edward. Sydenham grange, Shaw George S. Somerton, Banbury
Paxman F. W . Hardwick, Witney
1 Sydenham, Thame
Shelswell Miss A.Shenington,Banbury
Paxman J. Emmer green, Caversham, Eayer R. Over Norton,Chipping Nortn Shepherd Charles, Wheatley
Read John, Piddington, Thame
Shepherd J. George, Tackley, Oxford
Paxman N. Upper Town farm & Home Reading John, Dunsden, Reading
Shepherd W m .Geo. Deddington,Oxfrd
farm, Clifton Hampden, Abingdon ! Reading William John Pearson, Lan
Shirley Daniel, Noke, Oxford
Pearce Brothers, Goring, Reading
ford, Lechlade (Glo’stersh)
Shirley Richard, Hempton, Oxford
Pearman k Sons,Brize Norton,Bamptn |Reed Geo. H. Westcote Barton,Oxford Shorland George, Sheephouse, Lower
Pearman William Henry, Westhall j Peeves Jonah, Westcote Barton, Oxfrd
Bolney, Hunt’s & Upper House
hill. Fulbrook, Burfoot"
¡Reynolds Bros. Spring hill, Miltonfarms, Harpsden k Soundess farm,.
Pearse Rt. Kingham, Chipping Norton
under-Wychwood, Oxford
Nettiebed, Henley-on-Thames
Peckover F.& W.Wardington,Banburv Richards J. W . Great Tew, Enstone Shouler F. T. Launton, Bicester
Penson Frederick, Taston, Charlbury Richards John Walter, Walcot k Shouler Francis M. Great Chesterton,
k Lidstone, Chipping Norton
Tracy farms, Charlbury
Perrin Jas. Percy, Cassington, Oxford Richardson E.H.Hook Norton,Banbury Shouler Mrs. William R. Wretchwick,
Perrin John, Cassington, Oxford
Richens George. Shilton, Burford
Perrin John Birch. Cassington, Oxford Richens Thomas. Carterton, Clanfield Shouler Thos. Up. Arncot. Bicester
Pether Henry, Cowley road, Oxford
Richens William, Weald, Bampton
Shrimpton Alark k George, Marsh
Pether Hy. Dean ho. Dean, Charlbury R’> b v Richd. Jsph. Sonldern, Banburv
Baldon, Oxford
Pether James, Weston-on-the-Green, Roadnighfc Sidney.
Gould’s grove Shrimpton A. The Farm, Great
Bicester k Gt. Chesterton, Bicester i Ewelme. Wallingford
Haseley, Wallingford
Pettipher Joseph, Woodway house, Sib-1 Hobbins Thomas James, Wheatley
Shrimpton Mrs. Betsy, Aston Rowant,
ford Ferris, Banbury
Robins Fredk. Shenington, Banbury
Phillips G. Kingham,Chipping Norton j R°binson Eli, Chilson, Charlbury
Shrubb Frank, Shillingford.Wal’ingfrd
Phillips H. J.Headington quarry, Oxfrd Robinson William, Bloxham, Banbury ShuttlewoTth Algernon Ughtred, New­
Phillips Harold William, Badgemore, I Rogers Alexander William, Bletchington Purcell, Bicester
I ton, Oxford
Silman Jn. Lyneham,Chipping Norton
Simmonds Arthur Ernest, SandfordPhillips Wm. C. Salford,Chipping Nrtn ; Rogers Thomas, Sonldem, Banbury
Phipps Albert, Blackthorn, Bicester , Rogers Thomas, Wigginton heath,
upon-Thames, Oxford
Phipps F. H. Stratton Audley,Bicester
Wigginton, Banbury
Simmons Miss G.A.Piddington,Thame
Simms W m . J. Hook Norton, Banbury
Phipps John R. Hook Norton,Banbury Rolfe James, Bucknell, Bicester
Phipps Walter A. Launton, Bicester
Roper John, Little Faringdon, Lech- Simons John Thomas,Baynards green,
Pickett Mrs. Jane, Eynsham
lade (Glo’stersh)
Fewcott, Bicester
Simpson Walt. Minster Lovell,Witney
Pickford Thos. R. Standlake, Witney Rose Brothers, Wheatley
Pike S. T. Adderbury East, Banbury 1Rose Reuben & Frederick. Rector} Sirett H. A.Hendon,SteepIe Aston,Oxfd
Sirett Thomas Francis (exors. of).
Pinniger W . Cropredy, Leamington | farm, Salford, Chipping Norton
Grange farm. Middle Aston, Oxford
Pither William, Newnham Murren. Rose Urban k Son, Churchill, ChipWallingford
| ping Norton
Skelcher So Sons, Binsey, Oxford
1Rose Cbas. Salford, Chipping Norton