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F a r m e r s â continued.
Wyton George, Hook Norton,Banbury
Wyton George, Rollright heath, Great
Rollright, Chipping Norton
Yeates Geo. Garsington, Wheatley
Yeates W . Garsington, Wheatley
Yendal Thomas, Hempton, Oxford
Young Mrs. Sarah Harding & Aug.
Harding, Chalgrove, Wallingford
Young Fiedk W . Broughton,Banbury
Young P. Old Grimsbury, Banbury
V oung Richard, Leafield, Witney
Young W illiam , Laurel Dene, ChalÂ
grove, Wallingford
lo X F O h D i-H IR E ,
French Charles (to the Earl of Tâ
& Melville), Kirtlington, OrioH
Gable John (to Richard IV HitTi,
esq.), Berrick Prior, W a li in g S 6"
Galbraith Robert (to the Duke âf
Marlborough K .G ., Bladou & Bleu
heim, Woodstock
Gardner Edrvard (to Mr. F. Shrubb)
Newington, Wallingford
Godwin Albert (to W . J Birch-Rev
White John, Wigginton, Banbury
W hite Joseph, Chalgrove, Wallingford
White T.W.Headington quarry,Oxford
White Thomas, Iffley, Oxford
White Walter Henry, Chinnor, W alÂ
Whitfield Edwin,Goring Heath,Readng
Whitfield Richard, Langford, Lech
lade (Gloucestershire)
Whitlock Frederick, Tackley, Oxford
Whittick Owen, Bix,Henley-on-Thms
Whyte George & Kenneth S. Cottisford, Brackley
Wickham Albt.fe Geo. Kingsey,Thame
Norton, Banbury
Wickham Joseph, Kingsey, Thame
Abernethv Thomas (to Mrs. E. E.
Hart Harold (to H R. Beeton eso 1
Widdowson Albert, Clanfield
M orgin), Hornton, Banbury
Hammondâs fm Cher kendon,Readng
W iggins Herbert R. Lamp, Watling- Almond Amon James (to trustees of
Heybourne Alfred (to P. J. D Wvke
ton, Wallingford
the late J. J. Henley esq ), Waterham esq.), Tythrop, Thame
W iegins Philip, High st. Watlington,
perry, Wheatley
Higgins Mark (to Jn. Rutland esq )
Anderson Charles (to J.Wormald esq
Wendlebury, Bicester
Wilkins A. Whitehouse farm, Witney
J.P.), The Nest, North Stoke, W al Hill William (to H. Parsons esq 1
Wilkins Charles, Burford
Home farm, Elsfield, Oxford
Wilkins John, Blackthorn, Bicester
Baker Chas. (to E. R. Ireland Black- Holborow Francis (to the Misses
Wilkins W'iliiam, Asthall Leigh,Witney
bnrne esq.), Weald, Bampton
Mundy), Cullmm. Abingdon
Wilkinson George E. Howe farm, Barber Whenham (to Sir C. D. Rose
Holliday Joseph (to Major Sir John
Watlington, Wallingford
bart. M P , J.P.), Stud farm ,W hitÂ
Wilks Mrs.C.Kingham,Chipping Nortn
church, Reading
Burcott, Abingdon
Wilks Hy. Sibford Gower, Banbury Bayliss James (to A. W . Hall esq.
Hunter John (to Alexander Caspar
Willett William, Chastleton, MoretonD L , J.P ), Steeple Barton, Oxford
Woodhouse farm
Belcher Joseph (to C. V. Clack esq.),
Mongewell, Wallingford
Williams C.Lit.Rollright,Chippng.Nrtn
Cut mill, Stanton Harcourt,Evnshm Jones Edgar (to Lord North), WroxÂ
Williams Edwd. William, The Grange, Blunt William
(to Mrs. Phillips),
ton, Banbury
Churchill, Chipping Norton
Caversfield, Bicester
Jones Henry (to Mrs Shrubb of ShilWillis Ernest, Kidmore End,Reading Brogden Isaac (to J. F. Mason esq.
lingford), Over\, Wallingford
Willoughby Jn. Ramsden, Charlbury
M .P .), Home farm, Evnsham
Jones Jn. (to Capt. C.E.Rock-Keene),
Wilsdon Albert Harry, Lower Dorn- Brooks William (to T. M. Davenport
Swyncombe. Henley-on-Tkames
ford, Wootton, Woodstock
esq.). Headington Hill, St. Cle Kilby Francis (to ' William Evetts
Wilsdon Charles Henry,
Upper ment's,
Dorn- 1Oxford
esq.), Tackley, Oxford
ford, Wootton, Woodstock'Buckingham
(to Marriott
Killmaster Richard (to A. C. Bateman
Wilsdon Edwin, Ducklington, Witney i Bros.), Middlefield, Hailey, Witney
esq.), Asthall, Burford
Wilsdon Ernest, Puddle end, North!Burke Alfred (manager), Ewelme King Cecil (to James Hartnoll esq.),
Leigh, Witney
| down, Wallingford
Hailey, Ipsden, Wallingford
Wilsdon Henry,
New Yatt,
North jCadman Richard (to Rt. Hon.
Lewis Kirhv Alfred (to H. Tubb esq.), Great
Leigh, Witney
Harcourt M .P .), Tar Wood lodge
Chesterton, Bicester
Wilsdon James, Curbridge, Witney
South Leigh, Witney
Knowles W m . (to Mrs. G. Morrell),
Wilsdon Walter, Northmoor, Oxford Castle Chas. (to Robert Fleming esq.),
Barton, Headington, Oxford
Winfield Mrs. A. Blackthorn.Bicester
Bix, Henley-on-Thames
Lamb George (to John Kenneth
Winfield Cloudesley Bernard, Mixbury, Castle Valentine F. (to Henry J. Hill
Foster esq. J.P.), Manor farm,
esq.), Ellwood ho. Crowell,Wallngfd
Whitchurch, Reading
Winfield E R. Up. Arncot, Bicester Cave John (to W . H. Fox esq.), Hol- Lane William (to William B. Deeley
Wise Arthur, Swerford, Enstone
well downs, Holwell, Burford
esq ), Stratton Audlev, Bicester
Wise John, Epwell, Banbury'
Chamberlain Henry (to Right Hon. Langford Henry (to Copt C. W.
W itney Frederick, Tetsworth
Lewis Harcourt M .P.), Nuneham
Cottrell-Dormer), Ronsham, Oxford
W itney John, Sydenham, Thame
Courtenay, Oxford
Little Charles Buckle (to J. N. HardWixon Wm. Hampton Poyle, Oxford Chamberlain Marshall Thomas (to
castle esq. J.P.), Manor farm,
W o d Samu°l, Homestead, Great M ilÂ
H. M. Gaskell esq.),OverRiddingti»
Broughton Poggs. LechUde (Glos)
ton, WallingfoTd
Champ Thomas (to Henry 0 . King), Luckett Ernest (to T. J. B Franklin
Woodbridee H. R. Aston, Bampton
R'dbarn farm, Wolvercote, Oxford
esq.), Minster Lovell, Witney
Woodcock Mrs.A.M.Wood Eaton,Oxfrd Clack Arth. W . (to John Joslin esq.), Maton Alfred (to W . A. WykehamWoodford George. Kidlington, Oxford
Curbridge, Bampton
Musgrave esq.), Manor farm, ChinÂ
Woodford George William,Osney hill, Clark George (to R. L. Ovey esq.
nor, Wallingford
North Leigh, Witnev
J.P .), Hernes, Rotherfield Greys Mobbs W m . (t-o Mr Fras. Twining),
Woodley F. W . & A. T . Ipsden, W alÂ
Warren farm, Culham. Abington
Clinkard Alfred George (to Mr. Rchd Murray John (to Wm. Taylor, esq.),
Woodward Mrs. C Combe, Woodstock
D. Boswell), Burwell, Witney
Epwell, Banbury
Woodward E. North Leigh, Witney Coles Frank Henry (to Rt. Hon. Sir Norton W m . (to Col. Geo. Gosling),
Woodward Edward, Combe.Woodstock
Francis Leveson Bertie G.C M .G .,
Stratton Audiey park, Strat on AudWoodwards A Chalgrove,Wallingford
G .C .V .O ., G .C .B .), Horton, Oxford
ley, Bicester
Wooleock Jn. Middle Aston. Oxford Corderov Justilian (to Mr. Selwyn
Pa ere James W m. (to Viscount Villiers),
Woolcock W . Chadljngton, Charlbury
Caudwpll), Fifield, Wallingford
Middleton Stonev, Bicester
Woolcock William, jun. Chadlington, Cox James (to Mr. Thomas P. Hatt),
Palmer Charles (to JohnBlundell Leigh
South Stoke, Reading
esq.), Stratton Audlev. Bicester
Wool grove P. & F. Hempton. Oxford Craig George (to John Allen esq.), Pumfrey George (to Joseph Mawles
Woolgrove P. & F Milcombe.Banburv
Cottisford, Bracklev
esq.). Curbridge, Witney
M. Barford
St. Ditton John (to Sir W m . C. Plowden
Rouse John (to Henry Akers esq.).
Michael, Oxford
K .C .S .I.), Aston Rowant.Wallingfrd
Curbridge, Bampton
Woolgrove G.South Newington.Banbry Doble Edmund (to Robert Hichens Rowles Tom (to Mr. John White),
Woolgrove Jn. Lit. Bourton, Banbury
Camden Harrison esq. D .L., J.P.).
College fm. Wilkins,Lecblade(Glcs)
Woolgrove T. Barford St.John.Oxford
Shiplake Con t farm, Sh pâ ake, Hen Rushby Henry (to Charles H Palmer
Wnnlgrove W.South Newington,Banby
esq. J.P.), Whitchurch, Reading
Woollams Frank S.
High lodge. Dowding Henry (to J. D. Bury esq ),
Sandford Joseph (to H. W Stride),
Wychwood, Witney
Cogges, Witney
Biitwell Prior, Wallingfotd
Wooster Edwd. Nth. Weston. Thame Eade W m .to the OxfordCorporation),
Saunders William (to Col. John BasWright John. Pink hill, Stanton HarSandford-upon-Thames. Oxford
kerville D .L ., J.P.), Frieze farm,
court, Evnsham
Eeley Francis (to G. H. Barnett esq.,
Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames
W right John. jun. Bedwell, Stanton
Glympton, Woodstock
Singleton Thomas (to M E. Boulton
Harcourt, Eyn&sham
Fonge Walter (to Mrs. Mabel Fonge),
esq.), Great Tew, Enstone
Wright Thomas. Clifton. Oxford
Waterperry common, Waterperry, Smith Charles (to H C. Brown esq.
W yatt Alban Ernest,Hanwell.Banbun
D .L , J.P.), Kingston Blount, WalÂ
W yatt Mrs. Charlotte, Upton,Burfor 1 Fox John (to Trinity college, Oxon),
"Wyatt James Henry, Hethe, Bicester
Wroxton, Banbury
F a r m B a iliffs.
E S s r⢠* 3 4 ls s ,< â