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B E R K S H IR E .
Balley Alice (M rs.) & Elsie (Miss), refreshm ent rooms
Charnham street
Barnard Ernest, stationer, H igh street
Barnard Frederick, fishmonger, H igh street
Barnard W alter Tem plar, butcher, H igh street
Barnes Reginald Longm ore, solicitor, k registrar of tin
C ounty Court, High street
Barnett W alter Frederick, dairym an to the Hon. Join
H ubert W ard C.V.O . Chilton
Bartholomew A lfred Gough, house furnisher, Market pi
Bates Frederick, carpenter, Post office, Newtown
B att Ernest
illiam , baker, High street
B att Francis, hair dresser. B ud ge street
Batten George, butcher. High street
L. & J. coal, coke, m anure k salt merchants,
Railway station & Bridge street
Beckett .Charles, head gardener to the Hon. John Hubert
Ward C .V .O . Chilton
Bell Henry John, coach builder, Charnham street
Berkshire T ro ut Farm , trout breeding establishment
Bingham A rth ur Heanes M .P.S. chemist, H igh street
Bishop Harry,- farm er, Hungerford Park farm
Blake Thos. k Son, saddlers k harness mas. Bridge st
Bodman Charles k Co. linen k woollen drapers, High st
Bodman James Tim othy, dairym an, Prospect cottage
C h urch street
Borlase James, tailor, Bridge street
Bowsher Anthony, plum ber, H igh street
Brown Alfred, cattle dealer, Newtown
Brown John, farm er, Sanham green
Bushnell Edward, bill poster, town hall keeper, clerk to
the m arket k town crier, H igh street
Bushnell Herbert, relieving & vaccination officer for
Hungerford district, High street
Buxcey Jane (M rs.), shopkeeper, Charnham street
Buxcey W illiam , carrier, High street
Capital k Counties Bank L im ited (branch^ (W illiam
Jacob, m anager), High stre et; draw on head office.
39 Threadneedle street, London E C
Cash & Co. boot & shoe m akers, H igh street
Caswell Henry George, blacksm ith, Bridge street
Caswell Thomas, blacksmith & farrier, High street
Cato Bertie, insurance agent
Champ & Son, m ineral water m anufacturers, High st
Church Francis Waldron, The Three Swans fam ily &
com m ercial hotel & posting house, High street
Clem ents Ernest, watch m aker, Bridge street
C âfford A rth ur, Lam b P H Charnham street
'â Clifford Louis, dairyman, H igh street
Clifford Stephen, boot k shoe m aker, High street
Cole Robert, m iller (water) k corn dealer. Town m ills
Collins Charles, watch m aker. Bridge street
Cottrell k Co. engineers, Eddington works
C ounty Court (His Honor Judge Gwynne Jam es;
Reginald L. Barnes,registrar & high bailiff),Town hall
O e e s William Henry, farmer, Standen Hussey farm
Crook Tom Evi, brewer, Crown brewery, High street
Deer Alfred William, apartm ents, C h urch street
Dickson W alter M D & C.M Edin. physician k surgeon,
& m edical officer Hungerford district, High street
E âsterbrook Malcolm Ray, beer retailer, High street
Edwards George, head gamekeeper to Leopold Hirsch
esq. Littleeote
Edwards John, baker & confectioner. Church street
Evans Evelyn Ward, farmer, New Hayward
Freem an Brothers, tobacconists, Bridge street
F reer Isaac, farmer, Church street
Froome Mary (Mrs.), boarding school, College house.
H igh street
Fruen k Son. china k glass dl^s & undertkrs. High st
Gardiner Joseph, boot maker. High street
Gibbons Henrv & Son, ironfounders, Kennet works
Gibbs John k Geo;,ge. builders, Prospect road
Giles W illiam Alfred, coal m erchant. Church street
G ingell Edward Samuel, grocer. High street
Gl"sh»en James, head gardener to Leopold Hirsch esq
F r il W ilia m , hair dresser, High street
Hance Albert Charles, John of Gaunt P.H. Bridge street
Hording James B. estate agent to the Hon. John Hubert
Ward C .V O. Laverton manor
Harris W-dliam Jim p?, baker. High street
Hatfield E m ily (Miss), dress maker. Church street
Hawkes George J. ironmonger, High street
Hawkes Samuel, hair dresser, & agent for Sutton & Co
ra.T'Tâ:°rs, High street
H a w k n s & P a r f i t t . S o u t h B e r k s B r e w e r y Co
L i m it e d (George E. Platt, district m anager), brewers,
m altsters k wine & spirit merchants. High street; &
at Newbury
Hawkms John, confectioner & registrar of marriages,
vno-b street
Hawkins Sarah Maud (M rs.), farmer, Chilton Lodge fm
k k l l y âs
Haynes Robert, cattle dealer, Church street
e lges Frederick, bricklayer, Church street
Higgs Arthur, grocer, High street
issey Alfred, farmer, North Standen farm
Hoare k Gosling, shopkeepers, High street
Hofland Robert Newton, m iller (water) k commission
agent, Eddington Roller m ills
Horne John W aller, carman & jobm aster, Charnham st
Hughes Frank, farm er. North Hidden farm
Humphries Henry, beer retailer, Church street
Hungerford Cycle k Motor Co. cycle agents k dealers,
Charnham street
Hungerford Gas k Coke Co. Lim ited (David Cookson,
m anager), Charnham street
H u n g e r f o r d L a u n d r y C o. L im ite d (Wm. Capern
Hidden, m anager), High street
Hungerford W ater Co. Lim ited (G. E. P latt, m anaging
director), High street
Hunt Frank Ernest, station m aster, Railway station
Hunt George, baker, see Jessett k Hunt
Hunter William, boot & shoe maker, High street
Huntley Jessie (M rs.), Salisbury Arm s P.H. High street
Hutchins & Co. butchers. High street
International Tea Co. s Stores Lim ited, Bridge street
Jacob W illiam , m anager to the Capital & Counties Bank,
& treasurer to the Ram sbury Rural D istrict Council.
High street
Jauii s Robert Blake M .R .C .S., L.R .C .P . physician, k
public vaccinator Hungerford district, H igh street
Jessett & Hunt, bakers, Charnham street
Jessett Alfred Charles, fried fish dealer, Bridge street
Jessett Anna (M rs.), beer retailer. Park street
Jessett Francis W illiam , Sun P.H. Charnham street
Jessett Frederick, baker, grocer k dealer in bottled beer,
k post office, Eddington
Kennet k Avon Canal Office (John Holmes Wooldridge,
agent). Bridge street
Kennet Valley Fisheries, trout breeding establishment
(Old Spring), Charnham street
Killick k Church, grocers, High street
Kim ber William, farmer, Undys farm
King John, farmer, Follev farm
King Wallace, assistant overseer k collector of poorâ s
rates & clerk to the Parish Council, High street
Lambourne Charles, boot maker, Charnham street
Lambourne W illiam , boot k shoe maker, Church street
Lever Charles, head gardener to Edward Percy Shepherd
esq. Hungerford park
London Countv & W estm inster Bank Lim ited (branch)
(Frederick W illiam Baker, m anager). High st. ; draw
on 21 Lombard street, London E C
Love Frank, dairyman, Park street
Low Frederick, piumber & glazier. Bridge street
McKerlie John M .R .C .V.S.G las. vet. surgeon, High st
Mack 1-in Frederick, shopkeeper. High street
Mapson William, watch m aker. High street
M°ad Rupert, printer. Bridge street
Mepsted Charles, tinsmith, Charnham street
Middleton Richard, carpenter. Eddington
Mills Alfred, butcher, High street
Mnsdell Harry, hair dresser. Bridge street
Neale Joseph, decorator, High street & Park street
Neate A rthur Webb, land agent, auctioneer, surveyor &
valuer, High street ; & at Newbury
New Stephen Owen, tailor. High street
Nve Lilian M. (Miss), ladiesâ outfitter. High street
Oakes Brothers, blacksmiths. High street
Parsloe Vincent, farmer. High Close farm
Parsons Albert, photographer, Bridge street
Phelps George, grocer & baker, Bridge street
niper Arthur William,_ insurance agent, Park street
Pope Elizabeth (Mrs )," Bell P.H. High street
P o t t Lncv (Mrs.), Bear hotel, Charnham street
Raine W illiam Stephenson, highway surveyor k sanitary
inspector to the H ungerford Rural D istrict Council',
Salisbury road
Randall T o ^ , inspector of police k relieving officer for
tram ps. Park street
Richens Osmond, farm er, Rectory farm
Richens Richard, farm er, Hopgrass farm
Rosier Leonard, cowkeeper. Church street
Ruddle Frederick Ernest, Craven Arms P.H. High street
Rum ball Ernest J. butcher, Bridge street
Rum holds Thomas William, Barley Mow P.H. Bridge st
Russell Edwin Henry, farmer, Great Hidden farm
Sandall Thomas, farmer, Stubwood
Savings Bank (John Holmes Wooldridge, actu ary; open
on W e d n e sd a y , from i to 2.30 p.m .), High street
cp-rmpr E Danfo-d, hosier & glover. Bridge street
Slade Morlev, farmer, Anvilles farm
Smallhone Alfred. Railway hotel, Station road
Smaâ lbones James, insurance agent. Church street
Smeeton W illiam E. Oxford Arms P.H, Newtown