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D IR E C TO R Y .]

B E R K S H IR E .

Local Governm ent Act, 1888, 51 & 52 V iet. c. 41.
The coroners for the county are elected by the County
Under the above A ct, Berkshire (except the County
(borough of Reading) is for the purposes of the A ct, an Council, and the clerk of the peace appointed by such
committee, and m ay be removed by them (sec.
adm inistrative county (sec. 46), governed by a County
«Council, consisting of chairm an, 17 aldermen and 53 83-2).
The clerk of the peace for the county is also clerk of
The chairman, by virtue of his office, is a justice of the County Council (sec. 83-1).
th e peace for the county, without qualification (sec. 46).
The adm inistrative business of the county (which
The police for the county is now under the control of
a standing join t committee of the Quarter Sessions and would, if this A ct had not been passed, have been trans­
by the justices) is now transacted by the County
th e County Council, appointed as therein mentioned
i(sec. 9).
The full County Council meets at the Council chamber in the Assize Courts, Reading, and the Committees at the
County offices.
Chairman, Sir Robert Gray Cornish Mowbray bart.
Vice-Chairman. James Herbert Benyon esq.

Retire in 1913'B est Marmaduke Head J.P. Donnington grove, Newbury
Cobham Capt.Alex.W m . J.P. Manor ho.Shinfield,Readng
Ferard Charles Agace M .A ., J.P. Winkfield manor,Ascot
Latham Thomas, Bishop’s court, Dorchester, Oxon
Mansfield Edward Dillon, Lucklev, Wokingham
Peters George Henry, Lockerbie, Windsor
Slade G . F. Woodlea, Wood street, W allingford
W illes Col. George Shippen J.P. The Firs, Hungerford
Retire in 1916.
Benyon James H erbert (Lord L ieu t.), Englefield house,
near Reading

Gardner Ernest J.P ., M .P. Spencers, Maidenhead
G ull Sir W illiam Cameron bart. Frilsham ho. Newbury
Loder-Symonds Capt. Frederick Cleave R .A . Hinton
manor, Faringdon
Loyd Archie Kirkm an K .C ., J.P. Downs house, Hendred,
Mowbray S ir Robert G ray Cornish bart. D .L ., J.P. Warennes Wood, Mortimer
Preston A rthur Edwin, W hitefield, Abingdon
Russell Hugh Wm. Olney lo. Furze P latt, Maidenhead
Van de W eyer Col. Victor W illiam Bates J.P. New
lodge, Winkfield, Windsor

C o u n c il l o r s .

Names & Addresses.
Electoral Division.
Abingdon : —
E a s t ....................... John Cobb, Fitzharris, Abingdon
W est....................... Thos. Skurray, Summerfield, Wootton
road, Abingdon
Abingdon R ural
George Holbrow Morland, Ock Lea,
Aldermaston ........... Charles Edward Keyser D .L ., J.P.
Aldermaston court, Reading
Boxford ................... Col. George Bramston Archer-Houblon
J.P. G reat Hallingbury, Bishops
Bradfield................... Francis Bate, Hatch house, Bucklebury
Braj'........................... Charles William Cox, The Orchards,
Boyn Hill, Maidenhead
Burghfield................ Henry George Willink M .A., J.P.
Burghfield Common,
Mortimer, Reading
Challow ................... Aaron Frogley, Sparsholt, Wantage
C lew er....................... Edward Cecil Durant, Clewer court,
Com pton.................... George Lewis Baker, Hamilton house,
Compton, Newbury
Cookham.................... Sir George Young bart. J.P. Formosa
Place. Cookham
Cumnor ................... H. Tuer Shawcross, Yatscombe, Foxcombe hill, Oxford
D id co t....................... Francis John Kynaston Cross J.P.
Aston Tirrold manor, Wallingford
Drayton ................... Frederick Adolphus Smith, East
Hendred, Steventon
Earley ...................... Mart in John Sutton, W argrave manor,
E astham pstead
Sir Robert Rodney Wilmot bart. The
Grove, Binfield
Faringdon ............... John Parker Lockwood J.P. Bromsgrove house, Faringdon
Hendred.:.................. Col. James Colebrooke Carter V.D.,
J.P. Orpwood, Ardington, Wantage
Hungerford ........... George Edmund P latC The Priory,
Hurley ...................... George Lowe, Cliff mount, Beaconsfield road, Ventnor, I. of W

Names & Addresses.
Electoral Division.
U s le y ......................... John Joseph Eyston J.P. Hendred
house, Steventon
K in tb u ry .................. Edmund Augustine Hanley, Forbury
grove, Kintbury
L am bou rn ............... . Rev. Reginald Bagnall M .A. The
Vicarage, Lambourn
, John W esley Walker, 22 Craufurd
Belmont ........
rise, Maidenhead
, Edward Norkett, 6 All Saints’ avenue,
Boyne Hill
Francis William Porter, The Dell, Bel­
Oldfield ....
mont, Maidenhead
William Ferguson Good, Glencairn,
St. Mary’s .
Ray Park avenue, Maidenhead
Newbury :—
E ast............
Col. Gerald Craven Ricardo T .D ., J.P.
The Elms, Donnington, Newbury
Edmund Parfitt, The Mount, New­
W est.........
Ambrose Petrocokino, Pangbourne
. W. J. Toye, Ryefield, Sandhurst
Sandhurst ...
Viscount* Barrington D .L., J.P. 15
Ennismore gardens, South Kensing­
ton, London S W
illiam Walton J.P. Donnington Holt,
! Speen ...........
. Henrv C.* Chandler, Manor farm
| Stan fo rd .......
Hinton W aldrist, Faringdon
. Percy Edward Crutchley J.P. Sunning­
I Sunninghill .
hill lodge, Ascot
. Henrv Goddard, Shintield, Reading
I Swallowfield
. Major Charles Turner J. P. Thatcham
Thatcham ....
house, Newbury
. William Barningham, Calcot Rise,
. Frank Walters Bond D .L ., J.P . M ar­
T w v fo rd ......
grave court, Berks
. The Hon. Osbert William Craven J.P.
Ashdown park, Shrivenham
.. Gilbert Locke Venables, Mill court,