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B E R K S H IR E .
[ b e l l y âs
hampton. The population of the union in r g n was
22,867; area. 44,216 acres; rateable value in 1911,
Baptist, Northbrook street, Rev. Charles V. Pike, 10.45
а.m . & 6.30 p.m . ; mon. A thurs. 7.30 p.m
Brethrenâs Meeting Room, Northcroft lane, 11 a.m. &
б.30 p.m. ; mon. & fri. 7.30 p.m
Chairm an of the Board of Guardians, Richard Beynon,
Cheriton, Newbury
Christian Mission Temperance Hall, N orthcroft larie,
6.45 p.m
C lerk to the Guardians A Assessm ent Com m ittee,
Congregational, Northbrook street, Rev. Frederick
Stanley \ ick ers Pinniger, M arket place, Newbury
W alter Clark B.A. ; 10.45 a m - & 6.30 p.m . ; wed.
Treasurer, Evan Jones, Capital & Counties Bank Ltd.
7.30 p.m
N ewbury
Relieving & Vaccination Officers, No. i district, Alfred Presbyterian, Northbrook street, Rev. Richard N ew ell;
11 a m. & 6.30 p.m
Joseph Rawlins, Craven street, N ew bury; No. 2 disÂ
trict, Alfred Brice Bland, Oxford road, N ew bury; No. Primitive Methodist, Bartholomew n Rev. John
street ; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ;
(supt.)A Rev. Alfred
3 d istrict, W illiam Draper, Thatcham
mon. 7.30 p.m
I Bateson ; Rev. John
Medical Officers A Public Vaccinators, No. 1 district,
supernuRichard H ickman M .R .C .S.E n g. 121 Bartholomew Primitive Methodist, Stroud Green, I Neville,
2.30 & 6.30 p.m.; th u rs.7.30p .m '
street, N ew bury; No. 2 district, Robert G ill Wyllie
M B . 92 Northbrook street, N ew bury; No. 3 district, Wesleyan Methodist, Northbrook > Rev. T. C. Edwards
street, 10 30 a.m. A 0.30 p.m. ;
(supt.) A Rev. WilThom as Martin M .R .C.S.E ng. Thatcham
tues. 7.30 p.m
- fried E.Selby ; Rev.
The Workhouse, Newtown road, is a structure of red
Thomas H. Lomas,
brick A will hold 263 in m ates; Rev. R. Wickham V\ esleyan Methodist, The C ity ; 3
p.m. A 6.30 p.m
L eg g M .A. chaplain;
A rth ur Thompson B.A.,
lane, 7 A 11 a.m.
L .R .C .P .L on d .,
M .R .C.S.E ng.
m edical
W illiam Woolacott, m aster; Mrs. Ada E. Woolacott, . & 3 A 6.30 p.m . S u n d a y s ; A e v e r y w e e k e v e n in g a t 8
Superintendent Registrar, Stanley Vickers Pinniger,
Bartholomewâs G ram m ar,
Enborne road, reÂ
Market place, N ew bu ry; deputv.â Albert W ise, Kings- St.
bridge road. Newbury
constituted under a scheme of the Endowed School
Commission A now a Secondary School under the
R egistrars of Births A Deaths, Newbury sub-district,
Alfred Joseph Rawlins, Craven street, N ew bury;
Board of Education, dates from c. 1468. The present
buildings were erected in 1886 at a cost of about
deputy, John Wilson W estacott, Priory road; Speen
¿10,000, A additional class rooms have been recently
sub-district, Alfred Brice Bland, Oxford road, NewÂ
added; there are now (1911) n o boys, including 12
b u ry: deputy. Sydney Povev. London road, N ew burv;
boarders. Attached to the school are from 8 to 12
Thatcbam sub-district, W illiam Draper, T h a tch a m ;
entrance scholarships, awarded in December. The
deputy, Thomas W illiam Cousins, Thatcham
school is controlled by a body of governors ; E. SharR egistrars of M arriages, John Wilson W estacott, Priory
wood-Smith M.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge, head
r.>ad, N ew bury; deputy, Horace George Cox, Station
m aster; C. St. A. Lee M .A., R. E. Willis B.A.. F. A.
road. N ew bury; W illiam Draper. Thatcham ; deputv.
Pickup M .A., H. P. Roberts M .A., H. A. Barkas, H.
Thom as W illiam Cousins, Thatcham
Liggins A L. Yeomans, assistant masters
Assessor A Collector of Land A Income Taxes & House
D uty, G. J. Cosburn, M arket place
A ssistant Overseer, Benson Fletcher Freem an, BarÂ
tholomew street
Bailiffs to Levy Distress under the A gricultural HoldÂ
ings A ct, 1883, D reweatt A Watson, Market place &
Joseph N. Day, M arket place
C ertifyin g Factory Surgeon, Richard Hickman, 121
Bartholomew street
Cle-lc A Receiver to St.. Bartholomewâs Gram m ar School
Foundation, F. Quekett Louch. Market place
Collector of K ingâs Taxes,Chas.Edm onds, WashCommon
C iv oner for the Newbury D istrict of the County, Stanley
V. Pinniger. Market place; deputy. Broome Pinniger,
M arket place
S ecretary A Treasurer to the Newburv Consolidated
Municipal Charities, F. Quekett Louch,' Market place
Education Committee.
Under the provisions of Section 17 of the Education
A ct, 1902, this com m ittee consists of the Mayor for
the tim e being of the borough, eleven other members
of the Council A three appointed by the Council on
the recommendations of the follow ing:â The County
Council, Governors of St. Bartholomewâs Hospital A
Gram m ar School Foundation, managers of all Church
of England Public Elementary Schools A also three
selected members, of whom ' two shall be women,
appointed by the Council
The Committee meets at the Town Hall, on 1st friday
in every month, at 6 p.m.
Chairman, Councillor John Rankin, Dalriada,Andover rd
Secretary. Ross Heathcote Jeeves, Education office,
Municipal offices
School Medical Officer, R. Hickman M .R .C .S., L.R .C .P
Attendance Officer, Thomas H. Stillman, Marsh cottage,
Northbrook street
Public Elem entary Schools.
PL A C E S OF WORSHIP, with tim es of Services.
Speenhamland, C. of E. (boys A girls), built in 1835,
S t. Nicholasâ Church, Bartholomew street, Rev. Lionel
enlarged in 1880 A again in 1894 A endowed by the
Robert Majendie M.A. Teotor; Rev. A rth ur Henry
late Col. Page, of Speen, for 234 boys A g ir ls ; average
Drakeford Newbold M.A. A Rev. Frank Streatfeild
attendance, 227; Arthur Alfred Herring, m aste r;
B.A. curates; holy communion, 7 & 8 a.m . A 12.13
Miss Annie L. Gregory, mistress
noon ; 11 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m . ; fri. m atins A litany at Speenhamland. C. of E (infants). Backway, SpeenhamÂ
u a.m . ; matins at 9 a.m . daily & evensong at 6
land, built in 1874, for 85 ch ildren ; average attendÂ
p.m. d aily; wed. A fri. at 7.30; holv communion,
ance, 77 ; Miss H arriet Em ilv Hood, mistress
thurs. 8 a.m
Newbury, C. of E. Enborne road, built in 1859, for 238
S t.
Johnâs Church, Newtown road, Rev. Richard
boys A 240 g ir ls ; average attendance, boys, 201;
W ickham Legg M.A. vicar; Revs. Edward Humphrey
girls, 193; W illiam Alma Ransbaw, m a s te r; Miss
Essex M.A. A A. Meyrick Johnson B.A. curates; H C
Fanny House, mistress
* & 9-45 a m & 11 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m . ; daily Newbury, C. of E. (infants), W est street, built in 1872,
H. C. 7 45 a.m. & 10 a.m. & 6 p.m . except wed. &
for 173 children; average attendance, 133; Miss Agnes
fri. ; wed. & fri. 7.30 p.m
Clara Kem p, mistress
S t. Maryâs, Speenhamland, Rev. Charles Luke Jeayes Newbury. C of E. St. Johnâs (infants), Newtown road,
B.A. vica r; Rev. Harold Irthing Wilson M.A. curate;
built in 1874, for 186 ch ildren ; average attendance,
3 & 11 a.m . & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. A fri. 11 a.m. ;
171; Miss Ethel Luckett. mistress
other days, io a.m. & 6 p.m
Council, Station road, built in 1909, for 312 boys A
S t. Lu k eâs, W ash Common, served by the clergy of
312 g irls ; average attendance, boys. 275; girls, 282;
St. Johnâs ; H. C. 8 a m. A 6.30 p .m .; holv davs,
W illiam Wise Bowring, m aste r; Miss Elizabeth PasH. C. 8 a.m
coe, mistress
S t. Bartholomew, East fields, served by the clergy & Council, Special Subjects Centres, Station road, built
lay readers of St. Johnâs ; H. C. is-t sun. in the
in 1909; John Stead, woodwork in stru cto r; Miss
month 9.15 & i i a.m. A 6.30 p.m ; tues. 8 p.m
Violet Kidd, cookery instructress
S t. Leonardâs Chapel, The Litton, Rev. Richard W ick Council (infants), Bartholomew street, for 164 ch ild ren ;
ham Legg M.A. warden; service, sum m er months
average attendance, 153 ; Miss Elizabeth Keep, m istrss
Berks County Council Secondary School for G irls, AnÂ
S t. Joseph, Catholic, London Toad. Rev. Francis Green,
dover road, was opened Sept. 1910, for 200 girls ;
p riest; low mass, 9 ; high mass, 10.30 a.m .;
Miss E. J. Luker, head mistress
vespers, sermon A benediction, 6.30 p m .'; confes Roman Catholic (m ixed), Park lane, for 100 children ;
sions, sat. 6 to 9 a.m . & d a ily before mass
Miss B. Hogg, mistress