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Trafford Fredk. Wolvercote, Oxford
Tucker E. F. Market place, Deddington, Oxford
Turner Edwin, Epwell, Banbury
intner Herbert, Chinnor, Wallingford
Turrill & Dew, High st. Woodstock
Tustain William, Post office, Barford
St. Michael, Oxford
â¦Twining Brothers, 23 & 24 St.
Ebbe's street; 53 Cornmarket s t .;
North Parade avenue, St. Gi.esâ ;
46 High s t r e e t ; 294 Banbury road,
S u m m e rto w n & 5^
Aldate s st.
Twining Owen & Co. 164 Cowley rd.
fUnderhill Charles & Co. 37 CornÂ
market street, Oxford
fUnderhill M. & Son, 7 High st.& 196
Banbury rd. Summertown, Oxford
fUnderhill Ernest Augustus, 15 & 110
St. Clementâs, Oxford
Uzzell Charles, 95 Friars street, St.
Ebbeâs, Oxford
Venvell Archibald, Milton - under Wycbwood, Oxford
Vernon Geo. T. Lewknor,Wâ allingford
Viner & Sons, 62 & 64 High st.Witney
Viner Charles, South Leigh, Witney
Waine Harry, High street, Burford
Walker & Co. 83 High street & 14
Market place, Banbury
Walker & Co. 5 High street, Witney
Walker Richd. L. 103 High st. Witney
Walker W m. Arth. Littlemore, Oxford
Warmington Henry, Post office, Shillingford, Wallingford
Warren Samuel, Charlbury
Watkins Charles, 19 Observatory st.
St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Wells & Sons, 22 Park street, Thame
Weils Miss J. Neat Enstone-, Enstone
tWells Thos. H. Market sq. Bicester
West W m . Great Haseley,Wallingford
Wheeler Thomas, Post office, W hitÂ
church hill, Whitchurch, Reading
Whichelo Geo. Shirburn, Wallingford
Whitehorne Geo. Wm.Goring,Reading
Wilkins Fredk. North Aston, Oxford
tWilkins William, Windmill road,
Headington Quarry, Oxford
Willis Fredk. Hy. High st. Woodstock
Willis G. 5 New st. St. Ebbe's,Oxford
Wilson R. & Sons, 18 & 19 Market pi.
Wise Isaac James E. Crowmarsh GifÂ
ford, Wallingford
fWood C. A. & Sons, Benson, W alÂ
Woodward William & Son, 34, 35 &
36 Bridge street, Osney, Oxford
Wright Brothers, 90 Corn st. Witney
X. L. Present Tea Co. 31 St. CleÂ
mentâs street, Oxford
Youens John, 35 Hemdean road,
Caversham, Reading
VenablesJ. &Son,99St. Aldateâ s st. Oxfrd
Watkins & Co. 11 Church la.Banbury
In d ia R u b b e r , G u t t a P e r c h a &
T e le g r a p h W o rk s C o . L im .;
offices, 100 & 106 Cannon street,
London E C ; works, Silvertown,
London E ; gutta percha golf balls,
tubing, belting, buckets, sheet,
tissues, carboys &c
G Y M N A S IU M .
University Gymnasium (Sergt. Geo.
Morley, manager), Alfred st. High
'street, Oxford
G Y M N A S T IC S âT E A C H E R S O F.
See Teachers of Gymnastics.
H A B IT M A K E R S & ^ A B I E S â Hygienic Toilet Club (The), 12 North
Parade avenue, St. Gilesâ , Oxford
T A IL O R S .
Jeffreys J. Acre End st. Eynsham
B u s v in e «
L td .
tailors & riding
habit makers to
Her Majesty
Queen Alexandra
the Courts
of Europe
4 Brook street,
Hanover square,
London W ;
T A â Busvine,
London â
Jeffs Frank W . 6 Oriel st. Oxford
Kelly A. H. 29 Cowley road, Oxford
Kemp Frank John, 15 Cranham st.
Jericho, Oxford
Lasbury Percy William, 40 South
parade, Summertown, Oxford
Loader George, Noith street, Thame
Lovegrove Geo. 58 High st. Banbury
Lovell George, 2 Fish st. Banbury
Lowe William Henry, Shirburn st.
Watlington. Wallingford
Luckett Mrs. Florence, 10 Park End
street, St. Thomasâ , Oxford
Mackenzie G . A. 13 Sheep st.Bicester
Martyr Brothers, 32 Cornmarket st.
Oxford. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
Massey Tom, 6a, Greys road, Henley-on-Thames
Mattingley Charles Fredk.27 Prospect
street, Cavershara, Reading
Maycock Mrs. H. H. 60 High st.Bnbry
Mead S.A.2gDuke st.Henley-on-Thms.
Monev E. R. 104 Walton st. Oxford
Nobes Bert, 12 Park End street, St.
Thomasâ . Oxford
Orchard Arthur William, 32 St. CleÂ
mentâ s street, Oxford
Page Fredk. A. 143 Cowley rd. Oxford!
Phillips W . R. 4 St. Michaelâs st. Oxfd 1
Pimm Joseph, High street, Eynsham
Reck in Edward, 46 Hart street & 15 â¢
Reading road, Henley-on-Thames
Robinson A. D. & Co. 9 Castle street, .
Rogers Mrs. Emma, 1 Commercial rd.
St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
Rogers Ernest,iBGloucester st.Oxford >
Scroxton G .B .i South Bar st.Banbury
Sharpe Arthur L. 10a, Bridge street,
Caversham, Reading
Sharpe Fred. 103 Cowley road & ia,
New Inn Hall street, Oxford
Simons W m. P. 22 Corn mrkt.Thame
Smith E. 40 Reading road, Henleyon-Thames
Stocklev Hv. ioq Walton st. Oxfordld
Stockier Mrs. S. A. 30 Sheep st.
^ . s
Strange Herbt. W .15 Market st.Oxfrd
Stuchfield Thomas, 3 Speedwell s i
St.. Aldateâs, Oxford
Svkes P. J. Market st. Woodstock
Taplin Fred James, 18 Coldicutt st.
Lower Caversham, Reading
ThomasW.2Church st.St.Ehbeâ s.Oxfrd *
Trafford Frederick, n o Magdalen rd.
Cowley, Oxford
Trafford John George, 6 Friday st.
Waddop Peter,50 Bridge st. Banbury
Walker Hy. 51 St. Aldateâ s st. Oxford
Wearring Geo. Bridge st. Bampton
Webb Harry S. B. 64 James street,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Weston & C heal,n Turl street,Oxford'
Weston Frank. 1 Percy street, Cowley
St. John, Oxford
Whitrher W m . 23 High st. Witney
White W . 8 St. Michaelâ s st. Oxford'
W hâ tford Edward. London rd. HighÂ
field. Oxford
Whitford F. E. 250 Cowley rd.Oxford'
Wiggins Jo5eph, tt Gosbrook street,
Caversham Reading
Witts G "o. B. Kidlington. Oxford
Worlev Hubert Edgar. High street,
Watlington, Wallingford
Aldridge Charles J. High st. Burford
Bailey William, 64 Bell st. Henleyon-Thames
Baines Thomas, Headington, Oxford
Bannard E. F. 32a, Bridge st.Banbry
Barnes H .W .90 St. Clementâs st.Oxfrd
Bartlett Augustine, 7 Corn st. Witney
Barton Edwd. 29a, Walton st. Oxford
Barton Wâ illiam G. 213 Banbury road,
Summertown, Oxford
Bedford Ernest, High st. Woodstock
Best William, 4 Rewley road, St.
Thomasâ , Oxford
Briggs W m . 59 Broad street, Banbury
Brown A, E. 12 Broad st. Banbury
Bryan H. W . 28a, Parsons st. Banbury
Burmeister Robert, 6 Prospect street,
Caversham, Reading
Burton Arthur, 15 Market sq. Witney
Busby A. E. 43 Parsons st. Banbury
Butler W m . F. 181 Cowley rd.Oxford
Bygrave William, 120 High st.Thame
Castle Owen, 8 Hythe Bridge street,
St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Caswell John Christopher, 58 St.
Maryâs rd. Cowley St. John, Oxford
Choldcroft Christopher, 11 Woodstock
road, St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Claydon Allen, 17 Littlegate street,
St. Ebbeâ s, Oxford
Coleman Hy. 38 North Bar st. Bnbry
Collier Albert, 2 Park End street, St.
Thomasâ, Oxford
Coombs E. 5 Middle row, Chipping
Copsey & Co. 111 St. Aldateâs street,
Couldrey F. W . 17 George st. Oxford
Cross John William, 18 Charles st.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Dixon J. 23 St. Clementâs st. Oxford
Drewe Victor R. E. 34 High street,
Earl James, 105 Cardigan street,
Jericho, Oxford
Farmer William, Charlbury
Fogden A. 55 St. Aldateâs st. Oxford
Ford Charles, 15 Bridge st. Banbury
Foster A. J. 33 Market pi. Banburv
Fox William, High street, Burford
Freeman J. 2 New st. Deddington,
Freeman J. W . 8 Middle row,Chipping
Gardner W m .15 St.Ebbeâ s st. Oxford
Germer W . H.3KingEdward st.Oxfrd
Godfrev William Albert Henry, 64a,
Magdalen rd. Cowley St.John,Oxfrd
Goodall F.27 Hart st.HenW -on-Thm s
Gouldrev Arth. High st. Woodstock
Green W. F. Temple Cowley, Oxford
Hancock Fredk. 47 Bridge st. Banbury
Harris Geo. 15 Bridge st Witney
Harris Richard C. 32 Victor street,
Jericho, Oxford
Harrison Henry. Charlbury
Hovenden R. & Sons Limited, 20 to 34
Hatt & Co. 19 Magdalen st. Oxford.
.Berners street, Oxford street,
See a d v e rtis e m e n t
83 & 89 to 95 Citv rd E C. Londort
Hempel C. & Co. 220 Banbury rd.
Summertown, Oxford
street & 8 & 11 Bateman st. Soho,
Hitchman W m . 61 High st. Witney
London W
Holden A. 10 West st.Chipping Norton
Holloway Fredk. 44 Botlev rd. Oxford
Hone & Son. 20 Market sq. Bicester
See Public
Humnhries W .6 New Inn Hall st.Oxfd
H A IR D R S S R S '. S U N D R IE S M N .
H A L L S âP U B L I C .
2 9
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