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d ire c to ry .]
B E R K S H IR E .
W in d so r.
Lockley Minnie (Miss), apartments, 25 Grove road
: Pardoe Edward, boot maker, 18 Victoria street
London Central Meat Co. Lim. butchers, 16 Oxford road
1 Parker Daniel, newsagent, 34 Peascod street
London County & Westminster Bank Limited (branch) (Edward Parsons Richd. Hussey & Son, tobacconists, 12a, Thames st
J. fl oward Rice, manager); open 9 to 4 d aily; 9 to i weds.; Parsons Jannette (Mrs.), apartments, 116 St. Leonardâs road
55 High st. ; draw on head office, 21 Lombard st. London EC | Passmore & Bailey, dress makers, 11 William street
Lovegrove & Durant, solicitors, 4 Park street
Paten Eliza (Mrs.), beer retailer, 16 St. Leonardâs road
Lovegrove Philip (firm, Lovegrove & Durant), solicitor,clerk Pearks Limited, grocers, 101 Peascod street
to the guardians, assessment committees & superintendent I Peek & Hayward, hair dressers, 48 Thames street
registrar, 4 Park street
Pengillv Frank, beer retailer, 12 Peascod street
Lovejoy Charles Albert, Bull p .h . 32 Peascod street
People (The) Electric Theatre, electric pictures (Charles A.
Lovejoy Thomas, dairyman, 20 Sheet street
Coles, proprietor), Victoria street
Lovibond John & Sons Limited, brewery stores (William Hole, Peters H. & Son, coal merchants, 56 Thames street
manager), 3 Clarence road & 6 & 8 Victoria street
| Petley James Edward, fruiterer, 81 Peascod street
Luce Rev. Edmund, private tutor, 60 Thames street
i Pettit Percy, tailor, 31 Peascod street
Luff Thomas Edmund, printer, 47 St. Leonardâs road & 13 Philips Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer, 97 St. Leonardâs road
Thames street
Phillips & Ford (Randle), solicitors, 1 High street
Lutwyche William, news agent, 58 Peas od street
Phil pots Montague L.D.S. dentist, 14 High street
Lying-in-Oharity (Mrs. Bois, manageress),Vicarage, Park grove j Pickfords Ltd. carriers, 27 Sheet street
MacKellar A. head gardener to His Majesty, Frogmore gardens | Pither George, boot maker, 1 Greenham place, Oxford road
Maekrorv Charles, shopkeeper, 4 St. Leonardâs road
! Pit wood Francis, butcher, 186 St. Leonardâs road
MacWilliam William S. land steward to His Majesty, Prince Playfair Henry Limited, boot & shoe manufrs. 33 Peascod st
Consortâs Shaw farm
Plumridge Albert J. Carpenterâs Arms p.h. Market street
M a i d e n h e a d D i s t r i c t L a u n d r y Co. L i m i t e d (T h e ) Plumridge George William, registrar of births & deaths &
(Frederick Rogers, managing director), Templars hall, 20a,
deputy registrar of marriages for Windsor sub-district, 19
St. Leonardâs road ; head office, Furze Platt, Maidenhead
Victoria street
Mainwood William, cork manufacturer, 13 & 15 William street Pomfret Joseph William, greengrocer, Augusta pi. Oxford rd
Manley John, picture frame maker, 84 Peascod st. & 27 High st Poole Major E. E. sec. King Edward VIT. Hospital & Infirmary,
Manning Walter, hair dresser, 15 Kingâs road
17 Castle yard, Windsor castle
Marshall Ernest, stationer, Castle hill & 3 7a, Peascod street
Pope Amy (Mrs.), midwife, 6 Kingâs road
Marshall Herbert, tobacconist, 67 Peascod street
Portas Thomas, rate collector for Clewer district, 2 Lancaster
Martin Emma (Miss), dress maker, 51 Alexandra road
villas, New road
Martin John, job master, 99 St. Leonardâs road
Powell Joseph & Sons, com merchants, 39 St. Leonard's road
Martin John William, beer retailer 65 , & grocer 67 , Oxford road Powell Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 10 & 12 Sheet street
Martin Maggie (Miss), confectioner. 190 St. Leonardâs road
Powell Elizabeth (Mrs.), Crown p.h. 23 Peascod street
Maskell Robert H. Falcon p .h . William street
Prangley Harriet (Mrs.), antique furniture dealer, 51 High street
Mason William Bertie, auctioneer & estate agent, Sheet st Prescott Wentworth, tailor, 41 Grove road
Masonic Hall (Frederick Winchester, hall keeper), Church lane Preston & Co. Limited, butchers, 53 Peaseod street
Maun Sami. T. refreshment rms. Gt. WestemRailway terminus Princess Christianâs (H.R.H.) Maternity Home (Mrs. Alice
Maxwell J. E. & Sons, grocers, 10 Alexandra road
Smith, matron), 23 Trinity place
May William, hosier, 117 & 118 Peascod street
Princess Christianâs (H.R.H.) Trained Nursesâ Home (Miss
Maynard Charles, steam launch proprietor, 1 & 2 Thames side
Mary Lumsden, matron), Clarence villas, Clarence road
Mayne Henry, Criterion p .h . 72 Peascod street
Pryor & Son, picture frame makers, 132 Peascod street
Mead Caroline (Mrs.), confectioner, 34 Thames street
Pullen James, refreshment rooms, 25 Victoria street
Meaden Samuel (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 1 Helena road
Purser E. & L. fishmongers, 18 & 43 & 45 Oxford road
Mear Charles, hair dresser, 33 Kingâs road
Purser Edmund, butcher & fishmonger, 47 & 48 Peascod street
Meikle James R. beer retailer, 36 Peascod street
Quelch Edwin, boot & shoe maker, 17 Alexandra road
Mellows Samuel Weatherall, sanitary inspector to the urban Radbourne Ernest, dairyman, 2 St. Markâs road
sanitary authority, Woodborough. New road <fc 16 Alma rd Radford Frederick, grocer& agent for W. & A. Gilbey Limited,
Meredew Edward Edwin, beer retailer, Oxford road
wine & spirit merchants, 10 Castle hill
Michal Edward, butcher, 80 Peascod street
Radnor Joseph, pawnbroker & house furnisher, 11 Peascod st
Michie James, blacksmith, 8 Russell street
Rainer Thomas F. carting contractor, 2 Alma road
Milward Fred, boot & shoe maker, 35 Thames street
Rand James, shopkeeper, 17 Alma tertace, Arthur road
Minotaur Cycle Co. (Alfred Wood, manager), 48 High street
Ray Thomas George, hairdresser, 139 Peascod street
Mitchell & Son, boot makers. 13 Alma road
Redford William H. Grapes p.h. Thames street
Molyneux Annie (Mrs.), fancy repository, 130 Peascod street Redrup William Grove, hair dresser, 87 Victoria street
Montgomery Andrew, draper, 188 St. Leonardâs road
Reid (Nevile) & Co. bankers, Thames street; draw on Williams
Moore Leonard, architect, 51a, Thames street
Deaconâs Bank Limited, London e c
Moore Lily E. (Mrs.), tobacconist, 7 St. Leonardâs road
Reid (Nevile) & Co. brewers & mineral water manufacturers,
Morris Beef Co. Limited, butchers, Thames avenue
Windsor brewery, Thames street
Moxon Harold Richard M.R.c.s.Eng., L.R.c.p.Lond. house Religious Tract Society (Ernest Marshall), Castle hill
surgeon King Edward V I I . hospital & dispensary, St. Leo Renn Walter Henry, decorator, 5 Greenham place, Oxford road
nardâs road
Rice Edward J. Howard, manager, London Countv & W estÂ
Mulford Charles, town hall keeper, Victoria street
minster Bank Limited, 55 High street
Mumford George, apartments, 22 Grove road, Kingâs road
Ricketts Frederick T. Round Tower p.h. Sheet street
Nash Josiah, smith & wheelwright, Una terrace, Goswell road Roberts & Sons, grocers, <fcc. 16 Park street
National (The) Society for the Prevention of Cruelty toChildren Roberts & Co. china & glass dealers, 2 High street
(John Thompson, inspector; Sir Richard Holmes k . c . v . 0 . Roberts Joseph William, pianoforte warehouse, 10 High street
hon. sec.); local office, 94 Kingâs road
Roberts Stephen Henry, Prince Christian p.h. 11 Kingâs road
National Telephone Co. Limited (Fredk. Homfray, manager); Robey Eleanor (Mrs.), fishmonger, 12 & 184 St. Leonardâs road
depot, Datchet road
Robinsonâs Un Limited, bill posters, William street
Nelson James & Sons Limited, butchers, 69 Peascod street
Robinson Florence C. (Miss) L.R.A.M. teacher of music, 35
Nelson Robert & Co. domestic machinery dealers, 41 Peascod st
St. Markâs road
Newcombe Henry, cycle agent, Goswell road
Rogers William, bser retailer, 23 Oxford road
Newman John Henry, hosier, 28 High street
Rolfe Thomas, basket maker, IS St. Leonardâs road
Nicholls William & Co. brush mas. & ironmongers, 8 Peascod st Rose George, beer retailer, Vansirtart road
Nicholson & Sons Limited, Star inn p.h. 51 Peascod street
Royal Albert Institute(GeorgeRMiles M.v.o. hon.librarian ; E.
Nowell Charles, carpenter, 79 Bexley street
H. Lewis, sec.; Henry Purser & G. P. Cartland, hon. secs. â¢
Ogilwy & Son, bakers, 54 Oxford road
George Towe, curator). Sheet street
Oliver William Henry, baker & confectioner, 112 Peascod street Royal Albert Laundry (Mrs. S. Barrow, proprietress) 73
Operatic & Dramatic Society (E.H. Lewis, sec.),Albert. Institute,
Bourne avenue, Bolton road
Sheet street
Royal Free Industrial School (Richard George Knight, master ;
Osborn Alfred G. m.b., b.s. physn. & surgn. see Scott & Osborn
Miss Clare Beale, mistress), Bachelorâs acre
Dsmond & Son, pork btchrs.82, & butchersllO & 111,Peascod st Royal United Benefit Society (George P. Cartland, sec *
Ottrey James W. & Harry, plumbers & decorators, Acre
Thomas J. Cartland, assistant sec.); office, 13 High street
house, Bachelorâs acre & 63 Queenâs road
Rubie J. & Son, grocers, 17 Peascod street
Ottrey Harry G. decorator, 30 St. Leonardâs road
Russell J. & Sons, photographers, 13 Hi<di street
Outlaw Agatha Hannah (Miss), South Western hotel, Datchet Russell Richard, photographer, 79 St. U onardâs road
road & temperance hotel, 54 Thames street
Ryland & Ryiand, solicitors, Barclayâs Bank chambers
&âSon' printers, stationers & publishers of â The Windsor Ryland Frank Theodore, solicitor, see Ryland & Ryland
Kton & Slough Express,â 4 High street
Ryland H rbtH.(firm Ryland & RylandJ.BarclayV Bank clib ra
Oxley Alfred James, grocer, Park place, Spital
S t George « Chon School (George S. Fowler m.a. head master â¢
aice Charlotte (Miss), fancy repository, 25 Thames street
R. Mann b.a. & F. M. Bridge b.a. masters), St. George's
a mer James Thomas, fruiterer & greengro. 19 St. Leonardâs rd
school, Windsor castle
r aimer Robert, carpenter, 105 Alma road