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R E S ID E N T S .


Stockton Oliver Jas.Bodicote,Banbury
Stodart Herbert, Meadowland, Headineton Quarry, Oxford
Stoddart Mrs. 37 Bridge st. Witney
Stoker Rev. W. Dorchester, Waliingfd
Stokes Lieut.-Col. Henry Haldane
M.B., R.A.M.C. Devonshire house,
Temple Cowley, Oxford
Stokes Rev. F. H., M. A. The Vicar­
age, Grey’s hill, Henley-on-Thames
Stokes Mrs.The Chalet,Goring,Readng
Stone Capt. C. C. Grove cot. Thame
.Stone Rev. Darwell D.D. 61 St. Giles’
street, Oxford
.Stone Ernest E. 44 Minster road,
St. Clement’s, Oxford
.Stone John, 46 St. A ldate’s st. Oxford
Stone John Hy. 87 Iffley rd. Oxford
Stone Lewis Wycherley J.P. Green
hill, Adderbury East, Banbury
Stone Miss, 62 Botley road, Oxford
Stone Mrs. 2 St. M argaret’s rd.Oxfrd
.Stone Thomas Henry, 10 Manor place,
Holywell, Oxford
:Stone Thomas Price, 8 Kingston read,
St. Giles’, Oxford
Stopes Miss, Garden villa, Britwell
Prior, Wallingford
.Storer Bertram, The Cot, Cuxham ,
Storrar E. W. 17 Newland, Banbury
Story Charles, 24 Church grn. Witney
Stoton Mrs. 230 Iffley road, Oxford
Stowe Joseph, West lodge, Headington, Oxford
Stowell William, West End villa,
Combe, Woodstock
Strackan-Davidson James Leigh M.A.
Balliol college, Oxford
.Strahan-Davidsoii Mrs. 7 Bradmore
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Strange Charles J. 51 Portland road.
Summertown, Oxford
Stratford Fredk. The Laurels, Hook
Norton, Banbury
-Streatfield Rev. George Sidney M.A.
Rectory, Godington, Bicester
Streeter Rev. Burnett Hillman M.A.
41 High street, Oxford
Strick Frank C. Nun’s acre, Goring,


Sum m erhayes W illiam M.D. Stone- Taphouse Mrs. 225 Woodstock road,
leigh, K in g’s road, Thame
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Sum m ers Thomas K night, The Nook, Taplin Ashley, 69 Abingdon road,
Croft road, Tham e
Grandpont, Oxford
Sum m ersby Rev.Benj.Jas.The Manse, Tarrant Ernest, 36 M arket sq.W itney
Rotherfield Peppard,Henly.-on-Thms Tarrant Mrs. 9 Church green,W itney
Summersford Edwin, Sinodun, Head- Tarrant Wm.Hy.36 M arket sq.W itney
ington Quarry, Oxford
Taunt Frdk.W . Waterloo ho.Bampton
Sunderland Mrs. 29 Stanley road, Taunton Misses, Freeland, Woodstock
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Taunton Mrs. 9 Chalfont rd. St. Giles’
Surman Mrs. 299 Cowley rd. Oxford Tavendale Peter, Hargrave, Albert
Surridge John, 57 Lonsdale road,
road, Caversham , Reading
Summertown, Oxford
Tawney John Archer M .A. 14 MoreSusmann Walt. J., M.A., M.B. Erchton road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
font, Reading rd. Henlev-on-Thmes Tawney Mrs. Archer, 62 Banbury rd.
Sutcliffe Rev. Richard Wilton M.A.
St. Giles’, Oxford
Cuddesdon, Wheatley
Tayler John Charles, 17 Thorncliffe
Sutherland Rev. F.J. Wroxton,Banbry
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Sutton Eric William B.A. Worcester Taylor Alfred John, Cefn-Bryn,Woodcollege, Oxford
stock road, W itney
Sutton Miss, Rose Bank villa, Blox- Taylor A rth u r Henry M.A. Medley
ham, Banbury
manor, Binsey, Oxford
Sutton Mrs. 246 Abingdon rd. Oxford Taylor A rth u r J. The W eir cottage,
Swain Mrs. 15 Horsefair, Banbury
Rotherfield Peppard, Henley-on-T
Swales Edward, 116 Southmoor road, Taylor A rth u r John, 73 Divinity rd.
St. Giles’, Oxford
Cowley road, Oxford
Swan Mrs. 157 Banbury road, Sum ­ Taylor F. Barford St. Michael,Oxford
mertown, Oxford
Taylor Frank Henry, 20 Worcester
Swan Mrs. L. Cliarleville, Woodcote
place, St. Thomas’, Qxford
road, Caversham, Reading
Taylor Fredc. H. A. Kidlingt-on, Oxfrd
Swann Charles, Redthorn house, Mill Taylor G eorge, 42 Middleton road,
street, Eynsham
Grim sbury, Banbury
Swann Miss, 141 Woodstock road, St. Taylor George, 22 Newland, Banbury
Giles , Oxford
Taylor Gerald Charles, Sunnyside,
Swatman Miss, Crossways, St. Ann’s
Grosvenor rd. Caversham ,Reading
ron(i» Caversham, Reading
Taylor Henry, 1 Blenheim villas,
bweatman Frederick John M.A.
98 W olvercote, Oxford
Southmoor road, St. Giles»’, Oxford| Taylor Henry, Dyson’s wood, Caversweatm an W illiam Albert, 80
St. sham, Reading
John s road, St. Giles’, Oxford Taylor Herbert, Colwyn, Woodcote
Sweet Henry M.A., Ph.D ., LL.D.
15 road, Caversham , Reading
Rawlinson road, Oxford
Taylor James Wm. Warren Hastings
Sweet Miss, 82 St. John’s road, St.
house, Churchill, Chipping Norton
Giles’, Oxford
Taylor Jesse, Sydenham, Thame
Sw ift Frank, 55 Warwick st. Oxford Taylor John Spencer, The Grange,
Swinstead Rev. John Howard M.A.
Swaleliffe, Banbury
Vicarage, Chalgrove, Wallingford
Taylor Malcolm, 179 D ivinitv road,
Sydenham Rev. Edward Allen M .A.
Cowley road, Oxford
Wolvercote, Oxford
Taylor Miss, 23 Aston street, Cowley
Sykes Mrs. 45 Chalfont road, St.
St. John, Oxford
Giles’, Oxford
Milton-under-WychStringer Rev. Eardley B. Middle row, Symes-Thompson Rev. Francis M.A.
wood, Oxford
Chipping Norton
Vicarage, Claydon, Banbury
Taylor Miss E. 77 Bullingdon road,
Strong Rev. Leonard Thomas M.A. Symes-Thompson Mrs. Finmere ho.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
St. John’s Mission house, Marston
Finmere, Buckingham
Taylor Mrs. Lendor, St. Peter’s aven.
street, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Symington J.W.20 WestBar st.Banbry ; Caversham,
Strong Very Rev. Thomas Banks D.D. Symonds Frederick Thomas, 9 White : Taylor Mrs. Gordon, °6i Chalfont rd.
Christ Church, St. A ldate’s st.Oxfd
House road, Grandpont, Oxford
St. Giles’, Oxford
strong Mrs. 48 Bath road, Banbury
Symonds Henry, 298 Banbury road, Taylor Tristram , 86 Fairacres road,
Stroud Alfred, 31 Aston street, Cow­
Summertown, Oxford
Iffley road, Oxford
ley St. John, Oxford
Symonds Horatio Percy F.R.C.S.Edin. ¡Taylor William H. 90 Abingdon road,
Stroud George, 49 St. John street,
35 Banbury road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Grandpont, Oxford
^ St. Giles’, Oxford
Symonds Miss, 51 Banbury road, St. Tearle Miss, 87 Bath road, Banbury
Stroud J.R.40 New Inn Hall st.Oxfrd
Giles’, Oxford
Tebbutt Francis John M.A. North
Strugnell Evelyn H., B.A. Training Talbot Rev. Neville Stuart M.A.
lodge, Headington, Oxford
,, college, Culham, Abingdon
Balliol college, Oxford
Tedd Robert, 16 Portland road, S u m ­
itudds Miss, 44 Thorncliffe road, Talbot Ebenezer, Velmead, Derby rd.
mertown, Oxford
^Summertown, Oxford
Caversham, Reading
Teden Herbert, 187 D ivinity road,
sturch Henry Richard Fowler, Auburn Talbot George, Churchfield, Benson,
Cowley road, Oxford
^house, Ckadlington, Charlbury
W allingford
Teesdale Rev. Prebendary Frederic
Sturge Miss, Charlbury
Talbot John, 16 Church grn. Witney
Dobree M .A. Vicarage, Bodicote,
Sturges Mrs. The Lindens, Heading- Talboys David A. 1 Folly bridge, St.
ton, Oxford
Aldate’s, Oxford
Teignmouth Lord D .L ., J.P . 143
Sturrock William D., B .A ., M.B 33 Talboys Richard A. 2 Folly bridge,
Woodstock rd. St. G iles’, Oxford
Holywell street, Oxford
St. Aldate’s, Oxford
Temple Frederick James, Braeside.
Mart Henry M.A. 5 The Terrace, Tallant Arthur Jas. Elthorne, South
St. Andrew’s rd. Henley-on-Thames
"ark town, Oxford
View avenue, Caversham, Reading Tern pier Fras. Hy. Kidlington, Oxford
otutterd Miss, 17 W est Bar st.Banbrv T allett H. Kelmash,Newland,Banbry Tem pler Miss, 3 The Terrace, Park
or- ,James W. Bideabit, Lower T allett Mrs. 60 Abingdon rcL Oxford
town, Oxford
oniplake, Henley-on-Thames
Tanfield Rev. Thomas, Station road, Tennyson Miss, 252 Iffley rd. Oxford
«yle Miss, Binfield heath, Henley-onChinnor, Wallingford
Terriro Rodrigo, Green bank, St.
Tanner Rev. Charles Newman M.A.
Andrew’s road, Henley-on-Thames
Mrs. 4 Museum road, Oxford
Horsepath, Wheatley
T erry Charles Thomas, 48 St. Mark’s
yies Stephen, 50 Pembroke street, Tanner Alfred, The Lodge, Henley rd.
road, Henley-on-Thames
Clement’s, Oxford
Caversham, Reading
Terry Mrs. 24 Stanley road, Cowley
iuieter Capt. M urray F ., E.N. The Tanner Edward Foster, 4 Market
St. John, Oxford
Howe W atlington, Wallingford
square, Bicester
Thackeray Rev. Francis St. John
e r Mrs. iG The Terrace, Park Tanner Miss, t o i Iffley road, Oxford
M .A., F .S .A ., F .G .S . Vicarage,
town, Oxford
Tanner Rt.34 Marlborough rd.Banbry
Mapledurham, Reading
u tvan Wm .17 Calthorpe rd.Banbrv Tansley Henry, Burv barns, Burford Thackeray Walt. Middle Cowley,Ox>
»Hmmerhayes John Orlando, Bed- Taphouse Charles Milner, 37 Chalfont Thame Thomas Richards, Basildcf
oolme, High street, Thame
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Darell road, Caversham , Reading