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[O X F O B D S B IR E .

W alsh
Major George
Inverarity, W arwick W illiam H. 199 Banbury
Newnham manor, Newnham Murroad, Summertown, Oxford
S o u th m *
ren, W allingford ; & Carlton club, Warwick Wm. Jas. 2 Southern view, Webb H erbert J. g2 High st, t i
Pall m all, London S W
Henley road, Caversham , Reading Webb W alter, 8S
W alsh Andrew, 17 Botley rd. Oxford Wastie Mrs. Mill street, Eynsham
Webb-Bowen Townsend Inee uH iJ,
Walsh Edward, 58 Banbury rd. St. Waterhouse Am yas Theodore M.A.,
street, Banbury
’ 12
Giles’, Oxford
M.B. 35 Beaumont street, Oxford
Webber Charles P. 79 Banbury road
W alter Henry Ernest, 15 W estern rd. Waterman Mrs. 114 Banbury road,
St. Giles’ . Oxford
Grandpont, Oxford
St. G iles’, Oxford
Webber Henry J. „ St. Mark’s road
W alter Miss, Northmoor, Oxford
Waters Edgar Charles, 79 Warwick
W alter Percy James, 230 Banbury rd
street, Oxford
W ebster Erwin Wentworth M.A Wait
Sum m ertow n, Oxford
bam college, Oxford
W aters Mrs. 50 W est street, GrimsW alter Richard Henry, 18 Winchester
bury, Banbury
Weedon G. The Summer horn.
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
W aters W illiam A rth ur Pernow M .A.,
W alters W illiam Richard, 52 Beech
M.D. 99 Holywell street, Oxford
H eippert Miss, 59 Chalfont road St
Croft road, Summertown, Oxford
Giles’, Oxford
’ St
Watkins Rev. Oscar Dan M .A. HolyWalton A rthur James, 33 South par.
well vicarage, St. Cross rd. Oxford Weir Archibald, Field house, WoodSum m ertown, Oxford
Watkins David R. 37 Fairacres road,
stock road, Summertown, Oxford
Walton Edward B., M .A., B .C .L ,
Iffley road, Oxford
Welbourne Mrs. 43 Pembroke st St
1 Bradmore road, St. G iles’, Oxfrd Watkins Mrs. 6 Leys villas, Witney
Aldate’s, Oxford
Walton Miss, The V illa, Tadmarton, Watney Vernon James M .A., F .S .A ., Wei burn Rev. D. J. Wardington
J.P Cornbury Park, Oxford ; & 11
Walton Miss Hilda,Som erville college,
Welch Alfred Ernest, 45 St, John sb
Berkeley square, London W
Woodstock road, St. Giles’, Oxford Watson Rev. Edward W illiam D.D.
St. Giles’. Oxford
W arburton T. 25 Parker st. Oxford
Christ Church, St.A ldate’s st.Oxfrd Welch Arthur, The Gables, Wheatley
Ward Rev. George H erbert M.A. All Watson Rev. James George M.A. St. Weld Miss, 119 Iffley road, Oxford
Saints’ school, Bloxham
Ebbe’s rectory, Paradise square. Weldon Mrs. 3 South Park rd.Oxford
W ard Rev. George W illiam Crofts
Welford Edwin James. 6 Lonsdale rd.
St. Ebbe’s, Oxford
B.A Vicarage, Gassington, Oxford Watson A rthur Hyde, 113 Woodstock
Summertown, Oxford
W ard Rev. W m . Hallowes Kirwan
Welford William, 78 Middleton road,
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
B.A. Vicarage, Asthall, Burford
sbury, Banbury
Watson David Alexander,
InnesW ard A lbert Edward, 66 Kingston rd.
Weller Arthur Julius, 327 Woodstock
brook, W atlington. Wallingford
St. Giles’, Oxford
road, Summertown, Oxford
Watson George., 165 D ivinity road,
W ard Charles Herbert, 27 W est Bar
Weller Misses, Berrick Salome, Wal­
Cowley road, Oxford
street, Banbury
Watson George, 39 High st. Banbury
Ward Henry, 12 Norham gardens, St Watson Henry George, Glengarry. Weller Mrs. 7 Bevington road, St.
G iles’, Oxford
Giles’, Oxford
Highfield, Oxford
Ward Henry, The Firs, Richmond rd Watson Mrs. 22 Middleton road, Weller-Poley F. W. Manor house,
Caversham , Reading
Little Tew
Grim sbury, Banbury
Ward Henry, 55 W estern rd. Grand­ W'atson Samuel, Rocklands, Priest Wells Cecil F. Highlands, Shiplake
pont, Oxford
hill, Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames
hill, Caversham. Reading
Ward Joseph. 160 D ivinity road, Cow­ W att Miss, The Laurels, Lewknor, Wells E. Gresham M.A., J.P. 129
ley road, Oxford
Woodstock road, St. Giles’, Oxford
W allingford
Ward Miss, 16 Beaumont st. Oxford Watt Miss A. J. Radcliffe Infirmary Wells Ernest S. 359 Cowley rd. Oxfrd
Ward Miss. 10 Portland road, Sum ­
& County Hospital, Woodstock rd. Wells James, 93 Divinity road, Cow­
mertown, Oxford
ley road, Oxford
St. Giles’, Oxford
Ward Misses, Exlade st. Woodcote, W att Mrs. J. S. The Firs. Heading- Wells John,. Prospect villa, Sibford
Gower, Banbury
ton hill, Oxford
Ward Misses, 41 St. G iles’ st. Oxford W atts A. S. Bericote, Croft rd.Tham e Wells Joseph M.A. 1 Norham gar­
Ward Mrs. 31 Banbury rd. St. Giles’, W atts Alfred, 7 Calthorpe rd. Banbry
dens, St. Giles’, Oxford
Watts A rth ur, 18 W orcester place, Wells Miss, Highfield, Charlimry
Wells Mrs. 17 Northmoor road, St.
Ward Mrs 336 Banbury road, Sum ­
St. Thomas’, Oxford
mertown, Oxford
Giles’, Oxford
Watts H.Launton ho.Launton,Bicestr
Ward N. F. K . 361 Cowley rd.Oxford W atts Mrs. 4 Western road, Grand­ Wells Mrs. W. Sibford Gower,Banbry
Mrs. 4 Fyfield road, St.
W ard Thomas Hy. Dunboyne, Albert
pont, Oxford
road, Caversham , Reading
Giles’, Oxford
W atts Robert, 4 K in g’s end, Bicester
39 Thornclifie rd.
Ward W illiam Robert, 180 Divinity W atts W illiam , 97 Iffley road, Oxford
Sum m ertown, Oxford
T o ad , Cowley road, Oxford
Way Rev. Gregory Lewis Albert M.A.
Wardale Miss, 3 Norham road, St.
Pusey house, 61 St. Giles’ st. Oxfrd Wenns Hy. Jspk. 240 Iffley rd. Oxfd
Giles’, Oxford
W ay Henry Edward Hugh, Frogmore West A rthur G. Chenies, Albert T o a d ,
Caversham , Reading
Warden Mrs. Riverside cottage, Lashho. Milton-under-Wvchwood, Oxfrd
brook, Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames Way Miss, Rose cottage, Tiddington. West Miss, 69 Lonsdale road, Sum­
W arland Miss, 31 Polstead road, St.
Way Mrs. Barton end. Headington. West Miss, 3 Norham gardens, St.
Giles', Oxford
Warne W illiam , Chapel house, Over
Norton, Chipping Norton
W ay Mrs, 60 D ivinity road, Cowley West Mrs. 11 Northmoor road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Warner M ajor Charles A. S. Chadroad, Oxford
W ay Mrs. 19 Portland rd. Sum m er­ W est Owen, 23 Fairacres road, Iffley
lington, Charlbury
road, Oxford
Warner Rev. W illiam M.A. 6 Crick
town, Oxford
Wayman Mrs. South bank, Oxford West-Jones Mrs. 96 Banbury road,
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
St. Giles’ , Oxford
road, Banbury
Warner Joseph Henry, 104 Southfield
W ayte Mrs. Adderbury East.Baubury Westell George, 77 Iffley rd. Oxford
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Walter. 50 Aston st. Cowley
Warner Mrs. Kibanda, Rose hill, Weatherbv Mrs. Preston Crowmarsh.
St. John, Oxford
W allingford
Iffley, Oxford
Warner Percival, Th e Firs, Brize W eatherill Joseph, 38 Aston streei. Western Col. Charles M. T. (late
R .A .), The Mount. Whitchurch,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Norton, Bampton
W arrack Rev. Alexander M .A. 2 Weaver Thomas, 276 Iffley rd. Oxford
Lady, 323 Woodstock road,
Moreton rd. Sum m ertown, Oxford Weaving Miss, 10 Frenchay road, St.
Giles', Oxford
Warren Miss, 87 Southmoor road, St.
Webb Alfred, Alta Vista, KidmoTe rd Weston Percy P., B.A. 56 Hamilton
Giles’, Oxford
Caversham. Reading
Warren Thomas H erbert M.A. hon.
Webb Arthur, 34 Oakthorpe road, Wetherall Thomas. Heywood cottage,
D .C.L. Magdalen college, Oxford
Shi’.lingford, Wallingford
Summertown, Oxford
W arrick John, Branksome, St.Peter's
Webb Austin, 16 Market place. Chip­« Thos. S3 Cowley rd. Oxford
hill, Caversham , Reading
Whalley Rev. Cuthbert William Hy.
ping Norton
W’ arrUow Rev. Thomas, 10 Lonsdale
M.A. 186 Woodstock road, Sum­
Webb Clem ent Charles Julian M.A
road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
mertown, Oxford
Holywell ford, St. Cross rd. HolyWarrilow H erbert Clare F .R .C.O . 10
Whatley Norman M.A. Hertford col­
well, Oxford
St. M argaret’s road, Oxford
lege, Oxford
W arriner Wm . Hy. Bloxham ,Banbury Webb Edward, 265 Woodstock road.
Wheatley Charles S. 105 Southmoor
Summertown, Oxford
W arwick James George, 1 Southern
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
view, Henley rd.Caversham ,Readng Webb Hy. 6 Broughton rd. Banbury
W arwick Mrs. 103 Iffley rd. Oxford