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B E R K S H IR E .

Bowler Thomas, shopkeeper & haulier, Coxwell street
Brown Daisy Alm a (Miss), dress m aker, Gravel walk
Brown James, carrier, Gravel walk
Burge Thomas, saddler, London street
Burge Tom Herbert, deputy registrar of births & deaths
for Faringdon & Buckland districts, of m arriages for
Faringdon district, & collector to the guardians &
assistant overseer for Baulking, Compton Beauchamp,
Uffington & Woolstone districts, London street
Burgess Albert E. saddler, Market place
Burton George, farm bailiff to Messrs. G. Adams &
Sons, Thrupp farm
Buscot & North Berks Dairy Co. Lim ited (William
Pearce, m anager), Station road
Butler A ugustus E. dentist, Gloucester street
C addy Eaden, accountant, assistant overseer & collector
of rates for parishes of Faringdon & G reat Coxwell.
sec. & m anager to Faringdon Gas L igh t & Coke Co.
Lim ited, clerk to Faringdon Rural D istrict W ater
Supply, collector to Lee’s Charity Trustees & clerk
to Unton’s Charity, Gloucester street
■Oadel Brothers, builders, Church street
Cadel Arabella (Miss), girls’ boarding & day school,
Gloucester street
Cadel Frank W illiam, cabinet maker, M arket place
Cadel James, boot maker, Southampton street
Cadel Randal Joseph, builder & coal m erchant, see Cadel
C arter Albert, grocer & provision mer. Marlborough st
Case Laura (Miss), costumier, Gloucester street
C em etery (Tom Herbert Burge, sec. to trustees),
Canada road
Cham berlain & Son, grocers, & agents for W. & A.
G ilbey Lim ited, wine & spirit m erchants, London st
C lack Edwin Charles, photographer, Marlborough street
C lem ent Charles Richard, coal m erchant, Station road
Clem ents James, chimney sweeper, London street
Cobden A rthur Francis, accountant, & assistant over­
seer for Fernham, Gloucester street
Cobden Harry Thomas, assistant bailiff & certificated
bailiff to levy distresses for rent & solicitors’ clerk,
Gloucester street
Cole Joseph (Mrs.), farmer, Northfield farm
Coles John, Salutation hotel, Market place
Collins J. & Co. Ltd. carriage builders, Marlborough st
Cook W illiam H. chemist, London street
Cooper James, carpenter, Southampton street
Corn Exchange Co. Lim ited (E. P. Crowdy, sec)
Counsell Henry, watch maker, Corn market
County Court (His Honor Judge A rthur Gwynne-Jam es;
Edward Percy Crowdy, registrar & high b a iliff; H arry
Thomas Cobden, assistant bailiff), Court ho. Coach la
C ox Frederick W illiam, farm er. Bromsgrove place
Cox H arry, reporter, Gravel walk
Cox Percy, upholsterer, Gravel walk
Creese & Co. drapers, Market place
Crowdy & Son. solicitors, Market place
Crowdy Edward Percy (firm, Crowdy & Son), solicitor,
commissioner to adm inister oaths & clerk to m agis­
trates, clerk to Faringdon Rural D istrict Council for
.highway purposes & registrar of County Court & clerk
to lightin g inspectors & clerk to Wadley Inclosure
Board, Market place
C u rtis Frederick R. general dealer, Union street
Davis W illiam Harry, Crown fam ily & commercial hotel,
Market place
Dennys Hugo,, agent to Morrell’s Trustees (brewers),
Gravel walk
Dennys Hugo (Mrs.), refreshm ent rooms, Coxwell street
Dyke, Jackson & Co. auctioneers, valuers & estate
agents, & certificated bailiffs under the “ Law of
Distress Amendment Act, 1888,” M arket place
Eastoe George, grocer, London street
Elliott David James & Sons, saw m ill proprs. Butts rd
Faringdon Advertiser & Vale of W hite Horse Gazette
(C. Luker & Co. publishers; pub. sat.), London street
Faringdon Corn Exchange Co. Ltd. (E. P. Crowdy, sec)
Faringdon Cottage Hospital (David Gerald Kennard
M .R .C .S.E ng., L.R .C.P.Lond. & W illiam James Lord
M .R .C.S.E ng., L .R .C.P.L ond. hon. medical officers;
Edward Percy Crowdy, hon. sec. ; Miss M. J. Matthias,
m atron), Coxwell road
Faringdon Cricket Club (W. H. Cook, sec)
Faringdon Football Club (W. H. Cook, sec)
Faringdon Gas Ligh t & Coke Co. (Eaden Caddy, sec. &
manager) ; offices, Gloucester stre e t; works,Canada rd
Faringdon H orticultural Society (Jn. M. Wright,hon.sec)
Faringdon W ater Works (Eaden Caddy, clerk)
F igg W illiam, insurance agent, Station road
Fire Engine Station (Capt. E. N. Haworth, supt.),
Church street
Fletcher Charles A. baker, London st' et
Foard William Rabbets, grocer, Marlborough street



Franklin A lbert E. hay & straw dealer, Market place
Franklin Fanny (Mrs.), Bell fam ily & com m ercial hotel.
Market place
G erring Godfrey, farm er, Highden farm , H ighworth rd
Giannadreia Michelo, Duke of Y o rk P.H. Coxwell street
Goddard Jonathan & Sons, drapers, Brom sgrore place
Godwin W illiam , farm bailiff to Mrs. Eyston, Stanford road
Goulding E. S. (M rs.), linen draper, Marlborough st
Green Charles, builder, Coxwell street
Haines Alan George M.A. solicitor, clerk to guardians &
assessment com m ittee of the Faringdon Union, clerk
to Faringdon Rural D istrict Council for Sanitary
purposes, clerk to the Tham es V alley Drainage Board
No. 3 district, commissioners of taxes & to the
Baulking Council school & supt. registrar for F arin g­
don district, London street
Haines Ernest Edward, m aster of workhouse & deputy
supt. registrar, The Workhouse
Hall & Co. (Oxford) Lim ited, brewers, Eagle brewery
Harris Jesse, builder, Lechlade road
Haworth Edward Norton, photographer, Gloucester st
Heath William, shopkeeper, London street
Heavens George, butcher, M arket place
Hedges James, boot repairer, Coxwell street
Hemmings J. (Mrs.), laundry, H ighworth road
Hibbert Charles, boot repairer, Station road
Hicks Mary (Mrs.), baker, G loucester street
Hignell Tom, confectioner, London street
Hughes Brothers, plumbers & painters, London street
Hughes T. & Co. news agents, London street
Hughes Wm. dairyman & town crier, G loucester street
Hunt Louisa (Mrs.) & Co. cycle m akers, Coxwell road
Hunt W illiam , shopkeeper, G loucester street
International Tea Co.’s Stores Ltd.provsn.dlrs.Corn m kt
Jackson Henry, beer retailer, Coxwell street
James W illiam Henry (trustees of), horse blisters manu­
facturers, Marlborough street
Jefferies Ernest Edward, hair dresser, London street
Johnson Richard Frederick, farm er, Church street
Jotcham & Son, solicitors, London street
Kennard David Gerald M .R .C.S.E ng. & L.R .C .P.Lond.
physician & surgeon, & medical officer & public vac­
cinator for Faringdon No. 1 district, Faringdon union
& medical officer of the workhouse & honorary surgeon
to Cottage Hospital, Gloucester house
Keogh Arthur, Volunteer P.H. Gloucester street
Lane Brothers, ironmongers, Marlborough street
Langham James H. fruiterer, London street
Lardner Thomas, beer retailer, M arket place
Lavington Frank, basket maker, London street
Lavington Frederick, beer retailer, Coxwell street
Lay Eliza (Mrs.), pastry cook & confectioner, M arket pi
Leverton Esser, boot & shoe m aker, Marlborough street
Liddiard Frank H. grocer, see Belcher & Co
Liddiard Brothers, grocers, M arket place
Lloyds Bank Lim ited (branch of) (James Ernest God­
frey Bowen, manager) (hours 10 till 3 except tuesdays 10 to 4 & Saturdays 10 to x), M arket p la c e ;
draw on London office, 71 Lom bard street E C
London (The) Central Meat Co. Lim ited, London street
Long Frank, shopkeeper, Southampton street
Long William, painter, Marlborough street
Looker Arthur E. hair dresser, Marlborough street
Lord William James M .R .C .S.E n g., L .R .C.P.L ond. sur­
geon. & medical officer & public vaccinator for Buck­
land district, Faringdon union, Eastfield, Church st
Luker C. & Co. stationers, proprietors & publishers of
the “ Faringdon Advertiser & Vale of W hite Horse
Gazette,’’ London street
McDonald W illiam, travelling draper, London street
Maidment Harold Harding, chem ist, see Ballard & Co
Maunders Joseph, superintendent of police, inspector
under “ Explosives A ct,-’ the “ Contagious Diseases
(Animals) A c t ” & “ Food & D :ugs A ct," Coach lane
Merchant John, Swan tavern, Station road
Mills Charles, general dealer, Coxwell street
Newman Joseph, shoeing sm ith. Market place
Parker Jas. Hy. M.R C .V .S. vet. surgeon, Stanford rd
Pawling John H. beer retailer, Union street
Pike Ellen (Mrs.). WThite Hart. P.H. Gravel walk
Pocock & Son, tailors. M arket place
Pollard James, W heatsheaf P.H. London street
Porter Frederick Wm. corn & seed mer. Gloucester st
Pullen A. H. horse trainer, Coach lane
Purbeck Frederick W alter, haulier, Coxwell road
Reason W alter, coal m erchant. Gloucester street
Richings John, monumental mason, Station road
Rogers Richard H. shopkeeper, Coxwell street
Ryman George, Marlborough Arms P.H. London street
Saunders Matilda (Mrs.) & Son, cart & trap proprietors,
Coxwell street
Sell W illiam Collins, draper, Marlborough street