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B E R K S H IR E .


k k l l y ’s

Colem an George, china & furn. dir ; King John, chim ney sweeper,W oking­ Sim m s John,Hind’s Head P.H .H igh st
Coles 11 ni outfitter, W okingham rd
ham road
Simonds J. & C. & Co. (branch of
Coles W illiam Joseph, agricultural Laird Archie C. J. baker, London rd
Reading Bank) (Matthew J. Sale,
im plem ent m aker. Station road
Lappage Lydia (Miss), Blue Lion P.H
m anager) ; open daily 10 to 3 ; wed.
Collins John Helm s, butcher, H igh st Lawrence E. E. & Co. Lim ited, job
10 to 1 ; High st. ; draw on W illiams
Cook W m . Royal Oak P H. Bullbrook
m asters, Station road
Deacon’s Bank Lim ited, London E C
C o tterell Thos. builder, Station road Lawrence Thomas & Sons, brick & Sm ith Frederick Andrew, shopkeeper,
C o u n ty Police Station (Henry Hadtile m anufacturers
drell, inspector)
Lawrence Ernest Edward, fishmonger. Sm ollet Alfred, watch maker, H igh st
C rocker Chas. brick m aker, Bullbrook
H igh street
Snell Joel George, outfitter, High st
D avies Eleanor & A m y (M isses), re­ L a w r e n c e ’ s
S to re s
L im ite d , Social Club (Mrs. Peeke, caretaker),
freshm ent rooms, H igh street
com plete house furnishers, fu rn i­
The Terrace
John, plum ber,
ture removers, grocers & provision Stevens Reuben, basket ma. High st
W okingham road
m erchants, drapers & outfitters, & Sweetman Alfred James, Crown P.H.
D earlove Richd. confectioner, High st
general p rovid ers; floor space, 3
High street
Dodd Jam es Robt. New inn, High st
a c re s ; 200 assistan ts; branches. Taylor Edm und John, station m aster
Down Mill (The), Bracknell Brick
A sc o t; C a m b erley; Crowthorne & Tim othy
Co. Lim ited
W okingham ; High street. T N 7
m anure m anufacturers
D rake & Mount Ltd. forage contractrs Lea Thom as, hawker, London road
Tucker Robert, ale & porter stores,
E ast Berks t ,'iservative Association Lloyds Bank Lim ited (branch) (Chas.
Binfield road
(Eastham pstead, Binfield, Warfield
Phillips, m anager) ; daily 10 to 3 ; Turner Richard, nurserym an, Wok­
Winkfield d istrict)
ingham road
wed. 10 to 1, H igh s tr e e t; draw on
H unton, sec)
London office, 71 Lombard st E 0 Twidell W illiam , cycle m anufacturer,
Eatw ell Edw ard, engineer, W oking­ Mackey Thos. Edwd.tobaccnst.High st
Wokingham road
ham road
Maidment Thomas Perkins, shopkeepr Victoria Public Hall (F. W. Hunton,
E tch ells Alan Herbert, photographer, M aidment W illiam James, boot &
sec.), Church road
H igh street
shoe maker, High street
Warnes Lacey, tailor, H igh street
Ewins Charles, carman, High street Manners James Dow,carriage builder, Warren Horace Geo.greengro.High st
F aulkner L. & Sons, iron & wire
W atkins Richard, refreshm ent rooms,
Wokingham road
fence m anufacturers, London road Mason W illiam Charles, boot & shoe
London roaa
Fielden Edward, surgeon M .B., B.S.
Western W alter M .R .C .V .S. veterin­
m aker, High street
Durh. m edical officer, public vac­ May Edwd. & Son, corn dlrs. H igh st
ary surgn. Studland ho. High st
cinator of Bracknell W est, East- May John, farm er
W heeler Edward,builder,Bullbrook cot
•hampstead union, medical officer M i n c h i n B r o t h e r s , corn, coal, hay, W hitaker Martha (Miss), laundress,
to the workhouse & certifying
Long hill
straw, seed & oil cake merchants,
forage contractors & brick & tile White James W altering, Prince of
Church road
Wales P.H. High street
m an ufacturers; & at A sc o t; Bin­
F ish George, shopkeeper, H igh street
Wigm ore Henry, shopkpr. London rd
field & Wokingham
Fowler A lbt.Edw d.upholstr.Station rd Molesworth Wm. hair dresser,High st Wild Henry Chas. grocer, Bullbrook
Fowler Robert, baker, Binfield road Morris John, carman, High street
Wilson Charles Barker,
Fox Mabel (M rs.), laundress,Broad la Moss W illiam , upholsterer, London rd
clerk to m agistrates of W oking­
Freem an Chas. confectionr.London rd Mutlow Elizabeth (M rs.),dress maker.
P etty
F risbv Jsph. Ltd. boot mas. H igh st
division, clerk to the guardians &
F u ller Story & Co. Lim ited , wine & Napper Frederick J. baker, Long hill
assessment com m ittee of E a st­
spirit m erchants, Station road
hampstead union, to Eastham p­
National Telephone Co. Lim ited (call
G eorge Hy. greengrocer, H igh street
stead R ural D istrict Council, to
office), Stanley road
G iles Charlotte (M iss), confectioner, Neale George, plumber. Binfield road
Warfield & W inkfield Joint Burial
High street
Comm ittee & superintendent regis­
Nelson James & Sons Ltd. butchers,
G ough Frank Ernest, coach builder,
trar Eastham pstead district, High
High street
London road
s tre e t; & at W okingham & A s c o t;
Payne M. & C . builders & contrac­
G rego ry Henry, blacksm ith, H igh st
London agents, Snow. Fox & Higtors, Priest wood works. T N 24
G rim es W illiam , cycle agt. London rd Perkins Cecil Henry A.R I B.A. archi­
H ill & Sherwin, advertising contrctrs
Apostle E C
tect, 2 Connaught villas
H olliss Harry Tollit, tailor, H igh st Perry Alfd. John, baker, High street Wilson Reginald Harold E Horse &
H olloway Edwin, fruiterer, London rd Phillips & Taylor, nurserymen, B u ll­
Groom P.H
Home & Colonial Tea Stores Ltd.
W right Edwin George, relieving &
High street
vaccination officer for Eastham p­
Phillips Charles, m anager of Lloyds
Honley Thos. shopkpr. Wokingham rd
stead union & registrar of births
Bank Lim ited, High street
Hounsell Sam uel George, Station Pike Alfred, shopkpr. Binfield road
& deaths Bracknell sub-district,
hotel P.H. Station road
Eastham pstead
W oking­
Pinnell John, baker, Station road
Hunton Frederick W illiam , registrar Poynter W illiam
ham road
& Son, watch
of m arriages for Eastham pstead
W right Reginald.insur. agt.London rd
m akers. H igh street
union, sec. to the Victoria hall & Preston George, monum ental mason. W right Wm. insur. agt. Binfield rd
to the Royal Forest A gricultural
W yatt Miss, ladies’ boarding school,
Station road
A sso ciatio n ; live & dead stock Prior W illiam , m usic teacher. W ok­
Heathfield (letters through Ascot''
m ark et held every thursday at
Yorke Charles, sanitary inspector for
ingham road
Eastham pstead
D istrict
p.m . Hind’s Head Hotel y a rdPrior
Wm. Geo. cabinet ma. High st
offices, H igh street
Ranee Alice (Mrs. ).laundress,Broad la
H unton
F r e d e r i c k W illia m
& Reilly John Patrick & Son, tailors, Young Alfd. Lewis, saddler, High =t
S o n , auctioneers, estate agents,
Church road
accountants & printers & agents RoseCecilia(M iss),dress ma.London rd
to Sun Fire & Life ; offices, High st Royal Forest A gricultural Association Baynes
Worcester lodge
H nnton W illiam Harry, collector of
(F. W. Hunton, sec)
rates & taxes, & assistant overseer, Royal Forest Hotel, fam ily & com ­
H igh street
mercial (Miss Holford, manageress), Carr George Shoebridge M.A. The
H yson A ugustus, school for boys,
H igh street
Church Toad
Rumbold Thomas W aters, shopkeepr. Macy Rev. Vincent Travers M.A.
(curate), Chavev Down parsonage
ll e t t Phillip Daniel, Bull P.H High st
Binfield road
International Tea Co.’s Stores Ltd
Ryall Jn.Running Horse P.H. Bullbrk Sm art Miss, Furze bank
Jackson Edwd. & Son, hatters,High st Sale Matthew J. m anager of J. & C.
Jam es A lfred, coal m er. Station yard
Simonds & C o.’s Bank, High street Green Herbert, insurance agent
baker, & post office
Jennings Charles, painter. High st
Sandwith W. H. & Son, chemists,
Manning Jane (Mrs.), fly proprietor
Jon es H. T. deputy registrar of
H igh street
Norris Eliza (Mrs.), draper
births & deaths for Bracknell sub- Sargeant John Charles, builder
dist. Eastham pstead union. Bullbrk Saunders W illiam Thom as, boot re­ Scott John, grocer
Skelton John, earpenter
K in g A. & Son, saddlers, H igh st
pairer. H igh street
K im Frank, draper. High street
Siggers H. A rth ur, artificial teeth Spencer Annie (Miss), dress m aker
Wakeford Em ily (Mrs.), shopkeeper
m anufacturer, Church road
B R A D F I E L D is a scattered village, parish and head hundred of Theale, petty sessional division and county
of a union, 8 miles west from Reading, 3 north-west court district of Reading, rural deanery of Bradfield,
from Theale, and 3$ south-west from Pangbourne ra il­ archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford ; the village
way station, in the Southern division of the county, is situated id a valley, on a stream called the Kim ber,