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B K E K S H IR E .

[ k e l i .f ’s

Breach George H arry, Ormonde villa, Gorely Harry, Yerulam , Sturges road Mylne Henry Charles J.P. StaverLondon road
Grabham H. Leatham M .B., B.S.,
ton, Murdoch road
Buckm aster Mrs. 3 Foxlev villas,
M .R .C .S., L.R .C .P . Pinewood
Napier The Misses, The Brook,
W ellington road
Gregorie Commander George Wayne
Finehanipstead road
Burnabey-D yott Miss, Gorton, Mur­
R.N. Highfield, Milton road
Nash W illiam Gunner. 1 Crescent rd
doch road
Hall A rth ur Garnet, H ilgar, W el­ Paley Col. Raymond South, Cantley
Burns T he Misses, Wroodlands, Read­
lington road
Palm er W. Howard J.P. Heathlands
ing road
Heatherside, Pearman Mrs. The Cedars
B urrell-Sm ith Misses, 23 Broad street
Finchampstead road
Pearson Herbert, The Beeches, Read­
B u tler H frrv , 29 The Terrace
Hammond Herbert A rth ur, 13 Cres
ing r ad
Byard James Hy. B.A. 27 Broad st
cent- road
Penny Miss, Holme Rayles,Rectory rd
Cave Mrs. Thurlstone, Sturges road Hankey Sydney Alers D .L ., J.P. Perkins Herbt.Howard,77 Fairview rd
Cham bers Mrs. 71 Fairview road
Locks farm
Perry George E. Merrion, Sturges rd
Chapman Miss E. K. 3 Crescent road Hart-Dyke Miss, Barkhart, Rectory rd Phillips George Thorne, 8 Lang­
Charter Mrs. Peggotty, Sturges rd. H atlierell Mrs. Clare court, Glebe­
borough road
Chubb Mrs. 19 Milton road
lands road
Phillips Herbert J , M .R.C.S.E ng.,
C h u rchill Miss Caroline, H olly bank, Hawkins Thos.Hv. Sunrise,London rd
L .R .C P.Lond. Pinewood
Fairview road
Headington Jn. Penventon, Fincham p­ Phillip.sbourne Charles, Battenhurst,
Clarke Sydney, Park road
stead road
Southlands road
Clode Charles Douglas, Embrook Heeias Arth. T. Oakleigh,Fairview rd Phipps Percival H. The Ferneries,
villa, Embrook
H eelasTyndale,Weston ho. Murdoch rd
Park avenue
Coleman Edward, Belm ont,Fincham p­ Heeias Miss, 33 The Terrace
Pinchard Mrs. Dulany, Shute end
stead road
H<-llier Miss, 23 Milton road
Powell H arry George, 11 Broad street
Corbyn Mrs. Stair lodge, South drive Heron Stanley, Crendahr, London rd Pritchard Miss, Thelveton, Sturges rd
Coston John Francis, Evendons
Hetherington Vernon L.R.C.P.Lond. Prescott James W illiam , Briarwood,
C otterell Miss, 22 Broad street
Sturges road
19 & 20 Market place
Coussm aker Lieut.-Col. Macclesfield Hollies Miss, Eastleigh, Eastham p­ Priest A lbert Ebenezer, Ingleside,
Forbes, The Ridges, Murdoch road
stead road
Sturges road
Cox Miss, Hillcote, Park avenue
Holmes James, Oakfield, Barkham rd Raikes Lieut.-C ol. Frederick Duncan
C ox Mrs. Beaumont house. Park rd Hughes Archibald Cecil, The Ingle,
C .I.E . Bill hill
C ru ttw ell Mrs. Wroxton, South drive
Park road
Rainbow Miss, 12 Station road
Cusack Joseph.Rathaldron, Finchamp­ Hurrell Miss, 4 Barkham road
Raven Mr-. 2 Crescent road
stead road
Irving W illiam , South view, Park rd Reeve W illiam George M.A.Biushotte
Ogilvey, James W illiam Joseph, Heath house,
Rayles, Wokingham New road
Glebelands, Glebelands road
Fincliam pstead road
Richards R v. Sidney John (curate of
Dailey Miss, 43 The Terrace
Kershaw Miss, 17 Crescent road
St. Paul’s), Thanet Dene, Park av
Daubeney Mrs. Winkfield St. Mary, Kim ber Jabez W illiam, Springfield, Robinson Edward V . 31 Market place
Finchampstead road
Wellington road
Robinson M rs.Fairholme, Crescent rd
Davis David, Stanley villa, Oxford rd Knight Stephen, 24 London road
Rose C. H., M.A.Dunluce, Sturges rd
Deane Misses, Rose bank, Gipsy lane Lainson Major Alexander, Caerlecjn
Ross Mrs. Lisdivin, Murdoch road
Dent Douglas Fairoak, South drive
L.-veson-Gower Miss Cecil, 45 Tlie Rourke Charles L. 2 Eversley villa,
De Vitrd Denis Frederick, Keep hatch
London road
Di>dd Mrs. 15 Crescent road
Lissaman Harry A. 1 Barkham road
Sale Philip, Rectory road
Dodge Harry, 2 Foxley villas, W el­ Lloyd Mrs. Nellore, Sturges road
Sargeant John Fredk. 6 Shute end
lington road
Loader Mrs. 49 Eastham pstead road Saulez Rev. Frederick Wilberforce
Doran Rev. James W. (Catholic), 3 Long Rev. Bertram M .A. (rector of
M .A. Brereton lodge, Rectory road
The Terrace
A ll Saints’), Rectory, Rectory rd Saunders
Drake Edwd.Mop End, Nine Mile ride Lunn Edward Tom, Holmwood villa,
Gipsy lane
Ducrocq Lewis C.Llanberis,Sturges rd
Gipsv lane
D urbridge George Newton, 10 Lan g­ Lush Herbert, Homelea, Eastham p­
Finchampstead road
borough road
stead road
Slurring Lieut.-Col.
Eaton Edward, Devon cot. Gipsy lane Lush Horace, Wolfeton, Park road
Campton, Sturges road
Edlmann Herbert, W iltshire farm, Lydekker Rev. Lionel Edward B.A. Scott Alexander Thomas, Beechoroft,
W iltshire road
Station road
(curate of All Saints’), Briarbank,
Edwards Mrs. Holmedene, Sturges rd
Seward Thos. Bosher, 41 Denmark st
Sturges road
Eliott-Lockhart M isses,Craig Royston, M cCarthy Rev. Daniel (Catholic), 3 Sewell Mrs. Capel, 19 Crescent road
Murdoch road
Shaw Mrs. 7 Crescent road
The Terrace
Ellison Thos.E.The Elm s, 26 Broad ft Mackenzie Mrs. Briarbank, Sturges rd Simonds Frederick Adolphus, PensEllison Miss, Brook hill, Finchamp­ Mansfield Edward Dillon, Luckley,
dell, Murdoch road
stead road
Simmonds George Harvey, Worting,
Finchampstead road
Etherington Mrs. H. W. 24 Broad st Mansfield Misses, St. Mary’s cottage,
Murdoch road
Eustace Lady Katharine, 25 Broad st
Sm ith Rev. Ernest Edwin (Baptist),
South drive
Eustace Mr3. Barford ho. Shute end Marks Charles W illiam , Brooklands,
11 Crescent road
Evans Henry Farrington, Aberfovle,
Sm ith Mrs. Ravenswood
Sturges road
Southlands road
Marsh Mrs. Sunset. Wellington road Sm ith Wrn. 1 Stanley vil. London rd
Farrow Mrs. 31 The Terrace
Marshall Mrs. Oakhurst, Finchamp­ Spencer Mrs. Somerville, London rd
Fellowes Miss, Gipsyside,Murdoch rd
stead road
Spiers Miss, 1 Eversley vil. London rd
Finch Francis W alter, Corner house, Martin William Thomas, Fernleigh Standfield Miss Mary, 17 Milton road
Murdoch road
Staniland Fras. Kamakura, Gipsy la
house, The Terrace
Foster Frederick W illiam , The Knoll May James, 11 The Terrace
Stephenson Mrs. St.M argrets,Park av
Foy Mrs. Eversley, Gipsy lane
Stone Miss. Sunnyside, Fairview rd
Mav W illiam , 23 London road
Fryer George M. E. Winslow house, Medcalf W illiam , 65 Peach street
Stratton Rev. Joseph M.A. (m aster &
Sturges road
Melville Sam uel Swinton, Starmead,
Chapel green
Fry Augustine Cradock, 31 Broad st
Easthampstead road
F u rley Miss, Lyndhurst, Murdoch rd Menzies James Alexander M.D. 81 Stringer John,Guildown, London road
Furm edge John Roberts, Fernside,
Fairview road
Sturges M rs.TitheBarn,Glebelands rd
Binfield road
Taplin George. Hebron, Sturges road
Mercer Mrs. Gorthie, Sturges road
Furse Mrs. 20 Broad street
T argett Ernest, St. Kilda. Finch­
Milman Miss, 29 Broad street
G add Isaiah, 26 Rose street
ampstead road
Moberi v Major Alfred, The Hey,
G am bier-Parry Misses, Bacton, M ur­
Tatham Miss,Sarum house,Rectory rd
Crescent road
doch road
Montgomery Col. Louis Morton,Mont­ Taylor Miss,W hite lodge, Murdoch rd
G arn ett Ernest B.A. Throttle green,
gomery lawn, Finchampstead road Tildesley George Edward,2 Silchester
Finchampstead road
villa, London road
Moorcock Mrs. 33 Langborough road
G arrard Mrs. White house.Finchamp- Moreshead Mrs Tothill, Station road Tozer Miss, 15 Milton road
stead road
Morres Charles Edward, Wellington Trill
G arry Francis Nicholas Arbuthnot,
Gipsy lane
lodge. Station road
Great Mead, Rectory road
Morres Mrs. Greencroft, Sturges rd Trowbridge W'illiam John, 34 Rose st
Gibson Rev. Theodore Sum ner B.A. Morton Philip Howard M.A. Wixen- Turner Rev. George Knapp M.A. St.
(curate All Saints’), 28 London rd
ford school
Sebastian’s vicarage. Nine Mile ride
Gordon Mrs. Frogm ore, Sturges rd Moss James, Hagbourne, Station rd Voss Mrs Purlah, 5 Crescent road
Godwin-Austen Col. Alfred Godwin, Munrlv Miss, 7 The Terrace
Wakefield Miss,Holmedene,Sturges rd
The Gables, Murdoch road
Murdoch Mrs. B u c k h u T s t