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O X F O R D S H IR E .]
Gilkes George, Sc. Thomas st. Ded- Guest & Chrimes, Foundry & Brass
dington, Oxford
works, Rotherham.
See a d v e rÂ
tis e m e n t
Gray Alfred, 13 Commercial road,
St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
Gray W. 18 Golden road, Cowley St.
See Tinmen, Braziers & Tinplate
John, Oxford
Haiiacree Percival, 34 Cranham st.
B R A Z IE R S .
J e ric h o , O x fo r d
H a rrin g to n L e o n a r d , 6 C r a w l e i g h t e r .
Green James, Horton, Oxford
Grimsley F. E. & C. H. 14 Causeway,
Groves Alfred & Sons, Milton-underWychwood, Oxford & Wychwood,
Hopcraft Alfred, Council street, Deddington, Oxford
Lee William Henry (manufacturer
of best red facing bricks), Brick &
Tile works, Shiplake, Henley-onThames
Main Chas. StokeRow,Henley-on-l hms
Mouldey Brothers, Culham, Abingdon
! North Oxford Brick Co. Wolvercote,
Phillips H. J. Headington quarry, Oxfd
Smith W . Christmas Hill tileries,Tbme
Smith W m . Great Milton, Wallingfrd
Sykes Henry, North Aston, Oxford
Taylor Geo. Headington quarry, Oxfrd
Thame Park Estate BrickWlcs.Thame
Webb E. & Son, Woodstock road,
Summertown, Oxford
Weedon Brothers, Goring, Reading
Blenheim rd. Caversham, Reading
Adamson & Co, 102 & 103 High st.
Harris Samuel, 25 Harpes road, SumOxford
mertown, Oxford
B a r t le t t
C a rte r,
T05 High
Hillman Edwin C. 44 George street,
street, Oxford. S e e a d v e r t i s e Â
St. Clementâs, Oxford
m ent
Hussey Henry, 16 Cromwell road, Lomman & Co. 1 ^ High st. Oxford
Caversham, Reading
Insall J. 2 King Edward street, ChipÂ
ping Norton
Aylesbury Brewery Company Limited
Keen Wm. Shillingford, Wallingford
(Walter Martin, agent), 1 CornKilbee Prank, 28 Lower Fisher row,
inarket, Thame ; stores (Frederick
Si. Thomasâ, Oxford
Walter Saunders, manager), 14 &
Kino- Geo. 29 West st.Henley-on-Thms
16 London road, Bicester
Lane Albert, Hethe, Bicester
Brakspear William Henry & Sons Lim.
Long J. 60 Cardigan st.Jericho,Oxfrd
Henley brewery, New street, HenM o n d a y William, 159 Gosbrook road,
lev-on-Thames; stores, Prospect st.
Caversham, Reading
Caversham ; 38 Hart st. Henley-on[tf2T F u ll l i s t s o f t h i s t r a d © in
Newton William Frederick,22 Church
Thames ;
Ewelme, Wallingford ;
U n ite d K in g d o m , se e B u ild in g
street, St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
High Wycombe ; St. Martinâs st.
T r a d e s D ir e c t o r y . P r ic e 3 0 s .]
Nutt Arthur, 24 Kingston road, St.
Wallingford k
7 Peach street,
Gilesâ , Oxford
Wokingham ; also wine & spirit
Parslow John, 5 Lower Fisher row,
merchants & mineral water mnfrs
St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Clinch & Co. Ltd. Market sq. Witney
Stephenson & Co. Juxon street, St.
Pearson George, 23 Richmond road, Cross Arthur V. Shutford, Banbury
Gilesâ, Oxford
St. Thomasâ , Oxford
Dunnell & Sons, Old Brewery, 19
Plank R.18 Gravel hl.Henley-on-Thms
North Bar street, Banbury
Pratt Mrs. Mary Ann, 46 George st. Flower & Sons Limited (Montague
Coppock W.Headington quarry, Oxfrd
Caversham, Reading
Edwin Brashour, manager), 28 St. Nind C.71 West st.Grimsbury, Banbry
Pott Thomas, Wheatley
Michaelâs street, Oxford
Parsler Fredk. Garsington, Wheatley
Rawlings Arthur, 79 Cardigan street, Game & Sons, Sheep street, Burford
Parsler John, Gt.Haseley, Wallingford
Jericho, Oxford
Gibbons F. J. High street, Eynsham Parsler John, Tetsworth
Shayler John, 66 Church street, New Gundry Mrs. Ann, Goring, Reading
Slade Hy. Sonning common* Reading
Hinksey, Oxford
Hallâs Oxford Brewery Limited, Swan Thatcher R.R. Bix,Henley-on-Thames
Simmonds Wm.Newland st.Eynsham
brewery, Paradise st. St. Ebbeâs ;
Smart Thomas, 23 Worcester place,
City brewery, 20 Queen street ;
St. Thomasâ , Oxford
Eagle brewery, Park End street ;
Smith Arthur Henry, 6 Jubilee terÂ
St. Ebbeâ s street; 31 & 32 PemÂ
race, Grandpont, Oxford
broke street, St. Aldateâ s & 68 Cow Bell & Park, 137 High street, Oxford
Styles Eli,Long Handboroâ ,Woodstock
ley road, Oxford k 104 High st. M a t h e w s & S o n (incorporated), 6
Tanner William Robert, 23 Great
Thame ; stores, The Brewery (F. C.
St. Aldateâs street, Oxford
Clarendon street, Jericho, Oxford
Smith, manager), Bicester
Turtle Edward. 69 Cranham street, Hitchman k Co Limited, Chipping Prescott J. W . & Son, 42 High street,
Jericho, Oxford
Norton ; agency, Thames street,
Walker Frederick, 118 Charles street,
B ro k e râ S to c k .
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Hook Norton Brewery Co. Limited Donkin Henry, 2 & 3 High st. Oxford
Watts Frank, 3 Marlborough road,
(The), Hook Norton, Banbury k
Grandpont, Oxford
Butchers row, Banbury
B r o k e r s â T a ll o w .
Watts James, 18 Gosbrook road, Hunt, Edmunds & Co. Limited, Bridge
Harrison & Lucas Limited, Park End
Cavershani, Reading
st. Banbury ; 18 & 20 Market sq.
pi. St. Thomasâ & 20 Canal street,
Willis Joseph, 48 Prospect street,
W itn ey;H igh st.Burford & agency,
Oxford & Great Knollyâs st. Reading
Caversham, Reading
21 Corn market. Thame
Willis Reuben Henry, jun. 6 Castle Ive Brothers. 19, 21 k 37 Market pi.
terrace, Paradise street. Oxford
Talboys Thomas Alphonso, 18 St.
Wrighton John, Hethe, Bicester
Lucas k Co. Limited (Charles Louis
Aldateâs street, Oxford
Yeatman Jn. W m . Fritwell, Banbury
Busby, agt.), 55 High st. Banbury Wall Jabez & Son, High st. Burford
Morrell's (Trustees), L âon brewery,
High street, St. Thomas ; malt
bottle d ea ler s
houses, Titmouse lane ; town offices,
Faulkner W m. 18 New st. Oxford
142 High street, Oxford & 206 Ban Froud James & Sons, Henley-onGoodall Alfred Arthur, Bridewell sq
bury road. Summertown, Oxford
Speedwell st. St Aldateâs. Oxford
Northampton Brewery Co. Limited
(Harry Francis Thorn, agent), St
Gilè«â brewerv. Observatory st. St. [i? T F u ll li s t s o f t h i s t r a d e in
U n ite d K in g d o m , se e B u ild in g
See Teachers.
Gilesâ , Oxford
T r a d e s D ir e c t o r y . P r ic e 3 0 s .]
Simonds H. k G. Limited (J. M.
Dnrmor. manager), 30 Queen street Adkins William, Bloxham, Banbury
& i Cowley road : stores. Osney lane. Ashley George James, 22 Divinity rd.
Hedges Edward Norman, 16 RichÂ
Cowley road, Oxford
mond road, St. Thomasâ , Oxford
Young Daniel, 13 Bridge street, Witney Watlington Brewery Co. Ltd. Brook Austin Thos. New Marston, Oxford
street. Watlington. Wallingford
Avery Herbert, Littlemore, Oxford
Bailey Alfred & Sons, Warborough,
brass fo u n d er s
See Agentsâ Brewersâ.
Curtis John & Sons, Botlev road,
Baker Charles, Carterton, Clanfield
Oxford. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
Barnes William & Son, 37 & 39 Corn
Lainchbury C. & Son, Kingham.
street, Witney
Chipping Norton
B re w e rto n
L i m i t e d , Bartlett Brothers, 75 High st. Witney
Stevens Bros. Shirburn & Britwell
Emmpr green, Caversham. Reading, Baughan William. Bampton.
Salome, Wallingford
Cooper Jsph. H. (exors. of),W heatley, a d v e r t i s e m e n t
Uder W . & Sons, Crowmarsh Gif Eustace George (administrator of), Bell R. & Sons, Church st. CaverÂ
ford, Wallingford
Soundess kiln. Nettlebed, Henleysham, Reading
°ung Daniel, 13 Bridge st. Witney
Benfield & Loxley, 106 Bullingdon rd.
Green Amos, Blackthorn, Bicester
Cowley, Oxford
B R IC K M E R C H A N T S .
B R IC K L A Y E R S .
B r o k e r s âI n s u r a n c e .
B U IL D E R S .
B O X IN G â T E A C H E R O F
B R A .SS F I N I S H E R S .
B R IC K & T IL E M A K E R S .