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d ir e c t o r y .]
B E R K S H IR E .
foundation of which is uncertain, but it appears from Post Office.â Mrs. Mary Ann Heighton, sub-postÂ
m istress. Letters from W antage at 7 a.m. &. 12.50
the records of inductions in the episcopal registers
p .m .; Sundays, 7 a.m. ; dispatched at 8.5 a.m . &
that the patronage was in lay hands as early as A.D.
12.50 & 6.45 p .m .; Sundays, 12.15 p.m . The nearest
1313; on 6th July, 1507, the church or chapel of W hatÂ
order & telegraph office is at Chaddiewx r th,
combe was appropriated to the chantry of the Holy
3 i m iles distant
and Undivided T rinity in the parish church of Lamboni n. The bells from Whatcombe church are said to W all L etter Box, L ittle Fawley, cleared at 7.30 a.m. &
6.30 p m . week days & Sundays at 12 noon
have been removed to East Garston, re-cast and hung
Public Elem entary School (m ixed), established in 1863,
in the tower of the church there.
by the late Philip Wroughton esq. for 54 ch ild ren :
Sexton, Thomas Rosier.
average attendance, 23; Miss M. Faulkner, m istress
Spanswick Charles, blacksm ith,Little
Dawson Richard Cecil, Whatcombe !
c o m m e r c ia l .
F a r le y
McNeill Major Angus, Fawley manor Heighten Mary Ann (M rs.), shop
vVheeier James, farm bailiff to R. C.
keeper, Post office
Sawyer Rev. Herbert W illiam M.A.
Dawson esq. Whatcombe
King Alfd. Jas. frm r. Great Fawley
Lay Alfred, bailiff to Major Angus /oung Menâs Library (Rev. W illiam
Sawyer M.A. hon. sec)
F E R N H A M is a small straggling township, borderÂ
ing on the Vale of W hite Horse, and forming part of
the ecclesiastical district of Longcot, 2$ miles suuthsouth-east from Faringdon, 2 miles north from Iffington junction on the Great Western railway, in the
Northern division of the county, parish and hundred
of Shrivenham , petty sessional division, union and
county court d istrict of Faringdon, rural deanery of
the Vale of W hite Horse, archdeaconry of Berks and
diocese of Oxford. St. Johnâs, a chapel of ease to
Longcot, is a small modern building of stone in the
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south
porch and western bell-gable with one b e ll: the chanÂ
cel parclose and reading desk are of freestone with
coloured marble p an els; the font is octagonal with
em blem atically carved panels, and is supported on
marble sh afts: the east window is a memorial to John
Hughes, who died in 1857: there is a small stained
window on the south side of the chancel and another
in the nave; there are 110 sittings, half being free.
Particulars of the living will be found under Longcot.
Here is a Congregational chapel, erected in 1830, seatÂ
ing 90 persons. Lady Wantage, who is lady of the
manor, James Green esq. of Shellingford, and Messrs.
H. Kinnear and Co. are the principal landowners. The
soil is clay and stone b ash ; subsoil, clay. The crops
a:e the usual cereals. The area is 1,016 acres; rateable
value, .£1,815; the population in 1901 was 163.
Sexton, Joseph Church.
Post Office.â David Brown, sub-postmaster. Letters
arrive from Faringdon at 7 a.m .
Uffington is the
nearest money order & telegraph office
Wall Letter Box, at Post- Office, cleared week days, 6.30
p .m .; sundavs, 11.45 a m
The children of this p.ace attend Longcot school
Bond Albert, farm er
Adams Raynard G^o.Fernham manor Woodbridge R. Red house
¡Biown David, shopkeeper, & post off
Aikman Capt. D. F. R. Nightingale
G illing Jrhn. farm er, Fernham farm
Bond A rthur
Paine Louis M.F.H. Fernham bouse Jerry W illiam , farm bailiff to Geo. G:iddard Sophia (Miss), dress make?
Warner James. Woodman inn
Adam s & Sons, Manor farm
Wirdnham Miss
F I N C H A M P S T E A D is a pretty village and parish
on the borders of Hampshire, from which it is separated
by the B'.ackwater iiver, 3 miles south from Wokingham
2 from the Wellington College station on the South
Easte n and Chatham railway and 9 south-east from
Reading, in the Eastern division of the county, h und'edof
Charlton, petty sessional division and union of W okingÂ
ham. county court district of Reading, rural deanery
of Reading, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese oâ
Oxford. The church of St. Jam es is an ancipnt fabric,
partly Norman, consisting of chancel, with sem iÂ
circular apse, nave of two bays, north aisle, south
porch and an embattled western tower containing 6
bells, the sixth bell having been added Dec. 8th. 1885
by voluntary subscriptions of the parishioners, to celeÂ
brate the 80th birthday of the Rev. Edward St. John
LL.B . rector, 1840-92: in the church are various monu
ments, a curious brass to Elizabeth, daughter and
heir to John Taylor, of Finchampstead, gent and wife
of John Blighe, ob. 1635. and to her daughter. Jane;
and another brass to the wife of the Rev. Edward St
John, d. 1850: the church was thoroughly repaired
and reseated in 1856, and has 250 sittings The
register dates from the year 1653. The living is a
rectory, net yearly value £320. with residence, in
the gift of John W alter esq of Bear Wood. Wokingham,
and held since 1892 bv the Rev Routh Tomlinson M A.
of Clare Coller-e, Cambridge. Here is a Baptist chapel,
with sittings for 150 pe"sons. There is a sum of £22
Cavendish Mrs
Cope lohn. Sunn1 side
Douglas Robert. Threave
Drake Geo. Morgan Jas. W ick hill
Drake Samuel. Wick hill
Forge John, River-Bend
Greenfield Lieut. Bertie L. H ., R.N.
South court
Herbert Major Edward S. Agates
Hopkinson The Misses, W yse hill
Jones Lieut -Col. Alfred S ., V .C .,
M .I.C.E . J.P. Ridge cottage
Kemble Misses, Hagates
Kemin Mrs. Re«trop
Lam bert Mrs. Tydil
see Bray.
yearly for fuel, derived from the investment of funds
received by sale of the allotment. Finchampstead
Ridges, a lange of hills extending from here to SandÂ
hurst, afford some splendid views of the surrounding
country. John W a ite - esq. of Bear Wood, is lord of
the East Court manor, and Charles Edward St. JohnHarris esq. is lord of the West Court m an o r; the
West Court estate is of about 500 acres and is owned
y Char es Edward St. John-Ha is esq. of W est Court.
John W alter esq. and Charles Edward St. John-Harris
esq. are the piincipal landowners. The soil, which
varies, is sand, gravel and lo a m ; subsoil, clay. The
chief c ops a.e wheat, oats and beans. The area is
- 929 ac:rs of land and 14 of w ater; rateable value.
£ 6 ,12 1; the population in 1901 was 666.
Parish Clerk, Henry Milam.
Post, M. 0 . & T. Office.â Owen A J. Goddard, subÂ
postmaster. Letters from Wokingham arrive at 750
& 11 50 a.m. ; dispatched at 8 45 & 11.30 a m. & 1.30
& 6.3 P m on 'woek days; on Sundays at 11.25 a m
PiTar Letter B o xesâ Wokingham road, cleaned at 8.55
a m. & 1.43 & 6.15 p m . & on Sundays at 11.45 a m - ;
Reading road, clea ed a t 8.15 & 11 30 a m. & 5 33
p m . ; sundavs, 10.40 a.pi
P olic1 Constable. Harry A Brown
Elementary School (mixed), bu ilt by the late John
W alter esq. & supported partly by subscriptions, for
too children; ave age attendance, 7 0 ;
Miss M. A.
Chi vers, mistress
Lethbridge Mrs. Ambrose, Manor hLipseombe Mrs Heath cottages
Martin Jam s Wentworth Banisters
Molyneux Mrs. Warren lodge
O riirarn e v Sir Montagu Frederic1
G C.M G., K .C .B ., I.S.O. The Old
P igg Wm. Beechey, Wheatlands
St. °Jnho-Barri<= Chas.Edwd.W est crt
Miaw-PhiH'ps Ellison, The Firs
Tavlor Miss. China cottage
Tomlinson R pv . Routh M.A. (rector)
Watson Gen. Sir John V .C ., G .C.B
North court
Watson George Arth. J.P. East court
Webster Arthur; The Cottage
Womack A rth ur S. Hill rise
(For other names in the parish, see
Crowthorne. )
Attride Charles, blacksmith
Baldwin Frank, m arket gardener,
F W t Farm house
Barker Arthur, plumber, assistant
overseer & clerk to Parish Council
Burt well Charles, baker, see Dean &
Burtw ell
Cox Jason, farm bailiff to W R.
P igg esq. Wheatlands farm
D^an & Burtwell. bakers
Doarlove Charles D. grocer
Dixon John, m iller (water A steam),
New Mill (postal address, Everslev,
W inch field)