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R E A D IN G .

B E R K S H IR E .

[ k e l ly 's

surgeons; Sydney Aveline L .D .S .Irel. A. L. Goadby
L .D .S .E n g
Vernon Knowles L .D .S .E n g. & John
Brodribb Parfitt L .R .C .P .L on d ., M .R .C .S. & L.D .S.
E n g. dental surgeons; W illiam Aldridge, secretary;
W illiam Clifford Dunnill, dispenser ; E. A. A lder, as­
sistant dispenser
Public L ibrary & Museum, Blagrave street, William
Henry Greenhough, chief librarian
Reading Soldiers' Home, 319 Oxford road, Miss Helen
Grounds & Miss Madeleine Hardy, lady supts
Royal Berkshire Hospital, London road, Charles W.
M arriott M.D., M .R.C.P.Lond. & Francis Henry
Hawkins M .D., M .R.C.P.Lond. physicians; James
Hopkins W alters M .R .C.S.E ng. consulting surgeon;
W illiam James M aurice M .A., M .B., B .Ch., M .R.C.S.
E ng. & J. A . P. Price M.D., M .R .C.S.E ng. surgeons;
Abram G eorge Stewart B .A ., M .B., B.C.Cantab.,
M .R .C .S .E n g ; & L .R .C .P.L ond. & W illiam Thomas
Freem an M.D., F .R .C .S Eng., L.R .C .P .L on d . assistant
p h ysician s; Lansdown Murray G uilding M .A.. M .B.,
B.Ch . M .R .C.S.E ng. & W. J. Foster F .R .C .S .E n g.,
L.R .C .P .L on d . assistant surgeons; R. Philip Brooks
F .R .C .S .E d in . ophthalm ic surgeon; A rth ur Roberts
F .R .C .S .E d in ., M .R .C.S.E ng. aural surgeon; 1 house
p hysician. 1 house surgeon & 1 second house sur­
geon; Rev. Martin Thomas Friend M .A. chaplain;
Herman Burney B A. sec. & house governor; Miss E.
A. Wynne, matron
S t . Giles' Hall, 112 London street; Albert T. H iggs,
hon. sec
Stam p & Legacy D uty Office, Custom s & Excise office,
Station road
Town H all & Municipal Buildings, Blagrave street,
Cornelius W Brooker, hall keeper
W . I. Palm er Memorial H all, 43 West street, Charles
Moss, sec
Regim ental D istrict, No. 49.
Reading is the depot of the Regim ental district No. 49,
1st (49th foot) & 2nd (66th foot) Battalions of the
Princess Charlotte of W ales’s (Royal Berkshire R egi­
m ent) ; it is also th e head quarters of the Royal Berk­
shire Special Reserve, which forms the 3rd Battalion.
T he barracks, on the Oxford road, have ample drill
Comm anding Dépôt, Major D. Blake Maurice D.S.O
Dépôt Officers: —
1st Battalion, Capt. T . E . C. Hunt
2nd Battalion, Capt. A. E. F. Harris
2nd Battalion, Capt. C. H T. Lucas
2nd Battalion, Lieut. A. G. M. Sharpe
:rst Battalion, Lieut. W. T. Hopkins
3rd Battalion (Royal Berkshire Special Reserve).
H ead quarters, Barracks, L ieu t.-Col. F. G. Barker,
com m anding; Capt. C. G. H ill D .S.O . ad ju tan t;
Hon. Lieut. F. S. Boshell, quarterm aster

Offices, Thorn street.
Board day, 3rd thursday in each month at 6.30 p.m at1
th e Board room, Thorn street.
The Union comprises the parishes of St. G iles, St.
Laurence & St. Mary. The population in 1911 was
75,214; area, 5.876 acres; the rateable value in April,
1911, was £438,029.
Chairman of the Board of Guardians, W. Frame, Mil­
ton Lockhart, Mapledurham
Clerk to the G uardians & Union Assessment Committee,
W. H. Oliver, Guardians’ offices, Thorn street
Deputy Clerk, J. R. Bedford. Guardians’ offices,Thorn st
Treasurer, John Sitnonds, K in g street, Reading
Superintendent Relieving Officer & Collector, Frederick
Herrington, Guardians’ offices, Thorn street
Relieving & Vaccination Officers, No. 1 district, Ernest
S. Fenner, 78 Erleigh ro ad ; No. 2 district, George A.
Munday. 1 A rgyle street
Medical Officers, No. 1 district, Edward Lycett Cropp
L.R .C .P .L on d ., M .R .C .S.E n g. 101 Oxford road; No. 2
district, Frederick Wilson Stansfield M.D., Ch.B .,
D .P.H . 120 Oxford road
Public Vaccinator, Frederick Wilson Stansfield M.D.,
Ch.B ., D.P.H. 120 Oxford road
Dispenser, J. Jones, 71 Friar street
Superintendent Registrar, W. H. Oliver, Guardians’
offices, Thorn s tre e t; deputy, W . G. Uiffe, 91 Ham il­
ton road
Registrars of Births & Deaths, St. Giles’ sub-district,
Charles Moss, 304 K in g’s ro a d ; St. Mary’s sub-dis­
trict, Miss Ada Day, 245 Oxford road
Registrars of Marriages, St. G iles’ sub-district, Ernest
George H uggins, 40 Waverley ro ad ; deputy, Charles
Moss, 304 K in g’s road; St. Mary’s sub-district, Walt.
P. W right, 92 London street; deputy, J. R. Bedford,
Guardians’ offices, Thorn street
The Workhouse, in the Oxford road, was occupied in
June, 1867: it is of local red brick, in the E liza­
bethan style. & was erected at a total cost of about
£8,100: in 1892 considerable additions were begun, &
completed in 1894, consisting of a new central block
& infirmary, casual & receiving wards & a porter’s
lo d g e ; the building is heated by steam p ip e s; these
additions have been carried out at a cost of about
£27,000; it will hold 500 inm ates, but alterations
are now (1911) in progress, which will increase the
accommodation to 650; W alter Fryer, m a ste r; Rev.
A rthur N eville Halpin M.A. chaplain; Lansdown
M urray G u ilding M .B., B.Ch. medical officer; Mrs.
A. Fryer, matron

R. T ruslove; Sergt.-M ajor J. Payne & Color-Sergt.Instruetor W. Hatton, instructors
Berkshire Royal Horse A rtillery, Castle hill. Major C.
G. Mayall, com m anding; Capt. & Adjutant, H. J.
A. E van s; D rill Instructor, Sergt.-M ajor J. Bradley
A rm y Service Corps (head quarters 2nd South Midland
Mounted Brigade Transport & Supply Columns),Castle
h ill; Capt. A G. Troup, commanding; 2nd Lieut.
L. G. Troup : D rill Instructor, Sergt.-M ajor Thomas

See County Council in Prelim inary Section of the Book.

Clerk to the Trustees of Reading Municipal Charities,
William Charles Blandy M.A. 1 F riar street
Clerk to the Commissioners of Assessed. Land & Income
Taxes, Charles Haffenden Dodd, 16 Friar street
Clerk to Reading School Trustees, W alter S. Clutterbuck, Town hall
Berks (Hungerford) Yeom anry, Head Quarters, Y eo ­
Collector of King's Taxes for Parish of St. Giles’, James
m anry house, Castle hill
K n igh t Herbert, 9 Sidm outh street
Lieut.-C ol. Sir E. A. B arry bart. commanding ; Major
J. B. Karslake, second in com m and; Capt. E. F. Collectors of K in g’s Taxes for Parishes of St. Mary &
St. Laurence, Edward Towner, 150 Friar street &
Tw ist (13th Hussars), a d ju tan t; Hon. Capt. W . L.
Charles J. Howlett, 32 Queen Victoria street
Rose, quarterm aster; S u rg.-L ieu t. D. G. Kennard
R .A .M .C . (T .F .), medical officer; Veterinary-Capt. Coroner for East Berkshire, W illiam Weedon, 5 Bath
ro ad ; deputy, Robert S. Payne, 164a, Friar street
P. J. Simpson F .R .C .V .S . veterinary officer; A. Hen­
Inspector of Canal Boats, W illiam H. Roberton, Muni­
son, regim ental sergeant-major
cipal building?, Valpy street
B Squadron, Major J. T W igan, com m anding; Capt.
M. Slaughter, second in com m and; Squad.-Sergt.-Inspector of Corn Returns, F. D. Carter, K ir g Edw ard’s
buildings, Station road
M ajor E. J. Seal, drill instructor
Official Receiver in Bankruptcy for th e County Court
4th Battalion Princess Charlotte of W ales’s (Royal Berk­
istricts of Reading, Newbury & Windsor, Cecil
shire Regim ent) (comprising A , B , C, D, E , F, G &
Mercer, 14 Bedrord row, London W C
H Companies) ; head quarters of battalion & A & B
companies, 12 St. Mary’s B u tts ; Col. 0 . Pearce- Receiver of the Tolls of the Corn M arket, George Steed,
Corn Exchange
Serocold V.D . commanding; Major D. J. Mason-MacSupt. of Countv Police & Deputy Chief Constable, Oliver
Farlane T.D
second in command; Major J. H.
Cooper V .D .*m ajor ; Capt. G. H. Sawyer, ad jutant; • Robotham, Abbev street
Under Sheriff of Berks, William Charles Blandy M .A. 1
Hon. Capt. D. Egginton, quarterm aster; Rev. F. J.
C. G illm or M.A. chaplain; Lieut. J. L. Joyce ; Friar street
V estrv Clerk of St. G iles, John James Lawrence, 90
R A .M .C . (T .F .), medical officer
Pell street
Reading Com panies:— A, Capt. C. Bar tram ; B, Lieut.

PL A C E S OF W ORSHIP, with times of Services,
St. Giles’ Church, Rev. Robert W alt. Carew Hunt M.A.
v ica r; Revs. H erbert Patrick Bowen M.A. Francis
James Howard M .A. Edmund Greaves M.A. & Knowlton Harold Hampshire M.A. cu rates; sun. 7, 8 & 11
a.m . & 3 & 6 30 p.m. ; daily, 7.30 & 8 a.m. & 5.30