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B E R K S H IR E .




h in k sey



from 1839; burials, 1841. The livin g is a vicarage, Post, M. 0 . & T. Office.— W alter E. Boshier, subpostmaster. Letters arrive from Newbury at 7 &
net yearly , value £160, with residence, in the gift of
ri. 15 a.m. & are dispatched at 10.55 a.m . & 6.35 p.m .
the Marquess of Downshire, and held since 1902 by the
week d a y s ; Sundays, arrive 7 a.m. ; dispatched
Rev. Arthur Thomas Johnson M.A. of Cambridge
11.50 p.m
University. Here is a Prim itive Methodist chapel.
Lady W antage, the Rt. Hon. George William Palmer Elementary School (m ixed), erected in 1841, for 120
children,* altered in 1909 to accommodate 98 ; average
P.C. of Marlston, Newbury, and Edward Wasey esq.
attendance, 86 ; John Richard Faw cett, master
o f Bradley Court, Chievelev, are the principi.l land­
Station, W illiam Malpress, station master
owners. The soil is flint, gravel and sand ; subsoil,
chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. Carrier.— W illiam Fisher, to Newbury, on tues. thurs.
& sat
The area is 1,550 acres; the population in 1901 was 384.
.Johnson Rev. Arthur Thomas M.A Bushell Daniel, builder
Cook Geo & Son, cab proprietors
I (vicar), Vicarage
Cook Edwin, farm er, Lit. Hungerford
Arnold Mrs. A . C. Herm itage house j Longmore Mrs. The Orchard
Goodman W alter Edwards, farmer,
Ludlow Mrs. The Cottage
Bevan Thomas, Woodside
Herm itage farm
Marchant Edgar Cardew M.A
Bow'ditch Miss
Charles Nathaniel, Fox P.H
Brookman Mrs. Hope cottage
M erritt Charles, butcher
Murrell Heber E. W’ oodlands
Bushell W illiam , Florence villa
Wm . Chas.gardnr. Beulah cot
Pocock Edwin, The Mount
Calvert Miss, Rosewood
M iell-Ingram Laurance, W hite Horse
Sparks Henry, Faville
Cook Wrilliam, Glenholme
Crockett Mrs. L ittle Hungerford
West Chas. Jas. M.D. Wolverton lo
Rivers W illiam , blacksm ith
Davis Charles Peel, Drayton lodge
Robinson George, Fox & Hounds P.H.
Dimbleby W alter M. The Well house
Adams Henry, grocer
Well house
Flint Charles W illiam . Bank side
Sm ith James, shopkpr. Wrell house
Barlow W illiam , carpenter
Floyd Thomas
Boshier W alter E. outfitter,Post office ■Wells Jn. beer retlr. L it. Hungerford
Hoare Edward, Sydwella villa
Wernham Edward, farm er. Fence frm
Burgess Eli James, brick maker
Holbart Maurice, The Firs
Wernham Jas. baker, Lit. Hungerford
Hope Vacey Linnington, F ir Tree villa Burgess Matthew, carpenter
N O R T H o r F E R R Y H I N K S E Y (anciently “ Hen- and bears a shield of the Tudors. The ground at the
gestesige,” from the m ythical chieftain H engist), with back of the church, at first a farm yard, rises rapidly
the hamlet of Botlej', form a parish on the western into a park-like eminence, thickly wooded with fine
bank of the Isis, in the Northern division of the county, elms, on em erging from which and gaining the open
Hormer hundred, Abingdon petty sessional division and ground on the top of the hill, an exceedingly good view
union, Oxford county court district, rural deanery of is obtained of Oxford and its south-western su bu rbs;
Oxford, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford. the village is connected w ith South Hinksey by a
The village of North Hinksey is 1 m ile west from pleasant path across the fields, and a ferry across a
Oxford and 5I miles north from Abingdon. The church small feeder of the Isis unites it to a causeway leading
of St. Lawrence, situated on an eminence at the north through the meadows into the Botley road. The Right
end of the village and formerly a chapel of ease to Hon. Lewis Harcourt M.P. of Nuneham Park, who is
Cumnor, is a plain building of stone in the mixed lord of the manor, and Brasenose College, Oxford, are
styles, and consists of chancel, nave, south porch and the principal landowners. The soil is chiefly stone
a western tower of Early Norman date, with a pyra­ brash, clay, gravel, peat and lo am ; subsoil on the hills
midal roof and containing 4 b ells: the south door­ is limestone, in the valley peat and clay. The crops are
way is a fine specimen of Early Norman, and on the the usual cereals ; the low lands are chiefly meadow.
south side of the chancel is a low side window of the The parish comprises 797 acres; rateable value, ^ 1,4 6 1;
the population in 1901 was 242 in the civil and 595 in
same date; 011 the north side of the chancel is an
-arched recess, with zigzag moulding, probably a blocked the ecclesiastical parish. A portion of the parish was
hagioscope; in the church is a memorial to Thomas transferred to St. Aldate, Oxford, March 25, 1885, by
Willis (father of the celebrated Dr. W illis, and ancestor Local Governm ent Board Order 18,178, for civil pur­
of Browne W illis, the antiquary), who died in the Royal poses.
Parish Clerk, Charles Annetts.
cause at the siege of Oxford, Aug. 4, 1643» an *n'
scription on the monument of William Finmore, fellow
B O T L E Y is a ham let three-quarters of a m ile north
of St. John’s College. Oxford, who died in 1647, begins from Hinksey church, partly in this parish and partly
thus : u Reader, look at thy fe e t; honest and loyal men in Cumnor. Botley bridge, crossing a tribu tary of the
are sleeping under them ! ” there are other memorials Isis, stands on the extended boundary westward of the
to the same fa m ily ; in the churchyard near the porch
city of Oxford.
is a fine old yew and at
the east end the steps and
A new cemetery, under the control of the Corporation
shaft of a cross ; this old church, with its rustic sur­ of the city of Oxford, of the extent of 8 acres 3 roods,
roundings, is one of the most picturesque in the was opened on 12th March, 1894. I t contains one
neighbourhood of Oxford, and has been repeatecly
m ortuary chapel.
sketched by the late Mr. Ruskin and other artists;
Post Office, Botley.— W illiam Isaac H em mings, subthere are 160 sittings. The register dates from the
postmaster. Letters arrive through Oxford at 7.20
year 1703. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
a.m. & 1.35 p.m. ; Sundays, 6.20 a.m. ; dispatched at
£ 200, derived from 64 acres of glebe and £149 from the
8.20 a.m. & 1.45, 2.10, 6.20 & 10.40 p.m. ; Sundays,
Ecclesiastical Commissioners, with residence, in the
10.40 p.m. The box closes at 9 p.m. The nearest
"ift of the Bishop of Oxford, and held since 1910 by the
money order office is at Osney & telegraph office at
Rev. Osborne Mills Jones B .A . of London University.
Oxford, 2 miles distant
The village contains one or two ancient houses, and on
Wall Letter Boxes.— New Botley, cleared at 9.15 a.m. &
the road to Botley are some others, one of which retains
2.15, 6.30, 8.15 & 10.45 p .m .; Sunday, 10.30 a.m. &
a mantel-piece of the 16th century, and another a
xo.45 p.m. ; North Hinksey, cleared at 7.15 a.m. &
ceiling of Early Tudor d a te ; near these, in the road,
6 p.m. ; Sundays, 10 a.m
are the remains of a cross; eastward of the village a
Police Station, John M artin, constable, Botley
pathway leads up the hill to a conduit, constructed by
Otho Nicholson, to supply the conduit formerly stand­ Elementary School, founded in 1867, & enlarged 1894,
for 100 children ; average attendance, 72; Miss May
ing at Carfax, in Oxford, and now in Nuneham p a rk ;
Mohan, mistress
it is a buttressed edifice of stone, about 18 ft. square,
Daniels Fredk.G eorge inn,Old Botley
Curtis W illiam J. Seacourt villa
Hancox Spencer, Black Horse P.H
Jones Rev. Osborne .Mills B.A.(vicar). Hayman Charles, Old Botley
Hedderly Frederick W illiam , fa rm e T ,
The Vicarage
Tilbury Stud farm
Read Joseph Barnes
Clark Alfred, The Fishes inn
Hemmings WTlliam Isaac, market
Greening Wm. farmer, Hinksey hill
gardener, & post office. Old Botley
Hedges A. (exors.
of), farmers,
c o m m e r c ia l .
Hill Charles, builder, Botley pound
Manor farm
Geo. A. farm r.The Elm s frm
Hedges W illiam , butcher, College fm B° tley ?Te“ *tery J ° * ford Corpora5
tion) (William White, supt)
Hunt Charles, m iller (water), Old
Carev Jane (Mrs.), grocer
Curtis John & Sons, m illwrights & Parker George, assistant overseer
Phillips Alfred Henry, Carpenters’
Charlton Alfred John, Harmsworth
Curtis Stephen Henry, farmer,SweatArm s P.H
Curtis Ernest E. Kenilworth
Scoones & Co. c-rocers
Curtis Frank Robert, Briardene
Curtis Wm. farmer,Hutchcomb's fm I Shaw Sidney,
Curtis John T. North ledge