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M ills Mrs. Elm Lea
Moore Rev. H erbert Octavius M .A.
Chaplain’s lodge
Murray Charles, The Grange
N apier Rev. John Russell B.A. (vicar,
& chaplain of Windsor union).
Ricardo Francis D .L ., J.P. The Friary
Romaine W illiam Colin, The Priory
•Southam pton Rt. Hon. Dowager
Lady, Park place
Spratley George, Abbey cottage
Stevens Col. Malcolm, The Elm s
Stru tt Capt. Algernon, Cell farm
Synons-Jeune F. J. Runnvmede ho
Tudor H. Owen J.P ., D.L. Lyndwood
W illiam s A rth ur A ugustus Vaughan,
Manor lodge

B E R K S H IR E .
Porter Rev. Edward S.J
Whittaker Rev. Paul S.J
c o m m e r c ia l .

Badder Arthur, engineer, Vine cottage
Bates Henry, Bells of Ouseley P.H
Bates Jessie (Mrs.), refreshment rm>
Beaumont Catholh College (Rev. C.
S. Galton, rector). Beaumont
Beaumont College Sanatorium (Mrs.
Agnes Hynes, matron)
Bellam y Samuel J. grocer
Blake Arthur, farrier
Borough of Windsor Sewage Farm
(A rthur Sainty, manager)
Bowyer George, grocer
Brant Victor, laundry
Canter Reuben Meredew, Fox &
Castle P.H
RESIDENTS AT BEAUMONT COLLEGE. Chapman W illiam , butcher
Dalrym ple Rev. Robert S.J. (vice- Colsell John, boot maker
Dowsett Edward Fletcher, baker
Davis Rev. W illiam S.J
Elliott John, florist
Devus Rev. Francis S.J
Ford Alphonsus, grocer
Fitzjam es Rev. Charles S.J
French Hy. Fox & Punch Bowl P.H
Galton Rev Charles S., S.J. (rector) Glover Sally (Mrs.). draper
K ing Rev. Michael S.J
Gosling Thomas W illiam , plumbeT
Mayo Rev. Edward S.J
Gosling William B. beer retailer
M iller Rev. Paul S.J
Gudgeon John T. boot & shoe m aker
Oxton Rev. Richard S.J
Haines George,boat builder, W harf ho

[ k e l l y ’s

Hall W illiam , carrier
Kentish W illiam D. builder, W y­
combe cottage
Murray Convalescent Home (Miss M.
Haynes, proprietress & supt)
Neville W illiam , farm er
Palmer Jas. Thos. boot'& shoe m aker
Pettier W illiam , Lord Nelson P.H
Pope Ann (Miss), laundress, F ir place
Purser E. & A. farmers, Manor farm
Ray Reginald, hair dresser
Reddick W illiam , beer retailer
Russell Charles G ilbert, Fox &
Hounds P.H. Bishopsgate
Sinnock & Pester, shopkeepers
Spratley George, cabinet m aker
Sum pter Henry, beer retailer
Tindall James Asslin, shopkeeper
Varnkam Robert, haulier
Vasper W alter Wm. W heatsheaf P.H
Walters A rthur, carrier
West George,head gardener to Francis
Ricardo esq. D .L ., J.P. The Friary
Windsor Castle Sewage Farm (Arthur
Foster, manager)
G osling, sec)
Y oung W alter John, tobacconist
Zeyhle Louisa (Miss), teacher of
music), Cranley cottage

W I N O I E L D is one of the largest parishes in the separate body of trustees, who assist the poor to obtain
county, consisting of Cranbourne, Winkfield Row, Ascot coal. Ascot Place, the seat of Samuel G. Asher esq.
Side, and a portion of Bracknell and Braywood, being D.L. is a mansion in a well-wooded park of 360 acres,
more than 8 m iles acro ss; it contains m any gentle­ with tastefully laid-out pleasure grounds and a fine sheet
men’s seats, in consequence of the beauty of its scenery of water. Folieion Park, the seat of Richard McCreery
and its vicinity to W indsor; from the church Windsor esq. i« situated on an eminence in an undulating
is 6 miles south-west and 4 m iles north-west is Ascot park, extending over an area of 550 acres. Here is an
station on the London and South-W estern railway, *r ancient hill entrenchment, possibly Roman, and noted
the Eastern division of the county, hundred of Ripples- by Gough in his additions to Camden. The banks and
m ere, petty sessional division of Maidenhead, union of ditches of the cam p still remain in excellent preserva­
Easthampstead, county court district of Windsor, rural tion ; and here also stood in mediaeval tim es a tower,
deanery of Maidenhead, archdeaconry of Berks and dio­ which from its elevated and isolated position, m ust have
cese of Oxford. The church of St. Marv is a plain been a land m ark for miles round in Windsor forest.
building of stcne and conglomerate, faced w ith flint, in Courts leet are held at the “ W hite H art.”
the Decorated style, and consists of chancel, nave, Agace Ferard esq M.A.. J.P. who is lord of the manor,.
south porch, organ cham ber, side chapel and vestries, S. G. Asher esq. G. G. Blane esq. and Col. Victor William
and an em battled western tower containing 6 bells and Bates Van de Weyer are the principal landowners.
a clo ck : the nave is divided in the centre by solid The soil is m ixed, strong clay, loam and gravel, with a
oak pillars, placed there in the reign of Queen E liza­ large portion of h e a th ; subsoil, clay, gravel, flint and
beth, on one of which appears a date with a crowned sand. The chief crops are wheat, oat9 and peas. The
rose and her in itials; one of these decayed and was area is 10,218 acres of land and 60 of w a te r; rateable
replaced by Queen Victoria with oak from Windsor value, £28,476; the population in 1901 was 4,243. of
Forest, and a half pillar of oak at the west end was r e ­ which 1,026 are attached to the m other church, the
placed by K in g Edward V II. in 1909 : the carved stone remainder being ecclesiastical parishes of Ascot, Brack­
reredos represents th e,Lord’ s Snpper, and several of the nell, Braywood, Cranbourne and Sunninghill.
windows are stained : there are monuments to the M et­
calfe and Blane fam ilies, to Anne (Towry), wife of Edward,
W INKFIELD ROW, a pleasant hamlet of Winkfield,
1st Baron Ellenborough and Lord Chief Justice of the is
miles south from Winkfield church and 3 north
K ing’s B en ch ; she died 16th August, 1843; to Admiral from Ascot railway station. There is a Prim itive
Sir Henry K in g ; and Adm iral th e Hon. Sir Henry Methodist chapel here.
Keppel G .C.B ., O.M. d. 17 Jan. 1904; there is also a
Ascot Side is ecclesiastically attached to Ascot.
brass, with an effigy to Thomas M ontague, yeoman of
the guard, ob. 1630, representing him in the act of dis­ Post, M. 0 . & T. Office, North street. Winkfield.—
Thomas Evans, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from
tributing bread: the church was restored in 1858, 1888
Windsor at 6 35 & 10 a m. & 4 p.m. ; Sundays, 6.3$
and 1891, at a cost of over £2,000, and affords 400
a.m. ; dispatched at 9.40 a.m. & 12.55, 6.35 & 8.35
sittings, 200 being free. The register now in existence
p m . ; sundays, 6.10 p.m
dates from 1720 only. The living is a vicarage, net
yearly value £248, with 8 acres of glebe and residence, Post, M. 0 . & T. Office, Winkfield Row.— Mrs. Elizabeth
Brant, sub-postmistress. Letters are received through
in the gift of the Bishop of Oxford, and held since 1909
by the Rev. H erbert Martin Maynard M.A. of Corpus
Bracknell at 7 & 10.45 a m - & 7 P m - > sundays, 7
a.m. ; dispatched at 8.10 & 11.20 a.m. & 5 50 & 8
C hristi College, Cambridge. A t Winkfield Row is St.
p m . ; Sundays, 9 40 a.m
Mary the Less, a chapel of ease, a building of iron,
erected in 1901. There is an endowment of £380 a Letters for Winkfield Row, Maiden’s Green & Bracknell
road, through Bracknell
year, given in 1710 by Richard, 1st Earl of Ranelagh.
augmented in 1715 with £200 given by Thomas Maule Pillar Box, Lock’s ride, cleared 7.55 & 11.30 a.m. &
esq. and in 1780 with £289 os. 2d. the gift of Thom a *
6 & 7.30 p.m. ; sundays, 9.20 a.m
Hatch : a scheme was formed in 1878 for the distribu­
Wall Letter Boxes.— Maiden’s Green, cleared 6.55 & 11.15
tion of these benefactions between the parish of W in k­
a.m. & 5.40 p.m. ; sundays, 9.30 a.m. ; near church,
field and the ecclesiastical parishes of Cranbourne, Ascot
cleared at 7.45 & 10.40 a.m. & 4.40 & 7.40 p.m. ; Sun­
Heath and Bracknell, so as to provide scholarships at
days, 7.45 a.m. & 5.10 p.m. ; Winkfield street, cleared
secondary schools and continuation classes &c for these !
afc 7-35 & 10.50 a.m . & 5.10 & 7.35 p.m. ; sundays,
parishes; this was realised in 1908 and expended in the
7.35 a.m . & 5.5 p.m
erection of th e Ranelagh Secondary Schools at Bracknell
There are also parochial charities amounting in the Elem entary School, Winkfield Row, erected in 1873 &
enlarged in 1896, for 246 children; average attend­
aggregate to about £300 per annum, of which the
ance, 150; John C. Tipper, m aster; Miss Fanny L.
most im portant is one for the maintenance of eight
Brown, Miss W. Mitchell, Miss D. Cutler & Mris E.
almswomen in the almshouses and a charitable fund
Wing, assistant mistresses
called “ Locke and Poynter’s ” which provides for the
apprenticing of two or three children yearly. The fuel Carrier.— A rthur George Barnard, to Reading, daily
allotm ent has been sold and the proceeds in vested ; these Conveyance.— Omnibus to & from Windsor, six times
produce £140 yearly, which sum is administered by a I daily, whioh also conveys parcels