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B E R K S H IR E .



•Stubbs, cut a t e ; t & u a.m . & 3 & 6.30 p .m .; daily,
value in 1911 was, Berks, ¿49,304; W ilts, ¿38,478;
10 a.m. &• 6 p.m
total, ¿ 87 , 7 82
Mary’s, Newtown, 3 p.m. every Sunday; Holy Com­
Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Jsph. H.Spackman
9.45 a.m . on 4th Sunday in month
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Com m ittee, Henry
St. Saviour’s, Eddington, 8 & 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
D ’Oyley W olvey Astley, Bridge villa, Hungerford
10.30 a.m . & 6 p .m .; tues. 7.30 p.m
Treasurer, Frederick W illiam Baker, London County &
Prim itive Methodist, Rev. Thomas K elsey U pright
Westm inster Bank Lim ited, Hungerford
(supt.); Rev. George H ull, supernum erary; 10.30
Relieving & Vaccination Officers, Great Bedwyn district,
a.m . k G p.m. ; tues. 7.30 p.m
Sidney J. R. Fox, G reat Bedwyn; Hungerford district,
Herbert Bushnell, High street, H ungerford; Lam ­ Wesleyan. Rev Hugh A. Roberts (su p t.); 10.30 a.m . &
G p.m. ; monday, 7 p.m
bourn district, Frederick Briant Hutchins, Lambourn
Relieving Officer for Tram ps, Tom Randall, Park street,
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Great Bedwyn dis­ Council im ixed & infants), erected in 1910, for 594
trict, Elias Fraser M.D., C.M .Edin. G reat Bedwyn;
children; m ixed 446, average attendance, 335; in­
Hungerford district, W alter Dickson M.D. High street,
fants 148, average attendance, 120; Caleb Camburn,
Hungerford, medical officer & Robert Blake James
m aste r; Miss E . Davis, infants’ m istress
M .R .C.S., L.R .C .P . High street, Hungerford, vaccina­ Hungerford Newtown (mixed & infants), erected about
tion officer; K intbury d istrict, Edm und Spencer
1870, for 75 children; average attendance, 60; Mrs.
Hemsted L .R .C .P.L on d. Notrees, K in tb u ry; Lam Lew is, mistress
bourn district, Charles S. Patterson M .B., C.M .Edin., Technical Institute, High street, form erly the Church
M .R .C .S., L.R .C .P . Lam bourn; Ramsbury district,
school, for instruction in woodwork, cookery &
Frederic Anthony M .R .C.S., L.R .C .P. Ramsbury
laundry, k evening classes during winter m on th s;
Workhouse, Park street, stands on an elevated & healthy
J. L. W heatley, woodwork in stru cto r; Miss Horss ite ; it was built in 1840 to hold 344 in m ates; Rev
bcrough, cookery m istress
John Frederick Charles Denning M .A. chaplain; W alt
Dickson M.D. H igh street, m edical officer; Harry
Lloyd W igglesworth, m aster; Mrs. Em m a W iggles
Great Western Railway, to N ewbury, Reading, Slough
worth, matron
k London k Berks k Hants Extension, to Devizes,
Superintendent Registrar, W illiam James Phelps, Ram s­
Bath k Bristol; Frank Ernest H unt, station m aster
bury, W ilts; deputy, H. J. Lawrence, Ramsbury
Great Western Railway Co. motor omnibuses, to Marl­
Registrar of Births k Deaths, G reat Bedwyn sub-district,
borough & Ramsbury, tues. thurs. & sat
S. J. R Fox, Great Bedwyn (pro te m .); Kintbury Flys from the ‘ Three Swans ’ & Railway hotel meet
sub-district, Edmund Spencer Hemsted, K in tb u ry ;
every train at the station
deputy, Mrs. Hemsted, K in tb u ry; Lambourn sub-dis­
trict, Miss Ethel Winifred Kennard, Lam bourn;
Aldbourn.— Martin, daily
deputy, Mrs. Kennard, Lambourn
Registrar of Marriages, John Hawkins, High street, Hun­ Fosbury.— W alter Humphries, wed. & sat
gerford ; deputy-registrar, John Spendley Tyler, High Froxfield.— Henry Nash, daily
Grafton & W ilton.— Frederick Bevis, wed. & sat
street, H ungerford
Ham.— Thomas Bowley, wed. & sat
Inkpen.— W illiam Rolfe, wed. & sat
A ssistant Overseer & Collector of Poor’ s Rates & Clerk Marlborough.— W illiam Buxcey, tues. & sat
to the Parish Council, Wallace King, High street
Newbury.— William Giles, tues. thurs. fri. & s a t .;
Collector of Assessed & Income Taxes, Job Buckeridge,
W illiam Buxcey, thurs
K intbury
Ram sbury.— Richard Chamberlain, daily
Clerk of the M arket, Edward Bushnell, High street
Shalbourn.— Alfred Levy, wed. & sat
Inspector of Police, Tom Randall, Park street
Shefford Woodlands.— Edward Shuff, mon. tues. wed.
Overseers of the Hungerford Port Down, Stephen
fri. & sat
Clifford, Alfred Gough Bartholomew & Henry Crossley Vernham .— Sidney Chandler, wed
Town Crier & Beadle, Edward Bushnell, High street
Sutton & Co.— Samuel Hawkes, agent, H igh street
P L A C E S OF WORSHIP, with times of Services.
W ater Conveyance.— Kennet k Avon canal (G reat W est­
ern Railway Co. owners); John Holmes Wooldridge,
St. Lawrence Church, Rev. W illiam E d v ard Thomas
Seccombe Gray M.A. vica r; Rev. Daniel Holland
p r iv a t e r e s id e n t s .
1 Edmonds John, 2 Atherton villas, Pinckney John Robert H ugh, Hidden
cottage, Newtown
Adnams John C. High street
I Charnham street
Alexander Joseph, H ill View house
Froome Mrs. College house, High st Platt George E. The Priory
Portal Edward Robert M .A., J.P. E d ­
Alexander Miss, Church croft
|Gibbons Henry, Charnham street
dington house
Alexander Mrs. Ann, Wilton house Gray Rev W illiam Edward Thomas
Richens Mrs. Lancaster villa
Alexander Thos. Walter, Market pi ! Seccombe M.A. (vicar), Vicarage
Rectory farm,
A llright Alfred, 1 Atherton v illa s ,! Harding James B. Leverton manor
Church street
Charnham Street
Hawkes George J. Lancaster villas
Andrews Mrs. Bridge street
Hemming Miss Adelaide de Villars, Roberts Rev. H ugh A. (Wesleyan),
Charnham street
Astley Hy. D'OvlevW olvey,Bridge vilj Hillside
Barker Miss, Th e'O rch ard
Heritage Thos. The Croft, Church st j Shepherd E d vard Percy,H
Sperring W illiam , Church street
Barker Richard Hy. M.D. High st
Hirsch Leopold, Littlecote
Starkey-Sm ith Thomas Gordon M.D.
Beard John, Bridge street
Hofland Robert Newton, Eddington
The Laurels, Eddington
Beard Louis, High street
Hull Rev. George (Prim itive MethoStubbs Rev. Daniel Holland (curate),
Burmester Capt. Arnold Charles J.P. j dist), High street
High street
New Town lodge
¡Jacob W illiam, High street
Upright Rev. Thomas Kelsey (Prim i­
Butler Chas. Wm. J.P.Standen m anr, James Mrs. Park street
tive Methodist), The Manse, FairCallaway Mrs. High street
James Robert Blake, High street
view road
Church Mrs. Park street
, Killick Thomas Homer, The Croft
Cox W alter, High street
Levy Thomas, Rossmore, Park'street Ward The Hon. John Hubert C.V.O.
Denning Rev. John Frederick Chas. McKerlie John, High street
M .A. (vicar of Denford), Westfield Major H arry Pike M.D., J.P.H igh st Webb Ernest Fredk. Church croft
W illes Col. George Shippen J.P. The
house, Church street
1 Matthew Miss, High street
F irs, Charnham street
Dickson W alter M.D. High street.
Morse Capt. Thomas Ricketts,CharnWooldridge John Holmes, Bridge st
Dredge Joseph, Faulknor square,
ham street
Charnham street
¡Peart Frederick W alter, Dun Mill ho Wren Edward Charles, The Croft
Earle Reynolds Richard, High street Phelps George, Bridge street
Arlett George, Plough P.H. High street
Astley Henry D'Ovley W olvey, solicitor & commissioner
Early closing day, Thursday 2 p.m.
for'oath s, cle rk 'to the m agistrates, town clerk, clerk
to the guardians k assessment committee of H unger­
Adams Frederick Henry, insurance agent, High street
ford k Ramsbury union & to Hungerfor.d & Ramshury
Adnams John & Son, corn merchants, High street
Rural D istrict Council, Bridge villa
Alexander Brothers, coal m erchants, Station road
Frederick W illiam , manager to the London County
Alexander Thomas & Son. grocers, Market placp
k W estm inster Bank Lim ited, & treasurer of the
A llrigh t Alfred Edward, draper, & shoe warehouse, &
Hun serf ord Union & R ural District Council, H igh st
constable & coroner for Hungerford, High street
Annetts Harry, furniture dealer, Charnham street