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Butâ.er Miss Ellen, Market place, W atlington, Wallingford
Butt W7. 106 St. Clementâs st. Oxford
Calcutt C. E. The Square, Eynsliam
Callcutt Joseph, 113 Gosbrook road,
Caversham, Reading
Carter C. 60 St. Clementâs st. Oxfprd
Casemore Charles, Great Chesterton,
Castle Alfd. W . Ducklington, Witney
O x fo rd
Chamberlain WTm. W7olvercote, Oxford
Salter Bros.; office, Folly bridge, St.
Clack Isaac, Milton-under-W7ychwood,
Aidateâs & Brook street, Grandpont;
yard, St. Aldate's street, Oxford
I . Sons, Q
t o t i/m
TT o n
Clarke S. 19 Newland place, Banbury
Searle &
road, HenleyClaydon William J. Epwell, Banbury
Cleydon Joseph, Wroxton, Banbury
Talboys Richard A. Thames st. St.
Clinch George, Fulbrook, Burford
Aidateâs, Oxford
Ciuff E. E. 53 Bridge st. Banbury
Tims Thomas, Chadlington road, St
Cooknell T. jun. Cropredy, Leamington
Gilesâ ;
works, Isis street, St.
Cope Sydney W . 117 High st. Thame
Aidateâs & Jubilee terrace, Grand
Cottie William, Highfield, Oxford
pont, Oxford
Crawley Sami. Frederick, 13 Leopold
street, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Beesley James, 90 Marlborough road.
Crocker H. 55 Bell st. Henley-on-Tbma
Grandpont, Oxford
Crocker William Henry, 11 Reading
Cawston Edward Bridge st. Caverroad, Henley-on-Thames
sham, Reading
Cross James, n o Walton st. Oxford
Harvey James & Son, 11 Thames side,
Currill Harry A. Headington, Oxford
Dudley W . 50 Greys rd.Henly-on-ThmsDafters Thomas, 28 Coldicutt street,
Lower Caversham. Reading
Witney Albt. Jn. Chinnor, Wallingfrd [Ã3T F u ll li s t s o f t h i s t r a d e in Daniels William, Standlake, Witney
U n i t e d K i n g d o m , s e e L e a t h e r Dawson Chas. 238 Cowley rd. Oxford
T r a d e s D i r e c t o r y . P r i c e 2 5 s . ] Day Charles William, 52 Gosbrook st.
Abbott & Freeman, 12 St. Aldate's
Caversham, Reading
Young Daniel, 13 Bridge st. Witney
street, Oxford
Dingle & Sons, 36 & 38 High street
Abbott T. H. Neat Enstone, Enstone
,, t it
-r. ,
A âBear Jn. D. 132 Cowley rd. Oxford Dorian Shoe Co. Ltd. 6 High st.Oxfrd
Bennett W. M. Parsons st. Banbury illams Geo North Leigh, Witney
D u c k e r & S o n ; gentsâ , dept. 6,
& Bloxham, Banbury
Alder John, Lower Heyford, Banbury
ladiesâ dept. 12, Turl street & at
Oyston John, 47 West end, Witney
Aldridge William, Benson, Wallingfrd
Wheatsheaf yard, High street, OxÂ
Allum Edward, Cowley marsh,Temple
ford. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
Cowley, Oxford
Ducker & Son, Wheatsheaf yard. High
Bates Frederick, Wheatsheaf yard, j Allum J. 5 James street, Cowley St
street, Oxford
High street, Oxford
John, Oxford
Dunn F. & Son, Cornhill, Banbury
Brewer E. G. 23 George st. Oxford
Allum Jsph. Stanton St. John, Oxford Dver W . T. 70 St. Clementâs st.Oxfrd
Brindle William, 11 High street, |Alsford John, 65 Hertford st. Mag Eaton & Son, 10 & 12 High st.Witney
Chipping Norton
dalen road, Oxford
Eaton Robert, King's road, Thame
Brown W. T. & Sou, Wheatsheaf yard, Arnott Robert, 103 High st. Thame
Edgington Arthur, Highfield, Oxford
High street, Oxford
Ashby Jn. Nth. Newington, Banbury Edginton Alfred, 48 Catherine street,
Foster, Hughes & Co. 29 Castle s t .1Bagley Frederick, 42 Fish st.Banbury
Cowley St. John, Oxford
. . .
W . 17 -Bridge
street Elking James, 7 Blue Boar st. Oxford
Hayes & Son, 5 Oriel street, Oxford
Caversham, Reading
Elliott C. F. 30 Cornmarket st.Oxford
Maltby A. & Son, 30 St. Michaelâs st. Baker William, 28 Leopold street, Elliott Richd. 9 Friarâs entry, Oxford
Cowley St John, Oxford
Eustace W m . 27 St. Aidateâ s st.Oxfrd
Morlev Bros. Long Wall st. Oxford Barker Frederick, 10 Southam road, Farbrother Jehu,
Great Rollright,
Ovenell & Fowles, 35i Holywell st.
Neithrop, Banbury
Chipping Norton
Batts & Son, Bloxham, Banbury
Faulkner Benj. Stonesfield, Woodstock
Packer George, High street, Burford Butts Frederick, 5 Broad st. Banbury
Fenemere Mrs. H. 13 High st. Witney
Timms Walter, 4 Great Clarendon Butts W . 47 West st. Chipping Norton Fitchett H. Aston, Bampton
street, Jericho, Oxford
BaxteT & Son, 33 George st. Oxford
Flack & Smith, 2 King Edward st.
Wheeler Wm. 67 Bridge st. Banbury Baxter H. M. 25 Botley road, Oxford
Baycock Mrs. Elizabeth, 70 St. Ai Flexney Thomas, 2a, Speedwell street,
dateâs street, Oxford
St. Aidateâs, Oxford
Bennett Jas. 15 Gloucester st, Oxford j Florey Walter Florey,
Marked thus t are Publishers.
Bennett James, 41 Little Clarendon j Witney
Marked thus
X are Circulating
street, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Tom, 19 Winchester road, St. jFoster Joseph, Kidmore end, Readme
Marked thus * are Secondhand Book Bennett
f7_._l_ 1.-_ TT7__
TXT. .
Gilesâ , Ovfon
Franklin W m . Weston-on-the-Green~
Bennett Walter C. 135 Gosbrook rd. j Bicester
tAlden & Co. Limited, 35 Cornmarket
Caversham, Reading
1Freeman, Hardy & Willis Limited, 4,
street, Oxford
Bishop Wm.Headington Quarry,Oxfrd { 18 & 27 Queen street & 2 Magdalen
tBlackwell B. H. 50 & 51 Broad st Boasten B. 98 St. Aidateâ s st. Oxford
street, Oxford; 6 Bell st. HenleyOxford. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
Bolton William, Bloxham, Banbury
on-Thames ; 8 High street, Banbury
Brindle William, n
High street, j Booker C. Broughton Poggs, Lechlade
& 126 High street, Thame
*. â» Norton
, (Glo'stersh)
Frewin William Alfred, 72 Reading
Ohaundy Frederick W. 104 High st. Borsberry H. W . Hook Norton,Banbrv
road, Henley-on-Thames
« 1 3 North Parade avenue, St. ; Bowell Samuel John, 31 Wellington Gardner G. Adderburv West,Banbury
'riles Oxford
, street, Jericho. Oxford
George Albert, 8 Hythe Bridge street,
uiarendon Press Directory, 116 High 1 Brazell Ambrose E. Kingston Blount.
St. Thomasâ, Oxford
street, Oxford
George Amos John. Charlburv
w Library.
Little. Brooker George, South Stoke, Reading George E. A. Steeple Aston, Oxford
trench W a n trreet' « - P ' l 68] 0 ? fo^d |Brooks Thos_ W , 2o_Causeway,Bicestr Giles Allan, 125 Magdalen road, CowÂ
Gnrii?C tt 1 ^ I2
sq.Bicestr Brownjohn Ernest Henrv, 4 Plantaley St. John. Oxford
Str. ,
Geor®e> 2 & 3 Turl
tion road, St. Gilesâ & 27 St. Gilesâ Gillman R. & Son, 23 Cornmarket st.
street) Oxford
Hartla v eriâ 23 Br?ad streetâ 0xford IBurchell John, Goring, Beading
Gillman Mrs. R.39 Holywell st.Oxford
sfc- Banbury Burridge William H. Goring, Reading Goodwin William Francis, 19 York
â ey Frank, 21 Broad street,Oxford ! Bustin Frederick G. T. 86 Magdalen
place, St. Clementâs, Oxford
*Tnn!r I Si,oreyâ 33 High st. Oxford
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Gosling George B. High street, DedtKV
k - 36 Broad st. Oxford, Butler A. 157 Cowley road, Oxford
dington, Oxford
IAnight J.E. & B. 20 High st. Witney |
Grantham T. North street, Bicester
& Sons Limited, Thames side.
H e n le y -o n -T h a m e s & Goring,Readng
Moreton Harry, Water Eaton road.
Summertown, Oxford
paintin John Edward, 24 Howard st.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
parrott Alfred, 49 Friday st. Henleyon-Thames
Bough F. & Sons, The Towing path,
H obbs
B O B B IN M A K E R .
B O IL E R M A K E R .
B O O K B IN D E R S .
Oxford Educational Supply Co. (Jsph.
Colegrove, man.), 8 Queen st. Oxford
fPacker George, High street, Burford
Parker & Son, 27 Broad street & 6
New College street, Oxford
*Peagram Frank, 10 Church street,
St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
Potts William, 51 Parsons street,
Sansbury Fdk. 60 Bridge st. Banbury
Shelley Book Agency (Hedley Vicars
Storey, manager), Gloucester st.
Slatter & Rose, 16 High st. Oxford
Smith W . H. & Son, 65 St. Giles'
street,Oxford & 95 High st.Banbury
fThornton J. & Son, ix Broad street
Oxford. S e e a d v e r t i s e m e n t
Thornton J. 8 Friarâs entry, Oxford
Tyrrell George, 5 Kingston rd. Oxford
Walford Edwin A. 71 & 72 High st.
Walter Misses Emily & Annie, High
street, Burford
Wells Miss H. 35 Market sq. Witney
Wheeler W . H. 106 High st. Oxford
Wyman & Sons Limited, G. W . RailÂ
way station, Henley-on-Thames