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B E R K S H IR E .

Rollit Sir A lbert K aye L L .D ., D .C L . St. Anne’s hill,
Chertsey, Surrey
Ryan Sir Charles Lister K .C .B . Burley Bushes, Ascot
Savory Alderm an Sir Joseph bart. D.L. B uckhurst park,
Sunninghill, Ascot
Shipley Sir W illiam Alexander, River bank, Datchet
Snagge His Hon. Judge Sir Thomas, 17 Oadogan gar­
dens, London S W
Soundy Sir John Thomas, Monkton house, Windsor
Thompson George Rodie esq. D.L. Lynwood, Sunning­
hill, Ascot
Tudor H ugh Owen esq. D .L. Lyndwood, Old Windsor
The Mayor of WTindsor & the chairman, for the time
being, of the Windsor R ural D istrict Council, are
ex-officio m agistrates
Clerk to the Magistrates, E. Cecil Durant, 3 Park st
P etty & Special Sessions are held at the G uildhall on
alternate Saturdays at 11 a.m. The following places
are included in the Petty Sessional D ivision :— Clewer
W ithout, Dedworth, Ascot, Sunningdale, Sunninghill
& Old Windsor
The Mayor & the Judge of the County Court for the
tim e being
Bampfylde Edward, Montrose, Frances road
Baxter W illiam, 17 Albany road
Bressey W illiam , St. Leonard’s road
Buckland Francis Bowrv, H igh street
C arter George, Clewer
Clarke Thomas, Alm a road
Creak W illiam , Peascod street
Fairbank W illiam , Sheet street
Holderness William Brown, 15 Park street
Peters George H. Osborne road
Reavell W alter P. The Haven, Alm a road
R ollit Sir A lbert K aye LL .D ., D .C .L. St. Anne’s hill,
Chertsey, Surrey
Rubie George, Peascod street
Soundy Sir John Thomas, Monkton house
Webber Henry, Clarence road
C lerk, F. T. Ryland, Barclay’s Bank chambers
Borough P etty Sessions are held a t the Police Court
every monday & thursday at i r a.m
Meets at the Workhouse on every alternate tuesday at
1 p.m.
Chairman, A. Robinson
Clerk, John Edward Gale, 3 Sheet street, Windsor
Treasurer, John Francis W illiam Deacon, Nevile Reid &
Co.’s Bank, Thames street, Windsor
Medical Officer of Health, J. J. Paterson M .B., B.S.
Lond., D.P.H. Guildhall, Maidenhead
Surveyor of Highways, W illiam Menzies, Englefield Grn
Sanitary Inspector, Ernest A rthur Burch, Ascot
Governor & Constable of the Castle, The Duke of A rgyll
P .C ., K .G .. K .T ., G .C .M .G ., G C .V .O
The following officers are not movable with the K in g &
C o u r t:—
Library, Hon. John Wm. Fortescue M .V.O .,B.A.librarian
Lord Chamberlain’s Departm ent, George E . Miles
M.V.O. inspector
Surveyor, Alfred Y oung N utt M.V.O
Surgeons & Apothecaries in ordinary to the Household,
William Fairbank J.P. Sheet street, Windsor & W. A.
Ellison M .V.O., M .A., M.D. Eton
Royal Gardens, A. MacKellar, head gardener, Frogmore
Model Farm s, W illiam S. M acW illiam, Prince Consort’s
Shaw farm
Royal Mews, Capt. Daniel Hickey M.V.O. superintendent
Windsor Park, H.R.H. Prince Christian K .G . r a n g e r ;
Sir W alter Douglas Somerset Campbell K .C .V .O .
deputy ranger ; A. J. Forrest, deputy surveyor ; Geo.
W eir, head gamekeeper ; Spencer Collard, bailiff
Almshouses, Victoria street
Barracks (Foot Guards’), Victoria street, Ernest Quant,
barrack warden
Borough Police Station, St. Leonard’s road, James T.
Carter, chief constable ; 1 inspector, 3 sergeants &
17 constables
Burial Board, Park street, E. Cecil Durant, clerk ; Hv.
Henness, superintendent; cemetery, Spital
Combermere Barracks (Household Cavalry), St.Leonard’s
road, Francis Henry Reynolds, barrack warden
Congregational Hall, Chariots place, Victoria street


e l l y ’s

County Court, held at the Town hall in January, March,
A pril, June, A ugust, October & December (no fixed
day) ; offices, W illiam s tr e e t; His Honor W. Howland
Roberts, ju d g e ; Charles W illiam Last, registrar &
high bailiff.
The district comprises the following
p laces:— Ascot (W inkfield), Binfield, Boveney, Boyn
Hill, Bray, Braywick, Bracknell, Bullbrook (Bracknell),
Burnham, Burnham
East, Chalvey,
Clewer, Clewer Green, Cook ham, Cookham Dean,
Colnbrook, Cox Green, Datchet, Datchet Common,
Dedworth, Ditton, Dorney, Dropmore, Easthampstead,
E gypt (East Burnham ), Eton, Eton College,Eton Wick,
Farnham Royal, Farnham Common, Fifield, Hiteham,
Holvport, Horton, Lake End (Dorney), Lent (Burn­
ham), Littlew ick, Littlew ick Green, Littlew orth Com­
mon, Maidenhead, Maidenhead Thicket, North Town,
Oakley Green, Old Windsor, Old Windsor Common,
Pinkney’s Green, Salthill, Shottesbrook, Slough,Spital,
Stoke Pogis, Stoke Common, Stud Green (Holyport),
Taplow, Taplow Common, Touchen End, Upton-cumChalvey, W altham St. Lawrence, Waltham (White),
Warfield, W ater Oakley, W exham, Windsor, Windsor
G reat Park, Winkfield, Woburn Common, Taplow,
Woodside (Winkfield) & W raysbury
This court has also Bankruptcy jurisdiction & for Bank­
ruptcy purposes includes the county court district of
Uxbridge ; Cecil Mercer, senior official receiver ; F. T.
Halcomb, assistant official receiver, 95 Tem ple cham­
bers, London E C
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the “ Law of Distress
Amendment Act, 1888,” W illiam Edward Herbert, 95
Peascod street, W in dsor; Howard J. Hetherington,
High street, Eton ; Frederick W . Hunton, High street,
Bracknell ; Percy Henry Grove, 89 Grove road, Wind­
sor & Percy M. Lever, Maidenhead
Customs & Excise Office, Ambleside, New road, Charles
H. K ing, officer
King Edward VII. Hospital & Dispensary, St. Leonard’s
road, J. W. Gooch M .R .C .S., W. Fairbank J.P.,
M .R.C.8. & A. W. Mayo Robson D .Sc., F .R .C .S.E n g.
hon. consulting surgeons; Harold Richard Moxon
M .R .C.S.E ng., L.R .C P.Lond. house surgeon; Major
A. E. Poole, 17 Castle yard, Windsor Castle, sec
Lying-in Charity, Vicarage, Castle hill, Mrs. Bois,
Masonic Hall, Church lane, Fredk. Winchester, hall kpr
Royal Albert Institute, Sheet street, George E. Miles
M .V.O. hon. librarian ; E. H. Lewis, sec. ; H. Purser
& G . P. Cartland, hon. secs. ; George Towe, curator
Tax Office, 1 High street, George R. Simpson, surveyor
Theatre Royal, Tham es street, Joseph E. B ull, manager
Town Hall & Market House, High street, Charles Mulford, keeper
Volunteer Fire Brigade, St. Leonard’s road ; Hy. Hall,
chief officer; John W. Brewer, engin eer; Charles
Bond, hon. sec. ; 20 men
Windsor Infants’ Nursery, 22 K ing’s road, Miss Victoria
Fairbank, tre a s u re r; Miss E. -M. Martin, supt. &
hon. sec. ; Mrs. Marian Brown, matron
Berkshire Yeomanry (Windsor or “ A ” Squadron). Wel­
lington hall, Major Edward S. Gooch, commanding;
Capt. the Marquis of Downshire, second in command ;
Squadron Sergt.-M aj. Henry Treble, drill instructor,
34 King's road
4th Battalion Princess Charlotte of W ales’s (Royal Berk­
shire Regim ent) (D Co.), Wellington hall, Peascod
street, Lieu t. Cyril A. L. Lewis ; Color-Sergt. Fredk.
Crayford, drill instructor
Contingent of the Junior Division.
1 Co. Infantry.
United Services College, Major R. M. de Berry ; Sergt.Major Ferris, instructor
Board day, alternate tuesdays at the Workhouse at
10.30 a.m.
The Union comprises the following p lace s:— Clewer
Within, Clewer Without, E g h a n (Surrey), Sunning­
dale, Sunninghill, New Windsor & Old Windsor. The
population in 1911 was 40,602; area, 21,070 acres;
rateable value in March, 1911, was ¿361,774
Chairman. A. Robinson, Burnham house, Sunningdale
Clerk to Guardians & Assessment Comm ittee. Philip
Lovegrove, 3 & 4 Park street, Windsor
Treasurer, John Francis W illiam Deacon, Nevile Reid &
Co.’s Bank, Thames street, Windsor
Relieving Officers & Collectors to the Guardians, Wind­
sor district, John Simms, 35 Frances road, W indsor;
Egham district, George Marshall, Egham