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B E R K S H IR E .
Bev. Henry Crom well Beckwith Field M.A. of Trinity i Winterbrook, cleared at 8.55 k n . 5 a.m . k 2.30, 3.40,
College, Cambridge.
Mr. W alter Carter is
impru- | 5.50 k 7.45 p .m .; Su n d ay's, 11.23 a m
priator of the great tithes. Here is a Baptist
chapel. W allingford road, cleared at 10.40 a.m . & 7.10 p.m. ;
The charities amount to £ 3 yearly, which is given in : S u n d a y s, 11 a.m
money to the poor. K in g Ethelred founded a monastery j
C ounty Lunatic Asylum,
here in 986, as an atonement for the death of his . The County Lunatic Asylum , although called the Moulsbrother, Edward the Martyr, murdered at Corfe Castle,
for(i Asylum , is in this p a ris h ; it was opened
September, 1870, & occupies a position on the W alÂ
by Queen E lfrida in 978 : traces of the foundations and
lingford road, three-quarters of a m ile from Cholsey &
surrounding moats still remain on a farm now in the
Moulsford station & 2 miles from the town of W allingÂ
occupation of Mr. H. C. H unt: the fabric was d eÂ
ford ; it is built of red brick, relieved with stone &
stroyed by the Danes in 1006, when they burnt Reading
colored brick dressings, in a modified style of Early
and committed other ravages in the county. Henry I.
English ; the Asylum stands on an estate of 80 acres,
granted the manor to Reading Abbey, and the Abbots
extending from the Wrallingford road to the banks of
had a seat here. Lollingdon is also a moated residence,
the river Thames, forming nearly a sq u a re ; it was
and shows some traces of antiquity. Captain James
Archibald Morrison M.P. of Basildon, is lord of the
designed to hold 285 patients, at a cost of ¿68,600,
manor and chief landowner. On the afternoon of SaturÂ
but was enlarged for an additional 324 patients at a
cost of about ¿55,000, & further enlarged in 1902 for
day, June 18th, 1887, a portion of the village near the
railway was destroyed by fire. There is a hotel, with
200 more patients, at a cost of ¿50,000 "> the number
stabling, near the railway station. The soil and subÂ
of patients is now (1911) 770, of whom 360 are males
soil vary. The chief crops are wheat, barley and beans.
k 410 females
T he area is 4,427 acres of land and 11 of w ater; rate Medical Superintendent, James William A. Murdoch
able value, ¿22,725 ; the population in 1901 was 1,826.
M .B., C M
which included 727 in the Lunatic Asylum , of whom Assistant Medical Officers, Edwin Lindsey Dunn B.A.,
M .B., B.Ch.Dub. & Sidney E. Holder M .R .C.S Eng.,
646 were patients.
L R.C.P.Lond
Winterbrook, 2 miles north-east, is part of this parish
Chaplain, Rev. George Lionel Edwards
Parish Clerk, W. N. Goodey.
Clerk to the Committee of Visitors, John Thornhill MorSexton, Job George Finch.
Post-, M. 0 . & T. Office (letters should have Berks Steward & Clerk of the Asylum, Moses Nicholls
Housekeeper, Miss Browne
added).â Mrs. H arriett Sheldon, sub-postmistress
Letters arrive direct from London, 7 a.m. & 12.45
Elementary School (m ixed), established in 1875 & enÂ
p.m. ; dispatched at 10.50 a.m. & 4.20 & 7.25 p.m
larged in 1910, for 210 ch ild ren ; average attendance,
W all Letter Boxes.
75 boys, 75 girls & 60 infants; William Harvey,m aster
Cholsey & Moulsford Railway station, cleared at 10.45 Cholsey & Moulsford Railway Station, John Henry
Brecknell, station m aster
a m. & 3.50 & 7.20 p.m. ; Sundays, 11.5 a.m
Bosher & Sons, builders & painters i Silvester H y.Geo.frm r. Kentwood frm
Bosher H enry,builder,2 Thames view Sm ith Fletcher, farm er
Burgess Albert Lewis, school attend- j Stevenson Henry, farm er, Hithercroft
Abbott George, The Hazels
ance officer for Wallingford district, Taylor Peter, cowkeeper
Alexander Wm. Geo. J.P. Westfields
Station road
Tuff W illiam , private gardener to
Alison John Wilson, W allingford rd
Carter Albert John, builder & farmer
Rev. F. S. Laurence, Moulsford
Breach Miss, W allingford road
Tyrrell Charles Hv. The Eagle P.H
Dunn Edwin Lindsay B .A ., M .B., Clarke William James, baker
County Lunatic Asylum (James Wm . Vandenberghe & Harden, nurserymen
B.Ch. County Lunatic Asylum
M .B.,
C.M. Wells Mark, Bee Hive P.H
Edwards Mrs. Broadlands
medical superintendent)
Whitehead A rth ur Geo. insur. agent
Field Rev. Henry Cromwell Beckwith
Cozens Stephen, farmer, Manor farm Winfield Henry Stephen, news agent
M.A. (vicar), Vicarage
Cozens Stephen W ellesley, farmer, Witney Jesse, Swan P.H
Greenwood A ugustus, Rose cottage
Blaekhall farm & 0 Aland's farm
W yatt George, blacksm ith
Hammans Miss, Essendune
Duck & Son, nurserymen, Westfield Wyman & Sons Lim ited, newsagents,
Harvey Robert, Highwater
bookstall, Railw ay station
Holder Sidney E ., M .R .C.S. County
Eltham Alfred, Morning Star inn
Lunatic Asylum
Eustace Richard, farm er,The Beeches
H utchings George A
Farrow Frederick W illiam , insurance
Kendall Arthur, H ighcroft
(Letters through W allingford.)
agent, 3 St. Georgeâs road
Larkcom Mrs. Elizabeth, Station rd
Laurence Rev. Frederick Spencer Ferris Joseph, confectioner
M.A. Cranford house (postal ad Finch Job Geo. builder & undertaker Barton Miss, Brookside
Ford Thomas, Brentford Tailor P.H
Buekell Anthony, The Lawn
dress, Moulsford, Wallingford)
Godfrev Charles, insurance agent, St. Crook Mrs. i Elm scroft
Locke W illiam John, La Have
Georgeâs road
Dodd W illiam , The Filberts
M iller Mrs. The Willows
Hardenâ W illiam , nurseryman, see Faulkner Mrs. Winterbrook house
Moore Alfred, Hillside
Vandenbergbe k Harden
Gale Harold, 4 ELmscroft
Moore Miss
Murdoch James William Aitken M.B., Hawkins Peter, dairyman & coal m er Gale Joseph John, The Lodge
Gibbons Mrs. 5 Elm scroft
C.M. County Lunatic Asylum
Nicholls Moses,
County Lunatic Howse John, jun. Chequerâs inn P.H Powell. Mrs. 24 Reading road
M ajor Richard V illiers Sankev
Howse Thomas, farm er,East End frm
J.P. Bucklands
Hunt Harry Clark, farmer, The Elms
Stevens Miss, Holmeleigh
Hunt Thomas M., M .R.C.V.S. veter Spokes Mrs. 6 Elm scroft
Venables Gilbert Locke, M ill court
Steer Mrs. 2 Elm scroft
inary surgeon, Station road
W illm ott George Bisley, Cardynham
H utt John Henry, haulier, Station rd Stobart Mrs. W hite Cross
Watson Mrs. E. The New cottages
Jeffery R. F. & Co. grocers
Weedon Frank. The Cottage
Lewis Charles, basket maker
Weedon Mrs. Cwichelm
Abbott George, farmer, HazePs farm Lewis Reuben, basket maker
Alexander Wm . George J.P. farmer, Millard Henry, land surveyor & col W elch Jam es, 3 Elm scroft
W illm ott W illiam
Westfield s
Nicholls Moses, clerk & steward to
Baldwin W illiam , dairyman
County Lunatic Asylum
Barton Herbert, chauffeur to the Rev.
Boynton Arthur, The Winterbrook
F. S. Laurence (letters through Norcutt George, grocer
Rolfe Thomas, Bell inn
Moulsford. Wallingford)
Cato W illiam , florist & seedsman
Sawver Tim othy, draper & clothier
Baughan James, farmer, Lollingdon
Morris Henry, Nagâs Head P.H
Sheldon H arriett (Mrs.), grocer
Blake Edward L. Waterloo hotel
C L A P C O T , form erly a hamlet and liberty in the
parishes of All Hallows, Wallingford, and Wallingford
Castle Precincts, was constituted a separate parish by
Local Government Board Order No. 31,900, under the
ââ Local Government Act, 1894â (56 & 57 Viet. c. 73).
I t lies two miles north-east from Wallingford, in the
Northern division of the county. Moreton hundred, W alÂ
lingford petty sessional division, union and county court
district and in the rural deanery of Wallingford, archÂ
deaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford. There is no
church. The W allingford and Crowmarsh Joint Hospital,
erected on the high grounds in this parish, at a cost of
¿4,294, was opened 3rd March. 1905, and has accomÂ
modation for 11 patients.
Wallingford Castle is the
residence of the Misses Hedges. The chief landowneTg
are George D. Faber esq. C .B .. M.P. of Rush Court, the
Misses Hedges, the trustees of the late L. P. Powys-Lybbe
esq. (d. 1897), and CaDt. James Archibald Morrison