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D IR E C T O R Y .]

B E R K S H IR E .

Wilkinson Clement John M .R .c.s.E ng., i.s.A.Lond. physician
& surgeon, 3 Osborne villas, Osborne road
Williamson John, pianoforte warehouse, 46 Thames street
Willis & Son, coach builders, 59 Thames street
Willis & Wicks, saddlers, 5 High street
Willis Sydney, dairyman, 31 Oxford road
Wilson Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Arthur road
Windsor Amateur Madrigal Society (Rev. E. H. Fellowes,
hon. sec.), The Albert Institute, Sheet street
Windsor Chronical (Chronicle Co. Limited, publishers ; pub­
lished friday), 17 High street
Windsor Co-operative Society Limited (James Stevenson,
manager), 23 & 25 Alma road & 40 & 42 St.. Leonard’s road
Windsor Corporation Water Works (Christopher Sainty
M.i.Mech.E. engineer & manager),; office, The Waterworks,
Tangier island, Eton, Bucks
Windsor & District Conservative Club (Robert White, sec. ;
George Liddiard, steward), 96 Peascod street
Windsor & District Electrical Co. electrical engnrs. 53 Thames st
Windsor & District Liberal Club (William Watson, sec. ;
James W. Kingston, steward), 19 Peascod street
Windsor Electrical Installation Co. Limited (A. E. Farrow,
engineer), Peascod street
Windsor & Eton Choral Society (Rev. B. C. S. Everett m.a.
hon. conductor), 10 Cloisters
Windsor & Eton Football Club (H. W. Wilkin3, sec.); head
quarters, White Hart, High street

OLD W I S D -O K .


Windsor & Eton Mutual Plate Glass Insurance Co. Ltd. (G. P*
Cartland, sec.), High street
Windsor & Eton Permanent Benefit Building Society (Frank
Wood Buckland, sec.), 8 High street
Windsor, Eton & Slough Express (established 1812) (Oxley &
Son, publishers ; published friday), 4 High street
Windsor Motor Engineering Works (Edwin Dolby, manager),
5, 7 & 9 Sheet street
Windsor Orchestral Society (C. F. Dyson, sec.), Albert
Institute, Sheet street
Windsor “ Royal ” Building Society (George P. Cartland,
manager), 13 High street
Windsor Royal Gaslight Co. Limited (Herbert Buckley,
manager), Goswell lane ; offices (
Victoria street
Windsor Steam Laundry Co. (Mrs. M. Collins, manageress),
Peascod street
Wing John, Bexley Arms p.h. Bexley street
Wood Robert, pharmaceutical chemist, 50 High street
Wooden Samuel, Hope p.h. 73 Peascod street
Woodland E. A. livery stables, 1 Frances road
Woodward James E. Swan p.ii. 49 Thames street
Woolley Annie (Miss), dress maker, 25 Sheet street
World's Tea Company (The) Limited, 94 Peascod street
Wybom Stephen M. architect & surveyor, 25 Park street
Wyman & Son. news agents, Great Western Railway Terminus
Young Women’s Christian Association (Miss Alice M. Harding,
lady supt.), The Homestead, Clarence road
Douglas Som erset Campbell K .C .V .O . deputy-ranger of
Windsor Park.
Woodside is the seat of Col. Robert
W illiam Webb F o lle tt; Ouseley Lodge, of Lord Dunboyne D .L ., J.P. ; Pelling Place, of Mrs. Irv in g ; and
the Friary, of Francis Ricardo esq. D .L .. J.P. ; other
good residences in the parish are Burfield, The Grange,
The Manor Cottage, and the Priory. H.M. the K ing,
who is lord of the manoT, and Queen’ s College, Oxford,
are the chief landowners, and there are many other
smaller owners. The soil is gravel and c la y ; subsoil,
various. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and
peas. The area is 4,189 acres of land, which includes a
great portion of Windsor Park, and 132 of water ; rate­
able value, ^15*130; the population of the parish in
1901 was 1,975, of which 1,409 are in Sunningdale
ecclesiastical parish, which see, and including 14 officers
and 296 inmates in Windsor workhouse in this parish.
Parish Clerk, Joseph G uttridge.
Assistant Overseer and Clerk to Parish Council. Walt.
Joseph Duley, 24 Sheet street, Windsor.

O L D W I N D S O B is a village and parish adjoining
New Windsor, on the banks of the Thames, 2 miles
from the G reat Western railway station at Windsor,
from Egham and 2 west from Datchet, in the E ast­
ern division of the county, hundred of Ripplesmere,
petty sessional division and county court district of
Windsor, rural deanery of Maidenhead, archdeaconry of
Berks and diocese of Oxford. The church of St. Peter
is a structure of flint in the Early English style, con­
sisting of chancel, with aisles, nave, south porch, and a
western tower with spire, containing 8 b ells: there are
several stained windows, a brass to John Michel esq.
founder of the Michel fellowships at Queen’s College,
Oxford, and a monument to Colonel Powney, the com­
panion and friend of Charles II. ; to Penyston Powney
esq. d. 1758; and to his son, Penyston Portlock Powney,
d. 1794: in 1893 a memorial window was inserted on
the south side to the late Lieut.-Col. George C. E. A.
Howard-Vyse, d. 1890; the church was thoroughly re­
stored in 1864, and has about 400 sittings, 220 being
The register dates from the year 1754.
living is a vicarage, net yearly value ¿225, including 23 Post, M. 0 . & T. Office.— Miss Alice Hoare, sub-post­
mistress. Letters arrive from Windsor at 6.45 a.m.
acres of glebe, w ith residence, in the gift of the Lord
& 12.40 & 7.30 p.m. week days; Sundays, 6.45 a .m .;
Chancellor, and held since 1911 by the Rev. John
dispatched at 7.30 & 10.30 a.m. & 3.20, 5.50 & 9 p.m.
Russell Napier B.A. of T rinity College, Cambridge, and
week d ays; sundays, 7.30 a.m. & 7.15 p.m . Letters
chaplain to Windsor union. St. Luke’s licensed mission
for Bishopsgate through Staines
room, half a mile distant from the church, i j a small
building of red brick, and has a western turret con­ Wall Boxes.— Ouseley lodge, cleared at 7.15 & 10.5 a.m.
& 2.5, 5.30 & 8.40 p.m. ; sundays, 7.15 a.m. & 7.20
taining one bell, with 150 sittings.
Here is a Gospel
p m . ; Church Toad, by Vicarage, cleared at 7 a.m. &
Mission Hall. The Royal chapel of A ll Saints, in W ind­
1.5 & 7.15 p .m .; sundays, 7 a .m .; M urray\H om e,
sor Park, was erected by the late Queen Victoria, for
cleared at 7.20 & 10.20 a.m. & 2.10, 5.45 & 9 psm. ;
the inhabitants residing in the p a rk : divine service is
sundays at 7.20 a.m. ; Friary, cleared at 6.45 & 9 -5 °
held every Sunday. A cem etery of three-quarters of
a m . & 1.30, 5.15 & 8 p .m .; sundays, 6.45 a.m . &
an acre, with m ortuary chapel, adjoining the glebe,
7.20 p.m
was consecrated and opened in Feb. 1886, and is under
the control of the Parish Council.
The charities for
distribution amount to about £46 yearly. Beaumont
College, form erly the property of the late Lord AshContingent of the Junior Division.
brook, and once occupied by Warren Hastings, is now
Beaumont College.
a Roman Catholic College, under the direction of Jesuit
1 Co. Infantry.
priests; it has an attached chapel, dedicated to St.
Stanislaus, and on Thursday, March gth, 1882, was Captain, Rev. E. Mayo
visited by Her late Majesty, Queen Victoria
Farm is said to have been the hunting seat of the
Saxon kings and also the place where Earl Godwin Royal, Windsor park (m ixed), founded in 1845, A sup­
ported by the King, for the children of his serv an ts;
died. Cumberland Lodge, within Windsor Great Park,
there are now about 80 children; Jonathan Haigh,
is a handsome mansion of red brick, once the seat of
William Duke of Cumberland, and is now- the residence
of their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Christian Elementary (mixed & infants’), rebuilt in 1858, for 113
boys & i 10 girls & endowed by Mrs. Hamersley with
of Schleswig-H olstein; the front facing the south has
£89 & by Lady Onslow with £22 a y e a r ; average
a battlemented roof with small turrets at the an gles;
attendance, 170; W illiam Edward Ellis, m aster;
adjacent is the Royal Lodge, once the summer residence
, m is tre s s : & for 64 in fants;
of George IV. and now occupied by the Hon. Lady
average attendance, 43 ; Miss Anne Woodward, m istrss
E llis ; Holly Grove is the residence of Sir Walter
Follett Col. R t. Wm. Webb, Woodside
Birch Henry W illiam, The Grove
p r iv a t e r e s id e n ts .
*Forrest A rthur J. Park side
(Marked thus * receive their letters I Campbell Sir W alter Douglas Som er­ *Gordon H erbert Huntly, Park close
set Iv. C.V.O. (deputy ranger of
through Englefield Gieen, Surrey.)
G rant-Suttie Mrs. Rosemead
I Windsor park). Holly grove
Irving Mrs. Pelling Place
Gen. H.R.H. the Prince K .G . & ICox Reginald, Manor cottage
Jonson Miss Ashton, Bishopsgate ho
of IDavidson J. M. The Tapestries
Keys Arthur Innes, The Cottage
Schleswig-Holstein, Cum berland lo »Donner Robert, Northroyd
Legge Walter, Traversari, Farm ho
Banks Mrs. Meyrick, The Hermitage Duggan Alfred Hubert esq
Beresford Lord Marcus Talbot de la ! Dun borne Lord D .L., J.P. Ouseley lo Lock Miss, Rishopsgate cottage
Marlin Mrs. Maple cottage
I Ellis H in. Lady, Royal lodge
Poer C.V.O. Bishopsgate