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Johnson Frederick A rth ur, 24 Beeoh
C roft road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Johnson Harold C. 204 Woodstock rd.
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Johnson Joseph, 73 St. Johnâs road,
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Johnson Louis, 25 Warnborough road,
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Johnson Miss, 18 Thames side, HenÂ
Johnson Mrs. 38 St. Andrewâs road,
Johnson Richard James, Beech lawn,
Hernes road, Sum m ertown, Oxford
Johnson Thomas, 38 Beech Croft rd.
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Johnson Thomas Edwin, 1 Walton
Well road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Johnston Rev. Canon John 0 ., M.A.
The Vicarage, Cuddesdon, Wheatley
Johnston Rev. Chas. Francis Harding
M.A. Headington quarry, Oxford
Johnstone Miss, 6 Frenchay road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Jolliffe A rth ur Ernest M .A. 227
Woodstock rd. Sum m ertown, Oxfrd
Jones Rev. A rth ur John M.A. V icarÂ
age. Horsefair, Banbury
Jones Rev.Cecil Holt Mandell,Church
elose, W atlington. W allingford
ones Rev. Daniel Leonard M .A. 4
The Terrace, Park town, Oxford
Jones Rev. David D. Leafield, Witney
Jones Rev. John Thomas A .T .S .
Horsefair. Deddington, Oxford
Jones A lfred Alexander, Corisande,
D erby road, Caversham, Reading
Jones Charles, Ingledene, Grosveno\
Toad, Caversham , Reading
.Jones Charles Preston, 40 Western
road, Grandpont, Oxford
Jones Francis W illiam , 8 Rawlinson
road, St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Jones George, 35 St. M argaretâs rd.
St. Gilesâ , Oxford
Jones George Horatio, High street,
Deddington, Oxford
Jones George Joshua J.P. Charlbury
Jones Harry, Conway, South view av.
Caversham , Reading
Jones J. F. The Morelands, KidlingÂ
ton, Oxford
Jones John Richard, 41 Middleton rd.
G rim sbury, Banbury
Jones Miss, 229 Cowley road. Oxford
Jones Miss, 259 Cowley road, Oxford
Jones Miss, 339 Cowley road, Oxford
Jonas Miss, Peppard common.Rotherfield Peppard, Henley-on-Thames
Jones Mrs. 56 Abingdon rd. Oxford
Jones Mrs. Castle st.Deddingtn.Oxfrd
Jones Mrs. 30 Norham road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Jones Mrs. South H ill house, Hook
Norton, Banbury
Jones Mrs. 13 W inchester road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Jones Mrs. 78 Woodstock road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Jones S. H. Dunkerry, Dashwood T d .
Jones W. J. Bridge house, Bampton
Jones-Canning Misses,
Jorden Mrs. 87 Woodstock road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Joseph Henry, The Rosary,Rotherfield
Greys, Henley-on-Thames
Joseph Horace W illiam Brindley M.A.
New college, Oxford
Jourdain Miss. St. H ughâs college, 17
Norham gardens, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Jowitt Mrs. 7 Park crescent. Park
town, Oxford
Joy Edward Bedford M.A. 291 Woodstock road, Summertown, Oxford
Joyce A lex. Bichard, Springfield, Surley row, Caversham , Beading
Joynson Harold Mead, Springfield,
Neithrop, Banbury
Judge Bev. John. 63 H igh st.Banbury
Judge J. Harold, 63 High st. Banbury
P R I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .
Judge Miss, 67 Kingston road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Judge Mrs. W ardington, Banbury
Kahnweiler Miss, 12 Canterbury rd.
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Kalkow Alofl, Park view, K in gâs rd.
Kay Herbert, 43 Portland road, Su m Â
mertown, Oxford
Kayler Charles Edward,
house, Mixbury, Brackley
Keatinge Maurice W alter M .A. 40 St.
M argaretâs rd. St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Kebbel Miss, 7 Norham road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Keble Rev. Richard James, 316 BanÂ
bury road, Summertown, Oxford
Keeler Charles Stephen, 14 Aston st.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Keeling Miss Margaret, St. Hildaâs
hall, Cowley place, Oxford
Keen E.3Western rd.Grandpont,Oxfrd
Keen Robt. North Stoke, Wallingford
Keene George, 92 Southmoor road,
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Keene Robert, Homeleigh, Chinnor,
Keith-Falconer C. A.The G arth,Bicstr
Keith-Jopp Charles Henry M.A. 16
Linton road. St. Gilesâ . Oxford
Kekewich Charles G. 62 St. Markâs
road. Henley-on-Thames
Kelk Mrs. Sunny bank, W est Bar st.
Kelsey Miss, 28 Oakthorpe road,
Summertown, Oxford
Kelson Frank, 29 Chalfont road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Kelson W alter, 28 Chalfont road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Kem m is Lew is, 10 Bardwell road,
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Kem m is Mrs. 4 Polstead road, St.
G ilesâ, Oxford
Kem m is Mrs. W est Bank, W estern rd.
Kem p Mrs. 34 St. Michaelâs st.Oxfrd
Kem pin Alfred, 305 Cowley rd. Oxfrd
Kempson Miss, Woodstock Toad, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Kempson Mrs. 51 Bullingdon road,
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Kemshead Chaloner Thos. M.A. Grey
cottage. Headington Quarry, Oxford
Kench M. Lyncote, Oxford rd. Banbury
Kendall Arthur, East cliff, Maple
durham, Reading
Kendrew Thomas, 14 Stanley road
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Kennedy Edgar, 26 Bridge st. Banbury
Kennett-Hayes T. 5 Oriel st. Oxford
Kenney Thomas M., M .A. 93 SouthÂ
moor road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Kenny James, W estleigh, Albert road,
Caversham, Reading
K enrick Mrs. 108 Divinity road, CowÂ
ley road, Oxford
Kensington Charles, Hillside, Icknield
way, Goring, Reading
Kent John Wallace, Warren Tor,
Woodcote rd. Caversham , Reading
Kent Robert Cheselden, 43 Argyle st.
Chester street, Oxford
Kent well Lawrence K ., L L .B . 159
Woodstock T d . St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Kenyon Rd. E. 14 Newland, Banbury
Kerby W illiam Henry, 308 Banbury
road, Summertown, Oxford
Kerry A rth ur F ., M.A. 197 Woodstock
road, Summertown, 'Oxford
K ettle W illiam C. K ite Brook house,
Kewley A rthur George B.A. Village
house, Temple Cowley, Oxford
K ey John, 35 Oakthorpe T o ad , Sum Â
mertown, Oxford
Kidd Rev. Beresford James D.D. St.
Paulâs vicarage, Observatory st. St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Kiddie Matthew,53 W arwick st. Oxfrd
Kift Charles, Pencoyd, Darrell road,
Caversham, Beading
Kilbee Henry. 33 Western road
Grandpont, Oxford
Kilburn Dunbar, Harpsden, Henbv
K ilby H arry C. The Sycamores We.t
Bar street, Banbury
K ilby Mrs. Fritwell, Banbury
K ile John Joseph, 32 Lonsdale road
Summertown, Oxford
Kim bell Raymond R. Oulham Coll«.»
school, Culharn, Abingdon
Kim berley Albert T. St. Leonard.
Middleton rd. Grimsbury, Bunlrar,
Kim berley J. S. Grafton lodge
Britannia road, Banbury
Kincaid Col. W illiam Style C.B. Mill
cottage, W hitchurch, Reading
Kincb Mrs. 21 Oakthorpe road. Summertown, Oxford
K in g Charles W illiam , Over Norton
Chipping Norton
K ing Edward, 40 Thorncliffe road
Summertown, Oxford
K ing Ernest A. 19 Bath rd. Banburv
K ing Henry Osborn,Wolvercote,Oxford
King Mrs. 4 Black Hall rd. Oxford
K ing Percival Ernest, 6 Manor place
Holywell, Oxford
K in g Thomas, 187 Iffley rd. Oxford
K ing Thomas, Maythorn, Western rd.
K in g W. P. Lower Heyford, Banbury
King-Edwards Thomas R., M.D. The
Cottage, W atlington, Wallingford
Kingerlee Charles. 118 Banbury road,
St. Gilesâ. Oxford
Kingerlee Henry Stephen, 102 Woodstock road, St, Gilesâ, Oxford
Kingscote J. B. Stratton Audley,Bicstr
Kingston GeoTge, 34 Middleton road,
Grim sbury, Banbury
K irby J. Kencott, Lechlade (Glos)
Kirby Mrs. Milton-under-Wychwood,
K irby Mrs. The Red house, Gt o s venor road, Caversham, *Reading
K irby-Sm ith Herbert, Osmington lnv
Kernes rd. Summertown, Oxford
K irkaldy Miss, 35 Holywell st.Oxford
Kirkby Rev. John Henry M.A. VicarÂ
age, Sandford St. Martin, Oxford
K irkby Rev. Marsh M.A. Church
green. Witney
Kirtland Henry, 33 Aston street.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Knapp Rev. Charles D.D. 269 BanÂ
bury road, Summertown & 3 Grove
street, Oxford
Knapp H. L. The Manor, Clanfield
Knapp L. R. Westfield ho. Clanfield
Knapp T. E. Foundry ho. Clanfield
Knibbs Ernest Harry, 23 Thorncliffe
road, Summertown, Oxford
Knibbs Mrs. 93 Kingston road. St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Knibbs Thomas Henry, Grendon, KidÂ
lington, Oxford
Knibbs W. G. 79 Abingdon rd. Oxfrd
K n igh t Bruce, Sunnydene, Woodstock
road, W itney
Knight Jn. E. 18 High street. Witney
K n igh t Miss, Acacia lodge, Brize
Norton. Bampton
Knight Miss, Combe, Woodstock
Knight Mrs. 81 Abingdon road,
Grandpont, Oxford
Knight Thos. Hy. Ingleborough, BlenÂ
heim road, Caversham, Reading
Hemdean house,
Caversham, Reading
Knipe Joseph William Ph.D. V endlebury house, Wendleburv. BicesteT
Knott Mrs. 28 Walton Well rd. Oxford
Knowles Vice-Adm iral Sir Charles
George F. bart, 3 Moreton road,
Summertown, Oxford
Knowles Edward J. E. Stone en ,
Banburv road, Summertown,Oxtora
Knowles "Miss, 31 H ill Top road,
Clem entâs, Oxford
Knowles M t s . 75 Banbury road, l â¢
Gilesâ , Oxford