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B E R K S H IR E .

Superintendent R egistrar, Charles Barker Wilson,
B rackn ell; deputy, George W. Manning, Bracknell
R egistrars of Births & Deaths, Bracknell sub-district.
Edwin G eorge W righ t, Bracknell; deputy, H. T
Jones, Bullbrook, B rackn ell; Sandhurst sub-district.

R E S ID E N T S .


! Hazell Mrs. The Cottage

(M arked thu

£ T VV heii *et^ei-sMaclean
through W okingham .;
Col. Allan, Brook house
A rk w n g h t Hon. Mrs. Firlands
|McClellan Col. Greville, Dvnamiris
Benthall Edward John, Sussex lodge ' Peake Misses. Highfield
C ald ecott Ernest. The Wyvern
'* p eol Hon. Mrs. Caroline S. M. S.
Colborn W illiam W alter, Newton' The Cottage, Eastham pstead park
cottage. Old Bracknell
Portman Mrs. Priestwood house
C ollm gridge Misses, Beechcroft
*Rose M ajor William Lewis, EastDee Mrs. H ypathia villa
hampstead park
•D ownshire Marquess of, Easthamp- Salwey Rev. H erbert M.A. (rector, &
stead park & Hillsborough castle. 1 chaplain to the workhouse),Rectory
co. Down, Irela n d ; & Carlton club Stockwell Mrs. Lavender cottage
S W & Cavalry & Bachelors’ clubs Thorburn Septim us Sm et,01 d BrackW , London
nell house
Edw ards Rev.Reginald Campbell M .A. Treadwell James R. The Bungalow
Bank side
Faulkner Henry George
G ild er Caledon Forbes,Priestwood ct
c o m m e r c ia l .
Gooch Mrs. Cooper’s hill
Beaver Martha (M rs.), shopkeeper
H arris Frederick 0 . Church road
*Brown John,farm bailiff toMarquess
Haversham Right Hon. Lord P .C .,
of Downshire, Eastham pstead park
D .L ., J.P. South H ill p ark; & 9 Buckingham
W illiam
Grosvenor square W & Travellers’,
Church Stile farm
Brooks's & Devonshire clubs S W, Callingham Walter, nurseryman
Carder Henry, insurance agent
H awker Mrs. Park side
Dean Joseph, farm er, Street Lane frm
E A T O N H A S T I N G S is a sm all parish, separated
from Oxfordshire by the river Thames, 3i miles north_
frn m Faringdon,
n e in
I , the
" \ Northern
T 1 . —— division
j : _•.
. ofc the
westT from
county, hundred
of Shnvenham , petty sessional
division, union and county court district of Faringdon,
ru ral deanery of the Vale of W hite Horse, archdeaconry
of Berks and diocese of Oxford. The church of St.
M ichael and A ll Angels is a sm all but ancient edifice
of stone in the Norman and E a rly English styles, consisting of chancel, nave and a western turret, containin g one bell: the chancel was restored in 1870 and the
nave in 1872, at a total cost of ¿750, and a vestry
added in 1895 on the north side of the church: there
are five stained windows and a m em orial to Henry
Beeke, rector 1670: the church affords 100 sittings.
T h e register dates from the year 1500. The livin g is a
rectory, net yearly value ¿245, w ith two acres of glebe
and residence, in the gift of Sir Alexander Henderson
bart. of Buscot Park, and held since 1911 by the Rev.


k f.l l y ’s

Herbert W atts, Sandhurst; deputy, Mrs. Phoebe
W atts, Sandhurst
R egistrars of Marriages, Frederick William Hunton,
H igh street, Bracknell; deputy, J. W. Roe, Bracknell
•Dennison W alter, gardener to Mar­
quess of Downshire, Eastham pstead
i Gale John, farm er, Peacock farm
Gale Joseph, farm er, Manor farm
Goodey Thomas, Green Man P.H
•H arris Edward, head gamekeeper to
Marquess of Downshire
•H arris Frederick 0 . clerk of the
works, Eastham pstead park
Hay John, head gardener to Right
Hon. Lord Haversham
Lawrence Chas. Downshire A rm s P.H
Loader James, farmer, Nash ville
Pearce A rth u r John, land steward to
R ight Hon. Lord Haversham , South
H ill Park farm
•Rose Major William Lewis, resident
estate agent to Marquess of Down­
shire, West gardens, Eastham p­
stead park
Treadwell James R. highway surveyor
to the Rural D istrict Council, The
Turvey George, decorator
(For remainder of names see

Alured John de Den Denne B.A. of Selwvn College,
Cambridge. Sir Alexander Henderson bart. J.P.
. . .
Buscot Park, is lord of the manor and chief landowner.
The soil is strong c la y ; subsoil, clay. The chief crops
are wheat, barley, beans and oats. The area is 1.553
acres of land and 17 of w ater; rateable value, ¿1,6 2 4 ;
the population in 1901 was 158.
Sexton, George Tuck.
wf n.n* j H ‘ ^PP55’ i sub; P o s t m is t r e s s
L etters through ™
arrive about 7 a.m. & 1
p.m. ; dispatched at 8.55 a.m. & 6.15 p.m. ; sundays,
arrive 9.30 a.m. ; dispatched, 9.30 a.m. The nearest
money order & telegraph office is at Faringdon, 2$
m iles distant


Elem entary School (mixed), erected in 1874, but super­
seded in 1902 by new school erected at the expense
of Sir A. Henderson hart, for 80 children ; average
attendance, 41 ; Miss K. R. Apps, mistress

Crosland W alter J.P. The Grange
Bowker Frank, farmer, Rhodes
Denne Rev. Alured John de Den B.A. Cam bridge William James,
(rector), Rectory
clerk to Sir A. Henderson
c o m m e r c ia l .
J.P. Heckford lodge
Apps Anna H. (Miss), shopkeeper, Clack 'J'bomas Savin, farm er,
Post office
House farm

farm Cox Hy. John, farm er,Crabtree farm
estate Hill Owen, farm er, K ilm ester’s &
Phillip's farms
Porter Hedley Vicars, Anchor inn

E N B O R N E i3 a parish one mile north-west from restored and reseated in 1893 and a new north aisle
Woodhay station on the G reat W estern railway, 2^ added at a total cost of ¿3,000: there are 250 sittings.
miles west-south-west from Newbury and 8 east from The register dates from the year 1666. The living is
Hungerford, in the Southern division of the county, a rectory, with that of Hampstead Marshall annexed,
hundred of Kintbury-E agle, p etty sessional division, joint net yearly value ¿445, with residence and 81
union and county court district of Newbury, rural acres of glebe, in the g ift of the Earl of Craven, and
deanery of Newbury, archdeaconry of Berks and dio­ held since 1892 by the Rev. Charles Blois Johnson, of
cese of Oxford. The church of St. Michael, standing Worcester College, Oxford. Here is a Prim itive
on a slight elevation by the side of the road leading Methodist chapel, erected in 1844 and rebuilt in 1871,
from Newbury to Hampstead Marshall, at the head with sittings for 50 persons. There is a poor’ s allot­
o f a charming valley, is an ancient edifice cf flint, con­ m ent of 20a. ir. 22p. and a charity producing ¿ 9 is. 9d.
sistin g of chancel, nave, south aisle, north porch and a year for church purposes. Enborne Lodge, the pro­
western bell-cote, supported on early wooden fram e­ perty of the Valpy family, is now (1911) vacant. The
work, and containing 2 b ells; th at there was at one Earl of Craven, who is lord of the manor, and Rev.
tim e a north aisle is evident from the piers and arches Frederick Harris Valpy M.A. rector of Faulkbourn,
of an arcading form erly built into the north wall, but E ssex, are the principal landowners. The soil is
uncovered in 1893, and now form ing part of the new gravel, clay and lo am ; subsoil, clay and chalk. The
north a is le : these have good Norman caps and bases : chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, roots and pasture.
the chancel is E arly English, with lancet windows at The area is 2,483 acres of land and 18 of w a te r; ra te­
th e sides, and a debased Perpendicular east w indow : able value, ¿ 4 285; the population in 1901 was 441.
th ere is a double E arly English piscina, w ith a locker
Parish Clerk, John Parr.
a t the b a c k ; the chancel arch is Norman, but has
undergone some alteratio n ; the nave and south aisle L etters through Newbury, the nearest money order &
telegraph office, arrive at 7 a.m. ; dispatched at 8.45
are separated by an arcade of three Early Norman
a.m. & 6.15 p .m .; Sunday, at n . 15 a.m
arches, w ith circular pillars and sculptured ca p ita ls;
an the aisle are some very Early oak benches, and the School (m ixed), built in 1876, for 100 ch ildren ; average
attendance, 76; William Collins, master
w alls disclose some traces of p ain tin g; the font is
•cylindrical and arcaded: the church was thoroughly Constable in Charge, William East
( Johnson Rev. Cha:
c o m m e r c ia l .
Blois, Rectory |
Felce Stam ford, Cope hall
¡Macdougall ,Alexander,The Woodlands JBrown Edward John, gamekeeper to
Fielder Thomas W. Enborne house 1Valpy Miss, Elm sleigh
| James Bishop esq