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D IR E C T O R Y .]

B E R K S H IR E .

4th ______
Battalion,^ __
Princess Charlotte of Wales’s (Royal
Berkshire Regiment) (H Co.), Denmark street; 2nd
Lieut. R. G. A ttride, com m anding; Color-Sergt.
Frederick William M artin, drill instructor
Board day, every alternate tuesday, at 11 a.m. at the
Board room, Workhouse.
The Union comprises the following p arish es:— Arborfield, Barkham, Earley, Finchampstead, Newland,
Remenham, Ruscombe, Shinfield, Sonning, W argrave,
St. Nicholas Hurst, Swallowfield, Twyford, Winnersh,
Wokingham w ithin, Wokingham W ithout, Woodley
& Sandford. The population of the union in 1911 was
21,005; area, 44,401 acres; rateable value in March,
1911* ¿ i 77*968
Chairman of the Board of Guardians, E. M. Sturges
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Com m ittee, John
Frederick Sargeant, 8 Shute end, Wokingham
Treasurer, John Simonds, banker, Reading
Collectors to the Guardians & Relieving Officers, North
district, Charles Widdows, T w yford ; South district,
Reginald Hann, Langborough road, Wokingham
Vaccination Officers, Reginald Hann, Langborough road,
Wokingham & Charles Widdows, Twyford
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Shinfield district,
Halpin M.D., B.Ch.Dubl.
Sonning district, William Norman May M.D., B.S.
Lond., M .R .C .S.E ng., L.R .C.P.Lond. The W’hite
House, Sonning; Twyford district, Frederick Charles
Young M .B.Cam b. Tw yford; W argrave district, John
McCrea M .B., B.Ch.Irel. W argrave; Wokingham dis­
trict & Workhouse, Thomas Brandon Bokenham
M .R .C.S.E ng., L.R .C.P.Lond. High view, Broad st.
The Workhouse, a plain red brick building, erected in
1850, on the Barkham road, will hold 200 inm ates;
W illiam R. Cooper, m aster; Rev. H. M. W alter M.A.
chaplain; Thomas Brandon Bokenham M .R .C.S.E ng.,
L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officer; Mrs. S. Cooper,
Superintendent Registrar, John Frederick Sargeant.
8 Shute end, W okingham; deputy, George Have, 8
Shute end, Wokingham
Registrars of Births, Deaths & M arriages, Wargrave
sub-district, Charles Widdows. Tw yford; deputy,
Emily Widdows, Tw yford; WTokingham sub-district,
Reginald Hann, 6 Langborough road, W okingham ;
deputy, Moses Blake, Westwood, Osborne road,
Certifying Factory Surgeon, Thomas Brandon Boken­
ham M .R .C.S.E ng., L.R.C.P.Lond. 21 Broad street
Collector of Tolls & Keeper of the Town Hall, Ernest
James K ing. Market place
Collector of Taxes, Albert Edgar Hall, Station road
Collector of Poor’s Rates for Arborfield, George Garrett,
Newland, R ea d in g; Wokingham (W ithin & W ithout),
H. E. Hall, Station ro a d ; for Winnersh & Barkham,
Moses Blake. Osborne road
Customs & Excise Officer, William Francis Doupe,
Southwell, Sturges road
Inspector under the “ Contagious D iseases'’ & the
“ Explosives A cts ” & Superintendent of Police,
Charles Goddard, Rectory road
Stamp Distributor, Wm. Joseph Gotelee. 6 Market pi
Town Crier. James Taylor, 32 Langborough road


Communion, 8 a.m. ; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p .m .; fri. 11.30
а.m. & saints’ days
St. Sebastian’s, Rev. George Knapp Turner M.A. v ic a r ;
11 a.m. & 3 30 p.m. (March to October, 6.30 p.m .) ;
week days, 10 a.m. & holy days, 6 p.m. (December to
February, 10 a.m)
Catholic, Corpus Christi, The Terrace, Rev. James W.
Doran & Rev. Daniel McCarthy, p riests; n a.m. &
7 p.m . ; daily, 8 a .m .; thurs. 6.30 p.m. ; holy days,
11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Catholic, Holy Ghost (iron), Wokingham New ro ad ;
10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Catholic Convent Chapel, Eastham pstead road. Rev.
James W. Doran & Rev. Daniel M cCarthy, p riests;
daily, 7.15 p.m
Baptist, Rev. Ernest Edwin S m ith ; 11 a.m .fi 6.30 p.m. ;
tues. 8 p.m
Prim itive M ethodist (Reading circu it), Rev. William
R aistrick (su p t.); n a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Wesleyan (R e ad in g circuit), Rev. James Whitehead
C legg (supt.), Rev. Herbert Windross & Rev. Sidney
W orrall; n a.m . & 6.30 p .m .; tues. 7.30 p .m .;
thurs. 7 p.m
Gospel Hall, Sturges road (vario u s); 11 a.m. & 6.30
p.m. ; sat. 7 p.m
Salvation Army H all; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
Forest road (mixed & infants), erected in 1869, placed
under the Education Department in 1875 & enlarged
in 1880, for 120 children; average attendance, 54;
Miss Mary Williams, mistress
This school is under the control of six m anagers, Com ­
mander George Wayne Gregorie R.N . Highfield,
Milton road, correspondent
The Palm er School (mixed & infants) was erected in
1874, at a cost of ¿2,819, oi which ¿i>ooo was derived
from Martha Palmer's charity & the remainder was
raised by subscription, & enlarged at an additional
cost of ¿1,825, including ¿500 from Martha Palm er's
ch arity; it will hold 515 children; average attend­
ance, 271 boys & girls & 107 infants; Henry Benstead, m aster; Miss Ellen Cordrev, infants’ mistress
This school is under the control of six m anagers, in
addition to nine governors of the Martha Palm er
Charity, G. W. Gregorie, Comdr. R.N. Highfield, M il­
ton road, correspondent
St Paul's (mixed & infants), Shute end, erected in
1867, by John W alter esq. for 325 children ; enlarged
in 1904 by A. F. W alter esq. to hold 365 ; average
attendance, 140 boys & girls & 53 in fa n ts ; James
Moss, m aster; Miss Dodge, infants’ mistress
This schsol is under the control of six m anagers; T. E.
Ellison, The Elm s, 26 Broad street, correspondent
S. Sebastian's, enlarged in 1879, for 100 ch ild ren ; aver­
age attendance. 83; W illiam Henry K n igh t, m a s te r;
Miss E. Knight, mistress
This school is controlled by six managers ; Rev. George
Knapp Turner M.A. St. Sebastian’s vicarage, cor­
Wescott, Easthampstead road (mixed & infants), built in
1906, at a cost, of ¿6.000, for 400 children ; mixed
average attendance, 285; George Fryer, m aster, &
eight assistants; technical instruction every evening
б.30 to 9, during winter months
This school is controlled by six m anagers ; W . C. F.
Anderson, Education Offices, Blagrave street, Reading,

Railway Station, Albert John Bryant,
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services.
Carriers to : —
All Saints' Church, Rev. Bertram Long M.A. rec to r; !
Rev. Lionel Edward Lydekker B.A. & Rev. Theodore j Reading— Barnard, from Bracknell,
Sumner Gibson B .A . curates. Holy Communion, 8i Norgate, d aily; & Elm er & Son,
a.m .; 11 a.m. & 2.45 & 6.30 p .m .; week days, 8i tues. thurs. fri. & s a t.; Cooper,
a.m & 6.45 p .m .; wed. & fri. 11.30 a.m
tues. thurs. fri. & sa
St. Paul’s Church, Rev. Henry Major W alter M.A. Globe Express, Carter Paterson &
rector; Rev. Sidney John Richards, cu rate; Holy | Herring, agent, 48 Peach street

Adam Major Clem ent G. M. 16
Shute “nd
Allan William, o Broad «tre't
Allfrev Fredk. Vere, Ashridge wood
Allright Harry, Woodleigb. Park av
Annesley Miss, Meadowcroft, Mur­
doch road
Armitage Amos, Deauville,Sturges rd
Baker Miss Am y, Kingscote. Fares' ^d
Barnard Lionel, Frog Hall, L o r '


station master
daily, but wed. ;
from Crowthorne,
from Crowthoi. •
Sutton's, Richard

Wyldecroft, IBinnie Frank, 1 Gordon villas, W el­
lington road
Finchampstead road
Blackburn H erbert James, Ivydene,
Barron Miss, The Terrace
Barrv Edwd. Stephenson, 33 Broad s t , Finchampstead road
Barry Miss, Wingmnre lodge.Rose st Blair Miss, Red lodge, London road
Bartholomew Mrs. Holmewoc-d.Finch- i Blandv Henry Bilson J.P.Mertonford,
Eastham pstead road
ampstead road
Bokenham Thomas Brandon L .R .C .P .
Basnett Mrs. 21 Crescent road
Lond. 21 Broad street
Beaumont Aland, Khandala, Cres­
Brant Cooper Sidney, The Cabin,
cent road
Beechey Miss, The Glebe, Rectory rd ! Sturges road
Benn Geo. The Laurels, W ellington rd Brass Rev. John M .A. 9 Crescent rd