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W ilton Edward Herbert, Tudor house,
Woodstock rd. Sum m ertown, Oxfrd
Wilton Francis, Heath Barton, Manor
road. Goring, Beading
W iltshire Mrs. 52 W est end, Witney
Wim berley Rev. John Conrad Fasham
M.A. Vicarage, Lewknor, W allingfd
W inchester George, Trefechan. Albert
road, Caversham. Beading
Winchester Tom, 4 Cripley rd. Oxfrd
W inder W. Prior, Caversham grange,
Kidm ore road, Caversham , Beadng
Windsor Chas. 17 Horse fair, Banbrv
Winkfield Alfred M .A., F .R .C .S.E n g.
26 Beaumont street, Oxford
Winslow Misses, North st. Thame
Winslow W alter, Mill house. North
Stoke, W allingford
W instedt I. 0 . 230 Abingdon rd.Oxfd
Winstone Ernest J. 68 Southmoor
road, St. G iles’, Oxford
W inter Miss, Nether Worton, Oxford
W inter Mrs. n o b , W est st. Grim sbury. B a n b u T y
W ise Mrs. Adderbury W est, Banbury
W ishart John A. 193 Banbury road.
Sum m ertown, Oxford
W itherington Iltid Evans J.P. Aberlash, Sonning Eye, Reading
Withington Mrs. Woodfield house,
Caversfield road, Bicester
W ithnall Edward, 17 Priest hill,
Caversham, Reading
W ix Mrs. Barford road, Bloxham,
Wodehouse Mrs. Filkins, Lechlade
Wolff Gottlieb, 26 Walton W ell road.
St. G iles’, Oxford
Wood Rev. Canon Win. D.D. Rectory,
Rotherfield Greys, Henley-on-Thams
Wood Frank Arnold, 71 Lonsdale rd
Sum m ertown, Oxford
WTood Frank H .Lim e Tree ho.Bamptn
Wood George M .A. Pembroke college,
St. A ldate’s street, Oxford
Wood Henry J. 5 Calthorpe rd.Banbry
Wood Hugh McKinnon M.A. Balliol
college, Oxford
Wood John M .A., M.D. 64 St. Giles’
street, Oxford
Wood Miss, 1 Fairview rd. Banbury
Wood Miss, Instead, Icknield way,
Goring, Reading
Wood Miss,Uplands,W hitchurch, Rdng
Wood Mrs- 74 Abingdon rd. Oxford
Gower, Banbury
Wood Mrs. Woodway house, Sibford
Ferris, Banbury
Wood Thos. 32 South Bar st.Banbury
Wood W illiam , 3 Longworth road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Wood Wm . 39 West bar, Banbury
Wood W illiam E. Elgin house, W est
Bar street, Banbury
Woodbridge Miss, 66 St. John’s road
St. Giles’. Oxford

P R I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .
Woodcock Mrs. 24 H ill Top road, St.
Clem ent’s, Oxford
Woodgate W. B. Clovelly, Reading rd.
Woodiwiss Mrs. E. Sidney,Greenlands,
Bloxham, Banbury
Woods Rev. Harold Glasspoole, Rec­
tory, Bucknell, Bicester
Woodward Rev. Clifford Salisbury
M.A. 92 High street, Oxford
Woodward A. A. 66 H igh at. Banbury
Woodward B. F. 24 Parker st. Oxford
Woodward Henry W. 59 St. Mary’s
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Wooldridge John. 8 Taekley place,
St. Giles’ . Oxford
Woolford David. Ivy cottage, Cuxham, Wallingford
Woolgrove Mrs. Manor house, Milcombe, Banbury
Wooster Mrs. Smalldean, Nelson st.
Wootton Miss, 7 Bardwell road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Wordsworth Miss, 12 Rawlinson rd.
St. G iles’, Oxford
Workman Mrs. 6 Richmond road, St.
Thomas’, Oxford
Worley Mrs. 33 High st. W itney
Worley Mrs. Westfield, Standlake,
W itney
Wormald John J.P. Springs, North
Stoke. W allingford; & 25 Palace
gate, London W
W orrall Rev. Sidney A. Kingsclere,
A lbert Toad, Caversham, Reading
W orrall P. Attington ho. Tetsworth
Wray Arth. J. 43 W est bar, Banbury
Wrench Stanley W. Danvers house,
Dashwood terrace, Banbury
W right Andrew, St. Fillans, St.
Peter’s hill, Caversham , Reading
W right Francis, Everslev, Kidm ore
road, Caversham, Reading
W right George, Bilton lodge, Lathbury road, Oxford
W right Henry, 185 Cowley rd. Oxford
W right John, 44 W arwick st. Oxford
W right Joseph Ph.D ., D .C .L ., LL.D .,
L itt.D . 119 Banbury road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
W right Mrs. 79 Kingston road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
W right W illiam George, 13 Walton
Well road, St. Giles’, Oxford
W right W illiam Oscar, Berrynarbor,
Blenheim rd. Caversham, Reading
Wright-Henderson R ev.Patrick Arkley
D.D. Wadham college, Oxford
Wroughton Miss, 13. Northmoor road.
St. Giles’, Oxford
Wuschack Miss, 162 Banbury road,
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Wyand Samuel Thomas, Prospect
lodge, North Stoke, Wallingford
Wyatt D. 27 W est st.Grim sbry.Banbry
W yatt Frederic, 197 Iffiev rd. Oxford


W yatt Walt.


Warwick «t

wK j s K % a r “ “
" r s in s s W ykeham Philip James Dfebv n r
J.P- Tythrop ho. Tythrop.^Thame ’
W ykeham-M artin Charles Allan <JrI„
Mead, Thame park, Thame '
Wykeham-M usgrave Wenman Auhr«
D .L ., J.P. Thame park, Thame
Wyld Henry Cecil, Alvescot hoc»
Alvescot, Clanfield
Wylde James, 45 Woodstock road St
G iles’. Oxford
Wylie David Thomas M.D., L B C P
r 1- rOxford
? 7 Iffley road’ Cowiey
St. VJohn,
Wylie Francis James M.A o sw » .
Park road. Oxford
W ylie Miss, 63 Kingston road Sk
G iles', Oxford
W yllie Lt.-C ol. Fredk. The Beeches
Steeple Aston, Oxford
Wynn Lady Williams-, Ardley haU
Ardley, Bicester
W ynter Capt. Philip Hy. Mascie J P
The Hays, Ramsden, Charlbury
Wynter Rev. Reginald William M.A
The Vicarage, Sbiplake, Henley-onThames
Yapp George, Loughborough house,
Leafield, Witney
Yates Capt. Samuel P. Broughton
grange, Broughton, Banbury
Yeates George Harvey, 30a, Bullingdon road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Yewdall John Cliff, Battle Farm ho.
Goring, Reading
Young Rev. Frank B A. 64 Botley rd
Young Arthur, 32 Parker st. Oxford
Young F. J. Woodstock rd Witney
Young George Archibald Wallace,
Audley hall. Stratton
Audley. Bicester
Young George W ., M.A. 33 Beaumont
street, Oxford
Y oung Henry John, Westfield, Lashbrook, Sbiplake, Henley-on-Thames
Young Hy. Wm . 27 West end, Witney
Young Herbert E. 147 Banbury road,
Summertown, Oxford
Young Miss, 5 Fair mile, Henley-onThames
Young Miss, Highfield, Vicarage rd.
Young Mrs. Isis bank, Iffley, Oxford
Young Mrs. Dl. 13 Bridge st. Witney
Young Rd. Horton, Horley, Banbury
Y oung Walter, 47 Oakthorpe road,
Sum m ertown, Oxford
Y oung W illiam , The Cottage, Aston
Rowant, Wallingford
Youngs John Wicks, 'Norfolk house,
Kidm ore road, Caversham, Reading