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West Hy. M. Folly court, Wokinghm W hite Miss, W ilton house, Park-j W igram Mrs. 29 Boyne H ill avenue,
side road, Reading
; Maidenhead
West J a s .n The Crescent, Maidenhd
West John George T . The Knowl, 52 White Mrs. 2 Donnington villas, O x­ Wilcocks W illiam K . Thornburv ho.
ford road, Newbury
| Twyford
Stert street, Abingdon
West Mrs. Churchfield, Pangbourne, W hite Mrs. 73 Ray Park av.Maidenhd; Wild Bernard Frank, Stoneleigh,
Shinfield road, Reading
_ ,.
West Mrs. 11 Downshrre sq. Reading White Mrs. 22 T rinity place, Windsor j Wilde H. Melverley, Park rd.Bracknll
lodge,; Wilder Rev. Henry Charles M .A. R ec­
West Mrs. W. Ea.Hendred, Steventon W hite
tory, Sulham , Reading
Bucklebury, Reading
West 0 . L. C ., M .A. The College,
Wilder Harry H illiard, 20 Mansfield
W hite Richard, Woolhampton
Bradfield, Reading
road, Reading
West R. Pine cote, Sunmngdale,Ascot White Robt. 6 Queen’s road, Windsor
West S. 177 Southampton st. Reading White W. J. ir Eastern av. Reading W ilder Henry, Lynton house, Wood
street, W allingford
West S. H. Doune cottage, W oking­ W hite W alter Ernest Coates, ChatWilder Henry John, Glenroy, Ray
wood, Stratfield Mortimer
ham New road, Crowthorne, W el­
Mead road, Maidenhead
White W illiam, 35 High. Town road,
lington College Station
W ilder J. St. Mary’s st. Wallingford
West W illiam , Meadowside, NorthMaidenhead
Wilder Mrs. 76 Bridge rd.Maidenhead
W hite William, Woolhampton
court avenue, Reading
West Wm. Arth. John, Newcombe, W hite Wm. Eddy, Hatch Farm ho. Wilder Mrs. Sulham house, Reading
Wilder Richd. 25 E rleigh rd. Reading
Townsend road, Streatley, Reading
Burghfield, Reading
Westall John, 68 Redlands rd.Readng White W illiam John, Rectory cot­ W ildm an-Lushington Mrs. The F irs,
tage, South Moreton, Wallingford j Wellington College Station
We stall Wm. London st. Faringdon
Westbrook Charles W right, K enil­ Whitechurch Rev. Victor Lorenzo,] W ildridge Chas. Moody M.B. Hazeldene, Sunningdale, Ascot
worth, Ravenswood avenue, W el­
Vicarage, Blewbury, Didcot
Whitehead Capt. Thomas, 44 K in g’s Wilken M ajor John, 71 Alexandra
lington College Station
Westcombe G. 6 Hamilton rd.Readng
road, Windsor
road, Reading
Westcombe Isaac, Gorphwysfa, Albert Whitehead John J.P. Choseley house,] Wilkin Geo. Frederick, The Hollies,
Knowl Hill, Twyford
Sandhurst, Camberley
park, Abingdon
Westcott W illiam, M ill house, Read­ Whitehead Vernon Alfred Felix, Rose Wilkin James E. Church H ill cottage,
bank, Radley road, Abingdon
ing road, Wokingham
Binfield, Bracknell
Western W alter, Studland house, Whitehorn Ernest, W inter Hill house, j Wilkins G. 2 Belmont rd. Maidenhead
Cookham Dean, Cookham Rise
High street, Bracknell
Wilkins Mrs. Sussex lodge, Shinfield,
Westlake B. 14 Clarence rd. Windsor Whitehouse Geo. Ernest, 21 Eastern; Reading
Westmacott Percy, Rose mount, Sunavenue, Reading
Wilkinson Rev. A rthur D udley M .A.
ninghill, Ascot
Whitehouse Mrs. Park la. Thatcham,
The Vicarage, Cumnor, Oxford
Weston A rthur Francis Anderdon,
Wilkinson Rev. Robert S ., M .A. T ile ­
Totterdown ho. Inkpen, Hungerfrd W hitehurst Rev. John Baron Howes
hurst, Reading
B.A. Farnborough, Wantage
Wilkinson Clement John, 3 Osborne
grange,' Wokingham
W hitelev Rev. A lbert B.A. Broad
villas, Osborne road, W indsor
Weston Thomas Douglas Wynn, 9
moor, Crowthorne, Wellington Col- Wilkinson John Sydney, Riverholm e,
Laburnham road, Maidenhead
lege Station
Bisham, Marlow
Westrop A .J. 12 Beaumont rd.W indsr. Whiteman S. 42 Craven rd. Newbury Wilkinson Misses, 15 Victoria road,
Westwood Zaccheus, 49 Alexandra rd. Whitemore Cuthbert Frederick, HolyReading
port house. Holvport, Maidenhead
Wilkinson Mrs. 17 Grove rd. Windsor
Wethered. Rev. Florence Thos. M.A. Whitfield Maurice, W est villa, Stan- Wilkinson Reginald John, Chilton
Vicarage, H urley, Marlow
ford-in-the-Vale, Faringdon
lodge, Speen, Newbury
Wethered George, 30 Ray Park aven. Whitfield Miss. 25 Argyle st. Reading W illats Fdk. Jas. 6 Culver rd.Readng
Whitfield Miss. Holloway cottage, Willes Col. George Shippen J.P. The
Whale Miss, 117 Castle hill, Reading
G-reät Cox well, Faringdon
Firs, Charnham street, Hungerford
Wharton Rev. George M .A. St.Peter’s Whitfield Miss, Stanford-in-the-Vale, W illett A. S. Padworth com. Reading
college, Radley, Abingdon
I Farinedon
W illey Rev. A. E. 2 Eton vils. Ascot
Whatley Miss, 20 Bulm ershe road, W hiting Frederick. Rookwood, W hit- Williams Capt. Henry Rupert, The
lev Wood road, Reading
Firs, Fyfield, Abingdon
Whatley Miss, 43 College rd. Reading W hiting Miss. 113 London rd.Reading
Williams Commander Hugh Powell
Wheatley F.26 Alexandra rd. Reading W hiting Miss, Vale cottage, Maiden­
Evan Tudor, Moulsford cottage,
Wheatley J. 16 Addington rd.Reading
head court. Maidenhead
Moulsford, Wallingford
Wheble Major Tristram Joseph, H un­ W hitm ey James. 2 Compton villas,
W illiams Rev. Morris M .A. Holly
gerford lodge, Earley, Reading
London road. Newbury
lodge, Earley, Reading
Wheble Capt. James St. Lawrence W hitsed Jas. L. Tilehurst, Reading
Williams A rthur A ugustus V aughan,
J.P. Hungerford lo.Earley, Reading W hittaker Rev. Paul S.J. Beaumont
Manor lodge, Old W indsor,Windsor
Wheeler Chas. 12 The Mount,Reading
college. Old Windsor, Windsor
WheelerF.Kewliurst,Tilehurst.Readng W hitten Percy,40 College rd. Reading Williams David Gwynne, 92 Cres­
cent road, Reading
Wheeler G. East Garston, Lambourn W hitting Robert Everard M.D. 1 Col­
W illiams Francis, Prior’s hold, Priory
Wheeler G. H. 61 Vinevard, Abingdon
lege road. Maidenhead
road, Wantage
Wheeler Henry James, 12 Western | W hittington Rev. Benjamin George
Williams G. 22 St.M ark’s rd.W indsor
Elms avenue, Reading
Collett A .K .C .L . Rectory, SunningWilliams
George, Moor farm , W est
Wheeler John, Common farm , UffingAbingdon
Hendred. Steventon
ton, Faringdon
W hittington Misses, 42 Addington rd. Williams H. Leam ington vil.Faringdn
Wheeler Miss, 94 London rd. R eading, Reeding
Williams Henry G. Swain, Oaklands,
Wheeler Miss, Somerset cottage,| w h ittle M. East Lockinge, Wantage
Binfield, Bracknell
Bucltland, Faringdon
Whomes Miss, 54 St. Leonard’s T d.
John Wodehouse, Dower
Wheeler Misses, 7 Coley av. Reading
hous.e, Sonning, Reading
Wheeler, Montague, 1 Glebe rd.Reading w h v te Mrs.
Oakbrow, Tilehurst.
W illiams Miss, 4 Elm villas, G reen­
Wheeler S-3oChristchurch rd.Readng! Beading
ham, Newbury
Wheeler William A. Cambridge villa. Whvte Mrs. 2 Pyle Hill villas.
Williams Miss, Foxbury lo.Lam bourn
Mill street, W antage
Stroud green, Newburv
Wheelwright. W illiam Hadwen,Under- w ickens Francis William. 28 Basing- Williams Miss, 94 St. Leonard’s rd.
wood' cottage, Binfield, Bracknell
stoke road, Reading
Wheler„.Miss, 64 Frances id. Windsor Wicks Fdk. Jn. 22 Russell st.Reading Williams Mrs. 4 Bath road, Reading
Whichéllo Mrs-38High st.Wallingford Wicks John. The Newlands, Tile­ W illiams M rs.4 Clarence cres.Windsor
Williams Mrs.
Whitaker W E. Binfield court, Binhurst, Reading
Maidenhead court, Maidenhead
fifeld, Bracknell
Wicksteed Rev. Philip. Old Manor
Whit^more Mrs. Bell Tor, Townsend
house. Childrev. Wantage
road,, Streatley, Reading
Wieksteed Mrs. Wepowie, Greenham W illiams Mrs. Tem ple house,Bisham,
Whitbread Edwin John, F air view.
road, Newbury
Pinkheys Green. Maidenhead
Widdows Percy Lionel, Southend, W illiam s Mrs. Sydney, New Holme,
Sonning, Reading
White AVE. 214 Tilehurst rd.Reading
Bradfield. Reading
W hite,A. W. 28 Castle hi. Maidenhd Wigan A L . Forest nk.Clewer.Windsor W illiam s Owen, 112 K in g’s rd.W indsr
illiam s Peter,
Mortimer lodge,
Wh'itè E .E .56" Addington rd. Reading Wiggett
f, A s e «..._
_ , ___
Allan J.P. Allanbay.
Stratfield Mortimer, Mortimer
^ h ite F. J.19 Up.Redlands rd.Readng; TÍinfield. Bracknell
White George, 52 Morgan rd.Reading ; Wiggs Charles. Broadclyst house, W illiam s Thomas D. Holmwood, S ta­
tion road, Bracknell
White L. L.80 Basingstoke rd.Readng
Botley, Oxford
Wigram H. The Limes,Clewer,W indsr