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B E R K S H IR E .



C R A ZIE S H ILL is a small hamlet in the parish of
W argrave, 2 miles north-by-east.
Parish Clerk, C. Nash.
Post Office, Crazies H ill— Miss Kate Beck, sub-postm istress. Letters arrive from Henley-on-Thames at
7.25 a.m. & 1.15 p .m .; dispatched at 12.50 & 5.45
p .m .; sundays, arrive at 7.25 a.m. ; dispatched at
11.15 a.m . W argrave, 2 miles distant, is the nearest
money order & telegraph office
Wall Letter Boxes, Hare Hatch, cleared at 8 a.m. &
i c c & 7.35 p.m. ; sundays, 11.5 a.m. ; Upper Culham ,
cleared at 1.15 & 6.45 p .m .; sundays, 11.45 a.m .;
Woodclvffe, cleared at 8.15 & 9.30 a.m. & 2.30 & 7.30
p .m .; sundays, 7.30 p .m .; Twyford road cleared at
8.30 & 10 a.m . & 2.45 & 7-45 P-m - 5 Sundays, 7.45 p.m
HARE H ATCH is a small hamlet in the parish of Police Station, School hill, Alfred James Flowers,
Warm-ave, on the Bath road, one m ile east. Here is an
police constable
iron° room used for church services, and erected in Woodclyffe Hall, W. Ryder, treasurer
jqo2, in m emory of Miss Caroline Y o u n g ; here is Hare
Elem entary Schools.
Hatch Lodge, the residence of Mrs. Y o u n g ; Hare
W V * C h a r i*
a v e ,ge
attendance, 207. Robert Piggott le ft by will, in 1796,
hall Manor, of Percival Fox Tuckett esq.
the sum of £6,700 in the £ 3 per Cents, upon trust,
the interest of which is appropriated for the educa­
KILN G R E EN is a small village in this parish, 2
tion, clothing & support of 20 boys & 20 girls, pro­
miles east; here is Scarlets, the residence of Rev. Harr>
vided that neither these nor their parents are in
Morland Wells B.A. ; Bear Place, of Henry Frederick
of parochial relief. In 1816 & 1817 a further
Nicholl esq. M .A., J.P. ; Linden Hill, of Major Henry
sum of £1,332 13s. 4d. was invested in the names
Charles Bulkeley D .S.O ., J .P .; Castlem ans, of Mrs.
same trustees by Mrs. Anne P igg ott, who
Law rence; and Bear Hill, of Miss Choate.
also granted a lease for 99 years of two cottages,
Post, M. 0 . & T. Office, Kiln Green.— Miss Ellen
as schools & residences for the m aster & m istress.
Trendall, sub-postmistress. Letters through Twyford
In 1862 school rooms, with residence for m aster &
arrive at 7.10 a.m. & 12.5 & 7.10 p .m .; dispatched at
m istress, were erected upon an extended scale for
8 a.m. & 1.10, 2.5 & 7.30 p.m. ; sundays, arrive at 8
the children educated on P igg ott’s foundation &
a .m .; dispatched at 9 a.m
those of the parish generally, thus am algam ating the
Pigaott charity with the Wargrave National Sch oo ls;
UPPER CULHAM is also in this parish, 2% miles
H arry Coleby A .C .P . m aster; Miss A. F. Knight,
north. Culham Court, the property of the Hon. W. F.
infants’ mistress
D. Smith, and now the residence of W illiam Henry Crazies Hill (m ixed), for 120
children; average attend­
Barber esq. is a square red brick mansion, pleasantly
ance, 9 1; Miss V. Howard, mistress
situated on a hill rising abruptly from the Thames
station master
and commanding views of the m ost delightful
ch aracter; the plantations are extensive and the park Carrier to Twyford & Reading.— Alfred Eugene Ladd,
daily, except wed
is enriched with fine ornamental timber.
IChilton Towers Hotel Lim ited
K ing Lorraine, Fairfield
Collins W illiam Charles, grocer
Kusel Alfred Thomas, Homeland
Cunliffe John, assistant overseer &
Lang Mrs. Pendeen
collector of rates & taxes, Church st
(Marked thus * receive letters through
Dover Brothers, blacksmiths
Lindemere Victor, Woodbridge cot
William Henry, builder
McCrea John B .A ., M.B. Lisna
Bainbridge Harry C. Braybrook road
Mackenzie H. H. Morell, The Ambush Elliott Albert Thos. bldr. V ictoria rd
*Barber William Hy. Culham court
Ridley, hair dresser,
Mawdsley Mrs. Beechwood
Batty Rev. Basil Staunton M.A.
& post office, Victoria road
Miller Charles, The Shanty
(vicar), The Vicarage
Fidler Anna (Mrs.), dairy
Morris Spencer W illiam, Creekside
Becker Frank H. The Cottage
Frame Maggie (Mrs.), farm er. Upper
♦Noble Heatley, Temple Combe
Bennett John, The Homestead
N utter Edward M. The Sister’s cot
Bond Frank Walters D .L ., J.P ., C.C. Oppenheimer Herbert. Loddon acre
Gray James,grocer.see Burgis & Gray
Wargrave. court
Frederick W illiam , farmer
Powley Rev. John Richards M.A.
Boulton Mrs. The Orchard
& thrashing machine proprietor,
(curate), Waverley
Brook Ernest E
farm, Scarlets farm &
♦Rhodes Mrs. Hennerton
Churcher Capt. Bryan Thos. Hill ho
Knowl Hill farm
Riden Horace J. Sunnybank
Clairmonte E. Geo. Thatched house
Ryder W illiam Chas. The L ittle ho Hunt William, upholsterer, W indy
Clarke Cecil Somers, The Arches
brow, Victoria road
Slade Frederick Rupert, Scatwell
Cook Sam, Hillmorton
Jeffery Alfred, boot repr. Victoria rd
Slattery F. Wolfe. Mavis cottage
Dailey Mrs. The Bull Inn cottage
Jennings Leo Dawson,butcher,H igh st
Sm ith Mrs. Woodclyffe
Darby Mrs. The Sum m er house
Jones & Son, tailors
Deakin Frfincis Howard, Orchard ho Sm ith W alter, Sunny bank
King Elizabeth (M rs.), apartm ents
Stevenson Mrs. Ferry view
Dukerley Roylance, Red cottage
Alfred Eugene, carrier
Stewart Charles, The Mount
Dunvill Thomas, Med-o-Sweet
Charles,hair dresser & tobaccnsfc
Stoddart Martin W alter Macgregor,
Field Lloyd H. Millwards
McCrea John B A ., M .B., B.S.Irel.
Temple mount
Foster Henry S. Thatched Holm
& medical officer & public
Strangways Chas. Tyrrell,Thames m t
Gill Arthur Bernard, The Willows
vaccinator Wargrave' district, W ok­
Sturgess Miss, Wargrave cottage
Goodricke Lionel F. Ingle nook
ingham union, Lisna
Sutton Martin John J.P. Wargrave
Goulding Edward Alfred M.P. W ar­
Messam W alter & Horace, fishmonger
grave h a ll; & Carlton & Constitu­
Morlev Jessie (Miss), apartments
Theobalds Mrs. Gaunt cottage
tional clubs. London
Nash Christie, parish clerk
Unite George W. G. Riverhome
Griffin Capt. Robt. C. Barrymore ho Varlev Rev. Frank H. The Elms
Lim ited
♦Grove A rthur Stanley, Kenton’s
(The) (John H. Hodge, caretaker)
Watson Mrs. Ash Tree house
Groves Mrs. W argrave lodge
White Mrs. The. Chapel house
Hannen Edward Charles, W argrave ho
Pope Frank, florist. Victoria road
Hannen Lancelot, Gaunt house
Pope W illiam , gardener to A. B. Gill,
Hannen Mrs. Ouseleys
esq. V ictoria road
Hansell Mrs. Woodlands
Arnett Paul, laundry
Pritchell Sarah (Mrs.), dress maker.
Harrison-Watson Geo. A lfd .K ing’s cot Barker Harry, baker & grocer
The Rise. Bray brook road
Headington Frederick W illiam ,Yarrow Bell William Chas. Samuel, Bull P H Richards Charles.m athem atical tutor.
Bennett Arthur J. builder,Victoria rd
Hermon Mrs. Inverlodden
Bradenham cottage
Bennett Frank, dairyman, see Rose & Rose & Bennett, dairymen
Hermon Percy, Old Mill cottage
Hill-Climo Col. W illiam , The Barn
Rose Thomas, farmer, Highfield farm
Berriss Henry, engineer, W argrave & Sansom W illiam , draper, & post office
Holland W. F. Claud, The Gables
Twyford water works
Jervis Col. W alter Neil (late R A ),
Saunders Frank, butcher
The Croft
Brown Arthur, greengrocer
Shnrney Henry F. Grevhound P.H
Burgis & Gray, grocers
Jones Howard, Red cottage
♦Silver James Daniel, blacksm ith.
Kellv-McCallum Outram , Maplecroft Butcher Henry, boat builder
Upper Culham

crops are wheat, barley and o a t s . T h e a r e a is 4,593
acres of land and 69 of w ater; rateable v a lu e , ¿22,632;
the population in 1911 was: c i v i l , 2,110; e c c le s i a s t ic a l.
Post M. 0 . & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office
(letters should have Berks added).— William San so m,
sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Beading at 4.10
& xo.55 a.m . & 6.10 p .m .; dispatched at 8.40 & 10
a.m. & 3 , 7.50 & 10.15 p.m. ; sundays, dispatched at
8 p.m
Town Sub-Post Office, Upper W argrave.— A rthur 11.
England, sub-postmaster! Letter Box cleared at 8.15
& 9.45 a.m. & 2.45 & 7.45 p.m


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