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B E R K S H IR E .

[ k e l l y 's

Brown Ernest, Peasemore house
Clarke Charles, farm er, Manor farm Painter A lfred Jas. Sidney, farm er.
Gubbins Rev. Edward Ernest M.A. Goodchild Edith (M rs.), blacksmith
Princes farm
(rector), Rectory
Hedges George, wood dealer
Pounds George, carpenter
Jacobs Eliza (M rs.), harness m aker Selwood Charles, beer retailer
Brown Jas. bailiff to Geo. Baylis esq
P T J R liE Y is a village and parish in a pleasant posi­ park-like grounds, is the property of the Rev. Henry
tion on the banks of the Tham es, 3^ m iles west-north- C. Wilder M.A. rector of Sulham , and occupied by
west from Reading, i j west from Tilehurst station, and Mrs. Rew. G . F. D. Fullerton esq. resides at Purley
nearly 2 east from Pangbourne station, all on the Great P a rk ; the mansion is a large building of Portland stone*
W estern railw ay, in the Southern division of the county, in the Italian style, situated on the banks of the river
hundred of Theale, Bradfield union, petty sessional Tham es, within an inclosed p aik. Here are the kennels
division and county court district of Reading, rural of the South Berks foxhounds; H arry W. 'Boileau esq.
deanery of Bradfield, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese m a ste r; New'bury and Henley are convenient towns for
of Oxford. The church of St. M ary, beautifully situated hunting visitors. The principal landowners are the
on the banks of the Thames, half-a-mile from the v il­ Rev. Henry C. W ilder M .A. and Sir Charles Day Rose, of
lage, is a building of flint and stone, in the Early E n g ­ Hardwick House, Reading. The soil is loam and g ra v e l;
lish style, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, south subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are oats, barley and
porch and a sm all em battled western tower of brick, beans. The area is 1,663 acres of land and 3 of w ater;
w ith pinnacles, and containing 6 b e lls : the church, rateable value, ¿10 ,75 3 ; the population in 1901 was 207
with the excepcion of the tower, was rebuilt in 1870: in the civil and 180 in the ecclesiastical parish.
there is a good Norman arch, originally form ing the
By Local Governm ent Board Order No. 31,931, th at
entrance to the chancel, but now between the chancel
part of W hitchurch (Oxon) civil parish in the adm inis­
and the organ chamber, built in 1877 • there is also a
county of Berks was added to Purley.
good Norman fo n t: the arms of the Bolingbroke fam ily,
Sexton, Henry Burgess.
who form erly had property in this parish, are affixed
to the south front of the tow er: there is a lych gate Post Office.— W illiam Pocock, sub-postmaster. Letters,
through Reading, via Pangbourne, arrive at 6.30 a.m
of oak at the entrance to the ch u rch yard : and there
& 6 p .m .; dispatched at 8.25 p .m .; sunday, arrive
are 170 sittings, 63 being free. The register dates from
at 6.30 a .m .; dispatched, 7.30 p.m . Pangbonrne, 2.
the year 1660. The livin g is a rectory, net yearly value
miles distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph
¿250^ including 17 acres of glebe, w ith residence, in
the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1901 by
the Rev. John H enry Dudley Matthews M.A. of Univer­ Elem entary School, built in 1873, by the Rev. Richard
sity College, Oxford. P a rle y Hall, a handsome mansion
Palm er, a former rector, for 54 ch ildren ; average
of brick, erected in 1609, and pleasantly situated in fine
attendance, 35 ; Miss Carrie Harris, mistress
Best Sigism und, W estburv
Rew Mrs Purley hall
¡Kirk John James & Son, blacksmithsBoileau H arry W. The Kennels
Sykes Lady, Westfield
¡Pocock Thomas, wheelwright
Fullerton Geo.Fdk.Downing,Purley pk Vaughan H. J. Stanley
¡Saunders Brothers, farmers
Hodgkin Charles Ernest, P urley lodge
. South Berkshire Foxhounds (Harry
M atthews Rev. John Henry Dudley
W.Boileau esq.m aster), The Kennels
M .A. (rector), Rectory
G ulliver Jn. farm er, W estbury farmi
P T T S E Y is a village and parish in the Vale of W hite the C inquest, by the form of tenure called “ cornage ,r
Horse, 5 m iles east from Faringdon and 9 west from or horn service, and traditionally under a grant from
Abingdon, in the Northern division of the county, Gan- C a n u te; the horn preserved at Pusey House is 24^
field hundred, petty sessional division, union and county inches long and 12 in circumference, a rich brown
court district of Faringdon, rural deanery of the Vale of colour, and is mounted with silver gilt, the middle band
W hite Horse, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese of O x­ having two small feet and bearing this inscription : —
ford. The church of A ll Saints is a cruciform building
“ I K yn g Knowde yeue Uyllyam Pecote
of stone in the Renaissance style, and consists of chan­
thys home to holde by thy lond.”
cel, nave, transepts, west po’rch and a western bell The family of Pusey became extinct in the male line on*
gable containing 2 b e lls : it was rebuilt solely at the the death of Charles Pusey in 1710; his nephew, John
expense of Mr. John Allen Pusey, who died in 1753: Allin, to whom the estate was bequeathed, thereupon
on the south side is a m em orial window to the Hon. assumed the name of Pusey, but on his death without
Philip Bouverie Pusey, who died 14th April, 1828, and issue the property descended to his sisters and nieces,
to others of the family ; and there are two other stained and was eventually settled on the Hon. Philip Bouverie*
windows ; in the north transept is an incised slab to nephew of Mrs. Allen Pusey, and son of Sir Jacob
Henry D oggett and his wife, dated 1480; and there is Bouverie, 1st Viscount Folkestone.
Sidney Edw ard
a fine marble monument with portrait effigies by Schee- Bouverie-Pusey esq. of Th e Croft, Reigate, Surrey, i&
m aker to Jane (Bouverie), wife of John Allen Pusey esq. lord of the manor and sole landowner. Pusey House*
who died in 1742, besides memorials to the Duiiches the property of S. E. Bouverie-Pusey esq. and the
of Little Wittenham and P u s e y : in the churchyard is a residence of Sir W illiam Reynell Anson hart. P.C.*M .P.*
tomb bearing an inscribed brass to Richard Pusey or D .C.L. Warden of A ll Souls’ College, Oxford, is a plainPesey, ob. 2nd August, 1655, an^ Mario his widow, ob mansion of stone, having a front with two bays, and
30th June, 1656; and one to the Thomas fam ily of was erected in 1753 under the direction of Mr. John
W antage : on the exterior wall of the chancel is a quaint Wood, architect, of Bath. The soil is loam ; subsoil*
inscription to William White, ob. 10th May, 1655, and various— coral, rag, sand and gravel. The chief cropson the floor of the chancel an inscription to another are the usual cereals and roots. The area is 1,040
W illiam W hite “ who began to live th at is died,” May acres; rateable value, ¿ 7 0 6 ; the population in 1901 was31st, 1678: there are 90 sittings, 50 being free. The 120.
register dates from the year i 6 5 i . The livin g is a
Sexton, Henry Eldridge.
rectory, net yearly value ¿1 5 3 , 'with i£ acres of glebe Letters through Faringdon office arrive 8.15 a.m. & 2.30»
and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Oxford, and
p.m. Burkland is the nearest money order & tele­
held since 1909 by the Rev. Bernard H ubert Patch M.A.
graph office, about 1$ miles distant
of H ertford College, Oxford. Cherburv camp, tradition­ W all Letter Box, cleared at 10.20 a.m. & 6.20 p.m. ;
S u n d a y s , 12 noon
ally the site of a palace of Cnut or Canute the Dane,
stands a m ile and a half eastward, in Longworth parish, The children attend the schools at Buekland & Charney
and is an oval earthwork, about 310 yards in length,
with three mounds and three moats surrounding it still Carriers— Boucher, Faringdon, passes throngh on wed.
clearlv marked. The ancient manor of Pusey is said to
& sat. & Brown, Faringdon, passes through on mon. &
have been held by the Puseys from a period anterior to
Patch Rev. B Qrnard Hubert M.A. Jones Charles, gardener to Sir W. R.
Anson S ir William Reynell hart. P.C..
(rector), Rectory
Anson hart. P C ., M.P
M .P .. D C .L ., J.P . Pusey house; &
Large Sidnev John, farm bailiff to
194 A shley grdns S W & Athenaeum Chandler H. Rayner, frmr. Pusey frm
H. C. Chandler esq Pusey Lodge fra.
Brooks's. New U niversity & Travel­ Hilson John, farm bailiff to S. E. B. Lyford George, gameltee]»er to Sir W.
lers’ clubs S W, London
Pusey esq
R. Anson bart. P C ., M.P
H A D L E Y is a parish on the west bank of the Isis, division of the county, hundred of Horrrer, petty ses­
which separates it from Oxfordshire, with a station or sional division, union and county conrt district of
the Great Western railway and junction of the branch 'bingdon, rural deanery of Abingdon, arcbd°aconry of
line to Abingdon, 58 miles from London, 2J north-east B^rks and dioc°se of Oxford ; it includes the Pberty of
from Abingdon and 4J from Oxford, in the Northern Thrupp and W ick and part of the township of Kenning-