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B E B K S H IR E .


Town Hall, H igh street, Mark James Taylor, keeper
Volunteer Fire Brigade, head quarters, Park stre e t; E.
Gardner esq. M.P. president; J. Burnham, chief
officer & hon. sec. ; J. H. Barford, hon. treasurer
4th Battalion Princess Charlotte of Wales’s (Royal Berk­
shire Regim ent) (G Co.), head quarters, D rill hall,
Marlow ro ad ; Capt. G. A. Battcock ; R. M. Guthrie,
sergeant instructor
Board d a y , e v e r y a l t e r n a t e W e d n e s d a y , i n the B o a r d
r o o m a t the Workhouse, a t 10 a . m .
The Union comprises the following p laces:— Bisham,
Bray, Cookham, Hurley, Maidenhead, Shottesbrook,
W altham St. Lawrence & W hite W altham. The
population of the union in 1911 was 27,519; area,
29,926 acres; rateable value in 1911, £205,700
Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Charles William
Cox, The Orchards, Boyne Hill, Maidenhead
Valuer to the Assessm ent Com m ittee, James Herbert
Hum frey, 108 Queen street, Maidenhead
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessm ent Com m ittee,
W illiam Weed, 12 Queen street, Maidenhead
Treasurer, Henry John Mount, Maidenhythe, Marlow
road, Maidenhead
Collector to the Guardians, Relieving & Vaccination
Officer, James Skinner, 102 Grenfell road, Maidenhead
Collector of Poor Rates, George Augustus Millin, W al­
pole, St. Luke’s road, Maidenhead
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Bisham district,
John Dunbar Dickson M.D. G reat M arlow; Bray dis­
trict, W illiam Arnold Thomson F .R .C .S .Irel. The
Laurels, Castle hill, M aidenhead; Cookham district,
G rattan Robert Cronyn L.R .C .P . & S.Irel. 11 Marlow
road, M aidenhead; W altham St. Lawrence district,
Frederic Charles Young B.A. & M .B.Cantab. Twvford; Hurley district, John McCrea M.B. W argrave
Maidenhead Union Workhouse, Maidenhead, a building
of brick, built in 1836, to hold 220 inm ates; H. E. R.
Sinkins, m aster; Rev. John C. Gawtherne M.A.
chaplain; Grattan Robert Cronyn L .R .C .S .I. m edi­
cal officer; Mrs. E. K. Sinkins, matron
Superintendent Registrar, W illiam Weed, 12 Queen
street, M aidenhead; deputy, G. J. Beere, Grenfell
road, Maidenhead
Registrars of Births & D eath s: Maidenhead subdistrict, W illiam Newstead Fernie, Queen street,
M aidenhead; deputy, Alfred G. Bloomfield, Queen
street, Maidenhead
Registrar of Marriages, John Truscott, Queen street,
M aidenhead; deputy, Alfred G. Bloomfield, Queen
street, Maidenhead



PLACE S OF W ORSHIP, with times of Services.
Church of St. Andrew & St. Mary Magdalene, High
street, Rev. Charles Hewitson Nash M.A. v ic a r ;
Rev. E. W. G. H udgell M .A. cu rate; 11 a.m. & 6.30
p.m . & 2nd Sunday in each month for children &
baptisms at 3 p .m .; chief festivals, 11 a.m. & 7.30
p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
St. Luke’s Church, Rev. Henry George Jephson Meara
M.A. v ica r; Rev. Barter Alexander Duke M.A. Rev.
Percy Gordon Levy L .T h . & Rev.
Augustin H.
Starey B.A. cu rates; 8 & n a.m. & 3.15 & 6.30
p .m .; Wednesday, 11 a .m .; friday, 11 a.m. & 7
p.m. ; daily, 8 a.m. & 5.30 p.m
St. Paul's Church, H igh Town road, Rev. Canon A. H.
Drummond M.A. ; 8 & 11 a.m. & 6.30 p m
All Saints, Boyne H ill, Rev. Canon A rthur Hislop
Drummond M.A. vica r; Rev. Oliver Douglas Shute
Chapman A .K .C . Rev. W illiam Dallinger Hawken
M.A. & Rev. Cuthbert Charles Trew hitt Naters M .A.
curates; 10.45 & XI-45 a.m . A 3.30 (children’s ser­
vice) & 6.30 p.m. ; daily, 7 . 4 5 a.m. & 10 a.m. ; &
6.30 (summer) & 5.30 (winter) p.m
St. Peter's, Furze P latt; sun. 8 & 11 a.m. & 6.30
p .m .; tues. 7.30 p.m
St. Joseph’s Catholic,
Cookham road, Rev Patrick
Curtin, priest; mass, 8.30 & 11 a.m. ; sermon & bene­
diction, 6.30 p .m .; daily mass, 8.15 a .m .; 1st fri.
in month, 8 a.m. ; confessions, 11 a.m. to 12 n oon ;
sat. 6.30 to 8 p.m
Congregational, West street, Rev. Thomas F. Lewis
A T.S. ; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;» wed. 7.30 p.m
Baptist, Marlow road, Rev. T. Wreford W ay ; 11 a.m. &
6.30 p.m ; wed. 7.30 p.m
Baptist (Strict), York road; 11 a.m. & 6 p .m .; thurs.
7.30 p.m
Prim itive Methodist (Maidenhead circuit), Rev. John C.
W enn; Maidenhead (Queen street), 11 a.m. & 6.30
p .m .; thurs. 7.30 p .m .; Cookham Dean, 11 a.m. &
6 p .m .; thurs. 7 p.m. ; G reat Marlow, 11 a.m. & 6
p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m. ; Eton wick, 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. ;
tues. 7 p.m
Wesleyan. Castle hill (Windsor & Maidenhead circuit),
Rev. George Heslop Pickering (supt.) & Rev. Edward
Percy Blackburn;
11 a.m. & 6.30 p .m .; wed.
7.30 p.m
Plymouth Brethren, Friends Meeting house, W est st. ;
1st sun. in month at 10.30 a.m
Salvation Arm y Barracks, Bridge street; 11 a.m. & 3
& 7 p.m
The committee was formed July 1st, 1903, and consists
of 24 members, 16 being members of the Council &
the remaining 8 co-opted by the Council so as to be
in part representative
The committee meets at the G uildhall, on the third
mondav in every month, at 5.30 p.m.
Chairman, Alderman C. W. Cox J.P ., C."C. Guildhall
Secretary, J. B. Markham, Guildhall
Clerk, Harry E. Davies, Town hall
Attendance Officer, Miss Glover, Guildhall

Assessor & Collector of K in g’s Taxes for Bray, Cookham
& Maidenhead, George Augustus Millin, 5 St.
Luke’s road
C ertifying Factorv Surgeon, Edwin Cecil Montgomery
M .R .C.S.E ng., L .R .C.P.L ond. 7 The Terrace,Castle hi County Boys’ (secondary), erected in 1910.
Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes & Inhabited House
premises, which are four acres in extent, include a
Duty for Maidenhead district, Charles Ruffe Thomas,
playing field, & the school buildings afford accommo­
dation for about 150 scholars. The head m aster’s
Sanitary Inspector to Cookham Rural D istrict Council,
house adjoins the school; Joseph Manton M.A.Lond.
William John Coleman, 10 Queen street
head m aster; P. T. Stephenson B .A ., F. C. Strad
Inspector of Explosives, Supt. J. Davis, Police station
B.Sc., M. J. Truscott B.Sc. & E. C. Blomfield.
Steward of the Manor of Cookham, Francis Joseph
assistant masters
Charles Forss, 16 H igh street
County Girls' (secondary), Castle hill, originally a
Inspector of W eights & Measures, A. J. W right, County
private residence, was adapted for school purposes
Police station, Reading, for the Maidenhead division
in 1908 & enlarged in 1911; Miss Mary Burn M.A.
of Berks
head mistress; Miss N. M. Jenner P .S c .L o n d .; Miss
Steward of the Manors of Bray, Taplow & Lowbrooks,
E. A. Bridger B.Sc.Lond. Miss K. Fanner & Miss 0 .
Edward Lodge, Taplow court
Mayne, assistant mistresses
Surveyors to the Cookham Rural D istrict Council
(Building), William John Coleman, 10 Queen street;
Public Elem entary Schools.
(Highway), Percy R. Gibbs, 10 Queen street
Alwyn rd. (mixed), founded in 1907, for 401 boys, girls
Trustees of the Maidenhead Municipal Charities, Rev.
& in fan ts; average attendance, 310; Arthur Harris,
A. Raymond, vicar of B r a y ; Rev. W. G. S a w yer; master
J. W . W alker esq. ; John Fuller esq. ; Rev. H. G. J. B .vn? Hill (boys’), built in 1894. for 284 boys ; average
Meara, vicar of St. Luke’s, M aidenhead; Charles
attendance, 230; W illiam J. Elliott, m aster; (girls'),
W illiam Cox esq. ; A rthur Upson esq. : E. Hewitt
b irlt in 1903, for 320 g irls ; average attendance, 237;
e sq.; D. Bidmead esq.; the Mayor in office; clerk,
Miss Rodda, m istress; (infants’^* built in 1857, for
Charles Ruffe Thomas, Broadway
263 children ; average attendance, 216; Miss Abbott,
Veterinary Inspector under the “ Diseases of Animals
mistress. The infants’ school, with vicarage & residAct “ for the Eastern Division of Berkshire C O.,
■"•"ce for curates, form a quadrangle, in the Gothic
F r e v James Simpson F .R .C .V .S. 2 0 High street