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B E R K S H IR E .
[K E L L Y â S
patched a t 9.10 a.m . & 2.15, 6.25 & 9 p.m. ; sunday The chapel, an exquisite building, erected from designs
delivery, 6.45 a.m. ; dispatch, 4.50 p.m
by the late Sir G. G ilbert Scott R.A. stands at theW ellington College Station Post, M. O. & T. Office
south-east angle of the college, with which it is coir(letters should have Berks added).â Frederick Chas.
nected by a clo iste r: the style is Gothic, with someH ill, postmaster.
L etters arrive direct & delivered
characteristics of the G othic of North Italy, & theat 7 & 10.10 a.m . & 5.15 p.m. ; dispatched at 9.30
edifice is rem arkable both for the beauty of its proÂ
a.m. & 3.5, 6.30 & 9.30 p.m. ; sunday delivery, 7
portions & the delicate finish of its details : from thea.m. ; dispatch, 5 p.m. Letters can be had from the
roof an elegant & richly decorated â fleche â of oak
last m ail at 6.15 p.m. by calling for them
& zinc rises to a height of 120 f e e t : the east end:
Wall Box, Crowthorne, cleared at 8.45 a.m . & 1.30, 6 &
of the chapel term inates in an apse, round which,
p .m .; Sundays at 4.30 p.m
both within & without, runs an arcade, continued outÂ
P illar L e tter Box, D ukeâs Ride, cleared at 8.30 a.m.
side along both sides of the ch a p el: th e carving
& 2.45, 6.10 & 9.10 p.m . ; Sundays, 4.40 p.m
throughout the building is very elaborate, & chiefly
W all Letter Box, Sandhurst road, cleared at 9 a.m. &
represents groups of natural flowers, especially those
2.20, 6.30 & 8.55 p.m. ; sundavs, 4.55 p.m
growing in the neighbourhood: a finely-carved oak
Broadmoor Crim inal Lun atic A sylum , which occupies
screen & stalls were erected in m em ory of the Prince
an elevated site about 400 feet above the sea level &
Consort, one of whose last public acts was to lay th e
partly sheltered by pine woods, was opened in 1863
foundation stone of the chapel. In 1885-6 the chapel,
& consists of an extensive range of brick buildings,
was enlarged by the addition of a north transept &
planned '& erected under the exclusive direction of
aisle, from designs by the late Sir A. W. Blomfield.
the late M aj.-Gen. Sir Joshua Jebb K .C .B . at a cost
M .A., A .R .A ., F .S.A . with arcading sim ilar to th at
of £118,039, & several tim es altered & enlarged, the
on the south side, & in 1898 a sim ilar transept was
total am ount expended reaching a sum of £220,000;
thrown out on the south side, in m emory of the
the asylum is available for 752 inm ates ; John Baker
late Archbishop Benson, the first Head Master of th e
M .D., C.M .Aberd. supt. ; H arry Percival Foulerton
M R .C .S .E n g., L.R .C .P .L ond ., D .P.H . deputy supt. ;
The boysâ library, a commodious room, finished in 1863,.
Alexander W illiam Connolly M .B., Ch.B . senior assistÂ
stands between the chapel & the oollege, correspondÂ
ant medical officer; Brinlev R. .Lloyd M .B ., B .S.,
ing in style with the la tt e r : it contains some reÂ
M .R .C .S ., L .R .C .P ., D.P.H. junior assistant medical
markable m em orials both of the Duke of W e llin gÂ
o fficer; Rev. A lbert W hiteley B.A. chaplain; Alex.
ton & the Prince Consort. A m useum of interesting
Ernest Saver, steward ; Wm. Jn. Ricks, supt.âs clerk
objects of natural history & antiquities has been
The college grounds consist of an estate of about 430
E lem entary (m ixed), built by* John W alter esq. in 1874,
acres, more than 20 of which are turfed to form
conveyed to trustees in 1885 & enlarged in 1886, to
playing field s: the plantations are very extensive &
hold 261, & in 1903 a new infantsâ school was added
flo u rish in g; a double avenue of Wellingtonias, the g ift
to hold 130; average attendance, 225 mixed & 80
of the Prince Consort, now constitute a noble feature
in fa n ts ; H erbert Sharpe, m a s te r; M rs. E. Sutton,
of the place : the drainage is ad m irable; in the front
m istress
of the college, at a little distance, are four small
Council, Broadmoor (m ixed), erected for 200 children
artificial lakes for skating & bathing, as well as a
of the staff of Broadmoor, & since taken over by the
tepid swimming hath. Attached to the college is a
C ounty C o u n c il; average attendance, 90; Mrs. E.
junior division of the Officersâ Training Corps
Hanson, mistress
Visitorâ H.M. the K ing
County Police Station, D ukeâs ride, Jn.Dobson,constable
Carriers to Reading.â George Elm er & Son, from Crow Presidentâ F.M. H.R.H. The Duke of Connaught K .G
thorne, tues. thurs. fri. & sat. ; A. Cooper, tues. Vice-Presidentâ The E arl of Derby P .C ., G .C .V .O ., C .B
th urs. fri. & sat
Ex-Officio Governors.
W ellington College Railway Station, Henden Irvine Jury,
station master
The Lord Archbishop of Rt. Hon. The Secretary of
State for War
The Duke of Wellington
W ellington College, incorporated by Royal Charter dated
13th December, 1853, was founded & erected by
national subscription in honour of the Great Duke. H.R.H. Prince Christian R ight Hon. A. J. Balfour
The foundation stone was laid in June, 1856, by her
K .G
M .P., P.C., F.R.S
late Majesty Queen Victoria, & the school opened in Duke of Portland K .G ., P.C., 1 General the Right Hon. S ir
January, 1859. The num ber of boys is now about
G. C.V.O
! Dighton
P .C .,
500, of whom 90. being the orphan sons of army Earl of Rosebery K .G .,K .T ., 1 G .C .B ., G .C .V .O ., K .C .B .,
officers, are maintained & educated upon the foundaÂ
G .C .S.I., I.S.O ., V.C
tion, standing in all respects upon an equal footing Earl of Halsbury P.C
General the Right Hon. Sir
with other boys.
The governors m ake regulations F.M .Earl Roberts K .G .,K .P .,
H. Brackenbury
P. C .,
in conform ity with their charter & elect foundaÂ
P .C ., G/C.B., G .C .S.I.,
G .C .B ., K .C .S.I
tioners ; they also appoint the m aster, who in turn
G .C .I.E ., O.M., V.C
I The Warden of All Souls Bt.,
appoints the tutors & assistant m a s te rs ; there are F.M. ViscountWolseley K .P., ! M .P., D .C.L
two departments in the school, one classical & general
P .C ., G .C .B ., G .C .M .G ., â Sir Thomas Barlow Bt.,
on the usual public school system, preparing for the
K .C .V .O ., M.D., F .R .C .P
u n iv e rsitie s; the other modern or m athem atical, Bishop of Norwich C.V.O j General Sir George
W. A_
preparing for the Arm y & other exam inations in F.M. Lord Methuen G .C.B.,
! Higginson G .C.B
which mathem atics occupy a prim ary place ; there
G .C .V .O ., C.M .G
Sir Charles L. Ryan K.C.B
are exhibitions to the universities & also scholarships Maj.-Gen. Lord Cheylesmore j Major-General Sir Herbert
tenable at the school, open to boys of certain ages
K .C .V .O
S G. Miles K .C .B ., C.V.O
whether in the school or n o t: the building, which Lord Redesdale G .C .V .O ., j The Very Rev. the Master of
is in the style of Louis Quinze, consists of four
K .C .B
TrinitvCollege,Cam bridge
quadrangles, surrounded by cloisters, the museum, Lord Stamfordham P.C., I D.D
a spacious & lofty room, dividing the two larger quadÂ
G . C .V .O ., K .C .B .,
Col. J. Lane Notter M.D
rangles. In the cloisters are placed upwards of 5c
K.C.M .G ., I.S.O
J. E. Chance esq
bronze busts (m ostly by Theed) of the generals &
private & political friends of the G reat Duke, & Clerk to the Governors, T. L. Kesteven esq
nine fine statues adorn the principal fro n ts: the Master, W. W. Vaughan M .A. New College, Oxford
sm aller schoolrooms form the sides of the quad Bursar, P. Sherston
rangles, & over these are the rooms of the assistant Tutors & Assistant Masters, S. A. Saunder M.A.,.
masters & the dormitories of the boys, the latter are
F .R .A .S .. T. A. Rogers M .A., J. L. Bevir M .A., E_
arranged so as to give to each boy a separate room :
A. Upcott M .A., H. W. Owen Hagreen B .A ., R.
the south side of the building is occupied bv a
Moore M .A., J. Y . Pearson M .A., E. F. Elton M .A .
hall for school m eetings &e. ; the dining hali &
Rev. C.
T. Lavie M .A., O. T. Perkins M.A., J. W.
domestic offices are contained in a separate block of
Cave B.A. Rev. T. Lem m ev M .A., B.D ., W . G .
bu ild in g s: two dwelling houses for senior assistant
Collett M .A., G.
E. Blundell B.A.. C. Wells B .A .
masters form the northern side of the college; the
Rev. S.
E. Lonqdand M .A., W. H. Kennett B .A ., R.
lodge of the head m aster is detached on the south
St. C. Talbovs M .A., F.R.H ist.Soc., E. M. Eustace
front, & in the grounds are several houses of masters,
M .A.. C. A. Stocken M.A., H. S. Brabant B .A ., P.
some of whom receive boarders: two lofty towers give
Powell M .A., V. S. Bryant M .A., T. B. W . Spencer
access to the dormitories
B.A. Rev. H. S. Fox M.A. Rev. A. J. Fenn B .A ., F.