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d ir ec to r y
B E R K S H IR E .
Christ's Hospital, St. Helen's churchyard
St. John the Baptist Hospital, Vineyard
Tom kinsâ, Ock street
Tw ittyâs, St. Helenâs churchyard
4 t h Battalion Princess Charlotte of Wales's (Royal Berkshire Regiment) ( F C o .); h e a d quarters, Old Gramm ar
school; Capt. R. J- C la rk e ; Color-Sergt. Harry
Harvey, drill instructor
Board day, alternate Mondays, at n a m. at the
The Union comprises the following p la c e s: Abingdon,
St Helen W ithout, Appleford, Appleton with Eaton,
Baldon Marsh (Oxford), Baldon Toot (Oxford), Besselsleieh, Binsev (Oxford), Burcot (Oxford), Chiselhampton i Oxford), Clifton Hampden (Oxford), Culham
(Oxford), Cumnor, Draycott Moor, Drayton, Drayton
Leonard (Oxford), Frilford, Fyfield, Garford,
Hinksey (North). Hinksey (South), Kingston Bagpuize,
Marcham, Milton, Nuneham
Sunm nrwell,
Sutton Courtenay, Sutton W ick, Tubney, Wootton &
W y th a m ; the area of the union is 55,726 a cre s; rateÂ
able value in 1911 £ i.3-,452 t b e population in 1911
Chairman7 of the Board of Guardians, H. W. Weaving
esq. Pewit, Abingdon
Clerk to the Guardians fc Assessm ent Com m ittee,
Brom ley Challenor, Stert street, Abingdon
Treasurer, John Quitter Bum ball, London County S:
Westminster Bank Limited
Relieving Officer £ Collector to the Guardians, Alfred
Henrv=Roberts, Radley road, Abingdon
Vaccination Officers: 1st district, Tom Sm ith Sim pÂ
son, 19 Ock street, A bingdon; 2nd district, Alfred
Henry Roberts, Radley road, Abingdon
Medical Officers: No. 1 district, Edward Vivian Russell
Woodford M .R .C .S.E n g., L .R .C .P.L on d. 59 Ock st.
Abinodon; No. 2 & 4 districts, Harry Septim us
Challenor M .R .C .S.E . The Lim es, Broad street,
Abingdon; No. 3 district, H erbert C. S. Woodward
M .A .7 M B , B.C.Cantab. Kingston B agp uize; No. 5
district, Henrv George Frean M .R .C .S.E n g., L.R .C .P.
Lond. 29 Beaumont street, O xford; No. 6 district,
Henry Spencer Richard Freeborn M B., C.M. Clifton
Public Vaccinators: No. i district, Paulin M artin, 20
Ock street. A bingdon; Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6, same as
medical officers
The Workhouse on the Oxford road, on the outskirts
of the town, is a large structure of brick, in the form
of the letter Y ; it cost ¿8,500 & was built to hold
380 inm ates; Joseph Fray, m aster; Rev. Herbert
Thomas Maitland M.A. chaplain; Edward Vivian
Russell Woodford, m edical officer; Mrs. Elizabeth
Fray, matron
Superintendent Registrar, Brom ley Challenor, Stert
street, Abingdon; deputy, Brom ley Challenor, jnn.
Stert street, Abingdon
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Abingdon sub-district,
Tom Sm ith Simpson, 19 Ock street, A bingdon;
deputy. Miss M. J. Simpson, 19 Ock street ; Fyfield
sub-district. A. H. Roberts, Radley road, Abingdon;
deputy, John Sm ith. Cumnor, Oxford; Sutton CourteÂ
nay sub-district, Charles J. W hiting, Sutton CourteÂ
n ay; deputy, F. W. W hiting, Sutton Courtenay
Registrar of Marriages, John Cowburn, Caldecott road,
A bingdon; deputy, W illiam Musson Simpson, 33 East
St. Helen street, Abingdon
Meets at the Guildhall, monthly, at 12.
Chairman, J. W. Kim ber
Clerks, Bromley & Edward Marchant Challenor, Stert
street, Abingdon
Treasurer, Isaac Westcombe, Albert park
Medical Officer of Health, John Ralph Prior M.D.
Sanitary Inspector & Highway Surveyor, Thomas Budd
W arren, East St. Helen street, Abingdon
The Board consists of 12 members.
Meetings are held at the Guildhall, Abingdon, quarterly
on mondays
Chairman, J. W. Kim ber
Clerk, Brom ley Challenor, Stert street
Treasurer, A rth ur B. G illett, The Square
Medical Officer, H arry Septim us Challenor M .R C .b .
Eng. The Lim es, Broad street
Matron, Miss L. F. K in g, The Joint Hospital,Marcham rd
Assessor of Taxes for Abingdon, Steventon, Sutton
Courtenay, Culfiam , Drayton & Sutton Wick, to
Assistant Overseer, W alter Hy. Hem m ing, 12 Stert st
Certifying Factory Surgeon, Charles Robert Scott
M B. & C.M .Edin. 46 East St. Helen street
Clerk to Income & Land Tax Commissioners, Bromley
Challenor, jun
Clerk to the Berkshire (Berks, Reading, Newbury &
Windsor) Lun atic A sylum & Clerk of the Peace for
the County & to the County Council & Clerk k ReÂ
ceiver of C h ristâs Hospital, Abingdon & Clerk to the
Income Tax Commissioners (Compton division), John
Thornhill Morland M .A. 33 Bath street
Clerk to the M arket, Thomas Faulkner, jun. Ody road
Collector of Assessed Taxes, W alter Henry Hemnnng,
12 Stert street
Coroner for the Abingdon Division of the County,
Bromley Challenor, Stert street; deputy, Bromley
Challenor, jun. Stert street
Inspector of W eights k Measures for the County
(Abingdon k W allingford districts), A. J. W right,
Keeper of the Guildhall & Council Cham bers, John
Henry Viner, 2 The Abbey
PL A C E S OF W ORSHIP, with tim es of Services.
St. H elen s Church, Rev. H erbert Thomas Maitland
M .A. vicar k rural dean; Rev. Charles Stephenson
Thomas M.A. k Rev. Owen Frederick Spearing M.A.
curates; 8 & 11 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p .m .; tkurs. 8
a.m . ; mon. & fri. 6 p.m . ; wed. 8 p.m
St Nicholas, Rev. Herbert Thomas Maitland M.A. rector
k Rev. Thomas Layng M .A. deputy lectu rer; 11 a.m .
& 3 p.m. ; week days, 10 a.m
St. Michaelâs, 8, 10.30 & n a.m . k 6.30 p.m. ; week
days, 7.30 a.m . & tues. thurs. & sat. 6 p.m
Iron Church of St. Margaret, used for inm ates of the
union, in the Workhouse grounds, Rev. Herbert
Thos. Maitland M.A. chaplain; 9.45 a.m. & 3.45 p.m
St. Marv & St. Edmund of C anterbury Catholic, \ m eyard, âV ery Rev. Canon Frank J. Kelleher, rector**
holy communion, 8.30 k mass, 9-3° a-m. > vespers &
benediction, 6.30 p .m .; mon. fri. k sat. mass, 8.30
а.m. ; tues. wed. & thurs. in convent, 8 a.m
Baptist, Ock street, Rev. J. Tedeschi W ilson; 11 a.m. &
б.30 p .m .; wed. 7.30 p.m
Baptist (Particular), A bbey; 10.30 a.m . k 6 p .m .;
wed. 7 p.m
Congregational, The Square, Rev. Stanley H. btowell
M.A. ; 11 a.m. k 6.30 p.m . ; wed. 7.45 p.m
Prim itive Methodist, Ock street (W allingford C ucuit),
Rev. Ralph Pickard; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p .m .; mon. &
wed. 7.45 p.m
Wesleyan (Oxford Circuit), Rev. Stanley Butters B .A .;
Abingdon (Trinity). 11 a.m . & 6.30 p .m .; wed. 7.30
p.m . ; Southmoor, 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m . ; Drayton,
k 6 p .m .; tues. 7 p .m .; Wootton, 10.30 a.m . 3
& 6 p.m. ; Garford, 2.30 p.m
Salvation Arm y Barracks, Broad street
Friendsâ Meeting House, Vineyard
Abingdon School, which dates from very early times,
was refounded in 1563, by John Rovsse, citizen &
mercer of London, then in the 63rd year of his
age. for the education of 63 boys, natives of AbingÂ
don ; an ushership was subsequently founded by
Thomas Tesdale, of F itzharris farm , in Abingdon, &
afterwards of Glym pton, Oxon, who was the first
scholar adm itted by the founder, & at his death in
1610 he bequeathed a sum of ¿5,000 for the m aintenÂ
ance of 7 fellows & 6 scholars in the University of
O xford; W illiam Bennett, also a form er scholar &
Tesdaleâs nephew, le ft lands in W iltshire for the eduÂ
cation of 6 poor boys at the school, & these benefacÂ
tions were augm ented by the liberality of Robert
Orpwood, John Kent, in 1604, John Blacknall. in
1625, k Richard W ightw ick, rector of East Ilsley,
B erks; the united benefactions of Tesdale & W igh tÂ
wick, first offered to & accepted by Balliol College,
Oxford, were subsequently removed from that colÂ
lege k applied, under letters patent of James I. dated
June 29, 1624, & granted on the petition of the CorÂ
poration of Abingdon, then trustees of the school, to