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Englefield Mrs. 32 Frenchay road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
E n glish Mrs.
Riviera, Lashbrook,
Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames
Epps Miss, K in g âs road. Thame
Epps W. H. 13 W est st.Chipping Nrtn
Espinasse Rev. Richard Talbot M.A.
South Weston, W allingford
Esson W illiam M .A.. F .R .S. 13 Bradmore road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
E tty John Lyttelton M .A. Holywell
cottage. S t. Cross road, Holywell. Oxford
Evans Sir A rth ur John M.A . D .L itt.
Boarâs H ill, Oxford
Evans Rev. Thomas George M.A. The
Rookery, Bicester
Evans Charlton, Parsonage house,
Shut ford, Banbury
Evans D D. Gramm ar schl. Burford
Evans E llis, 10 W estern road, Grandpont, Oxford
Evans George W aller, Newton lodge,
Mayfield road,Sum m ertown, Oxford
Evans H erbert A rthur M.A. Byways,
Yarnton, Oxford
Evans H erbert Lavington M .B., C.M.
Roplev, Goring, Reading
Evans John, 232 Abingdon rd.O xford
Evans John, 37 Regent street, CowÂ
ley St. John, Oxford
Evans Miss, Roseneath, Kidm ore rd.
Caversham, Reading
Evans Mrs. 13 Bard well road, St.
G ilesâ . Oxford
Evans Mrs. 289 Cowley road, Oxford
Evans Mrs. Kingham lodge, ChipÂ
ping Norton
Evans Mrs. Lower Hevford, Banbury
Evans Mrs. St. M aryâs lodge, The
Leys, W itney
Evans Mrs. Myddleton, Holmwood,
Shipton-under-W ychwood, Oxford
E van s Richard, n W arnborough rd.
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Evans Thos. H. 79 Cowley rd. Oxford
Eveleigh Mrs. Elderw ick, Headington
Quarry, Oxford
Evens Samuel, 164 D ivinity road,
Cowley road, Oxford
E verett
Mrs. Crossways, Goring,
E verett Mrs. 30 St. M argaretâs road,
St. G iles', Oxford
E verett W illiam , Goring Farm house,
Goring, Reading
E v e rritt Jn. H. Oxford st. Woodstock
Eveson Frederick H. 17 W est street,
G rim sbury, Banbury
E v e tts E. L. R. Culham , Abingdon
E v e tts Mrs. North lodge, Blenheim,
E vetts Mrs. 26 St. M argaretâs road,
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
E vetts W . Tackley pk. Tackley,Oxford
E vrall Joseph, Sedlescombe, Lake st.
New Hinksey, Oxford
E w art Mrs. 24 Warnborough road, St.
Giles', Oxford
E yles Charles C. 6 W estern road,
Grandpont, Oxford
E yles H arry, 4 Abingdon rd. GrandÂ
pont, Oxford
E yre-W illiam s Col. Edward, Heyes
wood, Lashbrook, Shiplake, Henleyon-Thames
Eyston Mrs. The Mount, W hitchurch,
F a ir Miss, Riverslea, M ill lane, HenÂ
Fairfax A rth ur, Dashwood lodge,
Dashwood road, Banbury
F airfax-T aylor Mrs. Conegar, Highfield, Oxford
F aithfull Rev. Charles Henry M.A.
The Rectory, Rousham, Oxford
Falkner Miss, n Bevington road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Fallows Samuel H. 10 The Terrace,
Park town, Oxford
Fane Capt. H. G. Bicester ho.Bicester
P R I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .
Fane Cecil, Lower Vicar's farm,
Stokenchurch, W allingford
Fane John Henry Scrope, Lower
Vicar's farm, Stokenchurch, W alÂ
Fanshawe Rev. Henry L. Chilworth,
Fanshawe Rev. W illiam Dalrymple
-VI.A. 24 Staverton rd. St. Gilesâ ,
Fardon Thomas 0 . Laurels, Hensington lane, Woodstock
Farebrother Mrs. 2 Church walk, St.
G ilesâ, Oxford
Farm er George, Henley road, C averÂ
sham, Reading
Farnell Lewis Richard M .A., D .Litt.
191 Woodstock rd. Sum m ertown,
Farnell Tom J. 288 Iffley rd. Oxford
Farquhar Mrs. n Frenchay road, St.
Giles', Oxford
Farquharson Arth. Spencer Loat M.A.
University college & 3 Grove place,
H igh street, Oxford
Farrow P. W. Oxford st. Woodstock
Farrow W alter, 29 Kingston rd. St.
G ilesâ. Oxford
Fathers Rev. Geo. Hy. M .A. V icarÂ
age, L ittle Milton, W allingford
Faulkner Alfred W illiam , Beech croft,
Chinnor, Wallingford
Faulkner H ., M .D.St.Johnâs rd.Banbry
Faulkner Miss, 25 Farndon road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Faulkner Mrs.35 St.A ldate's st.Oxford
Faulks H. Prospect house, Clanfield
Favarger Henri, Baldon house, Marsh
Baldon, Oxford
Fear Mrs. 23 F air m ile, Henley-onThames
Fedden Rev. Lorenzo Player M.A.
Rectory, Cuxham , W allingford
Federau Miss, The Lindens, Oxford
road, Banbury
Feeney W illiam Purvis, Glebe cotÂ
tage, Goring, Reading
Feilden Capt. G uy, Cokethorpe park,
Ducklington, W itney
Fendick Rev. George Harold M.A.
Pusey house, 61 S t.G ilesâ st.Oxford
Fenemore Thomas, 12 Southfield rd.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Fenwick Rev. Geo. B., M.A. 141 BanÂ
bury road, Summertown, Oxford
Ferard Misses, 1 Farndon road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Fergusson Miss, 17 W inchester road,
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Fernley Miss, The Cottage, Cuxham ,
W allingford
Ferrim an Samuel, 36 Minster road,
St. Clem entâs, Oxford
Festing Mrs. 21 Park crescent, Park
town, Oxford
Fewtrell Mrs. 4 South Bar st.Banbury
Ffoulkes Mrs. 60 Woodstock road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Ffrench Mrs. The Larches, Adderbury E ast, Banbury
Fidler Hy. J. 34a, W est End, Witney
Fidler Mrs. J. C. W arren side, Mapledurham , Reading
Fidler W illiam Thomas,Selkirk,W oodcote road, Caversham , Reading
Fidoe Alfred J. Asylum , Littlem ore,
Fiedler Hermann G., M .A. The Lane
house, Norham road,St.G ilesâ.Oxfrd
Field Rev. John Edward M .A. V icarÂ
age, Benson, Wallingford
Field A rthur Strickland, The How,
St. Peterâ s av. Caversham , Reading
F ield Charles, 14 W orcester place,
St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Field Ernest, 12 Newland, Banbury
Field Francis Hayward, 35 Norham
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Field Miss. 1 Cowley place, St. C leÂ
m entâs. Oxford
Field P. Lvndhurst, High st. Thame
[O X F O K D SH IH E .
Field Walter, Hill view, Wester, e
Field W alter Win. 4 Botley rd 0 .fâ j
Field William George L i o n e t B ^
vue, burley row,Caversham p J j
Essex ho» - . âc h C ;
Fillingham George, Dornden.
durham. Beading
~ ^
Finch Edgar J. Brynheulog Hurt
ington Quarry, Oxford
Fingland John, 44 Market pi, Banburv
Finlay Reginald Gedye, The Thatched
house, Lashbrook, Shiplake, Hen
Finn Rev. A rthur Henry, 27 Stanley
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Finton Mrs. 49 St. Markâs road, Bienley-on-Thames
Firbank W alter, Heyford Hill house
Littlem ore, Oxford
Firm inger Rev. Thomas David Chas.
M.A. Bladon, Woodstock
F irth Charles Harding M.A. 2 Northmoor road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Fisher Rev. Frederic M.A. Vicarage,
Kingsey, Thame
Fisher Charles Dennis M.A. Christ
Church, St. Aldateâs street, Oxford
Fisher David, 248 Iffley road, Oxford
Fisher E . L. 23 Oxford rd. Banbury
Fisher Edward L. Grimsbury house,
Grim sbury, Banbury
Fisher H erbert Albert Laurens M.A.
37 Norham road, Oxford
Fisher Horace James M.A. 352 BanÂ
bury road, Summertown, Oxford
Fisher Lionel P. The Homestead,
Grosvenor road,Caversham,Reading
Fisher Mrs. Adderbury West,Banbury
Fisher Mrs. q Bevington road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
Fisher Mrs. Mill cot. Goring, Reading
Fisher Mrs. 8 Park town, Oxford
Fisher Mrs. W itney street, Burford
Fisher W alter W illiam M.A. 5 St.MarÂ
garetâs road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Fisher Wm. H. 3 Moor view, Witney
FitzG erald Francis, The Cottage,
Wroxton, Banbury
Fitz-G erald Misses, 12 Crick road, St.
G ilesâ, Oxford
Fitzjohn Rev.
Thomas Lecbmere
Tudor M .A., J.P. Rectory, Oddington, Oxford
Fleet Henry, Laurel cottage, KingÂ
ston Blount, Wallingford
Flem ing Miss, Hilton, The Mount,
Caversham , Reading
Flem ing Miss M.A. Milham Ford
school, Cowley place, St. Clementâs,
Flem ing Robert J.P. Joyce grove,
N ettlebed, Henley-on-Thames
Flem ing Valentine M.P. Braziers
park, Checkendon, Reading; A
Chesterfield gardens, M agfir W A
Carlton, W hiteâs & TravelTefsâ clubs
S W, London
Fletcher Rev.Carteret Jn.Halford M.A^
89 Woodstock rd. St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Fletcher Bev. Henry Mordaunt M Aj
2 Rawlinson road, St. Gilesâ, Oxfon
Fletcher Rev. M. Scott M.A. 5 Parke,
street, Oxford
Fletcher Rev. Miles Douglas M.A. me
Vicarage, Brize Norton, ®.an^P^n
Fletcher Charles Robert Leslie M-A. 22
Norham gardns, St. Gilesâ, Oxfor
Fletcher Henry E. Rosemary cottage,
W hitchurch, Reading
Fletcher Misses,Radford Farm bon'-,
Woolvercot, Oxford
Fletcher Percy M.A. 16 Chalfont
St. G ilesâ. Oxford
Fletcher Thomas, D o rch ester, Bie
heim road, Caversham, Reading^
Fletcher W illiam , 115 Divinity roa .
Cowlev road, Oxford
Fletcher W illiam , Kingston Blour .