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Englefield Mrs. 32 Frenchay road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
E n glish Mrs.
Riviera, Lashbrook,
Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames
Epps Miss, K in g ’s road. Thame
Epps W. H. 13 W est st.Chipping Nrtn
Espinasse Rev. Richard Talbot M.A.
South Weston, W allingford
Esson W illiam M .A.. F .R .S. 13 Bradmore road, St. G iles’, Oxford
E tty John Lyttelton M .A. Holywell
cottage. S t. Cross road, Holywell. Oxford
Evans Sir A rth ur John M.A . D .L itt.
Boar’s H ill, Oxford
Evans Rev. Thomas George M.A. The
Rookery, Bicester
Evans Charlton, Parsonage house,
Shut ford, Banbury
Evans D D. Gramm ar schl. Burford
Evans E llis, 10 W estern road, Grandpont, Oxford
Evans George W aller, Newton lodge,
Mayfield road,Sum m ertown, Oxford
Evans H erbert A rthur M.A. Byways,
Yarnton, Oxford
Evans H erbert Lavington M .B., C.M.
Roplev, Goring, Reading
Evans John, 232 Abingdon rd.O xford
Evans John, 37 Regent street, Cow­
ley St. John, Oxford
Evans Miss, Roseneath, Kidm ore rd.
Caversham, Reading
Evans Mrs. 13 Bard well road, St.
G iles’ . Oxford
Evans Mrs. 289 Cowley road, Oxford
Evans Mrs. Kingham lodge, Chip­
ping Norton
Evans Mrs. Lower Hevford, Banbury
Evans Mrs. St. M ary’s lodge, The
Leys, W itney
Evans Mrs. Myddleton, Holmwood,
Shipton-under-W ychwood, Oxford
E van s Richard, n W arnborough rd.
St. G iles’, Oxford
Evans Thos. H. 79 Cowley rd. Oxford
Eveleigh Mrs. Elderw ick, Headington
Quarry, Oxford
Evens Samuel, 164 D ivinity road,
Cowley road, Oxford
E verett
Mrs. Crossways, Goring,
E verett Mrs. 30 St. M argaret’s road,
St. G iles', Oxford
E verett W illiam , Goring Farm house,
Goring, Reading
E v e rritt Jn. H. Oxford st. Woodstock
Eveson Frederick H. 17 W est street,
G rim sbury, Banbury
E v e tts E. L. R. Culham , Abingdon
E v e tts Mrs. North lodge, Blenheim,
E vetts Mrs. 26 St. M argaret’s road,
St. G iles’, Oxford
E vetts W . Tackley pk. Tackley,Oxford
E vrall Joseph, Sedlescombe, Lake st.
New Hinksey, Oxford
E w art Mrs. 24 Warnborough road, St.
Giles', Oxford
E yles Charles C. 6 W estern road,
Grandpont, Oxford
E yles H arry, 4 Abingdon rd. Grand­
pont, Oxford
E yre-W illiam s Col. Edward, Heyes
wood, Lashbrook, Shiplake, Henleyon-Thames
Eyston Mrs. The Mount, W hitchurch,
F a ir Miss, Riverslea, M ill lane, Hen­
Fairfax A rth ur, Dashwood lodge,
Dashwood road, Banbury
F airfax-T aylor Mrs. Conegar, Highfield, Oxford
F aithfull Rev. Charles Henry M.A.
The Rectory, Rousham, Oxford
Falkner Miss, n Bevington road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Fallows Samuel H. 10 The Terrace,
Park town, Oxford
Fane Capt. H. G. Bicester ho.Bicester

P R I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .
Fane Cecil, Lower Vicar's farm,
Stokenchurch, W allingford
Fane John Henry Scrope, Lower
Vicar's farm, Stokenchurch, W al­
Fanshawe Rev. Henry L. Chilworth,
Fanshawe Rev. W illiam Dalrymple
-VI.A. 24 Staverton rd. St. Giles’ ,
Fardon Thomas 0 . Laurels, Hensington lane, Woodstock
Farebrother Mrs. 2 Church walk, St.
G iles’, Oxford
Farm er George, Henley road, C aver­
sham, Reading
Farnell Lewis Richard M .A., D .Litt.
191 Woodstock rd. Sum m ertown,
Farnell Tom J. 288 Iffley rd. Oxford
Farquhar Mrs. n Frenchay road, St.
Giles', Oxford
Farquharson Arth. Spencer Loat M.A.
University college & 3 Grove place,
H igh street, Oxford
Farrow P. W. Oxford st. Woodstock
Farrow W alter, 29 Kingston rd. St.
G iles’. Oxford
Fathers Rev. Geo. Hy. M .A. V icar­
age, L ittle Milton, W allingford
Faulkner Alfred W illiam , Beech croft,
Chinnor, Wallingford
Faulkner H ., M .D.St.John’s rd.Banbry
Faulkner Miss, 25 Farndon road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Faulkner Mrs.35 St.A ldate's st.Oxford
Faulks H. Prospect house, Clanfield
Favarger Henri, Baldon house, Marsh
Baldon, Oxford
Fear Mrs. 23 F air m ile, Henley-onThames
Fedden Rev. Lorenzo Player M.A.
Rectory, Cuxham , W allingford
Federau Miss, The Lindens, Oxford
road, Banbury
Feeney W illiam Purvis, Glebe cot­
tage, Goring, Reading
Feilden Capt. G uy, Cokethorpe park,
Ducklington, W itney
Fendick Rev. George Harold M.A.
Pusey house, 61 S t.G iles’ st.Oxford
Fenemore Thomas, 12 Southfield rd.
Cowley St. John, Oxford
Fenwick Rev. Geo. B., M.A. 141 Ban­
bury road, Summertown, Oxford
Ferard Misses, 1 Farndon road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Fergusson Miss, 17 W inchester road,
St. G iles’, Oxford
Fernley Miss, The Cottage, Cuxham ,
W allingford
Ferrim an Samuel, 36 Minster road,
St. Clem ent’s, Oxford
Festing Mrs. 21 Park crescent, Park
town, Oxford
Fewtrell Mrs. 4 South Bar st.Banbury
Ffoulkes Mrs. 60 Woodstock road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Ffrench Mrs. The Larches, Adderbury E ast, Banbury
Fidler Hy. J. 34a, W est End, Witney
Fidler Mrs. J. C. W arren side, Mapledurham , Reading
Fidler W illiam Thomas,Selkirk,W oodcote road, Caversham , Reading
Fidoe Alfred J. Asylum , Littlem ore,
Fiedler Hermann G., M .A. The Lane
house, Norham road,St.G iles’.Oxfrd
Field Rev. John Edward M .A. V icar­
age, Benson, Wallingford
Field A rthur Strickland, The How,
St. Peter’ s av. Caversham , Reading
F ield Charles, 14 W orcester place,
St. Thomas’, Oxford
Field Ernest, 12 Newland, Banbury
Field Francis Hayward, 35 Norham
road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Field Miss. 1 Cowley place, St. C le­
m ent’s. Oxford
Field P. Lvndhurst, High st. Thame

[O X F O K D SH IH E .

Field Walter, Hill view, Wester, e
Field W alter Win. 4 Botley rd 0 .f„ j
Field William George L i o n e t B ^
vue, burley row,Caversham p J j
Essex ho» - . ’c h C ;
Fillingham George, Dornden.
durham. Beading
~ ^
Finch Edgar J. Brynheulog Hurt
ington Quarry, Oxford
Fingland John, 44 Market pi, Banburv
Finlay Reginald Gedye, The Thatched
house, Lashbrook, Shiplake, Hen
Finn Rev. A rthur Henry, 27 Stanley
road, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Finton Mrs. 49 St. Mark’s road, Bienley-on-Thames
Firbank W alter, Heyford Hill house
Littlem ore, Oxford
Firm inger Rev. Thomas David Chas.
M.A. Bladon, Woodstock
F irth Charles Harding M.A. 2 Northmoor road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Fisher Rev. Frederic M.A. Vicarage,
Kingsey, Thame
Fisher Charles Dennis M.A. Christ
Church, St. Aldate’s street, Oxford
Fisher David, 248 Iffley road, Oxford
Fisher E . L. 23 Oxford rd. Banbury
Fisher Edward L. Grimsbury house,
Grim sbury, Banbury
Fisher H erbert Albert Laurens M.A.
37 Norham road, Oxford
Fisher Horace James M.A. 352 Ban­
bury road, Summertown, Oxford
Fisher Lionel P. The Homestead,
Grosvenor road,Caversham,Reading
Fisher Mrs. Adderbury West,Banbury
Fisher Mrs. q Bevington road, St.
Giles’, Oxford
Fisher Mrs. Mill cot. Goring, Reading
Fisher Mrs. 8 Park town, Oxford
Fisher Mrs. W itney street, Burford
Fisher W alter W illiam M.A. 5 St.Mar­
garet’s road, St. Giles’, Oxford
Fisher Wm. H. 3 Moor view, Witney
FitzG erald Francis, The Cottage,
Wroxton, Banbury
Fitz-G erald Misses, 12 Crick road, St.
G iles’, Oxford
Fitzjohn Rev.
Thomas Lecbmere
Tudor M .A., J.P. Rectory, Oddington, Oxford
Fleet Henry, Laurel cottage, King­
ston Blount, Wallingford
Flem ing Miss, Hilton, The Mount,
Caversham , Reading
Flem ing Miss M.A. Milham Ford
school, Cowley place, St. Clement’s,
Flem ing Robert J.P. Joyce grove,
N ettlebed, Henley-on-Thames
Flem ing Valentine M.P. Braziers
park, Checkendon, Reading; A
Chesterfield gardens, M agfir W A
Carlton, W hite’s & TravelTefs’ clubs
S W, London
Fletcher Rev.Carteret Jn.Halford M.A^
89 Woodstock rd. St. Giles’, Oxford
Fletcher Bev. Henry Mordaunt M Aj
2 Rawlinson road, St. Giles’, Oxfon
Fletcher Rev. M. Scott M.A. 5 Parke,
street, Oxford
Fletcher Rev. Miles Douglas M.A. me
Vicarage, Brize Norton, ®.an^P^n
Fletcher Charles Robert Leslie M-A. 22
Norham gardns, St. Giles’, Oxfor
Fletcher Henry E. Rosemary cottage,
W hitchurch, Reading
Fletcher Misses,Radford Farm bon'-,
Woolvercot, Oxford
Fletcher Percy M.A. 16 Chalfont
St. G iles’. Oxford
Fletcher Thomas, D o rch ester, Bie
heim road, Caversham, Reading^
Fletcher W illiam , 115 Divinity roa .
Cowlev road, Oxford
Fletcher W illiam , Kingston Blour .