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Collins Miss Elizabeth Ann, 28 Rich Franklin Henry Thomas, Heather 1».
Milton-under-Wychwood, Oxford
mond road, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Collins T. S. 8 K ing Edward st.Oxfrd Fraser Andrew, 46 H igh st. Oxford
Jsph 64 Holywell st.O xford
Compton M rs.Susan,25 & 27 Museum
Frewen-Lord Mrs. Elizabeth, 2 S t.
road, Oxford
John street, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Cook Mrs. Bessie, 62 Holywell st. Oxfrd
Cook Mrs. Elizabeth, 8 Wellington Frim bley Archibald Henry, 76 Sou th Â
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Cook George, 130 Walton st. Oxford Fruin Miss Ethel Jane, 52 Walton
St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Copus Mrs. Frances, Blenheim cov
Garlick Mrs. Esther, 2 Alfred street»
tage, Chinnor, WTallingford
High street, Oxford
Corke Misses Mary & Ellen, 10 W alÂ
Geekie Mrs.E. 14 Beaum ont st.O xfrd
ton street, Oxford
Mrs. Florence, 38 Wellington
Brettf °F ran ci9 , 1 & 3 B a n b u r y road,
square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
s t Gilesâ, Oxford
Mrs. E m ily, 140 K ingston
B r i m field Mrs. Anna, 102 Southmoor Costar Miss M ary, 76 Kingston road,
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
road St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Brimfield Mrs.E. 140 Walton st.Oxford Cox Miss Em ily, 3 Columbia terrace, Gibbs Mrs. Sarah Jane, 19 Marlboro^
place, Banbury
High street, Eynsham
B r i mfield Mrs. Mary Ann, 9 Walton
Crawley George, 98 Bell street, Hen Giles Edward J. 19 Holywell st.O xfrd
street, Oxford
G ilks T . P S3 St. G ilesâ st. Oxford
Brind Mrs. May, 6 Queen street,
Cripps Mrs. N. 8 Museum rd. Oxford Godfrey George Henry, 30 Walton cresÂ
cent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Briscoe 'Adam , 19 Pembroke street, Cross Mrs. Mary, 22 Western road,
Godley George, 2 H am ilton avenue»
Grandpont, Oxford
St. Aldateâs, Oxford
Brooks Charles, 2 & 4 Bath place,
Goodall Ernest E. 117 High st.Oxford
G ilesâ, Oxford
Holywell street, Oxford
Brooks Henry, 40 St. John street, St. Crum p Miss E m ily, 61 Iffley rd.Oxfrd Goodchild W illiam , 56 Aston street,
Cowlev St. John, Oxford
Gilesâ, Oxford
Brown Arth. P. 98 Holywell st.Oxford Curtis Chas. D. 13 Walton st. Oxford Gould Mrs. M. 2 St. Markâs road,
Brown Richard H. 3 Ship st. Oxford Dalgleish James, 75 Kingston road,
I Green A. 5 Manor rd. H olywell,Oxfrd
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Brown W alter Thomas, 97 SoutbÂ
Davies Miss Annie H. 22 Woodstock j Green Arthur, 19 Walton st. Oxford
moor road, St. Gilesâ. Oxford
Greenaway Mrs. Ellen, 41 W ellington
road, St. Giles'. Oxford
Browning Mrs.S. 142 W alton st.Oxford
square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Brvden Mrs. R. Forest view,Charlbury Davis Miss Alice J-5r High st.Oxford
Buckingham W illiam ,22 Walton cres Davis Miss E. H. 65 H igh st. Oxford Gregory Mrs. Sarah, Stanley villa.
Goring, Reading
cent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Bullock Thomas, 2 Walton Well rd. Dawson Mrs. Mary, 155 Walton st. Griffiths Thomas J. 30 Soutbmoor
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Grim es Edward John, 24 Banbury rd.
Burley Henry, 83 Iffley road, Oxford Day James, 153 Iffley road, Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Burrows Mrs. J. E. 19 St. Michaelâs De la Mare John C. 40 Walton cresÂ
G urney Frederick Sm ith, Barryhnrst,
cent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
street, Oxford
Queenâs road, Thame
Burton Frederick, 11 Vicarage road, Deverell Miss Annie, 7 Richmond rd.
Hague Mrs. F. 7 Grove st. Oxford
St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Busby Frederick W illiam, 48 South Dickens E. 5 New College st. Oxford Hailey Mrs. Kate, 15 K ing Edward
street, Oxford
Dines Mrs. E . J. 4 Beaumont st.Oxfrd
moor road, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Butler Charles, 16 Banbury road, St. Dines Frederick George, 40 Beau Hale Mrs. B. 49 Walton st. Oxford
Hall Mrs. Jane. < Grove st. Oxford
mont street, Oxford
Gilesâ, Oxford
Butler Ernest, 75 Iffley rd. Oxford Dodson Thomas R. 13 Adelaide street, Hall Joseph, 44 Southm oor road, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Butler Frederick, 8 Banbury road, St.
Dorrell Mrs. Em ily, 25 Wellington Hall Mrs.. Sarah Ann, 2 Paradise sq.
Gilesâ, Oxford
St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Butler Hy. 7 Long Wall st. Oxford
Cadel Mrs. Mary Louisa, The Lilacs, Drake W illiam , 15 Worcester place, Ham Mrs. H arriett Elizabeth, 27 S t.
John street, St. G ilesâ, Oxford
St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Dorchester, Wallingford
Cadman Richard, 50 High st. Oxford Draper M rs.Eliza,9 Newland pl.Banbry Ham Joseph Ernest, 94 H igh st. &
x Grove street, Oxford
Cambrav Wm. 10 Holywell st. Oxford Duck Mrs. Hannah, 14 Wellington sq.
Hamilton A rthur Robert, 9 St. John
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Carpenter J. 12 Victoria rd. Bicester
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Carr Edward, 13 T u rl street, Oxford Dudley Miss Louise, 8 Vicarage road,
Hamilton Mrs. Louise, 8 Queen st.
Carter Henry W illiam , 6 Walton cresÂ
Henley-on -Tham es
Duke W illiam Henry, 31 Wellington
cent, St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Hancock Mrs. Marv Ann, 21 Kingston
square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Castle Miss Edith, 14 Winchester rd.
road, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Eardley Mrs. Amelia, 9 K ing Edward
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Harris Edward George Ernest, 158
street, Oxford
Chamberlain H. G. 59 H igh st.Oxford
Walton street, Oxford
Chamberlain James, 58 High st.Oxford Earl Albt. J. 14 & 15 Oriel st. Oxford
Chapman Thos. Ernest, 4 Regent Earnshaw Miss Annie, 79 St. John's Harris Henry, 27 London place, St.
Clem entâs, Oxford
road, St. Giles', Oxford
street, Cowley St. John, Oxford
Chauncy Mrs. Am y, Rochester ho. Eborn Frank, 42 New Inn Hall st. Harris Henry, 16 Worcester place, St.
Thomasâ, Oxford
Pembroke st. St. Aldateâs, Oxford
Chaundy C. 12 K in g Edward st.Oxfrd Edens G. 44 New Inn Hall st. Oxford Harris Mrs. Jane, 5 W ellington sq.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Checkley George, 36 Wellington sq. F.iles Charles, 129 Walton st. Oxford
Ellis Jas. 29 New Inn Hall st. Oxford Harris Mrs. Jessie, 12 Observatory »t.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Chessman Henry, 47 Walton crescent, Enciso Mrs. Elisa, 8 & 9 Manor road,
Harris Mrs. M ary, 14 W estern road,
Holywell, Oxford
St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Grandpont, Oxford
Chillman Richard, The Hostel, Head- Evanson E. 89 St. Aldateâs st. Oxford
ington, Oxford
Farrant Miss Grace, 9 Manor place. Harris Richard, 8 Richmond road, St.
Thomasâ, Oxford
Holywell. Oxford
Clare A. 18 & 20 Beaumont st.Oxford
Clarke Edwin, 144 Walton st. Oxford Faulkner Mrs. Em ily Frances, 12 & H artley Joseph, 15 Walton st. Oxford
Harvey Mrs. Harriet, 13 London pi.
13 Oriel street, Oxford
Clarke Miss Marv, 4 Longworth road,
St. Clementâs, Oxford
Fell Miss Am elia, 39 Wellington sq.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Harvey Mrs Leah, 17 Isis street, St.
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Clements Miss A. M. 37 High street,
Aldateâs, Oxford
Field Sydney Herbert, 49 Belch Croft
Harvey Mrs. Louie, 4 Queen street»
road, Summertown, Oxford
Clifford Harry, 155 Iffley rd. Oxford
Clinch Mrs. Martha, 19 Wellington sq. Fletcher Miss, 14 Banbury road, St.
Hatten Miss Sarah. 10 St. John st.
Gilesâ, Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Cobb Mrs. Elizabeth, 24 St. Markâs Flight Mrs.Mary, 129a,High st.Oxford
Flower Mrs. Ellen, 27 Wellington sq. Hawkins Mrs. S. 6 Broad st. Oxford
road, Henley-on-Thames
Haycroft W illiam Henry, 7 Longworth
St. G ilesâ, Oxford
Coggins Mrs. Elizh. 17 & 18 Pemroad, St. G iles', Oxford
Ford Mrs.Rose, 147 Walton st.Oxford
broke street, St. A ldateâs, Oxford
Collier Mrs. Elena, 56 Marston st. Foreman Mrs. Elsie, 37 Walton cres Haynes J. 21 St. Michaelâs st.Oxford
Miss Henrietta, 45 W ellingÂ
Cowley St. John, Oxford
ton square, St. Gilesâ, Oxford
Collins Mrs. Ann, 48 St. John street, Fortescue John, 24 St. John street,
Hedges Air.. Mary Ana, xC IU :h:n.nd
St. Giles', Oxford
St Giles', Oxford
raad, St. Thom as', Oxford
Collins Miss E. 1 & 2 Broad st. Oxford |
Mrs A. Gr. 7 Oriel st. Oxford
Bishop Mr»- M. n M useum rd Oxford
Boddington Mrs. Em m a n Paradise
nnare St. Ebbeâs, Oxford
Bolton Edward, 37 Ifiiey road' 0x壉 d
Bone Mrs. Ellen, 46 Soutbmoor road,
q* Gilesâ, Oxford
Bowen Mrs. Lydia 35 Walton cresÂ
cent St. Thomasâ, Oxford
Brain George, 4 St. John street, St.
Gilesâ, Oxford
B r e n n a n Mrs. Mary, 15 Museum rd.