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d ir e c to r
B E R K S H IR E .
the ancient Britons ; they number about 60, are circular, Post Office.â George Mulcock, sub-postmaster. Letters
through Faringdon, arrive at 6.30 a.m . & 120 p.m . ;
and vary in depth from 7 to 22 feet. The Hon. Mrs. M.
dispatched at 6.45 p .m .; Sundays, arrive 6.30 a .m .;
E Pleydell-Bouverie, of Coleshill, is lady of the manor
dispatched 12 noon. Faringdon,
miles distant, is
and principal landowner. The soil is lig h t loam ; subÂ
the nearest money order & telegraph office
soil, gravel of a bright yellow hue, which is much
used for walks and avenues. The chief crops are wheat, Wall Letter Box, Coxw ell Lodge, cleared at 6.50 p.m.
week days & 12.10 p.m . S u n d a y s
barley and turnips. The area is 887 acres; rateable
Elem entary School (m ixed), re-opened in 1888; average
value', £1.431» the population in 1901 was 220.
attendance, 29; Miss Wakefield, mistress
Howson Robert, stone mason
King A lbert, butcher
Hole Wm. Redwood, Yew Tree ho
Le Marquand F .B .(M rs.),E agle tavrn
Ballard Albert E. blacksmith
Kindersley Mrs. The Grove
Mulcock Geo. shoe m aker, & post off
Bennett Samuel T. Plough P.H
Manners Mrs. Oakfield
Pike Thomas, poultry dealer
The Curtis Matilda (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Stone Capt. Charles Cecil,
Plum m er Albt. farmer, Manor farm
Dixon Frederick E. painter
Wareham Albert, farmer
Hanna James, insurance agent
Waller Mrs
an ecclesiastical parish formed Robert Odo Cross, Miss Blundell, Sir Joseph Savory
March n th , 1851, out of the parishes of Winkfield, bart. of Sunninghill, and Sir E. Durning-Lawrence bart.
Sunninghill and Old Windsor, is on the border of of Ascot, are the principal landowners. The soil is
Windsor Park, 4 miles south-west from Windsor and 3 clay, loam and g r a v e l; subsoil, clay and sand. The
north-by-east from Ascot station on the Reading branch chief crops are barley, oats and pasture. The populaÂ
of the London and South W estern railway, in the East tion in 1901 was 1,112.
ern division of the county, unions of Easthampstead Letters through Windsor arrive at 6.35 & 10 a.m . & 4
and Windsor, petty sessional division and county court
p.m. ; S u n d a y s , 6.35 a .m .
Winkfield, about 1 mile
district of Windsor, rural deanery of Maidenhead, archÂ
distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office
deaconry of Berks and diocese of Oxford. The church of L etter Box, n e a r Church, cleared at 8.20 & 11.25 a.m.
St. Peter is a building of flint stone in the Decorated
& 5.10 & 8.5 p .m .; Sundays, 8.20 a.m . & 5.35 p.m
style, consisting of chancel, nave, south transept, south Wall Letter Boxes.â Hatchet land, by Fleur-de-Lis,
porch and a western tu rret containing one b e ll; there
cleared at 8.15 & 11.20 a.m. & 5 & 8.15 p.m. ; S u n Â
are several stained w indow s: the church affords 400
days, 8.15 a.m. & 5.45 p .m .; Lovell Hill, cleared at
sittings, 220 being free. The register dates from the
8.20 & 11.10 a.m. & 4.50 & 8 p .m .; Sundays, 8.20
year 1850. , The living is a vicarage, net yearly value
a.m. & 5.30 p.m
£170, with 10 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift Post Office, North street, Winkfield, cleared at 9.40
of the Bishop of Oxford, and held since 1910 by the
a.m . & 12.55, 6.35 & 8.35 p.m. ; Sundays, 6.10 p.m
Rev. A rth ur Edward Burdekin M.A. of St. John's ColÂ
Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1879, for 228
lege, Oxford. There is a Wesleyan chapel in North
children ; average attendance, 170; George Aldworth,
street, erected in 1867. Among the residences in the
parish are Lovel Hill House, the residence of Capt.
John H aig; Forest Farm, the residence of the Duke of G. W. R. motor omnibuses run from Ascot (Horse &
Groom P.H.) through Cranboum e to Windsor, four
Newcastle, and â
Fernhili Park,
times daily, & carry parcels
Horatio Robert Odo Cross. Surgeon-Lieut.-Col. Horatio
Ward the Hon. Mrs. Dudley,Chilston »England Charles (M rs.), butcher,
(Marked thus * receive their letters W ithev George, Holme cottage
Hatchet lane
through Ascot.)
Hare John-Robert, butcher
Charles, builder
Hyde Harry, F leur de Lis
*Barrcn W. Netterville, Oran bourne |Allam Robt. Fra: Herneâs Oak P.H
Barron W .Netterville M .R .C.S.E ng., Laird Arth. Percy, shopkpr. Lovel la
L.R C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon, Lunn H arriett M. (Mrs.),shopkeeper,
Blundell Miss, Ascot cottage
North street
Cranbourne Corner
Burdekin Rev. A rth ur Edward M.A.
Bartholomew Eliza (M rs.), laundress. Moon Edmund, The Old Hatchet P.H
(vicar), The Vicarage
Rose (M rs.), Indry.North st
North street
C hilcott Henry
(M rs.),
Beet John, Crispin inn
Lovel Deane
Hatchet lane
Belcher Robert & Son, coke m erÂ
Corry Mrs. Forest lodge
chants, North street
Creasy Leonard, Hurstleigh
Platt Edwin, beer retailer, Lovel rd
Cross Surg.-Lt.-Col. Horatio Robert Berry Victor Jesse, joiner
Povev Wm. horse dealer. Lovel road
Coles Charles, grocer, Woodside
Odo, Fernhili park
*Collings Dudley W illis M.B.Lond.. Poynter W illiam Francis, blacksmith,
Donner Edward, Springhill
M .R .C .S., L.R .C .P. physician &
Hatchet lane
Foster Mrs. Cranbourne hall
surgeon, medical officer & public |Priest George, farm er, Church farm
Guinness Benjam in S. North cross
district, | Shelton John George, tailor
Haig Capt. John. Lovel H ill house
Eastham pstead union, Cranbourne!Smith W illiam Hy. baker, Lovel rd
Lascelles Ernest, Meadows croft
Stanley Harry, carpenter, Lovel road
Lewisohn Oscar, Cranbourne court
Coombs Arthur, farmer. Crouch lane Tombs W illiam , black sm ith,N orth st
Lister Mrs. Rose cottage
M axwell-W illiam s
W illiam
Freke Cranbourne Reading Room (Miss Ward H erbert T . & Son, grocers
' âNorth
" street
Wheeler Laura (Mrs.), shopkeeper.
Goldfinch, sec.),
North lodge
H atchet lane
j Crow Robert, farm bailiff to Surgn.Meyer Mrs. Kingsland
Needham Lieut.-Col. Hon. Henry \ Lt.-Col. H. R. 0 . Cross, Hatchet la Whitlock Lu cy (Miss),
Douglas W illiam , butcher, Lovel rd W iggins Archibald, baker. North st
Colville, The Grange
Wing H arriett (Miss), dairy, Miltons
Newcastle Duke of. Forest farm ; & Eastm ent Charles F. farmer
i Easton James & Sons farriers &c
Carlton club, London S W
Wood Em m a (M rs.), Squirrell P.H.
Paterson Graham , Kingsm ead
North street
Ravenhill The Misses, Woodside ho ¡Easton James, Duke of Edinburgh
Yeo Charles & Sons, boot repairers
P.H. Woodside
Ward Mrs. Homeland
C R A N B O T JR N E ,
C R O W T H O R N E , form erly a ham let in the parish of age, net yearly value £262, with residence, in the gift
Sandhurst, was constituted a separate ecclesiastical of the Bishop of Oxford, and held since 1894 by the
parish July 10th, 1874, and was constituted a civil parish Rev. George Frederick Coleridge M.A. of Keble College,
June 23rd, 1894; it is 4 miles south-east from W oking Oxford. The vicarage house was built in 1877. Here
ham, 36 from London and ir from Reading, the village is a Wesleyan chapel. The Wellington Hotel is near
being 1 m ile from the W ellington College station of the the college and station, and has good stables. The area
Reading and Reigate branch of the South Eastern and is 2,263 acres of land and 8 of w ater; rateable value,
Chatham railway, in the Eastern division of the county, £16,837; the population in 1901 rcas 3,185, including
petty sessional division of Wokingham, hundred of 65 officials and their fam ilies and 657 inm ates in BroadÂ
Sonning, union of Easthampstead, county court district moor Asylum.
of Reading, rural deanerv of Sonning, archdeaconry of
OWLSMOOR is a ham let in this parish, 2 miles
Berks and diocese of Oxford. The church of St. John south-east, and has an iron church, with 80 sittings.
the Baptist, built and consecrated in 1873, is an edifice
Parish Clerk, Henry Harris Watkins.
of Ted brick in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel,
nave, aisles, and a b ell-co t; the chancel was added in Post, M. O. & T. Office, High street.â H arry Over,
sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from W ellington Col1888-9, at a cost of £2,000: there are 400 sittings. The
register dates from the year 1873. The living is a vicar- I lege Station at 6.45 & 10.20 a.m. & 6.15 p.m. ; disÂ