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B E R K S H IR E .
k e l l y âs
M.P. in five Parliam ents for W allingford, d. n t h Jan. inches below the surface, and on an elevated spot,
i 8 ° 4 , and another to his grandson, Sir Francis William
not far from the Tham es, coins of Vespasian, in good
Sykes M .A. d. 6th A pril, 1843; there are other preservation, domestic utensils and several human
m em orials to H enry Hood, d. 22 May, 1680; Richard skeletons, with a Roman sword lying near them , were
C obb, gent. d. 16 Feb. 1689, and Joan, his w ife ; the found. The Grotto, a mansion beautifully situated
Rev. Robert Bailey Fisher M .A. vicar 1814-59, d. 29 on a wooded slope, on the south bank of the river, is
Septem ber, 1859, an<I M artha, his wife, d. 16 July, the seat of G ilbert J. C. Harter esq. Near the village
I ^371 an d the Rev. George Ogle M .A. of Purley Park, is Basildon Park, form erly the seat of Sir Francis Sykes
d. 25 June, 1828; on the nave floor is a brass with bart. but now the property and in the occupation of
effigies to John C lerk and L u cy his wife, 1480; and Capt. James Archibald Morrison M.P. who is lord of
behind the altar a large brass to Roger Y oung esq. the manor and chief landowner; the mansion is a
ob. 1589, and W illiam his son, ob. 1584; th is inscrip m odern building with wings, and has a portico supÂ
tion was form erly on the chancel floor, w ith effigies ported on columns of the Corinthian o rd er; the park
w hich have disappeared; there are m em orial windows contains 400 acres and is inclosed within a brick and
to H enry Morrison, d. 10 April, 1850, Em ily Grant Mor flint wall. The soil is chalk, loam and g ra v e l; subsoil,
rison, d. 25 A pril, 1854; W illiam Henry Stone esq. of chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats.
Streatley House, d. 20 June, 1863 ; and to Sir Francis The area is 3,091 acres of land and 42 of w a te r; rateÂ
W illiam Sykes, 4th bart. lieut. 97th regim ent, and of able value, £10,887; the population in 1901 was 583.
th e and Life Guards, d. i Jan. 1866, and Sir Frederick
Sexton, Henry Duckett.
H enry Sykes, 5th bart. d. 1899, w ith an inscribed Post Office, Lower Basildon.â Miss Em m a Sim s, subÂ
brass, com m em orating b o th : in the nave is a brass
postmistress. Letters from Reading are delivered at
to the Rev. Edward John Sykes M .A. vicar 1859-91 :
7.20 a.m. & 1.45 p.m . ; sundays, 7.20 'a . m . ; disÂ
th e church was thoroughly restored in 1875-6, at a cost
patched at 8.15 a.m . & 2.25 & 7.50 p.m. ; sundays,
of £2,061, when the tim ber roof, previously ceiled, was
6.53 p.m. Streatley is the nearest money order office
open ed : the church affords 250 s ittin g s : the ch urch Â
& Pangbourne the nearest telegraph office for delivery,
yard was enlarged about 1882 and contains tombs of
3 miles distant. Telegram s dispatched only, not deÂ
th e Sykes fam ily and a fine yew tree. The register
livered, from this office, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. week days
dates from the year 1538. The living is a vicarage,
net yearly value £153, with 18 acres of glebe and Post Office, Upper Basildon.â W illiam A lbert W alker,
residence, in th e gift of Captain James Archibald
sub-postmaster. Letters from Reading at 7.30 a.m.
Morrison M.P. and held since 1911 by the Rev. Edwin
& for callers only 6.10 p.m . ; sundays, 7.20 a.m. ;
A lbert Phillips B.A. of St. Johnâs College, Cambridge
dispatched at 6.5 p.m. ; sundays, 10.30 a.m. PangÂ
and London U n ive rsity; the vicarage house stands close
bourne is the nearest money order & telegraph office,
by the ch u r c h ; both are pleasantly situated near the
2% miles distant
river, and sheltered by a belt of trees. St. Stephen's,
Elem entary Schools.
a t Upper Basildon, erected in 1895, is a structure of Endowed, erected in 1858, for 62 children; average atÂ
iron, and affords 220 sittings. Services are conducted
tendance, 27; it was endowed by Mr. W illiam Allen
b y the V icar of Basildon on alternate Sunday afterÂ
with £4 & a cottage, for ten poor ch ild ren ; Miss
Em ily Coventry, mistress
noons at 3 p.m . or in the evening at 6. Here is a
Congregational chapel, founded in 1797, seating 140 Upper Basildon (mixed & infants), erected in 1875 &
The poorâs land of 8 acres produces £ 16
enlarged in 1884. for 170 children; average attendance,
D uring the progress of excavations for the
78 ; Miss Am elia Wilson, m istre ss; a childrenâs serÂ
construction of the Great W estern railw ay a beautiful
vice is held in this schoolroom on sundays at 11 a.m.
& 3 p.m
tessellated Roman pavem ent was discovered a few
P R I V A T E R E S ID E N T S .
Baston Richard, carrier
Norris Henry Everard Du Cane J.P.
Gordon, farmer,
Oxon. agent & com ptroller to the
H anbury M ajor Everard E ., J.P. The Caudw ell
estate of Capt. J. A. Morrison
W hite house
M.P. Basildon park
H arding George V. The Firs
James A.Morrison M.P. Home frm Osborne W illiam , brick, tile, lim e &
H arter G ilbert J. C. The Grotto
drain pipe m anufacturer & farmer,
H u rrell Robert, Stone house
Em eryâs farm
James Archibald j J. A. Morrison M.P
Peopleâs Refreshm ent House AssociaÂ
M.P. Basildon p a r k ; & W hiteâs , 1Cox Ernest Charles, blacksmith
tion Lim ited, Crown hotel
Guardsâ, Carlton & Marlborough j
Farm er Thos. beer retailer & florist
Powell Henry Arthur, farmer, Upper
clubs, London S W
House farm
Norris H enry Everard Du Cane J.P.
Oxon. Basildon p a rk ; & W h iteâs Grant Wm. E. shopkeeper & carrier Shipwav Albert, coach builder, ca rÂ
G ulliver John Ernest, farm er,Church
penter & undertaker; estimates
club, London S W
free, Upper Basildon
Ph illips Rev. Edwin Albert B.A.
Thomas, farm er, Collinsâ farm
(vicar), V icarage
Green farm
Walker W illiam Albert, grocer, Post
JELobinson Miss, The Red house
Livingstone Jn. The Farriersâ Arm s,
office. Upper Basildon
P.H. Upper Basildon
Walters Robert, farm er, Blandyâs frm
Lucking Basil, private gardener to Winsor Herbert, Red Lion inn
G. J. C. Harter esq
Wyatt W illiam , The Bee Hive, Upper
Annand George, gardener to Capt.
J. A. Morrison M.P
B A U L K I N G (anciently Bethelking) is a scattered v il Champion, of London, ob. 23rd March, 1724 ; there are
lage and parish, formerly a hamlet in Uffington parish, also inscribed floor stones to the Hyde family, 1743-82 ;
and w ith Woolstone was formed into an ecclesiastical the font â s ancient and octagonal: there are 100 sittings,
parish in 1846, from the civil parish of Uffington, 5 all being free. The registers date from the year 1846,
miles south from Faringdon, 12 from Abingdon and 18 previous to which they were kept at the mother church
from Oxford, in the Northern division of the county, at Uffington. The living is a vicarage with Woolstone
hundred of Shrivenham , petty sessional division, union annexed, joint net yearly value £43, with residence, in
and county court district of Faringdon, Vale of W hite the gift of Col. G. B. Archer Houblon, and held since
Horse rural deanery, archdeaconry of Berks and diocese 1901 by the Rev. Charles Thomas Roberts, of Oxford
of Oxford ; the Uffington Junction railway
station on the , University. A vicarage house was erected in 1864. The
G reat W estern main line to Bristol is situated in this
!principal landowners are the Earl of Craven, Mr.
parish, about h alf a mile
westof the village, from 1W illiam Martin Tagg, of Reading, Mr. Percy Reade and
â to
â "Faringdon. "The
Matthews. The soil is principally cla y ; subsoil,
which there is a 'branch
riveT «-tOck 1
separates this parish from Shellingford, and the W ilts clay. The chief crops are the usual cereals. The area
0 acres; rateable value, £ 6 ,6 9 4 ; the population
and Berks canal is half a mile south. The church of St.
N icholas is a small but ancient edifice of stone in the in 19 0 1 was 168.
E a rly English style, consisting of chancel, nave and a
By Local Government Board Order 21,438, dated
western tu rret containing 2 bells ; the chancel arch, sup March 24, 1888, Old Field Farm and Cottages were
ported on open buttresses, forms a kind of screen, and transferred from Kingston Lisle and Fawler to Baulking.
there is a canopied piscina and sedilia ; the stairs to the Letters through Faringdon arrive at 7.15 a.m. & 4.30
rood loft also rem ain ; on the south side is a marble
p.m. W all Letter Boxes at Railway station cleared at
slab inscribed to Ann Frances (Josselyn). wife of the
6.20 p.m . ; sunday, 11.35 a.m. & in village, cleared at
R*v. Francis Rose D.D. vicar here, dir-d 4th May, 1870;
6.5 p.m. week days only. The nearest money order &
on the north side a memorial to Robert Grove, gent. ob.
telegraph office is at Uffington, about a mile distant
30th May, 1698, M argaret his wife and four children ;
entary School, erected in 1877, to hold 40, with an
there are also monuments, with arms to George Cham Â
average attendance of 28; Miss Fricker, mistress
pion, gent. ob. 26 September, 1722; and to Thomas